User:K-Mac/Teams (Classic)
There are four teams which a player can join upon entering a game: Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. Spectator may also be joined to watch players of any team. If the teams have an unequal amount of players, the larger team may be unable to be joined, dependent on the server's settings. The players on each team may be displayed along with their score by pressing the "Tab" button (by default). You may also switch teams by using the "n" key (by default), as long as your team has at least one more player than the opposing team. If a team is two or more players larger than the other, a team balance may be triggered, also dependent on server settings.
When in a team, you will find yourself with a number of players with whom you must co-operate to achieve your overall objectives. Most maps feature only the Red or Blue team. Sometimes this will involve fighting on an Attack/Defend maps, where one team will typically be attacking while the other defends on an asymmetrical map, or struggling to capture a flag or hold a control point in a Capture the Flag or Control Point map, respectively. On these maps, generally, both teams have equal objectives and the layout is typically symmetrical, with the only differences between the two sides being aesthetic. Assassination/Escort are unique as they will usually offer an additional class and an additional team (Yellow). One team will be the VIP, or person being escorted, another team will be the bodyguards, and the final team will be the assassins.
ON the Attack/Defend style maps, Red team acts as the defending team and Blue team are the attackers. Red and blue are equally represented on the Control Point, Capture the Flag Maps and Deathmatch official maps. Assassination/Escort maps typically involve the Civilian class being on the Blue team and being escorted by the Red team as bodyguards. Yellow team is also included as the assassins.The Green team is currently only used on custom maps and Deathmatch maps.
Working as a team is very important in Team Fortress Classic, as each class has various weaknesses which can be compensated for by the strengths or abilities of a different class. Often, working with others is the only way to accomplish the goals of a map.
Team Members
A team will consist of a mix of the game's 10 classes. The class type can be restricted on certain types of maps and should be chosen accordingly for a given map/enemy.
The Classes are as follows:
- Scout - Rapid Flag Capturer
The Scout is a wise choice when capturing flags quickly when defense is not established due to his fast running ability. The Scout's lower health and lack of hand grenades makes it difficult to capture flags on well established defenses unless teamwork is utilized.
- Sniper - Assassination
The Sniper is ideal for eliminating all enemies with a precise head shot. In particular, flag carriers and individuals advancing toward a control point should be targeted.
- Soldier - Offensive Support
The Soldier is a highly versatile class for both offensive and defensive roles. Higher health and armor provide plenty of protection. Slow moving speeds can be a hindrance but the Soldier can make up for this in his firepower.
- Demoman - Detonation
The Demoman has a specialized role by providing both offensive and defensive support. Detonation packs can be used on some maps to enable alternate routes for an offensive team, or can be used to restrict movement of an enemy team while playing defense. High firepower and powerful grenades are useful on any style of game play.
- Medic - Flag Capturer and Combat Medic
The Medic's fast speed and above par health allows him to be a versatile flag capturer for many scenarios. However, the Medic has an important support role to heal any teammate with his Medkit. Over healing allows for 50 additional health points which is useful for both offense and defense. The Medic an also infect enemies and cure teammates' infections.
- HWGuy - Defensive Support
The Heavy Weapons Guy is the heaviest class in Team Fortress Classic. This is caused by significantly more armor than any other class. Having the additional armor causes him to walk slower than any other class but it also makes him move less from explosions. His auto-cannon is a powerful gun that provides a devastating array of bullets.
- Pyro - Pyro-technician
The Pyro is an offensive class that provides support for all other classes. The short range flamethrower is effective against enemies and the incendiary cannon provides excellent long range support. Boasting full health and high armor levels allows the Pyro to stay alive longer than the lighter offensive class.
- Spy - Covert Elimination
The Spy has a significant role in the Team Fortress Classic realm. Disguising as enemies allows the Spy to covertly eliminate sentry guns and any other enemy. While disguised, Spies are able to throw grenades without losing said disguise. Also, Spies can instantly kill any class with a backstab.
- Engineer - Support
The Engineer is an excellent support class. Having low health and low armor makes the engineer extremely vulnerable; however, the Engineer can fabricate buildings that provide defense and support to the entire team. He can make Sentry guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters. Sentry guns are strong automatic guns that target only enemies. Dispensers provide ammunition to any player touching it. Teleporters can transport teammates to almost anywhere on a map, depending upon where the engineer builds the Teleporter exit.
- Civilian - The VIP
The Civilian is a low health class with no armor. Typically, he acts as a VIP that is targeted by assassins, and escorted by other players. He is only armed with an umbrella. Caution should be used when playing as Civilian as he only has a max health of 50 hp.
In spectator mode you can watch the game from the perspective of any of the participating players, or roam around freely. In this mode you will take up a server slot. The spectator camera will automatically try and seek out a player when you join spectator.
When spectating, you may use the primary and secondary fire button to cycle through different players, and the spacebar key to switch between a first and third person perspective, or go into "noclip" mode (fly freely around the map, passing right through everything). Hitting the ctrl key allows the player to select options from a menu.