Talk:Loose Canon

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A quesiton about the title "Loose Canon"

A quesiton about the title "Loose Canon"

Dereko (talkcontribs)

Dereko is translating the comic and meeting problems as always. In the past, our senior Chinese editors translate the title more similar to "Loose Element". I don't think it summarizes the story very well.

I have checked the explanatory text in "trivia" section, and by doing so I have already understood clearly about the Idiom "Loose Cannon", but I am still pretty confused about what makes the story a "Loose Canon". Is "kill any narrative it slides into" means the story is very important and irrefutable in the whole storyline?

I also searched for "Loose Canon" on Youtube , only to find videos about Urban legend like Jack the Ripper, which makes Dereko even more confused.

Many thanks for checking my quesition, and Dereko would appreciate your help for sure!

Mikado282 (talkcontribs)

canon - A collection of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a (game) storyline.

loose cannon -- (nautical) A cannon that breaks loose from its moorings on a ship during battle or storm, which has the potential to cause serious damage to the ship and her crew.

With Loose Canon, Valve was starting a collection of literary works that are generally accepted as representing  storyline the Storyline of TF2. This Storyline was promoted as a "loose" continuity allowing for some amount of inconsistency. The bit about carelessly tied, and so has come loose and is sliding around on the swerving plot of a storm-tossed storyline. was my early editing using colorful metaphor to illustrate the double entendre of the Comic's title. I recon that many of the puns in TF2 names can get lost in the translation. The metaphor I wrote about may not be Valve's exact intended meaning, but it was fun word play, comparing wide-ranging, imprecisely defined Storyline to the hazards of a loose cannon on a ship (the careless plot of one Comic might crash the continuity of another Comic).

Dereko (talkcontribs)

You've been such a big help! :D

Mikado282 (talkcontribs)

You did well.

Hmmm, Chrome translates the translated Loose Canon title to "Ups and downs"?!?!?!

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