Template:PatchDiff/April 25, 2016 Patch/tf/resource/tf tchinese.txt
1161211612"TF_AllFather" "眾神之父"
1161311613"[english]TF_AllFather" "The All-Father"
1161411614"TF_AllFather_Desc" "在人類文明的歷史中,白色鬍子儼然變成了智慧和地位的象徵。但現在戴上這個火箭兵和重裝兵專用的鬍子後,就能夠對世界展示鬍子和愚蠢的結合。推翻他們吧,人類文明!"
11615N/A"[english]TF_AllFather_Desc" "Throughout the history of civilization, the white beard has come to symbolize wisdom and status. Show the world it's possible to be bearded AND stupid with this Heavy- and Soldier-specific face-nest. Shove it, civilization!"
N/A11615"[english]TF_AllFather_Desc" "Throughout the history of civilization, the white beard has come to symbolize wisdom and status. Show the world it's possible to be bearded AND stupid with this face-nest. Shove it, civilization!"
1161611616"TF_JingleHell" "叮叮鈴鐺"
1161711617"[english]TF_JingleHell" "The Jingle Belt"
1161811618"TF_JingleHell_Desc" "鈴聲會在小火慢烤的受害者耳邊響起。"