Template:PatchDiff/April 25, 2016 Patch/tf/resource/tf brazilian.txt

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967967"[english]Tournament_Instructions" "F4 = change team name/status"
968968"Tournament_TeamNamePanel" "Nome da equipe"
969969"[english]Tournament_TeamNamePanel" "Team Name"
970N/A"Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "VITÓRIA DA EQUIPE %s1!"
N/A970"Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "VITÓRIA DA %s1!"
971971"[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "%s1 WINS!"
972972"Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "DERROTA DA EQUIPE %s1!"
973973"[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "%s1 LOST!"
89888988"[english]TF_Connoisseurs_Cap_Desc" "You're today's theme ingredient..."
89898989"TF_VillainsVeil_Desc" "Os bons, os maus e os mortos."
89908990"[english]TF_VillainsVeil_Desc" "The good, the bad, and the dead."
8991N/A"TF_TeamCaptain_Desc" "Nossos advogados dizem 'YES! YES!'"
N/A8991"TF_TeamCaptain_Desc" "Os nossos advogados dizem \"YES! YES!\""
89928992"[english]TF_TeamCaptain_Desc" "Our lawyers say 'YES! YES!'"
89938993"TF_BlightedBeak_Style1" "Yersinia pestis"
89948994"[english]TF_BlightedBeak_Style1" "Yersinia Pestis"
98869886"[english]TF_EvictionNotice" "The Eviction Notice"
98879887"TF_SolemnVow" "O Voto Solene"
98889888"[english]TF_SolemnVow" "The Solemn Vow"
9889N/A"TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Não prejudique.'"
N/A9889"TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "\"Não prejudique.\""
98909890"[english]TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Do no harm.'"
98919891"TF_Weapon_Bust" "Busto de Hipócrates"
98929892"[english]TF_Weapon_Bust" "Bust of Hippocrates"
1166011660"[english]TF_TouchingStory_Desc" "Argyle. Pipe-smoking. Individually, they make you look like an idiot. Together, they make you look smart AND stylish! Just like Umberto Eco!"
1166111661"TF_AllFather" "Pai de Todos"
1166211662"[english]TF_AllFather" "The All-Father"
11663N/A"TF_AllFather_Desc" "Ao longo da história da civilização, a barba branca foi usada para simbolizar sabedoria e alto nível social. Mostre ao mundo que você pode ser barbudo E estúpido com este emaranhado de fios faciais para o Heavy e o Soldier. Tome esta, civilização!"
11664N/A"[english]TF_AllFather_Desc" "Throughout the history of civilization, the white beard has come to symbolize wisdom and status. Show the world it's possible to be bearded AND stupid with this Heavy- and Soldier-specific face-nest. Shove it, civilization!"
N/A11663"TF_AllFather_Desc" "Ao longo da história da civilização, a barba branca foi usada para simbolizar sabedoria e alto nível social. Mostre ao mundo que você pode ser barbudo E estúpido com este emaranhado de fios faciais. Tome esta, civilização!"
N/A11664"[english]TF_AllFather_Desc" "Throughout the history of civilization, the white beard has come to symbolize wisdom and status. Show the world it's possible to be bearded AND stupid with this face-nest. Shove it, civilization!"
1166511665"TF_JingleHell" "Toca o Cinto Pequenino"
1166611666"[english]TF_JingleHell" "The Jingle Belt"
1166711667"TF_JingleHell_Desc" "Os sinos da morte tilintarão nos ouvidos malpassados das suas vítimas queimadas."
1222212222"[english]Tip_6_22" "As a Heavy, the Holiday Punch's critical hits will cause the enemy to burst into laughter, thereby leaving them defenseless! Use them in order to incapacitate enemies and assist your team to eliminate key threats."
1222312223"Tip_7_21" "Como Pyro, você pode usar a Quebra-casas, o Martelão ou o Aniquilador Neônico para remover Sabotadores inimigos de construções aliadas."
1222412224"[english]Tip_7_21" "As a Pyro, the Homewrecker, Maul, and Neon Annihilator can be used to remove enemy Sappers from buildings."
12225N/A"Tip_7_22" "Como Pyro, o seu Fragmento Afiado de Vulcão ateia fogo em inimigos ao atingilos-los. Use-o juntamente com a arma sinalizadora para causar muito dano!"
N/A12225"Tip_7_22" "Como Pyro, o seu Fragmento Afiado de Vulcão ateia fogo em inimigos ao atingi-los. Use-o juntamente com a arma sinalizadora para causar muito dano!"
1222612226"[english]Tip_7_22" "As a Pyro, your Sharpened Volcano Fragment sets enemies on fire upon a successful hit. Use in combination with the Flare Gun in order to inflict substantial damage!"
1222712227"Tip_7_23" "Como Pyro, você pode usar o Coçador de Costas para ajudar um Medic a carregar a ÜberCarga mais rapidamente."
1222812228"[english]Tip_7_23" "As a Pyro, you can use the Back Scratcher in order to help a Medic build their ÜberCharge more quickly."
1335013350"[english]TF_Matchmaking_LobbyLeaderMustStart" "The party leader must start the search."
1335113351"TF_Matchmaking_Invite" "Convidar"
1335213352"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Invite" "Invite"
13353N/A"TF_Matchmaking_StartParty" "Iniciar grupo"
N/A13353"TF_Matchmaking_StartParty" "Criar grupo"
1335413354"[english]TF_Matchmaking_StartParty" "Create Party"
1335513355"TF_Matchmaking_Back" "<< Voltar"
1335613356"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Back" "<< Back"
2446324463"[english]tough_break_case_collection_02_desc" "Items from the Warbird Collection"
2446424464"TF_InactiveOperation2Pass" "Passe da Campanha Férias Frustradas"
2446524465"[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass" "Tough Break Campaign Pass"
24466N/A"TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "Ativar o Passe da Campanha Férias Frustradas concede um Selo das Férias Frustradas e acesso a contratos durante a campanha.\nInclui também um Presente Misterioso do Natal de 2015.\n\nA Campanha Férias Frustradas acaba em 31 de março de 2016"
24467N/A"[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "Activating the Tough Break Campaign Pass grants a Tough Break Stamp that grants access to contracts during the campaign.\nAlso grants a Smissmas 2015 Mystery Gift.\n\nThe Tough Break Campaign ends on April 4, 2016"
N/A24466"TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "A Campanha Férias Frustradas acabou em 4 de abril de 2016.\n\nA ativação de um Passe da Campanha Férias Frustradas concedia uma selo da campanha e acesso a contratos e contabilização de estatísticas durante a campanha."
N/A24467"[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "The Tough Break Campaign ended on April 4, 2016.\n\nActivating the Tough Break Campaign Pass granted a Tough Break Campaign Stamp that would grant access to contracts and track stats during the campaign."
2446824468"TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_AdText" "— Apoie criadores de mapas da comunidade\n— Acesse contratos que recompensam com itens exclusivos quando cumpridos"
2446924469"[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_AdText" "-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward event-exclusive items when completed"
2447024470"TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass" "Selo da Campanha Férias Frustradas"
2447124471"[english]TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass" "Tough Break Campaign Stamp"
24472N/A"TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "O Selo da Campanha Férias Frustradas concede acesso a contratos durante a campanha.\n\nSuba o nível do selo ao ganhar pontos cumprindo contratos.\nO Selo sobe de nível ao conseguir 1.000, 2.000 e 3.000 pontos de contrato.\n\nA Campanha Férias Frustradas acaba em 31 de março de 2016"
24473N/A"[english]TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "The Tough Break Campaign Stamp grants access to contracts during the campaign.\nYou can level up the coin by earning Contract Points from completed contracts.\nThe stamp levels up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points.\nThe Tough Break Campaign ends on April 4, 2016"
N/A24472"TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "A Campanha Férias Frustradas acabou em 4 de abril de 2016.\n\nO Selo da Campanha Férias Frustradas concedia um selo da campanha e acesso a contratos e contabilização de estatísticas durante a campanha. Era possível subir o nível deste selo ao ganhar pontos cumprindo contratos durante a campanha. O selo subia de nível ao conseguir 1.000, 2.000 e 3.000 pontos de contratos."
N/A24473"[english]TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "The Tough Break Campaign ended on April 4, 2016.\n\nThe Tough Break Campaign Stamp granted access to contracts and tracked stats during the campaign. You could level up the stamp by earning Contract Points from completed contracts. The stamp would level up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points."
2447424474"TF_ToughBreakCase01" "Caixa de Arma da Pyrolândia"
2447524475"[english]TF_ToughBreakCase01" "Pyroland Weapons Case"
2447624476"TF_ToughBreakCase01_Desc" "Esta caixa está trancada e requer uma Chave das Férias Frustradas para ser aberta.\n\nContém um item da Coleção da Pyrolândia."
2473124731"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_PingAsText" "Display ping values as text on the scoreboard"
2473224732"TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Exibir ícones de classe alternativos no placar"
2473324733"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Display alternate class icons on the scoreboard"
24734N/A"MMenu_Update" "Férias Frustradas"
24735N/A"[english]MMenu_Update" "The Tough Break Update"
N/A24734"MMenu_Update" "Destaques"
N/A24735"[english]MMenu_Update" "Featured"
2473624736"Store_ViewMarket" "Ver no Mercado"
2473724737"[english]Store_ViewMarket" "View On Market"
2473824738"Store_StartingAt" "A partir de"
2486324863"[english]TF_Winter2015_Festivizer_desc" "Festivize your favorite weapon from\nthe Gun Mettle or Tough Break Campaigns.\nCan be applied on a weapon from the following collections:\n\nConcealed Killer Collection\nCraftsmann Collection\nPowerhouse Collection\nTeufort Collection\nHarvest Collection\nGentlemanne's Collection\nPyroland Collection\nWarbird Collection"
2486424864"TF_EnableGlowsAfterRespawn" "Realçar aliados ao renascer"
2486524865"[english]TF_EnableGlowsAfterRespawn" "Enable teammate glow effects after respawn"
24866N/A"TF_Competitive_RankUpTitle" "Nova classificação alcançada!"
N/A24866"TF_Competitive_RankUpTitle" "Nova patente alcançada!"
2486724867"[english]TF_Competitive_RankUpTitle" "New Rank Achieved!"
24868N/A"TF_Competitive_RankUp" "Você ganhou a classificação de \n\"%s1\""
N/A24868"TF_Competitive_RankUp" "Você ganhou a patente de \n\"%s1\""
2486924869"[english]TF_Competitive_RankUp" "You have earned the rank of\n\"%s1\""
2487024870"TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style1" "Estilo 1"
2487124871"[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style1" "Style 1"
2507125071"[english]TF_Competitive_Ladder" "LADDER:"
2507225072"TF_Competitive_Games" "Partidas:"
2507325073"[english]TF_Competitive_Games" "Games:"
25074N/A"TF_Competitive_HighestRank" "Maior class.:"
N/A25074"TF_Competitive_HighestRank" "Maior patente:"
2507525075"[english]TF_Competitive_HighestRank" "Highest Rank:"
2507625076"TF_Competitive_Score" "Pontos:"
2507725077"[english]TF_Competitive_Score" "Score:"
2513325133"[english]TF_Spectators" "SPECTATORS"
2513425134"TF_Team_PartyLeader" "Equipe %s"
2513525135"[english]TF_Team_PartyLeader" "Team %s"
25136N/A"game_player_joined_team_party_leader" "%s1 entrou na equipe %s2"
N/A25136"game_player_joined_team_party_leader" "%s1 entrou na %s2"
2513725137"[english]game_player_joined_team_party_leader" "%s1 joined %s2"
25138N/A"game_player_joined_autoteam_party_leader" "%s1 foi automaticamente designado(a) para a equipe %s2"
N/A25138"game_player_joined_autoteam_party_leader" "%s1 foi automaticamente designado(a) para a %s2"
2513925139"[english]game_player_joined_autoteam_party_leader" "%s1 was automatically assigned to %s2"
2514025140"TF_CompSummary_StatsAndMedals" "ESTATÍSTICAS E MEDALHAS"
2514125141"[english]TF_CompSummary_StatsAndMedals" "STATS AND MEDALS"
2515525155"[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades_style2" "Style 3"
2515625156"TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style1" "Escura - Sem granadas"
2515725157"[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style1" "Dark - Hide Grenades"
25158N/A"TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style2" "Clara - Com granadas"
N/A25158"TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style2" "Clara - Sem granadas"
2515925159"[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style2" "Light - Hide Grenades"
2516025160"TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style3" "Escura"
2516125161"[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style3" "Dark"
2521125211"[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Title" "Exit Search?"
2521225212"TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Confirm" "A busca será cancelada ao sair desta tela. Continuar?"
2521325213"[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Confirm" "Leaving this screen will remove you from the search queue. Proceed?"
N/A25214"TF_jul13_koolboy_style1" "Compartilhar é amar"
N/A25215"[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style1" "Sharing is Caring"
N/A25216"TF_jul13_koolboy_style2" "Tudo meu"
N/A25217"[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style2" "Sharing is for Wusses"
N/A25218"TF_jul13_koolboy_style3" "Criti-cooler"
N/A25219"[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style3" "Crit-a-Cooler"
N/A25220"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style0" "Bom"
N/A25221"[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style0" "Good"
N/A25222"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style1" "Mau"
N/A25223"[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style1" "Bad"
N/A25224"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style2" "Feio"
N/A25225"[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style2" "Ugly"
N/A25226"TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style1" "Estilo 1"
N/A25227"[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style1" "Style 1"
N/A25228"TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style2" "Estilo 2"
N/A25229"[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style2" "Style 2"