Team Fortress Wiki:Translation progress/cs
Czech (cs
– čeština)
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Please read: Wikifier
Hello everyone!
For more than 1 month, the wikifier script has helped the Russian Team to write articles. It a button that appears on the edit page, that calls a script when clicked. When you click the button, the Wikifier script fixes common mistakes in the article (the button only shows in the wiki editor, and you can preview what it does). For example, it puts the correct russian quotes («...» and “...” inside them), the right spaces after and before punctuation symbols (It will replace “Здравствуй , сударь ! ” by “Здравствуй, сударь!”), fix wiki and HTML marking and etc. It is like WindBOT working in your browser. Wind and I want to make this script global. To do this, I need to know what do you, Czech team, want it to do? Can you tell me some your language-specific punctuation and typographic rules? Common mistakes that editors in your language do? --Daniil 12:28, 17 August 2011 (PDT)
- Wow, I forgot to respond you. Sorry. So there are few common mistakes. I'll start with forgetting to add "/cs" into wiki links and sometimes mistake with missing "[" and "]". I think this is probably implemented, I posted it for sure. I think that other rules are very tiny and I dont know if its possible to implement them. Something like missing "," in front of words "který, která, které, že, ale, jež,..." But there's more places where to put ",". Thats why is czech language pretty hard and it'll be probably difficult for you to implement such a things (cause its a lot of speicific rules) SC 06:38, 24 August 2011 (PDT)