User:PootisBram0001\Slender Mod

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Slender Mod

This mod is a Knock off version of Slender : The eight pages but this mod is VERY hard to find , Searching this mod can be quite difficult and may appear on some countries (cities)


Like the slender Game , the player(s) have to search the map for 8 pages , and try to avoid Slenderman , Slenderman Cannot be affected by weapons , in some servers , weapons are taken away and trying to attack him will result in death , if a player has god mode , slenderman will not be harmed for he is a mere picture or entity, Maps include "the original" forest layout , a tight corridor house , and a mansion or party area , also , the server makes players use bind f to impulse 100 to allow players to use a flash light , the player(s) weapon model or hand will become lit with white light , if the player turns off the flashlight , they will see the "Combine Vision" which is also usable in Half life 2 Commands

The enemy

Slenderman is the first enemy , he appears in the game when a page is found , and if a player spots him , they will recieve a speed boost and they must run away , or they will recieve static and die

SCP - 173

He appears at the end when all players find all 8 pages , when done the screen says : YOU MUST ESCAPE , and a timer will appear along with scp spawned in the map , players have 1 minute and 30 seconds to escape SCP - 173 , slenderman is removed when all 8 pages are collected , if the players die in escape mode , they are either placed in a waiting room (Not scary usually haves a rave) or gets kicked out of the server.

Note : There are no available pictures here , for other users please edit this because , i am new at this , i cant place pics tell me by email and i will make better wiki pages for this site :3

Codes for the game:

- Impulse 100 - bind f"impulse 100 (same as the one above ^)

Fooling commands

- buddha - addcond 11 , 51 , 5 , 19 - noclip - itemtest (use any weapon but unable to use your loadout) - bot (cannot be used as ally , no bot mappoints are made)

Note : The server MAY allow cheats , but do not take advantage of using it , for you may Anger some the admin or cause other players to copy you

By : Pootis "Comrad" Bram ( not real name )

Note : Do not remove this name