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= Welcome on Driv3n's page ! =

Basic information
Icon: Killicon half-zatoichi.png
Type: Translator, Fan of TF2, and Achievements Hunter
Health: 124
Speed: Too speed for you!
— I'm a wiki user since February 2011. I try to help the community as I can. I'm a achievements hunter too, I get 2250 through 184 games of my steam account. Please help me to become a great user ! Driv3n


  • 'Driv3n (February 13, 1987 - not dead) is a translator of Team Fortress 2 Wiki. He live's at Lille, on the north of France since 8 years. Before he lives at Lodève and Grasse (in the south of France).
  • This favorite games during long years was [|Day of Defeat], he plays with eDc and JIN-ROH teams.
  • Since 2009, he decides to change his way of play and buy many games as Team Fortress 2 and play all of games for the steam Achievements. Actually he gets 2250 achievements.

My Pre-orders for TF2 items

PRE-ORDERED Left 4 Dead 2

PRE-ORDERED Worms Reloaded

PRE-ORDERED Poker Night at the Inventory

PRE-ORDERED Monday Night Combat!



PRE-ORDERED Total War : Shogun 2


Flag France.png This user is French, Gentlemen.
Edit icon.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki editor.
2-dice-icon.png This user loves surfing the Wiki via Random Page.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
User Translator.png This user translates Team Fortress 2 to a language other than English.

Tf medic heal under fire.png This user has made over 14 edits to the Team Fortress Wiki!
Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 5121 days.

Speech mediccall.png This user constantly calls for MEDIC!
User LordKelvin Spycheck.png This user HATES Spies.
Spy No smoking.png No smoking please!
Trading parcel.png This user loves to trade items.
Backpack Name Tag.png This user loves to rename their items.

Item icon Cheater's Lament.png This user owns the Cheater's Lament.
Backpack Mann Co. Cap.png This user owns the Mann Co. Cap.
Backpack Treasure Hat.png This user owns the Treasure Hat.
Item icon Bill's Hat.png This user owns Bill's Hat.
RED Ellis' Cap.png Has this user ever told you about the time they got Ellis' Cap?
Frying Pan.png This user owns the Frying Pan.
Backpack RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code.png This user isn't going to redeem their RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code.
Item icon Sun-on-a-Stick.png This user owns a Genuine Sun-On-A-Stick.
Item icon Dealer's Visor.png This user owns the Dealer's Visor.
Poker Night Icon.png This user possesses all of the buy-in items from Poker Night at the Inventory.
Backpack Spine-Chilling Skull.png This user owns the Spine-Chilling Skull.
Backpack Ghastly Gibus.png This user owns the Ghastly Gibus.
Item icon Foster's Facade.png This user owns Foster's Facade.
Backpack Stockbroker's Scarf.png This user owns the Stockbroker's Scarf.
Item icon Alien Swarm Parasite.png This user has earned the Alien Swarm Parasite hat.
Item icon Athletic Supporter.png This user owns the Athletic Supporter.
Item icon Superfan.png This user owns the Superfan.
Item icon Essential Accessories.png This user owns the Essential Accessories.
Item icon Max's Severed Head.png This user owns Max's Severed Head.
Item icon Big Kill.png This user owns the Big Kill.
Lumbricus Lid Helmet.png This user owns the Lumbricus Lid.
Item icon Concheror.png This user owns a Genuine Concheror.
Item icon Conniver's Kunai.png This user owns a Genuine Conniver's Kunai.
Item icon Fan O'War.png This user owns a Genuine Fan O'War.
Item icon Noh Mercy.png This user owns a Genuine Noh Mercy.
Item icon Half-Zatoichi.png This user owns a Genuine Half-Zatoichi.
Item icon Dread Knot.png This user owns a Genuine Dread Knot.
Item icon Samur-Eye.png This user owns a Genuine Samur-Eye.
Item icon Geisha Boy.png This user owns a Genuine Geisha Boy.
Item icon Hero's Hachimaki.png This user owns a Genuine Hero's Hachimaki.
Backpack Humanitarian's Hachimaki.png This user donated to American Red Cross through buying the Humanitarian's Hachimaki.
Backpack Benefactor's Kanmuri.png This user donated to American Red Cross through buying the Benefactor's Kanmuri.
Backpack Magnanimous Monarch.png This user donated to American Red Cross through buying the Magnanimous Monarch.
Item icon Gentle Manne's Service Medal.png This user is one of the 11,112 owners of the Gentle Manne's Service Medal.
Dueling Medal Bronze.png This user owns a Bronze Dueling Badge.
Scout Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.

Achieved.png This user has earned 336 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 65%!

My favorite Item

Backpack Magnanimous Monarch.png

"Magnanimous Monarch"
Level 10
Supporting Japanese Disaster Relief

My Backpack

Template:Item checklist

External Links