< Sawmill (King of the Hill)(Redirected from Sawmill (KOTH)/zh-hant)
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Sawmill (King of the Hill) | |
資訊 | |
種類: | 山丘之王模式 |
檔案名稱: | koth_sawmill
釋出時間: | 2009年8月13日更新 (無差別職業更新) |
Variants: | 競技場模式, 搶奪情報箱模式, SnowVille 以及 Soul-Mill |
開發者: | Valve |
地圖資料 | |
所處地區: | 高山 |
環境設定: | 陰天,雨天 |
特定致死因素: | 圓鋸 |
深水坑: | 可 |
Bot support: | 可 |
地圖物品 | |
補血包: | ×2 • ×4 |
彈藥盒: | ×2 • ×2 • ×2 |
地圖相片 | |
地圖的俯瞰圖 | |
“ | 這是一個位於充滿暴風雨的高山之中的鋸木廠,控制點設立在地圖中心的山頂競技場地圖;在它底下,隱藏著一個高科技間諜基地;除了上述我們所提及的重要事項之外,這是第一張有天氣特效的絕地要塞2地圖。如果前一個句子對你來說不夠長,那就把句號去掉,加上逗號,再加上這個部份:玩家們也必須注意兩塊在控制點附近的致命圓鋸。這些致命的東西被原居民遺棄,是因為他們想要一個比較不致命,且沒有間諜基地的鋸木廠。
” |
- 瀑布: Located on the right hand side of 紅隊's spawn area, a titular waterfall flows down from a gray cliff into the center of a large pool. Logs form a floating path across the pool, although the water itself is not too deep. A mini health kit can be found in the center of the logs. There is also an obvious 'hidden' path that goes behind the waterfall that can be used in case of watchful enemy eyes.
- 山洞: - A cavern makes a wide loop around one side of the map behind the waterfall, and can be defended at either end.
- 小木屋: On the right hand side of 藍隊's spawn area is a wide shed, full of timber, standing over a flooded ditch. Another mini health kit sits on a pile of planks within the shed.
- 中央木屋: The center of the map is dominated by a large shed that houses multiple entries for either team. Within the center of the shed is the map's control point. Two large, circular Head Saws move linear to the control point, generate large amounts of noise, and serve as deadly obstacles to players as they attempt to capture the point. Logs are suspended above the area.
- 屋頂: - 雙方重生室外都有一條通往屋頂的道路。另外一塊木板則連接屋頂與建築物中的凹室。
- 中央木屋側: - 從兩隊屋頂進入中央木屋內後,會有一個有著玻璃窗戶的小房間,小房間走下階梯後就可以到達中央建築物的一樓。在小房間內常會有工程師設置建築物。
控制點模式 | 玩家人數 | 秒 | ||
控制點模式 | ×1 |
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×2 |
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×3 |
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×4 |
- 將 KOTH_sawmill 加入至遊戲中。
2009年10月29日更新 (Haunted Halloween Special/zh-hant)
- 修復了工程師的漏洞。