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Well don't that beat all?!
— ”'The Engineer”' on ”'Classic Gameplay”'

Team Fortress 2 Classic is a server mod that adds Grenades, Bunny Hopping, and some of the original weapons from the first Team Fortress. It is developed and run by ^Pb|Mystery and ^Pb|Chicken.




Each class in TF2C has a primary grenade and a secondary grenade and some classes have a third grenade.

Class Grenade Name Damage* Attributes
Leaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class engineer.pngLeaderboard class medic.pngLeaderboard class spy.png Leaderboard class heavy.pngLeaderboard class pyro.png
Multiple Classes
User Digivee Primary grenade.PNG
Primary Grenade
133 Explodes a large radius around it.
Leaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class medic.png
Scout and Medic
User Digivee Secondary grenade conc.PNG
Conc Grenade
None Pushes the user and nearby enemies, allowing for momentum and air to be gained.
Leaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class heavy.pngHeavy and Demoman User Digivee Secondary grenade demo.PNG
Mirv Grenade
135 (90 per stick, total of 5 sticks) Explodes twice, one large explosion, and multiple smaller explosions.
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer User Digivee Secondary grenade engie.PNG
EMP Grenade
N/A Explodes all enemies near by if a Demoman of Soldier is hit by the grenade. Also Removes enemy spy disguises.
Leaderboard class medic.png
User Digivee Medic third grenade.PNG
Holy Hand Grenade
None Heals all teammates within range to full health and slowly harms enemies until they are healed or dead.
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout User Digivee Secondary grenade engie.PNG
Flash Grenade
N/A Disorientates the user and any enemies around him.
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier User Digivee Soldier secondary grenade.PNG
Nail Grenade
80 Explodes and harms an enemy at several intervals.