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On March 30th, 2024, I decided to quit everything related to TF2. I just do not want to be a part of everything on the internet.
This is my final message from me. Good bye.

123rse님, howtoplaytf2happy님, yellow devil님, ValS님, Hamn님 등등 모든 한국 번역가 여러분, 모두 감사했습니다.

Hi, I'm Nihil. I was a translater & editer from December 24th, 2022 to February 29th, 2024.      This user is South Korean. 반가워요!

I mainly updated old korean documents.

The goal was to have nothing to translate/edit, and I did my best to reach my goal. Now it's other people's turn.

To be frank, I kinda wanted to get Wiki Cap. Not because I want to show off to people, but because I at least wanted to get credit for contributing for Korean TF2 wiki.

I think it won't happen, but I'm okay with it.

What I'm proud of

Korean TF2 wiki translation progress



See also


I received a few of wikichievements. Thank you!

Only two people appreciated my works on wiki. Maybe I should've started translating a few years earlier, and maybe you guys should've given attention to more people and appreciated their works way more...
