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AlonBru The Great's User Page

My user page... I promise I'll find some time to invest in it, and make it better. oh, and can anybody teach me how to make a picture be of less resulution? thanks...

Alon Bru The Great
Basic information
Icon: Killicon backstab.png
Gender: Male
Health: 125
Speed: 100% faster than you, knuckle head!
Birth place: Israel, Earth, Milky-Way
Native language: Hebrew, English, random French words
Age: 14
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Spy
Favourite maps: Dustbowl
Favourite weapons: Knife
Favourite hats: Cosa Nostra Cap
Favourite miscellaneous items: Made Man
Contact information
Steam page: click here


As this title implies, I have several things that I am intending to trade for the right buyer, so if you are interested in anything from this list, or if you see something you like in my invertory, contact me at the mail provided above,or add me as a friend in steam, and I will love to hear from you.

Personality Boxes

'cause life doesnt really mean anything without them;

Flag Israel.png This user is Israeli. !שלום

Paint Can 654740.png This user loves the Paint An Air of Debonair and paints everything that color.

Dead Ringer.png This user has spent way too many hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!

Tf sniper be polite.png This user is polite

Tf sniper be efficient.png This user is efficient

Tf sniper kill everyone you meet.png This user is has a plan to kill everyone he meets

Tf spy sapsucker.png This user is a fan of sharp suits and even sharper knives