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Hello, this is Solarius Flare, and THIS is my userpage.


I'm mainly a sniper, mate, either that or a spy.

Back when I joined TF2, I started figured things out by practice, I didn't bother to go online because I knew I'd get demolished right away if I didn't get any training, so first, I didd the training missions, then I had training matches with bots. My hard work eventually paid off. Got a few guns and what not, but after playing Sniper I had a whole lotta fun, so I decided that I'd be a sniper the majority of the time.

Snipin's a good job, mate!


  • Average K/D: 1.1
  • Best Classes: Sniper, Spy, Pyro
  • Worst Classes: Scout, Soldier.
  • Kills: Estimated 1700 (Over a thousand for Sniper)
  • Started Playing: June twenty-fourth, Two-thousand eleven.