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I'm doing this stuff! It may suck now, but I'll make it better :3

Meet the Sly

Speech voice.png Steam tray.png Backpack Disguise Kit.png TF2 backpack P Want.png
Talk Steam My Stats My backpack Contributions
Tf2 100.png This user has logged 100 hours total in Team Fortress 2.
Knife ready to Backstab 1st person red.png This user is a Backstabber!
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent way too many hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
Backpack case.png This user has a Team Fortress 2 Backpack that cannot be found. How sad.
Gentle Manne Crop.png This user owns 0 hats! (Probably -1 more than you do, you poor, Irish bastard.)
Achieved.png This user has earned 0 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 0%!
Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which he won't tell you about.
Photoshop icon.png This user knows his way around Photoshop.

User Boxes

en This user has a native understanding of English.
ja-1 この利用者は初級の日本語ができます。
Flag America.png This user is American, pardner!
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 22 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 14 years, 1 month, 10 days (since {{{day}}} , {{{year}}}).

User Spy.png This user is a Spy.
“You know, hiding won’t save you.”
User Demopan.png This user is a Demopan.
“Stout Shako for 2 Refined!”

BLUicon.gif This user is an employee of BLU.
Tf sniper jarate chop.png This user is a piss sniper.
User Soldier F5.gif This user vigorously mashes F5 upon any new TF2 update.

Poker Night Icon.png This user possesses all of the buy-in items from Poker Night at the Inventory.
Backpack Lo-Fi Longwave.png This user is manly enough to wear a Lo-Fi Longwave with some number.
Gette it Onne!.png This good sir loves to play in Medieval mode, they say.
BLU Bombcart.png This user likes to push it. P-push it real good.
PLR carts 2.png This user thinks his cart is faster than your cart.
Item icon Alien Swarm Parasite.png This user has earned the Alien Swarm Parasite hat.
Backpack Bounty Hat.png This user owns the Bounty Hat.
RED Ellis' Cap.png Has this user ever told you about the time he got Ellis' Cap?
Frying Pan.png This user owns the Frying Pan.
Backpack Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.png This user owns the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.
Backpack Ghastlier Gibus.png This user owns the Ghastlier Gibus.
Backpack Mann Co. Cap.png This user owns the Mann Co. Cap.
Item icon B.M.O.C..png This user owns the B.M.O.C.
Item icon Spiral Sallet.png This user owns the Spiral Sallet.
Backpack Black Rose.png This user owns the Black Rose.
Backpack Bolt Action Blitzer.png This user owns the Bolt Action Blitzer.
Xbox 360 Logo.png This user plays TF2 on an Xbox 360.
Xbox 360 Logo.png This user's gamertag is: Slypherist.
User kinect spycrab.jpg This user is eagerly awaiting the release of Kinect Spycrab.

g This user plays Garry's Mod.
User Orange box.png This user owns The Orange Box.
User Jagoba RL Don Patch.gif This user loves absurd humour.
User edikkisin Overuses user boxes.png This user overuses user boxes.