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Dead Heat Icon.png As of 20 February, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 14 years, 0 months, 8 days (since {{{day}}} , {{{year}}}).

Flag Poland.png This user is Polish. Dzień dobry.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
{{ }} This user knows how to edit templates and can create them too.
Tf medic heal under fire.png This user has made over 150 edits to the Team Fortress Wiki!
Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 5409 days.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
pl Polski jest językiem ojczystym tego użytkownika.
User LordKelvin Spycheck.png This user HATES Spies.
Engineer Update Gunslinger.png This user is an offensineer.
"You ladies shoulda' oughta' brought some menfolk with ya."
RED Level 1 Sentry Gun.png This user is buildin' a Sentry
Item icon Alien Swarm Parasite.png This user has earned the Alien Swarm Parasite hat.
Poker Night Icon.png This user possesses all of the buy-in items from Poker Night at the Inventory.
Backpack Black Rose.png This user owns the Black Rose.
Backpack Ghastlierest Gibus.png This user owns the Ghastlierest Gibus.
Melee icon Wrench.png Wrench smashin' mah Spy!
RED Team Captain Soldier.png This user owns a Team Captain that almost looks like the Wiki Cap from a mile away.
BLU Wiki Cap.png This user wants a Wiki Cap.
Portal2.png This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
User Orange box.png This user owns The Orange Box.
g This user plays Garry's Mod.
UserboxBF3.jpg This user plays Battlefield 3.
Intel Logo.png This user's computer has Intel inside.
ATI Logo.png This user games with ATI.
Acer Logo.png This user's computer is an Acer.
Firefox Quantum Logo.png This user uses Firefox as his web browser.