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Some of the health packs on this map function as item_healthammokits instead of regular health packs. As far as I know, this is the first ever map to use these (including other Zombie Infection maps). I think this is a bug and not intended. My reasoning for this is mainly that the pickups seem to be very sloppily placed. There is a big difference between the elevation of 2 pickups right next to each other (that's not the only example, of course), as well as a big difference between groups of pickups. The first image shows one high health pack but a lower ammo pack, and the second one shows both on the same level, except the ammo pack is nearly waist height and the health pack is nearly shoulder height. Which are both exceptionally high. There is also a regular medium health kit and ammo pack on a truck, which are nearly inside the truck, as well as a pair of pickups that is much closer to the wall than any other pickups.

Overall, this gives the impression that the placement of pickups was rushed. These healthammokits were also placed next to small/medium ammo packs already, making the choice even more questionable because they could have simply turned the ammo pack into a bigger ammo pack. Additionally, not every medium health pack is treated as a healthammokit, but some are actual medium kits.

This all shows that the pickups were sloppily placed, which is why I came to the following conclusion: typing "item_health" then hitting Tab ⇆ causes Hammer to autocomplete it to "item_healthammokit", which is also very close to item_healthkit_medium in the entity list. To me, this makes it clear that the inclusion of the "item_healthammokit" is not intentional, but rather the result of a rushed implementation of pickups on the map.
BLU Wiki Cap.png | s | GrampaSwood Praise the Sun! (talk) (contribs) 00:52, 18 February 2024 (UTC)

Well from what I remember ZI was made in 2 months IIRC, so it's not surprising that there are a few cracks in it, and seeing that they float so high above the ground it's hard to not see it as rushed and not properly tested, hell most of the gamemode was untested but I digress, if they were closer to the ground I'd assume it was intended.
CheddarTalk 08:05, 18 February 2024 (UTC)