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与改变地图、音效和物品外观的火焰兵幻境不同,罗马幻境只对曼恩 vs. 机器中现有的机器人模型有效。机器人的外观看起来像是装备上了罗马军队风格的盔甲,坦克的外观类似于攻城槌,运输坦克类似于基于罗马万神殿。
- 侦察兵机器人:The default cap changes to a robotic version of the Beastly Bonnet, while the torso acquires gold stripes with lower metal tassels styled after the balteus (belt) of Roman infantry armor.
- 士兵机器人:The default helmet changes to an imperial galea centurion helmet with a solid metal crest and detailed with gold trim, and the armor gains both segmented pauldrons and a dull black and brass balteus.
- 火焰兵机器人:A galea with a vertical ridge crest of flames is added as headware, while the chest armor surrounding the neck and the shoulder armor take on a design similar to the Steel Sixpack with painted flames cresting the shoulders.
- 爆破手机器人:A galea with a horizontal crest made of five pieces of bolted rectangular metal (similar to the Centurion) is added as headware, while the torso acquires a solid chest armor made of circular metal, wide pauldrons akin to the lorica segmentata style of armor, and a cod guard made of rectangular segments of dark metal.
- 机枪手机器人:A helmet in the style of a Roman gladiatorial galea covers the Heavy Robot's head and a large, rounded and ridged pauldron is added onto the right shoulder.
- 工程师机器人:The default hard hat is changed to a face enshrouding cavalry galea with three tassles that are made of angular steel and connected by joints, while a single tassle balteus is added to the cod.
- 医生机器人:A galeus with a single vertical crest made of segmented metal blocks is added as headware and two defense plates are added to the chest, but most radically the robot's legs are removed in favor of a motorized white chariot with headlights, emblazoned with the Medic's cross on the center and trimmed with gold paint on the backside.
- 狙击手机器人:A conical grey helmet akin to a Roman archer's helmet is bolted atop the brim of the robot's cap, and a surrounding balteus is added to the waist.
- 间谍机器人:A metal hood is added as headware, and a single, rectangular balteus is added to the cod.
- 步哨毁灭者:The round portion of the Sentry Buster's main body is replaced with a wooden sphere and the spikes are replaced with solid grey pyramid spikes.
- 机器坦克:The majority of the exterior chassis is replaced with a blocky wooden exterior similar to Roman battering rams and siege machines that covers the wheels, while the top scanner device is replaced with a more pyramid shaped structure with segmented shielding and corner bracing. Additionally, the Freedom Staff is posted on both front treads akin to territory markers.
- 运输坦克:The carrier has undergone a radical redesign to appear as a moving replica of the Pantheon of Rome, complete with columns and three arched exits replacing the large bay of the original design. Additionally, windows emanating yellow light line the front and sides of the carrier.
- 在曼恩vs.机器模式中添加了宣传《全面战争:罗马2》的“罗马幻境”。
- 增加了罗马幻境分享:任何在同一服务器上与哈台桂冠拥有者一起游玩曼恩vs.机器的玩家现在都可以选择加入罗马幻境中了。
- 在高级选项选项中可以管理你的罗马幻境首选选项。
- 修复了罗马幻境坦克缺失动画的问题。
- 修复了罗马幻境机器人的帽子与Mannhattan中的破门机器人的帽子相互冲突的错误。
- 在游戏文件中可以找到罗马幻境机器人的红队版本(除了步哨毁灭者和坦克)。
- "RomeBots: History Comes Alive!"(罗马机器人:历史重现!),TF2官方网站,2013年8月20日