Killstreak Kit
“ | Completing a Two Cities Tour automatically grants you a Killstreak Kit, which you can apply to any weapon to transform it into a Killstreak weapon. Completing the Tour also grants you a fabricator and spare parts that you can use to craft progressively rarer Killstreak Kits, which will add cool visual effects to your weapon and eventually even your character.
— Two Cities Update
” |
Killstreak Kits are tool items. They are represented by a mixed "kit" of tools such as a Killstreak counter meter (not visible in-game), a circuit board, and an oil can.
Killstreak Kits can be applied to a specific weapon, upgrading it into a Killstreak weapon. When a Killstreak weapon is equipped, a kill counter appears in the player's HUD, tracking the number of kills made with any Killstreak weapon equipped and resetting upon death. The number of kills in a player's streak is displayed both on the scoreboard next to that player's name and in the killfeed in the top right corner following the player's name, which increases with each consecutive kill. Every 5 kills (20 in Mann vs. Machine), a message is displayed to the server with the player's name and their current streak. Other kills by the player with a different weapon do not count toward their current Killstreak unless that weapon is also a Killstreak weapon. If a player is carrying multiple Killstreak weapons, the killfeed displays only the number of kills each weapon has obtained, but the messages to the server and the player's HUD "Streak" indicator add the player's kills from all their Killstreak weapons.
An Engineer wielding a Killstreak Wrench (or other melee weapons) sees an indication in the killfeed for both a Wrench kill and a Sentry Gun kill. A Medic using a Killstreak Medi Gun (or other secondary weapons) does not see any indication in the killfeed, although kill assists with the Medi Gun still count towards the player's Killstreak and are displayed in the HUD. Additionally, while playing Mann vs. Machine, kills made with the Projectile Shield upgrade also go towards a Medic's Medi Gun Killstreak.
Higher tiers of Killstreak weapons also have cosmetic effects; while standard Killstreak weapons only have the kill counter, Specialized Killstreak weapons also have a colored sheen, and Professional Killstreak weapons add a colored particle effect to the user's eyes. These eye particle effects start at 5 kills and are visually minimal, while at 10 kills the effect becomes greatly noticeable.
Killstreak Kits can be applied to weapons of any quality. If a Killstreak Kit is applied to a stock (or other Normal quality) item, it becomes a Unique item and the player subsequently finds it as an item drop. The newly found item exists separate to the original stock item. The player can then choose which item to equip through the character loadout menu. If the weapon is restored to remove the Killstreak, the weapon remains in the player's inventory.
Standard Killstreak Kit
Standard Killstreak Kits are the most common variety and are rewarded after each Operation Two Cities tour completion. Applying the kit against the weapon it specifies and then equipping it adds a kill counter that shows up on the player's heads-up display that increments by one for each kill. Killstreaks are indicated by a number and a small arrow next to the kill icon, additionally displayed onto the killfeeds of other individuals. Killstreaks messages are broadcast across the entire server once a certain threshold is reached, starting from five kills onward.
At the end of each round, the player with the highest killstreak is displayed on the final scoreboard.
Specialized Killstreak Kit
A Specialized Kit also applies a colored sheen to the weapon that intensifies after five kills. Specialized Killstreak Kits are obtained by completing crafting recipes provided by Specialized Killstreak Kit Fabricators, which can be found as a random reward drop from Two Cities tour completions.
The following Sheens are available:
Color | Name | |
#FF1D15 | #005CFF | Team Shine |
#FF79FF | Hot Rod | |
#FF6F01 | Manndarin | |
#FFD63F | Deadly Daffodil | |
#67FF7A | Agonizing Emerald | |
#C2FF3B | Mean Green | |
#690CFF | Villainous Violet |
[collapse]List of Sheens | |||
Agonizing Emerald | Deadly Daffodil | Hot Rod | Manndarin |
Mean Green | Team Shine (RED) |
Team Shine (BLU) |
Villainous Violet |
Professional Killstreak Kit
Professional Kits are the rarest variation, adding a particle effect to the user's eyes on top of the effects of Specialized and regular Killstreak Kits. Professional Killstreak Kits are obtained by completing crafting recipes provided by Professional Killstreak Kit Fabricators, which can be found as a rare random reward drop from Two Cities tour completions.
The eye effect is displayed after five kills, and intensifies after ten. The effect matches the color of the weapon's sheen in a similar fashion to the Eyelander; when using sword weapons as Demoman, the effect is only presented on his right eye.
Cerebral Discharge
Cerebral Discharge is a Killstreaker added in the Two Cities Update. It appears as an electrical current running through and out of the eyes of the player.
[expand]List of Cerebral Discharge effects |
Fire Horns
Fire Horns is a Killstreaker added in the Two Cities Update. It appears as pillars of fire running through and out of the eyes of the player.
[expand]List of Fire Horns effects |
Flames is a Killstreaker added in the Two Cities Update. It appears as flames emitting from oval-like lights.
[expand]List of Flames effects |
Hypno-Beam is a Killstreaker added in the Two Cities Update. It appears as rings emitting from the player's eyes.
[expand]List of Hypno-Beam effects |
Incinerator is a Killstreaker added in the Two Cities Update. It appears as smoke emitting from the player's eyes.
[expand]List of Incinerator effects |
Singularity is a Killstreaker added in the Two Cities Update. It appears as beams sucking into and then emitting out of the player's eyes.
[expand]List of Singularity effects |
Tornado is a Killstreaker added in the Two Cities Update. It appears as rapidly spinning tornadoes emitting from the player's eyes.
[expand]List of Tornado effects |
Killstreak Flare Gun Kit |
Specialized Killstreak Atomizer Kit |
Professional Killstreak Widowmaker Kit |
Update history
- [Undocumented] Added Killstreak Kits to the game.
- Fixed killstreak notices being stuck on the screen when the map is changing levels.
- Fixed Team Shine killstreak sheen effect not displaying properly for the Blue team.
- Updated Killstreak Kits to work on Festive and Botkiller variants of target weapons.
- [Undocumented] Updated the descriptions of Killstreak Kits.
- Fixed not being able to apply Killstreak Kits to the Sleeping Dogs promo items.
- Fixed Killstreak sheens for the Gunslinger and the Heavy's Fists.
- Fixed Killstreak counts being limited to 128 kills.
- [Undocumented] Fixed Killstreak sheens for the Bat Outta Hell.
- Fixed the Heavy's fists not showing the Killstreak effects.
- Added Killstreak Fabricators for the following weapons to the Two Cities Tour reward list:
- Fixed the Killstreak counts not being accurately portrayed in the scoreboard
- Fixed deflected projectiles not affecting Strange and Killstreak counts
- Fixed Killstreak sheen effects for Flying Guillotine (style), Bat Outta Hell (style), Unarmed Combat, Wrap Assassin, Chargin’ Targe, and Splendid Screen.
- [Undocumented] Added Killstreak Kits for the Fortified Compound.
- Added Killstreak Kits to MvM for newly added weapons
- Fixed the Spell HUD overlapping with the Killstreak HUD.
December 8, 2014 Patch (End of the Line Update)
- [Undocumented] Added Killstreak Kit and Crit glow support to Nostromo Napalmer.
December 22, 2014 Patch (Smissmas 2014)
- Added Killstreak kits for Quickiebomb Launcher, Iron Bomber and Panic Attack in to Two Cities MannUp loot tables.
- Fixed missing Killstreak sheen effects for the Iron Bomber.
- Fixed the Killstreak icon not being positioned correctly in the HUD
- Fixed a bug that was creating Specialized Killstreak Kits that could be applied to any item.
July 18, 2024 Patch #1 (Summer 2024 Update)
- Fixed Incinerator killstreak effect not scaling properly when viewed from a distance (community fix from SirDapper and CheesyPuff).
- Kills made while dead contribute to a weapon's killstreak, though as it is properly reset on both death and respawn, this has little effect.
- If a killstreak weapon is used to kill an enemy and is then changed in the loadout and changed back, the counter starts at 1 again in the killfeed, but the streak overlay remains the same number.
- Killstreaks that are ended due to environmental deaths, provided another player is not credited for finishing them off, are credited to ERRORNAME.
- Kills made with the Wrangler count towards the killstreak of an Engineer's wrench, even if only the wrench has killstreaks enabled.
- Killstreak notifications override the "silent killer" attribute of Your Eternal Reward and its reskins, causing them to show in the enemy team's killfeed.
- Certain passively-visible weapons and taunts can inherit the sheen of a different killstreak weapon:
- The Gunslinger and Spy watches appear with the same sheen as the weapon in use.
- This is not very visible on any Spy watches other than the Dead Ringer, as when they are brought up in the viewmodel they turn transparent almost immediately. The Dead Ringer, however, can be fully visible and not transparent in viewmodels.
- If a Ham Shank Heavy or a Gunslinger Engineer use the High Five! taunt, their hand takes on the sheen of their primary weapon.
- If a Demoman uses the Spent Well Spirits taunt, the bottle takes on the sheen of the weapon they were holding before initiating the taunt.
- The Gunslinger and Spy watches appear with the same sheen as the weapon in use.
- The Hypno-Beam effect does not display through wearable glasses.
See also