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Who is Antwon?

Antwon is a thoroughly British chap who thought, after 3 years of playing, that it was time to start making some sort of contribution to the community. He aims to help the Wiki in any way possible, primarily through improvements to language to make things clearer and more entertaining to read. Where necessary, he will impart his TF2-related titbits of knowledge on any topic that may require it.

What does Antwon enjoy doing?

  • Airblasting people off the cliff in arena_offblast.
  • E-rectin' a dispenser.
  • Surprise melee attacks.
  • Finding new ways of using weapons, regardless of how effective they actually are.
  • Painting hats.
  • Painting the same hats different colours because they looked wrong the first time.
  • Playing Spy, Medic and Pyro.
  • Pretending to be good at Team Fortress.
  • Editing Wikis.

Yep. Antwon 19:25, 10 January 2011 (UTC)