Template:Crate series/133

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[collapse]Crate Series #133
Drops No
Spooky Head-BouncersSpooky Head-Bouncers
8 .89%
Death StareDeath Stare
8 .89%
Hat Outta HellHat Outta Hell
8 .89%
Scariest Mask EVERScariest Mask EVER
8 .89%
Trickster's TreatsTrickster's Treats
8 .89%
Creepy CrawlersCreepy Crawlers
8 .89%
Beanie the All-GnawingBeanie the All-Gnawing
8 .89%
Twisted TopperTwisted Topper
8 .89%
Smiling SomenSmiling Somen
8 .89%
Hook, Line, and ThinkerHook, Line, and Thinker
2 .67%
2 .67%
2 .67%
2 .67%
Second-Head HeadwearSecond-Head Headwear
2 .67%
Optic NerveOptic Nerve
2 .67%
Gruesome GourdGruesome Gourd
1 .07%
Bone ConeBone Cone
1 .07%
Wandering WraithWandering Wraith
1 .07%
Towering Patch of PumpkinsTowering Patch of Pumpkins
0 .80%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Items obtained from this crate might have the Strange quality.