When querying for appid 753 (Steam), I recieve a "Failed with status 404 Not Found" error as a response. But if you use the "GetClassInfo" method, and use 753 as your appid, you can still access items. For example querying for classid 1052 gives you "Magicka: Nippon", but 1053 gives you "Monday Night Combat". Does anyone have an idea of where these class id's are coming from, because they do not match up with their game ids. -DeadflyProductions- 21:39, 23 June 2013 (PDT)
- I never found out any real information about the system that generates those IDs but my first guess is that it's just an autoincrementing primary key. -- Lagg
21:40, 23 June 2013 (PDT)
result: true/false
Today the Steam WebAPI seemed to be down for a while and I received one of these messages while trying to use GetAssetPrices:
"result": {
"result": 2,
"error": "Web request timed out after 5 seconds of network inactivity"
"result": {
"result": 2,
"error": "Rejecting request for slow asset API server. 150 pending of 150 allowed."
The article mentions the result to be either true or false, so that might not be totally correct, even thought I get "true" as the result now that the WebAPI works again. --ImbSt (talk) 13:38, 27 July 2013 (PDT)