Template:Icon item
{{ #switch:
| scattergun =
| rocket launcher =
| flamethrower =
| grenade launcher =
| stickybomb launcher =
| minigun =
| shotgun =
| syringe gun =
| sniper rifle =
| revolver =
| pistol =
| medigun =
| submachine gun =
| electro sapper =
| bat =
| shovel =
| fire axe =
| bottle =
| wrench =
| bonesaw =
| kukri =
| knife =
| disguise kit =
| invisibility watch =
| builder =
| destroy =
| fists =
| force-a-nature =
| direct hit =
| backburner =
| natascha =
| blutsauger =
| huntsman =
| ambassador =
| big kill =
| bonk =
| crit-a-cola =
| lugermorph =
| buff banner =
| gunboats =
| flare gun =
| scottish resistance =
| chargin' targe =
| sandvich =
| dalokohs bar =
| kritzkrieg =
| jarate =
| razorback =
| sandman =
| equalizer =
| axtinguisher =
| homewrecker =
| eyelander =
| pain train =
| frying pan =
| kgb =
| ubersaw =
| dead ringer =
| cloak and dagger =
| tribalman's shiv =
| scotsman's skullcutter =
| golden wrench =
| southern hospitality =
| frontier justice =
| gunslinger =
| wrangler =
| shortstop =
| mad milk =
| holy mackerel =
| black box =
| battalion's back-up =
| powerjack =
| degreaser =
| darwin's danger shield =
| sydney sleeper =
| bushwacka =
| l'etranger =
| your eternal reward =
| vita-saw =
| gru =
| hadouken =
| oktoberfest =
| skewer =
| home run =
| kamikaze =
| decapitation =
| spinal tap =
| showdown =
| fencing =
| dischord =
| organ grinder =
|batter's helmet =
|bonk helm =
|ye olde baker boy =
|troublemaker's tossle cap =
|whoopee cap =
|baseball bill's sports shine=
|milkman =
|bombing run =
|soldier's stash=
|tyrant's helm=
|stainless pot=
|killer's kabuto=
|sergeant's drill hat=
|lumbricus lid=
|Grenadier's Softcap=
|chieftan's challenge=
|stout shako=
|dr's dapper topper=
|pyro's beanie=
|brigade helm=
|respectless rubber glove=
|triboniophorus tyrannus=
|vintage merryweather=
|attendant =
|handyman's handle =
|old guadalajara =
| 20px | link=Old Guadalajara]]
|demoman's fro=
|glengarry bonnet=
|scotsman's stove pipe=
|hustler's hallmark=
|tippler's tricorne=
|carouser's capotain =
|football helmet=
|officer's ushanka=
|tough guy's toque=
|hound dog=
|heavy duty rag=
|puglisit's protector =
|hard counter =
| 20px | link=Hard Counter]]
|mining light=
|texas ten gallon=
|engineer's cap=
|texas slim's dome shine=
|prussian pickelhaube=
|vintage tyrolean=
|otolaryngologist's mirror=
|ze goggles=
|gentleman's gatsby=
|trophy belt=
|professional's panama=
|master's yellow belt=
|shooter's sola topi=
|bloke's bucket hat=
|ritzy rick's hair fixative=
|ol' Snaggletooth =
|fancy fedora=
|backbiter's billycock=
|magistrate's mullet=
|frenchman's beret=
|familiar fez=
|cheater's lament=
|ghastly gibus=
|mildly disturbing halloween mask=
|bill's hat=
|max's severed head=
|modest pile of hat=
|noble amassment of hats=
|towering pillar of hats=
|alien swarm parasite= [[Image:Item icon Alien Swarm Parasite.png | 20px | link=Alien Swarm Parasite
|mann co. cap=
|wiki cap= [[File:Backpack Wiki Cap.png | 20px | link=Wiki Cap
|ellis' cap=
|name tag=
|mann co. supply crate key=
|mann co. supply crate=
|secret saxton= 20px
|pile o' gifts= 20px
|dueling mini-game= 20px
|a deep commitment to purple=
|aged moustache grey=
|australium gold=
|color no. 216-190-216=
|indubitably green=
|mann co. orange=
|noble hatter's violet=
|peculiarly drab tincture=
|radigan conagher brown=
|ye olde rustic color=
|zephaniah's greed=
|an extraordinary abundance of tinge=
|File:Paint Can 141414.png=
|gentle manne's service medal=
|physician's procedure mask=
|camera beard=
|whiskered gentleman=
|primeval warrior=
|grizzled veteran=
|soldier of fortune=
|bronze dueling badge=
|silver dueling badge=
|gold dueling badge=
|platinum dueling badge= 20px
|polycount pin=
|scrap metal= 20px | link=Crafting
|reclaimed metal= 20px | link=Crafting
|refined metal= 20px | link=Crafting
Generates an image of a weapon or other item and creates a link to it. There are several parameters available for use.
{{icon item|Grenade Launcher|100px}}
{{icon item|Grenade Launcher|100px}}
when used on anyde
language page will generate the below (click the icon):
{{icon item|Grenade Launcher|100px|link=Article name here}}
Accepted names
This template accepts the name of any cosmetic, weapon, taunt etc.
The template is spelling and case sensitive. For example:
Killing Gloves of Boxing
is correct andK.G.B.
is notMedi Gun
is correct andMedigun
is notBatter's Helmet
is correct andbatter's helmet
is not
See also
Image insertion templates (
)- Team Fortress 2
{{Backpack icon}}
– for inserting an image from the backpack.{{Backpack item}}
– for displaying loadout stats.{{Icon class}}
– for displaying class icons.{{Icon item}}
– for displaying images from the item icons done in Shugo style.{{Icon killicon}}
– for displaying kill icon images.{{Kill notice}}
– for displaying a kill notice.
- Wiki-related
– for displaying the icons used in{{Item checklist}}
.{{User halloween mask possession}}
– for displaying Halloween Mask icons used in hat and item checklists.{{Comment}}
– for displaying "Support", "Oppose" and "Comment" symbols.{{Pro}}
; Compact form for common uses of{{Comment}}
– generates the flag icon of a country when given the country code.