“ | He is pretty awesome... can i get my five dollars now?
— Anonymous on Deathsbman
” |
Deathsbman is a scrumpy-swilling bloke from New Zealand. A master of Paper Airplanes,Deathsbman strategically deals indirect and mid-range combat and massive splash damage. Armed with his Paper,Deathsbman uses his only good eye and the knowledge of his surrounding environment for well-timed folds that send enemies skyward, often in Awe. Should anyone get past his paper-y ordinance however, they will be shocked to learn deathsbman is extremely proficient at Pen Spinning, being one of the deadliest spinners in the universe, with a variety of powerful Pens (and Pencils) in his arsenal.
Deathsbman excels at swift throws; he can steer his planes at creative angles to wreak havoc on enemys while remaining safely out of sight. His pens are a perfect tool for area denial, and are effective at keeping opponents away from any carts, control points, or Intelligence that he deems off-limits.
Later, at the Auckland Grammar School for Orphans near Auckland in the New Zealand Highlands, the boy's plane-making skills improved dramatically. His disposition and total number of brain cells, however, did not.Word of his proficiency with Planes spread, and it was not long before Auckland Grammar received two visitors; the Demomans real parents, who lovingly explained that all Plane Builders are abandoned at birth until their skills manifest themselves, a long-standing, cruel, and wholly unnecessary tradition among the New Zealand Plane Builders. His happy childhood had ended, but his training had just begun.
Okay though He recently had a nasty tussle with a Daddy Long Legs.
Pretty Slow
Basic strategy
Throw planes, Spin Pens.
- Paper
- Pens
- Pencils
Cosmetic items
A few shirts and shorts.
Won a pie eating contest once.
Update history
10/12 Born
Unused content
I haven't used my toothbrush in a while.
Only that damned daddy long legs.
I'm a pretty cool guy
Related merchandise
I have a pair of sunglasses you could buy from me I guess.
See also
My Steam account My Reddit account Stuff happens there IDK