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Welcome to my wiki page...Which is useless in the way of editing this page because I don't know why I'm editing this..But anyway.

Who's best3000

Me..Of course!

My name is : Tanakorn

Age : 15

Country : Thailand :D

Steam ID is : best300000

Steam Nickname is : [lost] best-3000 [Th]

Feel free too add me at anytime..


Feel free to stop and rest on this page..There's nothing untill I add more info in here.

Thanks for reading.

Oh wait

Be sure to join my group

Which is my group..For Team Fortress 2

What's point of that?

The point is giving away of hats in Team fortress 2

Just because I'm not quiting Team Fortress 2..I just wanted people to have fun..and stuff..So. Thanks for joining it or just passing away.