Talk:Speedy Scoundrel

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This item is most likely not available as an Unusual.

Gabrielwoj (talkcontribs)

Hi, due to this item not being a "Hat" (in the equip_region), it's most likely it's also not available as an Unusual. I've searched on the Community Market, and there is no Speedy Scoundrel in Unusual Quality, but all the other "Hat" items from the Summer 2019 Pack have at least one of them.

I don't remember how you can add/remove qualities, so, if someone can do that, it'd be nice. User Gabrielwoj Signature Icon.png - User Gabrielwoj Signature 1.pngUser Gabrielwoj Signature 2.png - User Gabrielwoj Signature 3.png 22:43, 28 July 2019 (UTC)

Tark (talkcontribs)


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