Template:Crate series/130

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[collapse]Crate Series #130
Drops No
Elf Care ProviderElf Care Provider
8 .00%
Bear WalkerBear Walker
8 .00%
Festive Flip-ThwompsFestive Flip-Thwomps
8 .00%
Shoestring SantaShoestring Santa
8 .00%
Jolly JinglerJolly Jingler
8 .00%
Candy CantlersCandy Cantlers
8 .00%
Festive FascinatorFestive Fascinator
8 .00%
8 .00%
Particulate ProtectorParticulate Protector
8 .00%
Killing TreeKilling Tree
8 .00%
Smissmas SorcererSmissmas Sorcerer
2 .67%
SandMann's BrushSandMann's Brush
2 .67%
BedBug ProtectionBedBug Protection
2 .67%
Professional's Pom-PomProfessional's Pom-Pom
2 .67%
Blitzen BowlBlitzen Bowl
2 .67%
Night WardNight Ward
2 .67%
Helm HelmHelm Helm
1 .07%
Towering Pillar of BeaniesTowering Pillar of Beanies
1 .07%
1 .07%
Towering Pile of PresentsTowering Pile of Presents
0 .80%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Items obtained from this crate might have the Strange quality.