Template:Crate series/132

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[collapse]Crate Series #132
Drops No
Fried BatterFried Batter
8 .89%
Roaming RomanRoaming Roman
8 .89%
Thousand-Yard StareThousand-Yard Stare
8 .89%
Brim of FireBrim of Fire
8 .89%
Hook, Line, and CinderHook, Line, and Cinder
8 .89%
Reel Fly HatReel Fly Hat
8 .89%
Two Punch MannTwo Punch Mann
8 .89%
Wild Brim SlouchWild Brim Slouch
8 .89%
Manndatory AttireManndatory Attire
8 .89%
Meal DealerMeal Dealer
3 .20%
Water WadersWater Waders
3 .20%
Snack StackSnack Stack
3 .20%
3 .20%
Crocodile DandyCrocodile Dandy
3 .20%
Fast FoodFast Food
1 .07%
1 .07%
Crustaceous CowlCrustaceous Cowl
1 .07%
0 .80%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Items obtained from this crate might have the Strange quality.