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Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: No one

Pictogram comment.png Status: No demonstration submitted

Documentation for DemoEntry

Template used on the Weapon Demonstration project talk page. Used to easily identify which demonstrations need reviewing.


 | begin/end
 | status = 
 | reservation =
 | changes =
 | video =
 | video-text =
 | video-extra =
The first parameter, used to indicate if this is the start or the end of a talk page section. Takes "begin" or "end".
3 possible parameters:
nodemo (default), use this if no demonstration has been made yet, or if the last demo was denied (remove the video parameter too).
review needed, use if a video has been uploaded that needs a review from one of the approved reviewers.
approved, used by reviewers when they approve the video.
Uses {{Reservation}} template, user claiming this demonstration should put their signature here.
Optional, used on demonstrations that are an update to the previous one. Should list the changes compared to the old video. E.g. "Does not show off x stat".
Link to the video for reviewers to view, remember to only use the link! Remove this if the previous demo was denied.
Link to extra videos, this requires custom markup (e.g. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBUZs-2hcOo Video 1]{{md}}[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp1aG96H6qY Video 2] to produce: Video 1 · Video 2)
Used to replace what the video parameter's text looks like. Defaults to "Demonstration link", this should only be used when video-extra is used.

Example usage

 | begin
 | status = review needed
 | reservation = ~~~~
 | changes = {{C|Needs to show off reduced healing when used}}
 | video = https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ}}
I added a video, please review it! JohnnyGamer2024, 14-6-2024 15:32
:What a lovely video! DemoLover33, 14-6-2024 15:50

This produces:

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: WikiUsername, 23 March 2025, 19:56
Pictogram comment.png Needs to show off reduced healing when used
Demonstration link

Pictogram info.png  Status: Review needed

I added a video, please review it! JohnnyGamer2024, 14-6-2024 15:32

What a lovely video! DemoLover33, 14-6-2024 15:50