Template:PatchDiff/May 1, 2020 Patch/tf italian.txt
1078410784"[english]TF_PyroHat3" "The Flamboyant Flamenco"
1078510785"TF_PyroHat3_Desc" "Aiuta i tuoi nemici a celebrare il Giorno dei Morti indossando questo cappello e uccidendoli."
1078610786"[english]TF_PyroHat3_Desc" "Help your enemies celebrate Day of the Dead by wearing this hat and then killing them."
10787N/A"TF_EngineerHat2" "Il Casco della Realtà Virtuale"
N/A10787"TF_EngineerHat2" "Il visore VR"
1078810788"[english]TF_EngineerHat2" "The Virtual Reality Headset"
1078910789"TF_EngineerHat2_Desc" "Con queste addosso, potrai far finta di stare vincendo."
1079010790"[english]TF_EngineerHat2_Desc" "With these on, you can pretend you're winning."