Template:Crate series/98

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[collapse]Crate Series #98
Drops No
Face of MercyFace of Mercy
10 .00%
El PatronEl Patron
10 .00%
10 .00%
Smokey SombreroSmokey Sombrero
10 .00%
Thrilling TracksuitThrilling Tracksuit
10 .00%
10 .00%
Prehistoric PulloverPrehistoric Pullover
10 .00%
10 .00%
Duck Billed HatypusDuck Billed Hatypus
2 .67%
Iron LungIron Lung
2 .67%
Neptune's NightmareNeptune's Nightmare
2 .67%
El CaballeroEl Caballero
2 .67%
2 .67%
Death Racer's HelmetDeath Racer's Helmet
2 .67%
Grim TweeterGrim Tweeter
1 .07%
Crusader's GetupCrusader's Getup
1 .07%
Dead'er AliveDead'er Alive
1 .07%
Arthropod's AspectArthropod's Aspect
0 .40%
Catastrophic CompanionsCatastrophic Companions
0 .40%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual with a Halloween 2016 effect