Gullywash (competitive)

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This article is for competitive play, based on the standard community competitive format. For the generic article on this topic, see: Gullywash.
The community competitive scene changes frequently. Some or all info may be outdated.
CP Gullywash 3.png
Basic Information
Map type: Control Point
File name: cp_gullywash_final1
Developer(s): Jan "Arnold" Laroy
Map Info
Environment: Desert
Setting: Daylight, sunny
Deep Water: No
Map Items
Healthico.png Health Kits: Smallhealth.png ×16  •  Mediumhealth.png ×4
Ammoico.png Ammo Boxes: Smallammo.png ×10   •   Mediumammo.png ×4
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Gullywash overview.png
Map Stamp
Item icon Map Stamp - Gullywash.png
Supporters Leaderboard

Gullywash Pro is the final version of the community map made by Arnold. The map has some interesting control points that have more than one layer, the middle point is a good example; Soldiers and Demos can jump on the top of the point and start to capture it, Scouts and other classes that can't reach the top can also capture the point by standing close to the side.

The objective of Gullywash is to control all five capture points. Each team starts with their second and final control points locked, leaving only the middle point available.

Whilst not as popular as Badlands, Gullywash is still regularly played in competitive tournaments. It is a good map for specialists since its layout allow for most of them to take fully advantage of their own perks.

  • A Sniper can easily target the Medic or pick a fight against a generalist in many locations around the map.
  • A Heavy can capitalize on his kit such as his primaries, lunchboxes or even shotguns thanks to the relatively confined areas of the map.
  • A Pyro can pressure his opponents and setup terrific combos by taking advantage of the geometry of the level.


All place names are given from the perspective of defense as their primary name (in terms of left and right), except obviously for the middle control point.

Control Point 3


Because of the symmetrical style of Gullywash, each team share a similar landmark/location on their respective sides of the middle point.

A popular method to counteract this is to add the prefix "our" or "their"

  • Door:

This is where the Soldiers and sometimes Demos will come out of.

If the enemy team are running a Sniper, this would be the proper place for them to stand on, since it allows them to headshot people who are on top of the point, or near it.

  • Choke:

The Demos and Scouts usually come out from this spot. It allow explosive classive to directly either perform a Rocket or a Sticky Jump towards the point or back to the Door. This means the Combo will take damage by attempting to get into the middle, making the operation risky.

Naturally, if the enemy have a Heavy with their ranks, he will be able to lock down the area for his teammates thanks to the relative exposure that his opponents will have to face in the situation where they actually attempted to take a fight here.

  • Below:

This is what the area under the point is referred to, and it stretches from the RED Door to the BLU Door.

Control Points 2/4


The second point share the same features that the middle point does, there are two layers that can capture the point, the capture can be blocked if an enemy stands on either of the tiers.

Being a very open area, this point can favor classes who can boast superior mobility or who are able to abuse the double-layer system thanks to their kit, making generalist obviously well-suited to the situation.

Ironically, even though the Heavy is limited in terms of his mobility options, his large health pool as well as his powerful primary can make him totally viable here.

Another specialist who is interesting to play there is the Pyro since he not only have options that helps him re-position himself in the middle of the fight, but most importantly an airblast that he can easily abuse to counteract the tactics of the explosive classes who would be trying to defend the Point for an example.

  • Upper:

This is the high ground that the defenders can hold if they have Ubercharge disadvantage, it's akin to the Badlands Upper Lobby hold.

  • Flank:

If the Door is the entrance, then this would be the exit. It also leads into the Lower Lobby.

  • Choke:

If the team guards this place with multiple heavy classes (Soldier/Demo/Heavy/Pyro), then this position can effectively be covered by the team.

  • Lobby:

When one or multiple players from the losing team begin their retreat, they will most likely sit there since the Lobby possesses both a single medium health kit and ammo pack.

Control Points 1/5

As the final point, specialists end up being commonly used by the losing team to defend the area.

So, a Heavy can for example push any jumping Soldiers back and generally slow down, or even downright nullify an enemy assault, while an Engineer can place a sentry on many strategic spots to make this area that much more harder to contest.

  • Point:

It is possible for a Heavy in the losing team to stand right beneath the rim of the control point, letting only his eyes go above the point, which effectively allows him to "Ledge-Pick" whoever dares to step their foots onto this vital position.

Inversely, a Heavy from the winning team can also position himself on the same are if he already traveled through the Riverside and the Water areas, which allows him to secure the last point for his fellow Scouts and Soldiers, or even capture it by himself if the enemies are unable to prevent him from doing so in a direct combat.

  • Riverside:

A small corridor that Demos enjoy to spam through. It leads directly to the Water.

  • Water:

Even though there is no longer any water, it's still affectionately referred to in the same way. It provides another way to access the point.

The Scout, the Heavy and the Spy can thoroughly take advantage of this area to secure a surprise capture.


Gullywash Pro and it's other iterations have been around for a while, and because of it, multiple tactics were developed by the competitive playerbase to gain an advantage on this map.

Defending Control Point 3

Ubercharge Advantage

  • The team should be watching the enemies choke, the Combo and the flank will be split up:
    • The Demoman should have a sticky trap up around Choke and can spam some grenades into the choke every now and then.
    • The Pocket Soldier and Medic should be holding roughly the same place as the Demo.
    • The Roamer should be near the point, watching Door so that he can easily spam here, and move out to help the Scouts if necessary.
    • Both of the Scouts should be holding the Door to stop the enemy Scouts getting past.

Ubercharge Disadvantage

  • The team should be holding near their choke ready to fall back when the enemy team push in with their Ubercharge.
    • The Combo and Demo should be watching the enemy Choke from their Choke.
    • The Roamer should stand on point in order to try and force the enemy Medic to pop his Ubercharge when he enters the middle.
    • The Scouts should still be holding Door.

Defending Control Point 2/4

Ubercharge Advantage

  • The Combo and the Demo can hold Choke; the Demo should have a sticky trap up near Choke.
  • The Scouts and Roamer should be watching the Door.

Ubercharge Disadvantage

  • The Combo should hold Upper, the Demoman should have a sticky trap near the edge of Upper to deter any Soldiers from trying to jump the Medic.
  • The Scouts need to watch Lower Lobby to make sure that the Combo in Upper doesn't get flanked
    • The Roamer can also watch Lower Lobby or he can watch Upper, it depends whether the team has switched out a Soldier for a Heavy.

Defending Control Point 1/5

  • A Heavy can make a good distraction and can protect the Medic by knocking back any jumping Soldiers that the enemy sends in. The best place for the Heavy to be is on the rim that sits above the Point, near the spawn.
    • Like mentioned before, the ledge of the Point just behind the Water can also be an interesting position for a Heavy to be in, no matter which team.
  • The Soldiers need to be on the left hand side of the point.
  • The Demoman should be on the right hand side and be supported by the Scouts.
    • The Demo should also be watching Riverside and have a sticky trap up somewhere.



The standard Demo rollout on Gullywash involves a static jump to the door, with a sticky jump to a door way off of the right wall outside of spawn.

From there, walk out of Door or jumps over second depending on where he wants to enter.

If you arrive through choke, you should fire a sticky at their Door to try to lock out their combo.

If you arrive through the Door you should fire on their choke.


The Soldier rollout is simple.

Jump off of the right wall outside of spawn, walk through main, and walk through the Door. Once arrived to the mid, you can either jump spire to take control, or bomb the demo for an early pick.