Talk:Soldier voice commands/zh-hans

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"C'mere, Sally." 过来,小女孩。

"I am a robot! I am here to take American jobs!" 我是个机器人!我是来抢美国人的饭碗的!

"If you know what's good for ya, you will run!" 如果你知道做什么对你有好处,你一定会跑开的。

"The last word out of your sorry mouth will be Sir, and it will be loud!" 从你那可怜的嘴里吐出的最后一个词一定得是“长官”,而且还是很大声的那种!

"You are a maggot hatched from a mutant maggot egg!" 你就是一条由变异臭蛆卵孵出来的恶臭蛆!

"You are the sorriest excuses for soldiers I have ever seen!" 你这借口是我所见过的士兵里头找过的最可悲的一个!

"If I have to crack some skulls, I will." 如果我必须敲碎他们的脑袋,我一定会去的。

"That was an amazing killing spree... by the other team!" 真是一场精彩的杀戮盛宴...另一队的盛宴!

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