Template talk:Used by

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A technical request for "Used by" template

I was told to move the discussion here so here it is. "Localized versions of this template are not necessary." Well, they actually are needed, due to inflection of words in some languages. For Polish, "{{Used by|all}}" and "{{Used by|Soldier|etc.}}" sound fine, but "{{Used by|all-except|" needs translation switching, as it sounds very bad when names of classes are not inflected. I don't know about other languages, but some may require it too. For Polish, here's how it should look to be grammatically correct (only for "{{Used by|all-except|"):

Scout = Skauta
Soldier = Żołnierza
Pyro = Pyro
Demoman = Demomana
Heavy = Grubego
Enginner = Inżyniera
Medic = Medyka
Sniper = Snajpera
Spy = Szpiega

User Denied signature.jpg Denied (Talk) 08:13, 15 February 2024 (UTC)

Can you provide some examples of the expected output? In this format:
Current output:    {{Used by|all-except|Pyro|Soldier}} generates [...]
Expected output: {{Used by|all-except|Pyro|Soldier}} should generate [...]
Tark 20:00, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
Sorry for the late response. I didn't receive any notification. Here's how it should look:
Current output:    {{Used by|all-except|Pyro|Soldier}} generates (Wszystkie klasy (oprócz Pyro i Żolnierz)
Expected output: {{Used by|all-except|Pyro|Soldier}} should generate (Wszystkie klasy (oprócz Pyro i Żolnierza)
Only Pyro remains unchanged. Every other class is changed as show in the first comment.
User Denied signature.jpg Denied (Talk) 20:40, 13 October 2024 (UTC)
Does this look okay to you? Strings are stored here. — Tark 15:43, 2 December 2024 (UTC)
Yes it looks okay. How to use it (for example {{used by|all-except|Scout|Soldier}}) to make it work? User Denied signature.jpg Denied (Talk) 14:33, 9 December 2024 (UTC)