Bat (disambiguation)

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See also: Baseball

Bat may refer to:

Item icon Atomizer.png Atomizer, a melee weapon for the Scout.
Item icon Bat.png Bat, the default melee weapon for the Scout.
Item icon Batsaber.png Batsaber, a reskin of the Bat.
Item icon Bat Outta Hell.png Bat Outta Hell, a melee weapon for all classes, with the exception of the Engineer and the Spy.
Item icon Boston Basher.png Boston Basher, a melee weapon for the Scout.
Item icon Sandman.png Sandman, an unlockable melee weapon for the Scout.
Cosmetic items
Item icon Arkham Cowl.png Arkham Cowl, a promotional cosmetic item for all classes"
Item icon Bat Backup.png Bat Backup, a promotional cosmetic item for the Scout.
Item icon Batbelt.png Batbelt, a promotional cosmetic item for all classes.
Item icon Bat Hat.png Bat Hat, a cosmetic item for all classes.
Item icon Batter's Bracers.png Batter's Bracers, a promotional cosmetic item for all classes.
Item icon Bonk Batter's Backup.png Bonk Batter's Backup, a cosmetic item for the Scout.
Item icon Guano.png Guano, a cosmetic item for all classes.
Item icon Lil' Bitey.png Lil' Bitey, a cosmetic item for all classes.
Backpack Battin' a Thousand.png Battin' a Thousand, a special taunt for the Scout.
Scoutsandmantauntkill.PNG Grand Slam, a kill taunt used by the Scout.
Magic spells
Spellbook Ball O' Bats.png Swarm of Bats, a magic spell.
Unusual effects
Viewmode unusual.png Chiroptera Venenata,
Viewmode unusual.png Poisoned Shadows,
Viewmode unusual.png Something Burning This Way Comes,
Viewmode unusual.png Vicious Vampires,
Batman: Arkham Knight, an action-adventure game.