Unusual kvalita
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Unusual Napper's Respite
Klobouk (úroveň 73)
★ Unusual efekt: Circling Heart
Po dlouhém dni pálení Scoutů.
Unusual je jedna z kvalit předmětů, nejčastěji používaná k označení jednotlivých klobouků s různými speciálními efekty. Jedinou cestou k získání unusual klobouku je odemknutí Mann Co. Supply krabice pomocí klíče, nebo skrze výměnný obchod. Unusual verze klobouků bylo možné také získat odemčením Festive winter krabice speciálním Festive klíčem během akce Australian Christmas.
[hide]- 1 Další unusual předměty
- 2 Přehled unusual efektů
- 3 Seznam Unusual předmětů
- 4 Minulé změny
Další unusual předměty
Dva další předměty byly vydány ve Scream Fortress patchi: Haunted Metal Scrap a Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker. Narozdíl od unusual klobouků nemají tyto předměty žádný zvláštní efekt. Kromě toho, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker funguje naprosto stejně jako Eyelander a jeho unusual kvalita je pouze kosmetická.
Hexadecimální barevný kód pro unusual kvalitu je #8650AC.
Přehled unusual efektů
Prvních 14 efektů bylo přidáno do hry s Mann-Conomy Update, 8 dalších unusual effektu bylo Přidáno s Patch z 18. srpna 2011 a dalších 7 efektů bylo přidáno s Patch z 19. června 2013. Unusual effekt Pool byl v jakékoliv krabici pokuď byl v listu získání. Prvních 14 efektů mohli být získány z jakékoli krabice ze Série #1 do Série #25
Standard Series
Standard Unusual effects can be found in specific crate series.
Gen 1
The first generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the Mann-Conomy Update. They can be obtained in crates Series #1 onward.
[sbalit]Unusual efekty 1. série | ||||||
Cosmetic effects | ||||||
Green Confetti | Purple Confetti | Haunted Ghosts | Green Energy | Purple Energy | Circling TF Logo | |
Massed Flies | Burning Flames | Scorching Flames | Searing Plasma | Vivid Plasma | Sunbeams | |
Circling Peace Sign | Circling Heart |
Gen 2
The second generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the Patch z 18. srpna 2011. They can be obtained in crates Series #26 onward.
[sbalit]Unusual efekty 2. série | ||||||
Cosmetic effects | ||||||
Stormy Storm | Blizzardy Storm | Nuts n' Bolts | Orbiting Planets | Orbiting Fire | Bubbling | |
Smoking | Steaming |
Gen 3
The third and current generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the Patch z 19. června 2013. They can be obtained in crates and cases Series #59 onward.
[sbalit]Unusual efekty 3. série | ||||||
Cosmetic effects | ||||||
Kill-a-Watt | Terror-Watt | Cloud 9 | RED | BLU | Dead Presidents | |
Aces High | ||||||
Miami Nights | Disco Beat Down |
Community Sparkle
An exclusive Unusual effect was added in the First Community Contribution Update. It is automatically applied to Community and Self-Made items.
[rozbalit]List of Community Sparkle effects |
Scream Fortress Series
Scream Fortress Unusual effects can be found in specific Scream Fortress crates. During Scream Fortress events, they're available in all other crate series.
Very Scary Halloween Special
The first Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the Very Scary Halloween Special. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
[rozbalit]List of Very Scary Halloween Special Unusual effects |
Spectral Halloween Special
The second Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the Spectral Halloween Special. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
[rozbalit]List of Spectral Halloween Special Unusual effects |
Scream Fortress V
The third Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress V update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
[rozbalit]List of Scream Fortress V Unusual effects |
Scream Fortress VI
The fourth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VI update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
[rozbalit]List of Scream Fortress VI Unusual effects |
Scream Fortress VII
The fifth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VII update. They could only be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case.
[rozbalit]List of Scream Fortress VII Unusual effects |
Scream Fortress VIII
The sixth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VIII update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Creepy Crawly Case.
[rozbalit]List of Scream Fortress VIII Unusual effects |
Scream Fortress X
The seventh Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress X update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Violet Vermin Case.
[rozbalit]List of Scream Fortress X Unusual effects |
Scream Fortress XI
The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress XI update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Spooky Spoils Case.
[rozbalit]List of Scream Fortress XI Unusual effects |
Smissmas Series
Smissmas Unusual effects can be found in specific Smissmas crates. During Smissmas events, they're available in all other crate series.
Smissmas 2019
The first and current Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the Smissmas 2019 update. Currently, they can be obtained in any crate.
[rozbalit]List of Smissmas 2019 Unusual effects |
Robotic Boogaloo
An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Robotic Boogaloo update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Robo Community Crate.
[rozbalit]List of Robotic Boogaloo Unusual effects |
Love & War Update
An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Love & War Update. They can be obtained through Taunt Unusualifiers.
[rozbalit]List of Love & War Update Unusual effects |
End of the Line Update
An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the End of the Line Update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening an End of the Line Community Crate.
[rozbalit]List of End of the Line Update Unusual effects |
Gun Mettle Update
An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Gun Mettle Update. They can be obtained through Decorated cases.
With the introduction of the Jungle Inferno Update, the Energy Orb effect has been removed from the Unusual effect pool due to issues with it disappearing and/or not fitting some weapons properly. Only the three remaining effects can be obtained now.
[rozbalit]List of Gun Mettle Update Unusual effects |
Invasion Community Update
An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Invasion Community Update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Confidential Collection Case or a Quarantined Collection Case.
[rozbalit]List of Invasion Community Update Unusual effects |
Seznam Unusual předmětů
Minulé změny
Patch z 30. září 2010 (Mann-Conomy Update)
- [Nezmíněno] Přidána unusual kvalita
Patch z 18. srpna 2011 (Manno-Technology Bundle)
- [Nezmíněno] Přidány Stormy Storm, Blizzardy Storm, Nuts n' Bolts, Orbiting Planets, Orbiting Fire, Bubbling, Smoking, Steaming unusual efekty.
- Opraven efekt Sluneční paprsky
Patch z 27. října 2011 (Very Scary Halloween Special)
- [Nezmíněno] Přidány Cloudy Full Moon, Orbiting Cloudy Full Moon, Orbiting Dark Fire, Orbiting Jack-O'-Lantern, Orbiting Shells, Green Bubbles unusual efekty.