플레이어 이외의 캐릭터

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You're that wee lass, works with the angry lady who's always screamin' at us while we fight.
레드 데모맨이 폴링 양에게

플레이어 이외의 캐릭터는 팀 포트리스 2의 9개의 클래스 이외의 캐릭터를 말합니다. 몰라도 게임플레이에는 지장 없지만 팀 포트리스 2 스토리라인 Team Fortress 2 setting. 내에서 등장하는 인물들 입니다


TF 기업 과 자회사


이 문서의 본문은 관리자 입니다

블루타치 만(Blutarch Mann)과 레드먼드 만(Redmond Mann)

I have mounted an epic campaign of leisure against the ravages of time. Waiting for nature to do to my brother what my men could not. And yet here we are at the end. And he...won't...DIE.
블루타치 만 discussing his war against his brother.

블루타치 만레드먼드 만 은 제페니아 만의 쌍둥이 아들입니다. 그들은 각각 블루레드의 사장입니다. 제페니아 만이 죽고, 블루타치와 레드먼드는 아버지가 남긴 광활한 땅을 차지하기 위해 9 병과의 용병들을 고용하여 형제들을 물리치고 아버지의 유산을 차지하기 위한 경쟁 관계입니다. 그러나, 둘의 세력은 비슷했고, 시간은 빠르게 흐르던 중 블루타치는 레드먼드보다 오래 살아남으면 유산을 차지할수 있다고 생각하여 레디건 코내거에게 생명연장 장치를 의뢰합니다. 하지만 레드먼드 또한 이런 생각을 가졌고 레디건은 레드먼드와 블루타치 모두에게 동일한 기계를 만들어 줍니다. 덕분에 둘의 싸움은 1960 현재까지도 진행 중 입니다

Their hats bear a strong resemblance to the Spy's Backbiter's Billycock.


  • A silhouette of Redmond is seen sitting in a chair faced toward machinery (presumably the life-extender machine Radigan built) in an inaccessible part of the Red spawn room of Mann Manor. Accessing this room via noclip reveals that only the parts of Redmond visible outside the room, his arm and head, are actually modeled.
    • In the room containing Point C in Mann Manor, a painting of a muscular, grinning Redmond can be seen. Beside him stands an evil, gremlin-like representation of Blutarch. A similar portrait (in which the roles of Blutarch and Redmond are reversed) can be seen in Blutarch Mann's room in the Loose Canon comic.


Who I am does not concern you.
Elizabeth's unknown relation

Elizabeth, whose last name is currently unknown, was Zepheniah Mann's hand servant. Upon his death, he left her the majority of his estate, including all of his deeds, accounts and debts. She is the first known ancestor of Helen to be involved in Administrating the RED and BLU teams, and bears a striking resemblance to the current Administrator.


In the Loose Canon comic, a woman that bears a striking resemblance to Elizabeth convinced Radigan to construct two additional Life Extender Machines, not only the single one for Blutarch as originally requested. She bribed Radigan with Australium. It is unknown how she obtained one hundred pounds of the element. It is assumed that Elizabeth is her mother, although her name and ancestry are never revealed. If this is the case, then the Administrator, Helen, could be her grand daughter, and ownership of TF Industries could have been passed down through the generations.

  • Original "printings" of the comic show Elizabeth as being named 'Emily', leading one to assume that this was the intended name of Elizabeth's daughter, with the two characters perhaps being confused by the letterer. It appears that Emily may have been in some way a love interest of Redmond Mann. Though presumably non-canon, cp_manor_event has a hidden artistic portrait of Emily added as an easter egg. The canonicity of this is unconfirmed.

폴링 양(Miss Pauling)

폴링 양
Oh, and Mr. DeGroot? Your friend's employers made him the same offer.
Miss Pauling instigates the war between Tavish DeGroot & Jane Doe

Miss Pauling is a loyal assistant to the Administrator. She performs a number of duties including reporting unusual background checks, ordering and delivery of goods and opening communication channels. It was during a routine background check that Miss Pauling discovered the RED Demoman and BLU Soldier's friendship, which she then brought to the Administrator's attention. Miss Pauling generally complies with her employer's views for fear of incurring her wrath, even if she does not necessarily agree with them. When pressed by the Administrator on what exactly friends do, her reply was "Um. Go skating...look at gun catalogs....sometimes we just talk..." She insists the Administrator is "not so bad when you get to know her."

Under the Administrator's orders, she personally delivered a number of highly volatile custom-order Mann Co. weapons to the Soldier and Demoman in exchange for separately agreeing to kill one another.

On the December 22nd, 2010 blog entry by the Administrator, it is stated that Miss Pauling gifted the Stocking Stuffer Key to all owners of Team Fortress 2 for the holidays, much to the Administrator's disgust.

Miss Pauling also oversaw the Director's interviews with each member of the RED team, before luring the Director into a mine and presumably killing him, under orders from the Administrator.

비드웰 군(Mr. Bidwell)

비드웰 군
Tears were brought to the eyes, sir. Your breakfast steak.
Mr. Bidwell proving his culinary skills.

Mr. Bidwell is one of Saxton Hale's assistants, along with Mr. Reddy. His duties appear to include preparing Hale's meals (including breakfast steak), and dealing with customer feedback. Mr. Bidwell is the creator of the new-look Mann Co. Weapons Catalogue, acting as a liaison between the manufacturers of various products and Mann Co. During his first appearance, Bidwell sported a handlebar mustache, however this was later shaved off.

레디 군(Mr. Reddy)

레디 군
You're now the sixth richest man in America, Mr. Hale.
Mr. Reddy putting his accounting degree to good use.

Mr. Reddy is one of Saxton Hale's assistants, along with Mr. Bidwell. His duties appear to include dealing with Mann Co.'s accounts and taking Hale's calls. Under Hale's orders, Mr. Reddy sent the five richest men in America congratulatory bouquets and "You're a dead man" form letters. During his first appearance, Reddy sported a thick box car mustache, however this was later shaved off.

관리인의 전달자

관리인의 전달자
여긴 내 구역이야.
Administator's Messenger upon locating the BLU Soldier's apartment.

The Administator's Messenger is a mysterious individual hired by the Administrator to deliver messages to the classes via a miniturized television set. He was first shown locating the BLU Soldier's Apartment and delivering a message to him via a television screen broadcasting the Administrator during the WAR! Update. He was hired by the Administrator to find the BLU Soldier and get him to turn against his friend, the RED Demoman, leading to the belief that he is a spy for TF Industries.

Another messenger is seen in Meet the Director, killed by the RED team in an attempt to get answers out of her. The Administrator frowned upon this, on the grounds that once dead they could not return their miniature televisions, forcing her to buy more. It is unknown if this was the same messenger from the 'WAR!' Update.

버언바스 헤일(Barnabas Hale)

  • Barnabas Hale was a colleague of Zephaniah Mann, who inherited Mann Co. upon Zephaniah's death. He is a relative of Saxton Hale, most likely his grandfather, and shares Saxton's extremely manly personality.
  • Barnabas Hale first appeared in the 'Loose Canon' comic, wrestling a cougar.

색스턴 헤일(Saxton Hale)

색스턴 헤일 을 보세요.

사일러스 만(Silas Mann)

사일런스 만
말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병 도 보세요.
R.I.P. 사일런스 만
Silas Mann's not entirely accurate gravestone.

The presumed brother of Zepheniah Mann, Silas' history within the family is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that he was the co-owner of Zepheniah Mann & Sons. Quarterly Concern, the company that would eventually become Mann Co.. His contributions to the company appear to include keys and name tags. Silas perished shortly after his brother, but death was not the end for him. He now roams Mann Manor as the Horseless Headless Horsemann, similarly to how Zepheniah haunts Harvest as a glowing blue spirit. The portrait of Silas Mann can be found by clicking the "Silas" name on the grave stone from the Scream Fortress Update page.

  • Silas Mann first appeared on the original Engineer update page, on a clipping of the Zepheniah Mann & Sons Co. Quarterly Concern 'The Engineer Update'.

Unknown Individual

In the mostly complete family portrait, another person can be seen in between the gap of the two pieces. The name of this person is unknown and he has yet to be referenced. He can be seen here. In his portrait he appears to be holding something in his left arm but the object can not be identified.


If you could pick one word to describe yourself, Mister Mundy, what would it be? I'm going to answer that for you: "victim."
— The Director on the Sniper.

The Director is an arrogant film maker hired by the Administrator to Spy the mercenaries and record everything they say, so she may use it against them at her own will. However, he is led to believe he's just filming them to show they aren't "just armed psychopaths blowing up all" Badlands' "landmarks on a daily basis".

Since the Administrator believes that she and Miss Pauling have enough information and that he's a liability, the latter is ordered to execute the Director in a mine.

His current status is unknown, presumed dead.

레드와 블루 가족 구성원

블루 스카웃 어머니

블루팀 스카웃의 엄마
블루 스카웃: "넌 뭔데 그래? 그의 팬 클럽 회장이라도 되나?"
블루 스파이: "아니... 그건 아마도 너의 엄마겠지!"
— The "BLU Scout" and the BLU Spy discuss the RED Spy's sexual liasions

The Scout's Mother is briefly mentioned and shown in Meet the Spy. She raised the Scout and his seven "mad-dog" brothers in South Boston and somehow, still managed to keep her figure. She is in a romantic relationship with the RED Spy, who lovingly calls her 'ma petite chou-fleur' (French, lit. 'My little cauliflower', although a more accurate English translation would be 'My sweetheart'), although sounding like 'ma petit chaud fleur'. The BLU Scout was apparently shocked to learn of this relationship, though his actual feelings on the matter are unknown as he was in fact the RED Spy disguised as the BLU Scout at the time. The Scout's Mom wears a classic late 60's style dress and hairstyle. In her photo appearance, she wears only blue clothing, so it could be assumed that the RED Scout's mother probably wears red in theme with her son's team color as well. Seven compromising photos of her and the RED Spy are kept in a top secret file labeled 'Scout's Mom' in the BLU base. She is notably the only female character yet to be modeled, assuming the Pyro is male. The Spy had a likeness of her engraved on the barrel of the Ambassador.

디그룻 부인(Mrs. DeGroot)

디그룻 부인
Yer da walked fifteen miles in the rain to blow up the Queen of England for a Nickel!
Mrs. DeGroot on the family trade

데모맨의 어머니인 디그룻 부인은 데모맨의 죽은 아버지를 항상 is a blind, elderly woman who reminisces constantly about the Demoman's late father. Even with her son's multi-million dollar salary and mansion, she still thinks he does not work hard enough, claiming that the Demoman's Father would be spinning in his grave at his idleness and had 26 jobs. She insisted on bringing up the Demoman Scottish, and does not like to see him "squandering his gifts." She also comments: "No Demoman worth his sulfur ever had an eye in his head past thirty!"

She, along with the Demoman's father, collected the young Tavish from the Crypt Grammar School for Orphans, revealing themselves as his true parents. They explained that he was abandoned at birth until his skills manifested themselves, a longstanding, cruel, and wholly unnecessary tradition among the Highland Demolition Men.

레디건 코네거(Radigan Conagher)

래디건 코네거
Radigan Conagher on monster-building-requests

The Engineer's Grandfather, Radigan Conagher, was hired by Blutarch Mann to build a machine to extend his life past his brother's. He agrees to build the machine for Blutarch. Later on he is approached by a woman, who bears a similar appearance to that of The Administrator. She offers him Australium to build Blutarch's Machine, under the stipulation that he covertly builds an identical machine for Redmond as well. Radigan Conagher also seemed to have been obsessed with Abraham Lincoln. In the first edition of The Engineer Update, several pages of notes can be seen that are totally dedicated to inventing an object that could have saved Lincoln from John Wilkes Booth. Some devices include: a hat that would shoot at the attacker, a chair that would swing over and under a balcony away from the attacker, and a teleporter.

Radigan goes through a drastic transformation as shown in the hidden links of The Engineer Update. He seems to have grown taller, grown a mustache, grown muscular, and has a fond thirst for beer. This matches the qualities of the stereotypical Australians in TF2. This is probably due to his exposure with Australium. One could even say he looks like an older Saxton Hale. In the photographs displayed on the Engineer Update webpage, Conagher is also shown holding what seems to be the very first Southern Hospitality. In the final stage of his transformation, it is shown that he replaced his left hand with a robotic arm, and his chest hair has grown into the shape of Texas, similar to Saxton Hale's chest hair in that appears as the shape of Australia. He also appears more "Australian" than before, as a large jovial man (in contrast to his previously reserved personality) with a big, bushy mustache and carrying a barrel of BLU Streak beer, a taste shared by his grandson Dell. One of the Paint Can colors is named after Radigan, and is called "Radigan Conagher Brown"

먼디 부군과 부인(Mr. & Mrs. Mundy)

"먼디 부군과 부인"
I'll be honest with ya: my parents do not care for it.
스나이퍼 on being a sniper

스나이퍼의 부모님인, 먼디 부군과 부인스나이퍼를 만나다에서 처음으로 언급되었습니다. The Sniper, being a dutiful son, makes sure to keep in touch with his parents via phone or mail to inquire about their well-being and keep them up to date with his latest adventures and exploits. Living in the Red House on the Left on Adelaide St. in Australia, the Sniper's parents do not approve of his occupation. The Sniper's dad is especially condemning, calling the Sniper a "crazed gunman," against the Sniper's insistence that he is an "assassin." In a bid to bring the arguments to an end, the Sniper wrote to his mom asking her to just tell his dad about how he makes more than a doctor, and finally asks her to just tell him that he is a doctor. After the Sniper was interviewed by the Director, the Sniper received mailed photographs of them. Mr. & Mrs. Mundy bear a striking resemblance to Eustace and Muriel from Template:W. The comic's illustrator later confirmed that this similarity, along with the similarities of their homes, was "very much on purpose" due to time constraints.

레드 헤비의 가족

The Director: "Paint me a picture."
RED Heavy: "No. This is my gun. I like to shoot this gun. Is all you need to know."
— The RED Heavy when asked to speak about his childhood by the Director discuss

While not much is known, the RED Heavy's family history was first discussed in the "Meet the Director" comic. His father was a counter-revolutionary and was killed by unknown causes. After his death, the Heavy, along with his mother and sisters, were deported to a Nother Serbian Gulag (a Soviet forced slave labor camp) sometime in September or October, 1941. The Heavy and his family worked at the Gulag for three months, until at some point in December when the Gulag was burnt down. All of the prisinors had escaped, and it was later found that the gaurds of the camp had been tortured to death.

Other Individuals

찰스 달링(Charles Darling)

Charles Darling
A hunter needs his trophies, Saxton. You of all people should understand that. You were my best student, once. Before you gave it all up, for her.
Charles Darling on hunting.

Charles Darling is the former hunting mentor of Mann Co. owner Saxton Hale. Formerly a hunter, Darling decided to give up a life of savagery for a more comfortable one of zoo-keeping. His and Hale's falling-out appeared to occur following Saxton's decision to abandon his training for 'her'. He is currently the owner and proprietor of Darling Zoos, whose collection of animals includes such rare species as pygmy rabbits, quaggas, tasmanian wolves, dodos, giraffes and sea cows. He is also thought to be based off of the famed evolutionist Charles Darwin.

여유로운 젠틀 만(Gentle Manne of Leisure)

여유로운 젠틀 만과 그의 동반자.
A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.
— The Gentle Manne of Leisure observes the peasants around him

The Gentle Manne of Leisure is an English Victorian, who is rich enough to buy a tower of hats. He travels the streets of an English Victorian city with his companion (unnamed), informing the "peasants" that they are presumptuous, poor, and Irish. The Gentle Manne of Leisure wears a tuxedo, carries a cane, and is never seen without his most prized possession; his tower of hats. It is possible that he is referred to as "Sinclaire" by his Companion as they spectate their 'Hatless Commoners' Boxing. Also, the quote above is used as the description for the Towering Pillar of Hats

호주의 왕

King of Australia as shown on the Here's Some News, Mate, newspaper

The King of Australia appears as a man wearing a suit and a crown. Even though he is labeled as The king of Australia, he doesn't have a proper moustache. He was also the founder and conqueror of hills. (referring to the King of the Hill gamemode)


Self-portrait of Kicasso
Say, uh... That ain't an original Kicasso, is it?
델 코내거 on Blutarch Mann's choice in art

A painter whose work is on display in the lobby of BLU's headquarters, and recognized by Dell Conagher. At one point, he went through a "Hunted in the Jungle" period of artwork. Most likely a play on the name of the famous artist, Picasso. The Artwork is a parody adaptation of Picasso's 'Self-portrait with Cloak', painted during his "blue period", which is a humorous reference within itself considering that the Kicasso is a part of Blutarch's Mansion.

푸피 조(Poopy Joe)

Poopy Joe - "Taken too soon"
I have no idea what you're - ooo, right. That poor monkey.
색스턴 헤일 takes a moment to fondly remember the pioneering primate astronaut

Poopy Joe was a monkey astronaut who tragically died in an explosion before taking off, caused by Mann Co. in their unsuccessful attempt to rid themselves of weapons involved in a Senate investigation. Mann Co. takes no blame for his death and created commemorative plates that remember Poopy Joe and America's dream of conquering space. These plates were actually hints of the then-upcoming War! Update, depicting the Eyelander, the Equalizer and the Buff Banner's bugle.


Shakespearicles, the strongest writer who ever lived

Shakespearicles was the strongest writer who ever lived. He was the inventor of the two-story building, the stage play, America and the Rocket Launcher. Despite his powerful grasp of language and the ability to bench press 700 British pounds, several inventions eluded his iron grip—most tragically among them, stairs.

For the next three hundred years, people who needed to get to the second floor used the only method available to them, which was rocket jumping. This persisted until 1857, when the young bearded inventor named President Abraham Lincoln invented stairs.

트렌트(Trent)와 제시카(Jessica)

Trent and Jessica
...and the bullets biodegrade once they hit flesh, leaving nothing behind but a blog post.
Trent explaining Apple's advances in the Minigun market

Trent and Jessica are two young fellows (and, according to the Soldier, hippies) who work at the Apple store located just outside Dustbowl.

They offered items for sale to the RED Scout and Heavy, specifically a very small looking, yet identical headset for the Scout, and a white, black, and blue Minigun whose bullets add kills to the user's killcount on his blog. (If the user does not have a blog, the gun is programmed to create one.) They also managed to impress the RED Soldier by instantly cooking a pig with a device plugged through a firewire port. Jessica also explained Apple's newest product, the iBlewupthemoon, to Saxton Hale, impressing him and leading him to attempt to purchase the company and being turned down by a "Mysterious" figure that runs the store.

애플 상점 경영자

Let me see your manager.
색스턴 헤일 on blowing up the moon with Apple's latest product

애플 상점 경영자 is the manager of the Apple store located on the outskirts of Dustbowl, and presumably the employer of Trent and Jessica.

When Saxton Hale wants to buy out the company, he denied the request with the words "No sale, Hale!" He is presumably one of Hale's curvy long time rivals.

만 社. 유인원(The Mann Co. Ape)

만 코. 유인원
WIN A PRIZE! If you order now, you'll be automatically entered in a free giveaway. An all-expenses paid trip, including first class airfare, and a limousine ride, will be given to a gorilla so he can come to your house and fight you!
— From the Mann-Conomy update page

The Mann Co. Ape appeared on the bottom of the Mann-Conomy update page, with the above caption next to it. At the time, many readers assumed that there would be some kind of actual prize draw for the first players to buy items from the Mann Co. Store, however the only bonus to buying items was receiving a Mann Co Cap. Additionally, when the mouse is hovered over the picture, the Ape on the update page closes one of its eyes when it is rolled over, looking as if it is winking. Clicking on the image of the Ape would take the user to a framed image of the Ape.

올드 닉/악마(Old Nick)

Nicholas Crowder, now known as "Old Nick"
The nice children are given the greatest gift of all -- they are not abducted along with the naughty ones and carted off to the South Pole.
Robin Walker on the story of Old Nick

On December 18, 1788 a man named Nicholas Crowder was on a voyage to Australia, and upon witnessing the heat and privations, decided to turn the boat around and set course to conquer the South Pole, where, according to legend, he still lives. Every December 18th, "Old Nick" as he is now known, returns to Australia to judge whether or not the children have been naughty or nice. The nice children get the gift of not being abducted and taken to the South Pole to work in Old Nick's workshop. The bad children make hats and weapons for Old Nick which are delivered to his Mansion on December 17. Old Nick sells any duplicate weapons and hats he has received online "practically giving them away".

역사적 인물


에이브러햄 링컨(Abraham Lincoln)

Wikipedia article: Template:W

In addition to being the nation's 16th president, Abraham Lincoln was also the BLU team's first Pyro when the war began in the 1800's. Abraham Lincoln is noted for his love of Arena Mode as shown in the Sniper vs Spy update. According to the WAR! Update, he was the inventor of stairs. The Engineer Update states Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John "Tower of Hats" Booth, although the WAR! Update attributes his death to rocket-jumping up stairs. Furthermore, according to the Loose Canon comic, there were blueprints for three "life-extender machines," the last one apparently built on the day of Lincoln's death. Whether or not Abraham is still alive is open to debate.

조지 워싱턴(George Washington)

Wikipedia article: Template:W

George Washington invented America, but historians agree his greatest failure was his inability to be permanently invisible. With the advent of the Cloak and Dagger, the Spy can succeed where the inventor of America failed.

George Washington first appeared in the Sniper vs Spy Update.


프레드 아스테어(Fred Astaire)

Fred Astaire

Wikipedia article: Template:W

Fred Astaire, born Frederick Austerlitz, was an American film and Broadway stage dancer, choreographer, singer and actor. His stage and subsequent film career spanned a total of 76 years, during which he made 31 musical films. He was particularly susceptible to projectile weapons fire.

존 '타워 오브 해츠(모자탑)' 부스(John "Tower of Hats" Booth)

John Booth

Wikipedia article: Template:W

John "Tower of Hats" Booth was the assassin of beloved president Abraham Lincoln. His last known photograph depicts him wearing his eponymous tower of hats. A wanted poster of him was published after the assassination, including an altered photograph depicting what he may look like after adding Abraham Lincoln's fearsome hat to said tower.

윌리엄 프레스콧(William Prescott)

Wikipedia article: Template:W

William Prescott was a Revolutionary War general who notably led the Battle of Bunker Hill and won. He loved hats, and reportedly said at that battle: "Don't fire till you see the tops of their heads". True to his word, he only fired at enemies who were poor and possessed no hats.

아이작 뉴턴(Isaac Newton)

Wikipedia article: Template:W

Isaac Newton was a brilliant scientist who conceived of the idea of gravity. He thought of it to distract the policemen investigating the suspicious circumstances around his wife's death, which Newton was guilty of. He became an esteemed scientist, branded a genius, but everyone overlooked the fact that he killed his wife.



Australians in the 1890's
Every one of mankind's innovations now comes from the lager-pickled brain of an Australian.
The Administrator's ancestor on the mustache-sporting, beer-swilling, deathray-inventing Australians

Once thought of as nation of idiots, since 1850 Australians have become world leaders in technology, with every innovation including cloaking and teleportation, coming from the lager-loving nation. By the 1890's, Sydney had become a city of tomorrow, with flying cars, giant airships and self-grooming mustaches. Much like their national hero, Saxton Hale, every man, woman and child in the nation of Australia (with the exception of at least one) sports a glorious, full mustache. An ancestor of The Administrator theorized that the nation's incredible intelligence came from the rare element, Australium. This theory seemed to prove true, as the element amplified Radigan Conagher's intelligence to phenomenal levels, and also caused various Australian-related side effects, including rapid mustache growth, extreme masculinity, and the primal urge to take off his shirt.


BLU, circa 1850
...I assembled a team of the world's deadliest mercenaries to take it all by force. What I did not expect was that my idiot brother would do the same.
Blutarch Mann on the original BLU team

The original BLU team was assembled by Blutarch Mann in the 1850's in an attempt to claim all of the land bequeathed to him and his brother, Redmond, by their father. Unfortunately for Blutarch, it appears that the original RED team was assembled at the same time, leaving both siblings at a stalemate. The original team consisted of the same nine classes as the current organization. The Scout, inspired by Billy the Kid, took on the appearance of a young cowboy, complete with spurred boots. The Soldier, who resembles Stonewall Jackson, dressed like a member of the Confederate Army, utilizing a rifle, rather than a Rocket Launcher. In keeping with tradition, the Demoman, inspired by Alfred Nobel, was a one-eyed dynamite-loving prospector. Unlike his modern Russian counterpart, the Heavy resembled John Henry, preferring to put his enemies out of commission with a monstrous sledgehammer, whilst the Sniper, like Davy Crockett, partnered his trusty rifle with a coonskin cap. Prior to his appointment as President of the United States, the Pyro, Abraham Lincoln, used an experimental Flamethrower to aid his comrades in battle. BLU team's Medic appeared to retain his contemporary's love of the Bonesaw, whilst the team's Engineer, who resembles Nikola Tesla, was forced to make do with a satchel of blueprints, rather than a PDA. Finally, the Spy eschewed a balaclava in favor of a domino-mask and equally-sinister moustache in the style of Fu Manchu.

The members of Redmond's original counterpart team are unknown.

제페니아 만(Zepheniah Mann)과 그의 회사

From left to right: Barnabas Hale, Blutarch Mann, Zepheniah Mann, Mann's maidservant Elizabeth and Redmond Mann. A mysterious man is also seen just out of shot on the far right side. (First presumed to be Silas Mann, but later refuted by the right half of the portrait.)

Zepheniah Mann was a wealthy Englishman who was convinced by his dimwitted sons, Blutarch and Redmond, to purchase large areas of land in frontier America. He dreamed of turning the land into large pits of gravel for weapons manufacturing. On his journey over to see his newly purchased land, he was struck with almost every illness known to man, and was shocked to find his new land was an empty and useless desert. Eventually, he left a Last Will and Testament on his own skin, which had sloughed off his body due to illness:

  • To his maidservant Elizabeth, he left his estate, including all deeds, accounts and debts, his tobacco plantation and the remains of his fortune. Elizabeth bears a striking resemblance to Helen, the Administrator, and is very likely her ancestor.
  • To his aide and tracker Barnabas Hale, ancestor of Saxton Hale, he left complete control of Mann & Sons Munitions Concern.
  • To his "brain defective" sons, Blutarch & Redmond, he left a partnership. All of the new land they had convinced him to buy was now to be split evenly between them, so they would now have a reason to bicker endlessly. Blutarch and Redmond are still alive using life-extender machines built by Radigan Conagher.
  • The final entry of his will is obscured, reading only as: "Lastly to... I leave the entirety of my.... and swear you to utmost secrecy in its keeping." The person to whom it is directed is likely the figure mysteriously obscured from the family portrait.
  • In addition to the entries within the will, it is clear that Zepheniah's brother, Silas Mann, was also present. He however, was only revealed to have been at the event following the uncovering of another damaged photograph.

His will also leaves a curse to anyone who should use firearms near his grave, stating that he will deliver a haunting unlike any ever seen. True to his word, the ghost of Zepheniah will appear periodically on the event version of Harvest where he is buried, wearing his Ghastly Gibus hat. Any players who stray too close will flee in fear for several seconds, unable to jump or attack, similar to being stunned by the Sandman. He was first mentioned in the Halloween Update, as well as the above will.

기타 밸브 캐릭터


The Advertisement depicting Whitaker wearing Ellis' Cap while showing off the frying pan
RED, BLU -- your money's all green here.
Whitaker on the TF Industries War

Whitaker, a minor character in Left 4 Dead 2, wrote a blog update on the Official Team Fortress 2 blog advertising the promotional Ellis' Cap and Frying Pan one can get from purchasing or previously owning Left 4 Dead 2. Based on his opening paragraph, he is southern like the other Left 4 Dead 2 characters. It seems he is neutral towards the RED and BLU Corporations' feud, and also seems to know little-to-nothing about TF Industries other than "what he is told". It also appears that his existence is outside of Team Fortress 2's canonical storyline, as he refers to the war as an "infernal game called Team Fortress 2". However, this can be countered by the fact that he seems to be addressing the RED and BLU team members in the blog. Within Left 4 Dead 2, he is voiced by Dayton Callie..

  • This character has only been seen in the 10/06/10 TF2 Blog update as of yet, and may be non-canon. For more information unrelated to Team Fortress 2, refer here.

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