Template:User Autistic

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Autism Awareness Ribbon.png This user is on the autistic spectrum, and has an unspecified autism spectrum disorder.

Documentation for User Autistic

Userbox for people on the autistic spectrum, with support for specifying ASD types, with a puzzle piece ribbon or infinity variant.


{{User Autistic|1}}


The specific type of ASD. If left empty, defaults to "an unspecified autism spectrum disorder".
If set to yes, it uses the infinity symbol instead of the default puzzle piece ribbon.


{{User Autistic|autism}} produces:

Autism Awareness Ribbon.png This user is on the autistic spectrum, and has autism.

{{User Autistic|pathological demand avoidance}} produces:

Autism Awareness Ribbon.png This user is on the autistic spectrum, and has pathological demand avoidance.

{{User Autistic|autism|infinity=yes}} produces:

This user is on the autistic spectrum, and has autism.

{{User Autistic|pathological demand avoidance|infinity=yes}} produces:

This user is on the autistic spectrum, and has pathological demand avoidance.