User:Tark/Audio responses/Dictionary
soldier activatecharge01:
en: hit it doc
soldier activatecharge02:
en: lets go doc
soldier activatecharge03:
en: ready for that charge doc
soldier autocappedcontrolpoint01:
en: now that is what I want to see
soldier autocappedcontrolpoint02:
en: this point is mine do you understand at
soldier autocappedcontrolpoint03:
en: we have commondeered my point
soldier autocappedintelligence01:
en: this is my intelligence
soldier autocappedintelligence02:
en: an dat is how you do it men
soldier autocappedintelligence03:
en: i have rescued my intelligence
soldier autodejectedtie01:
en: we failed men
soldier autodejectedtie02:
en: i will not tolerate failure on my team
soldier autodejectedtie03:
en: oh
soldier autoonfire01:
en: fire fire fire
soldier autoonfire02:
en: I am on fire
soldier autoonfire03:
en: the burning the burning
soldier battlecry01:
en: charge
soldier battlecry02:
en: forward
soldier battlecry03:
en: give em hell boys
soldier battlecry04:
en: last one alive lock the door
soldier battlecry05:
en: attack
soldier battlecry06:
en: ee hee yeah
soldier cartgoingbackdefense01:
en: -
soldier cartgoingbackdefense02:
en: That's it, men! Move that cart back!
soldier cartgoingbackoffense01:
en: Do not let that cart roll back!
soldier cartgoingbackoffense02:
en: The cart needs to go FORWARD!
soldier cartgoingforwarddefense01:
en: Do not let that cart go forward!
soldier cartgoingforwarddefense02:
en: Hold the line, men! Stop that cart!
soldier cartgoingforwarddefense03:
en: Stop that cart!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense01:
en: Move move move!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense02:
en: Push!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense03:
en: I do not see enough pushing!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense04:
en: Push! That is an order!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense05:
en: Push that cart!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense06:
en: Push that cart forward!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense07:
en: PUSH, creampuffs!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense08:
en: PUSH, you apple blossoms!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense09:
en: PUSH, you butter muffins!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense10:
en: Ladies, let's get this cart moving!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense11:
en: You will push this cart or I will push you into a grave!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense12:
en: We will push until there is nothing LEFT to push!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense13:
en: Push!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense14:
en: Keep pushing!
soldier cartgoingforwardoffense15:
en: Push like you mean it!
soldier cartstaycloseoffense01:
en: Get to the cart!
soldier cartstaycloseoffense02:
en: Get to the cart, ladies!
soldier cartstaycloseoffense03:
en: EVERYONE! Get to the cart!
soldier cartstaycloseoffense04:
en: Get to the cart, maggots!
soldier cartstaycloseoffense05:
en: Stick to that cart like glue! That is an order!
soldier cartstaycloseoffense06:
en: Get to the cart! Hup! Hup! Hup!
soldier cartstopitdefense01:
en: Stand next to the cart, damn you!
soldier cartstopitdefense02:
en: Get to the cart!
soldier cartstopitdefense03:
en: You will stand next to that cart or I will STAND YOU next to that cart!
soldier cartstoppedoffense01:
en: Why is that cart stopped, maggots?
soldier cartstoppedoffense02:
en: I do not see a cart moving, ladies!
soldier cartstoppedoffense03:
en: Why is that cart not moving?
soldier cheers01:
en: today is a good day
soldier cheers02:
en: youve done me proud boys
soldier cheers03:
en: every one of you deserves a medal
soldier cheers04:
en: the worm has turned gentlemen
soldier cheers05:
en: boo ya
soldier cheers06:
en: oo ah
soldier cloakedspy01:
en: boys we have a traitor
soldier cloakedspy02:
en: spy in our midst men
soldier cloakedspy03:
en: spy
soldier cloakedspyidentify01:
en: that scout is a spy
soldier cloakedspyidentify02:
en: that soldier is a spy
soldier cloakedspyidentify03:
en: that heavy is a spy
soldier cloakedspyidentify04:
en: that pyro is a spah ee
soldier cloakedspyidentify05:
en: that demoman is a spah ee
soldier cloakedspyidentify06:
en: that medic is a spah ee
soldier cloakedspyidentify07:
en: that engineer is a spah ee
soldier cloakedspyidentify08:
en: that sniper is a spah ee
soldier cloakedspyidentify09:
en: that spy is not one of ours
soldier directhittaunt01:
en: -
soldier directhittaunt02:
en: [war yell]
soldier directhittaunt03:
en: [war yell]
soldier directhittaunt04:
en: [war yell]
soldier dominationdemoman01:
en: DOMINATED, you one-eyed cross dresser!
soldier dominationdemoman02:
en: Consider yourself DOMINATED, you Scotch son of a bitch!
soldier dominationdemoman03:
en: DOMINATED, you skirt-twirling drunk!
soldier dominationdemoman04:
en: I love your death, Cyclops! Your death is SWEET to me, like LOVE is sweet!
soldier dominationdemoman05:
en: Scotland is NOT a real country! You are an Englishman with a dress!
soldier dominationdemoman06:
en: You are like the Cyclops of Greek myth! Except you are Scottish and I HATE YOU!
soldier dominationengineer01:
en: DOMINATED, grease monkey!
soldier dominationengineer02:
en: You just got DOMINATED, toymaker!
soldier dominationengineer03:
en: Stop hiding behind your little toys and FIGHT LIKE A MAN!
soldier dominationengineer04:
en: I will eat your ribs! I will eat them up!
soldier dominationengineer05:
en: That's where books get you, professor!
soldier dominationengineer06:
en: Go back to Calgary, ya cow-herding Canadian!
soldier dominationheavy01:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Sputnik!
soldier dominationheavy02:
en: Stars & Stripes beats Hammer & Sickle. LOOK IT UP!
soldier dominationheavy03:
en: You just got DOMINATED, comrade!
soldier dominationheavy04:
en: DOMINATED, ya red menace!
soldier dominationheavy05:
en: Go play your pinko chess game with the Devil, Commie.
soldier dominationheavy06:
en: This American boot just kicked your ass back to Russia!
soldier dominationheavy07:
en: CHECKMATE, Stalingrad!
soldier dominationmedic01:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Oktoberfest!
soldier dominationmedic02:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Fritz!
soldier dominationmedic03:
en: America wins again!
soldier dominationmedic04:
soldier dominationmedic05:
en: Welcome to the United States of YOU JUST GOT DOMINATED!
soldier dominationmedic06:
en: I'm gonna mail my boot to the Kaiser, with your ass around it!
soldier dominationmedic07:
en: GOTCHA, Herr Doktor!
soldier dominationpyro01:
en: I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe!
soldier dominationpyro02:
en: You cannot burn me! I am ALREADY on fire!
soldier dominationpyro03:
en: You cannot burn me! I am already ablaze with passion! FOR WAR!
soldier dominationpyro04:
en: You cannot burn me! I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO COMBUST!
soldier dominationpyro05:
en: Fire's for cookin' SMORES, son! Get a REAL gun!
soldier dominationpyro06:
en: Your fire-retardant ass just got DOMINATED!
soldier dominationpyro07:
en: Ha! You fight like a GIRL!
soldier dominationpyro08:
en: How you like THAT, All Quiet on the Western Front?
soldier dominationpyro09:
en: Get a haircut, hippie! Just in case...
soldier dominationscout01:
en: DOMINATED, short-pants!
soldier dominationscout02:
en: How's that DOMINATION feel, city boy?
soldier dominationscout03:
en: You kids today don't know how to dominate!
soldier dominationscout04:
en: Less talk! More FIGHT!
soldier dominationscout05:
en: You cannot run from me! My gun is FASTER!
soldier dominationscout06:
en: You run fast. My bullets run FASTER.
soldier dominationscout07:
en: Never bring a bat to a battlefield! War is not a game!
soldier dominationscout08:
en: Your mouth wrote checks! My gun has cashed them!
soldier dominationscout09:
en: Got anything funny to say about THAT, funny man?
soldier dominationscout10:
en: Never send a boy to fight a MAN'S WAR!
soldier dominationscout11:
en: You were in a big fat hurry to die, son.
soldier dominationsniper01:
en: This is not a camping trip, Sheila! This is war and I LOVE IT!
soldier dominationsniper02:
en: You will NOT turn my battlefield into a campground!
soldier dominationsniper03:
en: Now hear this, camper! You are not WANTED on my beloved battlefield!
soldier dominationsniper04:
en: I will send my condolences to your kangaroo wife!
soldier dominationsniper05:
en: You are a coward! And you have DIED like one!
soldier dominationsniper06:
en: The next time you want to kill a man, look him in the eyes!
soldier dominationsniper07:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Bilbo Baggins!
soldier dominationsniper08:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Balbo Biggins!
soldier dominationsniper09:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Babblo Brabbins!
soldier dominationsniper10:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Barbo Bapkins!
soldier dominationsniper11:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Bazbo Bibbins!
soldier dominationsniper12:
en: Aww, am I too VIOLENT for ya, cupcake?
soldier dominationsniper13:
en: Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield!
soldier dominationsniper14:
en: You just got DOMINATED, Bulbo Buttons!
soldier dominationsoldier01:
en: DOMINATED, hippie! Get a job!
soldier dominationsoldier02:
en: You better hope there's hackeysack in HELL, hippie!
soldier dominationsoldier03:
en: You are now a conscientious objector TO BEING DEAD, hippie!
soldier dominationsoldier04:
en: What's the matter, hippie-HAIR get in your eyes?
soldier dominationsoldier05:
en: Get a HAIRCAUT, hippie!
soldier dominationsoldier06:
en: You are a DISGRACE to the uniform!
soldier dominationspy01:
en: GOTCHA, crouton!
soldier dominationspy02:
en: You just got your Frenchy ass DOMINATED!
soldier dominationspy03:
en: 0
soldier dominationspy04:
en: DOMINATED, ya rifle-droppin' coward!
soldier dominationspy05:
en: Hit the showers, Frenchie!
soldier dominationspy06:
en: Yer white flag does not stop American bullets!
soldier dominationspy07:
en: Words cannot express how much I hate France right now!
soldier dominationspy08:
en: Bon voyage, crouton.
soldier go01:
en: go go go charge
soldier go02:
en: move out
soldier go03:
en: lets go
soldier goodjob01:
en: good work
soldier goodjob02:
en: outstanding
soldier goodjob03:
en: nice work
soldier hatoverhearttaunt01:
en: You will not be missed.
soldier hatoverhearttaunt02:
en: I never liked you.
soldier hatoverhearttaunt03:
en: You were loud and ugly. Now you're dead. Amen.
soldier hatoverhearttaunt04:
en: You're dead. That's good. Amen.
soldier hatoverhearttaunt05:
en: Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.
soldier hatoverhearttaunt06:
en: You were good, son. Maybe even the best.
soldier hat taunts14:
en: -
soldier hat taunts15:
en: Son, your hat is writing checks your head cannot cash!
soldier hat taunts16:
en: That is not a hat! That is an excuse to kick your ass!
soldier hat taunts17:
en: That is not a hat! That is proof that you hate America!
soldier hat taunts18:
en: Do you call that a hat? That is a pile of nonsense!
soldier hat taunts19:
en: Son, your fashion sense has gone AWOL!
soldier headleft01:
en: bank left
soldier headleft02:
en: lef face
soldier headleft03:
en: he left housh
soldier headright01:
en: right face
soldier headright02:
en: flank right
soldier headright03:
en: uh right hoosh
soldier helpme01:
en: I need some help
soldier helpme02:
en: need some help here
soldier helpme03:
en: help
soldier helpmecapture01:
en: you will help me capture my point
soldier helpmecapture02:
en: rally round help me cap this point
soldier helpmecapture03:
en: need help capping this point
soldier helpmedefend01:
en: we need to defend this point
soldier helpmedefend02:
en: defend this point
soldier helpmedefend03:
en: you will help me defend my point
soldier helpmedefend04:
en: this is my point and you will help me defend my point
soldier incoming01:
en: incoming
soldier item birdhead domination01:
en: Dominated, candy pants! This is Soldier, by the way. I have an eagle head right now.
soldier item birdhead domination02:
en: Dominated! By the official bird of Libby, Montana. Eagle fact, maggot!
soldier item birdhead domination03:
en: Dominated! By the great seal of the united states of my head!
soldier item birdhead on fire01:
en: Ahhh! My head smells delicious!
soldier item birdhead on fire02:
en: Ow! Ow! Brawk! Fire!
soldier item birdhead round start01:
en: Screaming eagle! AHHHHHH!
soldier item birdhead round start02:
en: The eagle has landed! ON MY HEAD!
soldier item birdhead round start03:
en: I am the perfect avian killing machine!
soldier item birdhead round start04:
en: Eagle head CHARGE!
soldier item birdhead round start05:
en: Merasmus, I hate youuuuu!
soldier item birdhead uber01:
en: Brawk! Brawkbrawkbrawk! BRAWK!
soldier item birdhead uber02:
en: The great eagle scourge returns, hippies!
soldier item maggot domination01:
en: If God had wanted you to live, He would not have made me a mindless puppet of this brain maggot!
soldier item maggot domination02:
en: I joined this team just to kill maggots like you. ! [to maggot] Not you, brain maggot.
soldier item maggot healed01:
en: Ahh. My brain maggot's good as new!
soldier item maggot healed02:
en: That was close. Don't you die on me, brain maggot.
soldier item maggot idle01:
soldier item maggot idle02:
soldier item maggot idle03:
soldier item maggot idle04:
en: You are all maggots! [to maggot] Sorry, brain maggot, I forgot you were there.
soldier item maggot idle05:
en: We're a good team, maggot! YES-WE-ARE -SOLDIER.
soldier item maggot idle06:
en: I love you, brain maggot. Never leave.
soldier item maggot idle07:
en: Surrender now maggots and you will not be harmed! [to maggot] It's just a metaphor, brain maggot.
soldier item maggot idle08:
en: You're a true American, brain maggot.
soldier item maggot idle09:
en: Ha ha ha! You said it, brain maggot!
soldier item maggot idle10:
en: What's that, brain maggot? You're starving? Yeah, I'm hungry too.
soldier item maggot on fire01:
en: Save yourself, brain maggot!
soldier item maggot on fire02:
en: Abandon head, brain maggot!
soldier item maggot round start01:
en: Let's give 'em hell, brain maggot!
soldier item maggot round start02:
en: Tennnn hut! You too, brain maggot!
soldier item maggot round start03:
en: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! There's a maggot eating my brain!
soldier item maggot round start04:
en: Can one of you look at the top of my head. It feels--DO NOT LOOK AT THIS MAN'S HEAD. GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS.
soldier item maggot round start05:
soldier item maggot uber01:
en: You are all maggots, you scum sucking fruit baskets! [to maggot] No offense, brain maggot.
soldier item maggot uber02:
en: You sissified maggot scum have just signed your death warrants! [to maggot] No offense, brain maggot.
soldier item unicorn domination01:
en: Friendship is magic, creampuff.
soldier item unicorn domination02:
en: This pretty pony just kicked a shiny pink hoof up your ass.
soldier item unicorn domination03:
en: Salute the horn, not the man, son.
soldier item unicorn round start01:
en: In this man's unicorn army, you clomp your HOOVES when a superior officer addresses you!
soldier item unicorn round start02:
en: I am a pretty unicorn! I am going to trot into the forest and pick each and every one of you maggots an arrangement of flowers! THEY WILL BE LOVELY! AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR?
soldier item unicorn round start03:
en: Men, these are the facts as I understand them. One: I am the prettiest unicorn. Two: My mane is lustrous and fragrant, and it catches the wind perfectly! DISMISSED!
soldier item unicorn round start04:
en: Let's get one thing straight! You are ALL pretty unicorns! But I AM THE PRETTIEST UNICORN. DID I STUTTER?
soldier item unicorn round start05:
en: I am a unicorn! There are many unicorns like me but I am the prettiest! Sound off like you've GOT a horn!
soldier item unicorn round start06:
en: I am the prettiest unicorn! My mane smells like lavender and my horn grants wishes! Is that understood, maggots?
soldier item unicorn round start07:
en: I don't know but I've been told / I'm a pretty unicorn
soldier item unicorn round start08:
en: I am a pretty unicorn!
soldier item unicorn round start09:
en: I am a unicorn, maggots!
soldier item unicorn round start10:
en: Sound off like you've got a horn!
soldier item wizard domination01:
en: -
soldier item wizard domination02:
en: Want to see a magic trick? Presto, you're dead.
soldier jeers01:
en: boo
soldier jeers02:
en: each and every one of you has failed
soldier jeers03:
en: are you all tryin for a section eight
soldier jeers04:
en: which a you num nuts let us down
soldier jeers05:
en: you have dishonored this entire unit
soldier jeers06:
en: you are the sorriest excuses for soldiers i have ever seen
soldier jeers07:
en: pain is weakness leaving the body
soldier jeers08:
en: down and give me twenty
soldier jeers09:
en: get with the program
soldier jeers10:
en: if i have to crack some skulls I will
soldier jeers11:
en: that was an amazing killing spree by the other team
soldier jeers12:
en: you are all dis honorably discharged
soldier kaboomalts01:
en: Blammo!
soldier kaboomalts02:
en: BOOM!
soldier kaboomalts03:
en: Pa-Pow!
soldier laughevil01:
en: mm ha
soldier laughevil02:
en: mm he
soldier laughevil03:
en: mm ha
soldier laughhappy01:
en: ha he
soldier laughhappy02:
en: eh
soldier laughhappy03:
en: ha
soldier laughlong01:
en: hah
soldier laughlong02:
en: hee
soldier laughlong03:
en: maaa
soldier laughshort01:
en: mm
soldier laughshort02:
en: teh who shay zoo
soldier laughshort03:
en: ah
soldier laughshort04:
en: a
soldier medic01:
en: medic
soldier medic02:
en: medic
soldier medic03:
en: medic
soldier moveup01:
en: move up
soldier moveup02:
en: gear forward
soldier moveup03:
en: move up move up move up
soldier mvm ask ready01:
en: Fall in, men!
soldier mvm ask ready02:
en: Sound off if you're ready!
soldier mvm ask ready03:
en: Man up, ladies!
soldier mvm bomb destroyed01:
en: Bomb-bot has been eliminated!
soldier mvm bomb destroyed02:
en: Ten hut! Bomb is clear!
soldier mvm bomb see01:
en: Bomb!
soldier mvm bomb see02:
en: They got a bomb!
soldier mvm bomb see03:
en: Another bomb!
soldier mvm bomb upgrade01:
en: That bomb-bot's getting angry!
soldier mvm bomb upgrade02:
en: That bomb-bot's getting angrier!
soldier mvm bomb upgrade03:
en: That bomb-bot's on a rampage!
soldier mvm class is dead01:
en: Scout down!
soldier mvm class is dead02:
en: Spy down!
soldier mvm class is dead03:
en: Heavy down!
soldier mvm class is dead04:
en: Soldier down!
soldier mvm class is dead05:
en: Medic down!
soldier mvm class is dead06:
en: Demo down!
soldier mvm class is dead07:
en: Pyro down!
soldier mvm class is dead08:
en: Sniper down!
soldier mvm class is dead09:
en: Engineer down!
soldier mvm close call01:
en: Now that was close...
soldier mvm collect credits01:
en: Grab that cash, boys! We earned it!
soldier mvm collect credits02:
en: The spoils of war!
soldier mvm encourage upgrade01:
en: Men, get to the upgrade stations!
soldier mvm get upgrade01:
en: Ahhh. Much better.
soldier mvm get upgrade02:
en: Well, back to the front.
soldier mvm get upgrade03:
en: Moohoohahaha...
soldier mvm giant robot01:
en: Big robot!
soldier mvm giant robot02:
en: Let's give this soup can HELL!
soldier mvm giant robot03:
en: That big one's got the BOMB!
soldier mvm giant robot04:
en: Big robot's got the bomb, boys!
soldier mvm loot common01:
en: Mine.
soldier mvm loot common02:
en: This is mine now.
soldier mvm loot common03:
en: The are many like it but this one is mine.
soldier mvm loot godlike01:
en: [hushed whisper] This is what the PRESIDENT must feel like ALL THE TIME.
soldier mvm loot godlike02:
en: [hushed whisper] It's PERFECT.
soldier mvm loot godlike03:
en: [hushed whisper] This is what God would use to shoot somebody.
soldier mvm loot rare01:
en: HOLY Mary mother of Joseph!
soldier mvm loot rare02:
en: I will kill any man who tries to take this from me.
soldier mvm loot rare03:
en: Sweet Land of Liberty!
soldier mvm loot rare04:
en: You can have this when you pry it from my cold dead hands. And even then, good luck, because I will have glued it to my cold dead hands.
soldier mvm mannhattan gate atk01:
en: The robots are attacking the gate!
soldier mvm mannhattan gate take01:
en: The robots took the gate!
soldier mvm resurrect01:
en: Tennnn HUT!
soldier mvm resurrect02:
en: Atennntion!
soldier mvm resurrect03:
en: Back from Hell!
soldier mvm resurrect04:
en: Hello again!
soldier mvm resurrect05:
en: Back from the dead and reporting for duty!
soldier mvm resurrect06:
en: I did not have PERMISSION to die!
soldier mvm robot sapped01:
en: Sapping a robot!
soldier mvm robot sapped02:
en: That is a sapped robot!
soldier mvm say ready01:
en: Ready!
soldier mvm say ready02:
en: I am ready.
soldier mvm sentry buster01:
en: Sentry buster!
soldier mvm sentry buster02:
en: Sentry buster eliminated!
soldier mvm sniper01:
en: Sniper!
soldier mvm stand alone01:
en: Just me and you, ladybots!
soldier mvm stand alone02:
en: I am not trapped in a facility full of robots! You are all trapped in here with ME!
soldier mvm tank alert01:
en: Tank!
soldier mvm tank alert02:
en: Tannnnnnk!
soldier mvm tank dead01:
en: Tank is DOWN, men!
soldier mvm tank dead02:
en: Tank has been neutralized!
soldier mvm tank deploy01:
en: The Tank is dropping a bomb!
soldier mvm tank shooting01:
en: Shoot that tank!
soldier mvm tank shooting02:
en: We need to kill the tank!
soldier mvm tank shooting03:
en: Let's kick this robot's ass back to the Bronze Age!
soldier mvm taunt01:
en: You worthless ladybots get back here and FIGHT!
soldier mvm taunt02:
en: Reboot in robot hell, you tin savages!
soldier mvm taunt03:
en: This is not a robot tea party, sparkbags! This is ROBOT WAR!
soldier mvm taunt04:
en: Get a haircut, trash cans!
soldier mvm taunt05:
en: The best part of you ran down your motherboard!
soldier mvm taunt06:
en: You're not a REAL robot.. ARE you, COMRADE?
soldier mvm wave end01:
en: U! S! A!
soldier mvm wave end02:
en: No guts, no GLORY, robots!
soldier mvm wave end03:
en: I will open up your chassis and use you all as a latrine!
soldier mvm wave end04:
en: Human grit always beats robot magic!
soldier mvm wave end05:
en: I have uploaded a BOOT up your metal ASSES!
soldier mvm wave end06:
en: Never forget. Always remember. Pepper fi.
soldier mvm wave end07:
en: All men gave some. Some men gave more than some.
soldier mvm wave end08:
en: You call that a loss? I've CRAPPED bigger losses than that!
soldier mvm wave end09:
en: Let's see them try that TWICE!
soldier mvm wave end10:
en: Well, THAT went pear-shaped fast!
soldier needdispenser01:
en: deploy a dispenser here
soldier needsentry01:
en: deploy a sentry here
soldier needteleporter01:
en: deploy a teleporter here
soldier negativevocalization01:
en: hell men
soldier negativevocalization02:
en: no
soldier negativevocalization03:
en: dammit boys
soldier negativevocalization04:
en: dah no
soldier negativevocalization05:
en: dammit
soldier negativevocalization06:
en: ah
soldier niceshot01:
en: nice shot
soldier niceshot02:
en: fine shooting
soldier niceshot03:
en: outstanding shot
soldier no01:
en: no sir
soldier no02:
en: negatory
soldier no03:
en: no
soldier paincrticialdeath01:
en: aa
soldier paincrticialdeath02:
en: ah
soldier paincrticialdeath03:
en: aa
soldier paincrticialdeath04:
en: ah
soldier painsevere01:
en: ah ooh
soldier painsevere02:
en: ah ao
soldier painsevere03:
en: ng
soldier painsevere04:
en: ah
soldier painsevere05:
en: aa
soldier painsevere06:
en: ah
soldier painsharp01:
en: oo
soldier painsharp02:
en: uh
soldier painsharp03:
en: oof
soldier painsharp04:
en: ff
soldier painsharp05:
en: uh
soldier painsharp06:
en: ew
soldier painsharp07:
en: ae
soldier painsharp08:
en: ew
soldier pickaxetaunt01:
en: C'mere, sweetheart...
soldier pickaxetaunt02:
en: C'mere, sister...
soldier pickaxetaunt03:
en: C'mere, Sally...
soldier pickaxetaunt04:
en: C'mere, cupcake...
soldier pickaxetaunt05:
en: C'mere, pumpkin...
soldier positivevocalization01:
en: who ah
soldier positivevocalization02:
en: aw yeah
soldier positivevocalization03:
en: okay
soldier positivevocalization04:
en: roger that
soldier positivevocalization05:
en: yeah
soldier robot01:
en: beep beep
soldier robot02:
en: beep boop
soldier robot03:
en: bleep bloop
soldier robot04:
en: beep ah boop
soldier robot05:
en: -
soldier robot06:
en: beep beep boop
soldier robot07:
en: robot noises
soldier robot08:
en: I am a robot I am here to take american jobs
soldier robot09:
en: I am a robot from the future
soldier robot10:
en: bleep bloop maggot
soldier robot11:
en: beep ah boop maggots
soldier robot12:
en: beep beep boop maggot
soldier robot13:
en: I am a robot I run on american jobs
soldier robot14:
en: the natural enemy of the robot is hippies
soldier robot15:
en: I am programmed to be scary
soldier robot16:
en: Hasta la vista. Feliz navidad. Hasta gazpacho.
soldier robot17:
en: I run on blood. I take jobs from American vampires.
soldier robot18:
en: I am a robot. Bloop. What is love?
soldier robot19:
en: Crush. Kill. Bleep.
soldier robot20:
en: Beep boop, son. Beep boop...
soldier robot21:
en: I am a robot. I was built to scare you.
soldier robot22:
en: I am a robot. I am programmed to give you a sensible haircut.
soldier robot23:
en: My foot will transform into a foot -- with your ass wrapped around it.
soldier robot24:
en: Scientists in the future have studied your ass for centuries, and sent me back in time to kick it.
soldier robot25:
en: Come with me if you want to live. With me. In my apartment. I need a roommate.
soldier robot26:
en: I will find you. That's what I do. That's all I do. There you are. Shutting down.
soldier robot27:
en: I can't be bargained with. I can't be reasoned with. I don't know where I am. I am a robot. I don't understand anything.
soldier robot28:
en: I will never feel pity. Or remorse. Or fear. Or comfortable. In this costume.
soldier robot29:
en: It is a full moon. I have turned into a robot again. Awoooooooooooooo!
soldier robot see ghost01:
en: -
soldier robot see ghost02:
en: -
soldier robot see ghost03:
en: -
soldier sentryahead01:
en: sentry forward
soldier sentryahead02:
en: alert sentry ahead
soldier sentryahead03:
en: sentry ahead
soldier sf12 badmagic01:
en: -
soldier sf12 badmagic02:
soldier sf12 badmagic03:
soldier sf12 badmagic04:
en: AGH!
soldier sf12 badmagic05:
en: AHHH! My head!
soldier sf12 badmagic06:
soldier sf12 badmagic07:
soldier sf12 badmagic08:
en: SO TINY!
soldier sf12 badmagic09:
en: Bomb head! I've got a good feeling about this...
soldier sf12 badmagic10:
soldier sf12 badmagic11:
soldier sf12 badmagic12:
soldier sf12 badmagic13:
soldier sf12 badmagic14:
en: My blood! Noooo!
soldier sf12 badmagic15:
soldier sf12 bombinomicon01:
en: Look out! It's the bazbo-bibbi-bomb!
soldier sf12 bombinomicon02:
en: Look out! It's the bazbo-bomb-ba-bomb.
soldier sf12 bombinomicon03:
en: Look out! It's the bombo-bazz-ba-tron!
soldier sf12 bombinomicon04:
en: Everyone down! He's got a book!
soldier sf12 bombinomicon05:
en: It's a book! He's going to read!
soldier sf12 falling01:
soldier sf12 falling02:
en: Damn you Merasmus! You are the worst roommaaaaaaaaate!
soldier sf12 goodmagic01:
soldier sf12 goodmagic02:
soldier sf12 goodmagic03:
en: Ha! You screwed up now, Merasmus!
soldier sf12 goodmagic04:
en: Ha! I'm comin' for you, wizard!
soldier sf12 reseeking01:
en: You can't hide from me forever, Merasmus!
soldier sf12 reseeking02:
en: You BETTER hide, Merasmus!
soldier sf12 reseeking03:
en: Come on out, Merasmus. I've got your rent.
soldier sf12 reseeking04:
en: Come on out, Merasmus! I've got your body! It's not burned. Looks pretty good! I might crawl in there myself...
soldier sf12 reseeking05:
en: Everybody's dead now, Merasmus! From being scared! You win! Come out!
soldier sf12 scared01:
soldier sf12 seeking01:
en: Merasmus!
soldier sf12 seeking02:
en: Get out here so I can kick you right in your frilly wizard dress!
soldier sf12 seeking03:
en: Come get me, wizard coward!
soldier sf12 seeking04:
en: Wizard! You shall not hide!
soldier sf12 seeking05:
en: I'm tired of looking.
soldier sf12 seeking06:
en: Merasmus, get your spectral ass out here!
soldier sf12 seeking07:
en: Come on out here, enchantress!
soldier sf12 seeking08:
en: Oh, hello, Merlin, the famous magician. No I have not seen Merasmus! What's that? No, I can't think of anyone who'd want an autograph.
soldier sf12 seeking09:
en: Oh, hello Gundorf! Where's Blazbo Babbins? Oh, there he is. Everyone's here! Labbalos... Gimpy... Dumpy... Snoopy... Man, I wish Merasmus was around to see this magical turn of events.
soldier sf12 seeking10:
en: Oh, look! It's Houdini! What's that, Houdini? You're looking for a new best friend? Too bad there's no wizards around GET OUT HERE, MERASMUS!
soldier sf12 seeking11:
en: What's that, Merasmus's favorite actor Burt Lancaster? You think people who hide are cowards? Wise words, Burt Lancaster! You've convinced all of us! Damn it Merasmus, get out here!
soldier sf12 seeking12:
en: Merasmus!
soldier sf12 seeking13:
en: We give up, Merasmus! You're too scary for us! Now come out so WE CAN KICK YOUR ASS!
soldier sf12 spinning01:
en: Here we go!
soldier sf12 spinning02:
en: Spinning... Spinning...
soldier sf12 spinning03:
en: I've got a good feeling about this!
soldier sf12 spinning04:
en: Come on, seven!
soldier sf12 taunts01:
en: Oh no! I hope the scary wizard doesn't pick my card!
soldier sf12 taunts02:
en: Merasmus! Stop taking jobs from American ghosts!
soldier sf12 taunts03:
en: Merasmus! I am going to pull a rabbit out of your ass!
soldier sf12 taunts04:
en: Merasmus! I will slap the magic out of your mouth.
soldier sf12 taunts05:
en: Merasmus, take your voodoo back to Canada! Where it belongs!
soldier sf12 taunts06:
en: You wizard ghost maggot!
soldier sf12 taunts07:
en: I will rip off your ghost head and crap in your stupid hat!
soldier sf12 taunts08:
en: I am going to kill you, Merasmus! Again!
soldier sf12 taunts09:
en: You are going DOWN, you spell-casting maggot!
soldier sf12 taunts10:
en: Your magic is weak, wizard!
soldier sf12 taunts11:
en: Do not make me kill you again, Merasmus.
soldier sf12 taunts12:
en: I am going to haunt your ass with my foot.
soldier sf12 taunts13:
en: Tonight your ass will be visited by three ghosts: My foot. My other foot. And a ghost.
soldier sf12 taunts14:
en: Let me give you some advice, son: Do not be a ghost.
soldier sf12 taunts15:
en: You are ten pounds of ghost crap in a five pound dress!
soldier sf12 taunts16:
en: Son, you are a disgrace to the afterlife! You do not DESERVE to wear that magic dress!
soldier sf12 taunts17:
en: I am not afraid of no ghosts! I refuse to be afraid of no ghosts!
soldier sf12 zombie01:
en: I have returned from the grave to give the living haircuts.
soldier sf12 zombie02:
soldier sf12 zombie03:
soldier sf12 zombie04:
soldier sf13 cart forward01:
en: Keep this dead man moving, maggots!
soldier sf13 cart forward02:
en: This old man will not push him SELF to hell, ladies!
soldier sf13 influx big01:
soldier sf13 influx big02:
soldier sf13 influx big03:
soldier sf13 magic reac01:
soldier sf13 magic reac03:
soldier sf13 midnight01:
en: It's the witching hour!
soldier sf13 midnight02:
en: Let's get to the island!
soldier sf13 midnight03:
en: Get to the island!
soldier sf13 round start01:
en: This corpse has got to MOVE, ladies!
soldier sf13 round start02:
en: Let's move some roadkill!
soldier sf13 round start03:
en: This bagga bones has a date with the Devil, men! Our job is to arrange the meeting.
soldier sf13 spell bombhead01:
en: Cah-POO-tuss Cray-pee-TOOS
soldier sf13 spell devil bargain01:
en: PACK-toom Dee-AHH-boo-loose
soldier sf13 spell earthquake01:
en: SIGHS-mell-ah Trem-OR-oh
soldier sf13 spell generic04:
en: Barpo Kabalto!
soldier sf13 spell invisibility01:
en: BAR-po In-VIZZ-ee-um
soldier sf13 spell lightning bolt01:
en: Im-poo-TUM Full-MEEN-ohs
soldier sf13 spell summon monoculous01:
en: In-VOKE-um Maw-NAW-cue-luss
soldier sf13 spell super jump01:
en: AHM-ploos tree-POO-dee-oh
soldier sf13 spell super speed01:
en: PAY-dum Cell-AIR-us
soldier sf13 spell teleport self01:
en: IP-sum IN-stan-TARE-ium
soldier sf13 spell uber01:
en: Day-OOS Een-VIC-toos
soldier sf13 spell zombie horde01:
en: MORE-tiss Ann-im-mat-AIR-iss
soldier specialcompleted-assistedkill01:
en: thanks soldier
soldier specialcompleted01:
en: ka ribbed
soldier specialcompleted02:
en: crocket
soldier specialcompleted03:
en: kaboom
soldier specialcompleted04:
en: screamin eagles
soldier specialcompleted05:
en: ya
soldier standonthepoint01:
en: stand on the point numnuts
soldier standonthepoint02:
en: stand on the point maggot
soldier standonthepoint03:
en: stand on the point maggots
soldier thanks01:
en: thanks
soldier thanks02:
en: thanks
soldier thanksfortheheal01:
en: you deserve a medal doc
soldier thanksfortheheal02:
en: thanks for the aid
soldier thanksfortheheal03:
en: thanks doc
soldier thanksfortheteleporter01:
en: thanks
soldier thanksfortheteleporter02:
en: thanks for the teleporter
soldier thanksfortheteleporter03:
en: thanks engy
soldier trade taunts01:
en: Ten hut! Commmpannnny... TRADE!
soldier trade taunts02:
soldier trade taunts03:
en: This is a good deal!
soldier trade taunts04:
en: I'm not going to just give it to you. You'd like that, wouldn't you, comrade?
soldier trade taunts05:
en: I will trade this thing to you for another thing that you have!
soldier trade taunts06:
en: We are trading now!
soldier weapon taunts01:
en: This is a WAR! Not a bra factory! Get a MAN's weapon, son!
soldier weapon taunts02:
en: That thing is not a weapon! THAT thing is why the enemy WINS!
soldier weapon taunts03:
en: You do not skip around in THIS man's battlefield with a weapon like that!
soldier weapon taunts04:
en: Look at you, maggot! Even your weapon needs a haircut!
soldier weapon taunts05:
en: Do you call that a weapon, son? Somewhere your father is weeping! Because of YOU!
soldier yes01:
en: yeah
soldier yes02:
en: yes
soldier yes03:
en: affirmative
soldier yes04:
en: sir yes sir
soldier taunt admire 01:
en: well done
soldier taunt admire 04:
en: perfect
soldier taunt admire 09:
en: hoo ahh
soldier taunt admire 10:
en: done and done
soldier taunt admire 16:
en: mission accomplished
soldier taunt admire 17:
en: mission accomplished
soldier taunt admire 18:
en: mission accomplished
soldier taunt admire 22:
en: medals for everyone
soldier taunt admire 24:
en: stay frosty
soldier taunt admire 26:
en: stay frosty
soldier taunt bos pain 01:
en: erh
soldier taunt bos pain 02:
en: ohh
soldier taunt bos pain 06:
en: ahhh
soldier taunt cong fun 01:
en: ohh yaa
soldier taunt cong fun 04:
en: ha ha conga
soldier taunt cong fun 08:
en: conga
soldier taunt cong fun 11:
en: get into it
soldier taunt cong fun 24:
en: conga you fools
soldier taunt cong fun 27:
en: love it
soldier taunt cong fun 29:
en: du da da daaa
soldier taunt cong int 03:
en: ha ha haaa
soldier taunt cong int 04:
en: ha ha conga
soldier taunt cong int 13:
en: single file
soldier taunt dosi end 01:
en: dance accomplished
soldier taunt dosi end 03:
en: dance terminated
soldier taunt dosi fun 05:
en: waoooh hey ha ha
soldier taunt dosi fun 09:
en: ha ha haaa
soldier taunt dosi fun 11:
en: ah hah ha
soldier taunt dosi fun 29:
en: wahaa ho ho hey haa
soldier taunt dosi fun 30:
en: heh heh heh heh heh he
soldier taunt dosi fun 32:
en: ha ha ha im dancing
soldier taunt dosi int 03:
en: lets dance maggot
soldier taunt dosi int 05:
en: dosi doh
soldier taunt dosi int 12:
en: dance time boys
soldier taunt exert 02:
en: ergh
soldier taunt exert 06:
en: urghr
soldier taunt flip end 01:
en: perfect landing
soldier taunt flip end 02:
en: perfect landing
soldier taunt flip end 03:
en: perfect landing
soldier taunt flip end 05:
en: the eagle has landed
soldier taunt flip end 15:
en: duty honor flipping
soldier taunt flip end 16:
en: duty and honor
soldier taunt flip end 17:
en: duty and honor
soldier taunt flip exert 02:
en: up you go
soldier taunt flip exert 06:
en: up you go
soldier taunt flip exert 21:
en: hut hut hut
soldier taunt flip exert 31:
en: huttaaaa
soldier taunt flip fun 04:
en: weeeeeee
soldier taunt flip fun 06:
en: ohhhh uhhh
soldier taunt flip fun 08:
en: rhehhh
soldier taunt flip int 01:
en: flip is go
soldier taunt flip int 03:
en: flip is go
soldier taunt flip int 04:
en: flip is go
soldier taunt flip int 11:
en: step up and get flipped
soldier taunt flip int 15:
en: in flipping position
soldier taunt flip int 17:
en: do not keep me waiting
soldier taunt flip int 19:
en: get over here sky meat
soldier taunt flip int 20:
en: say your prayers and grab some air
soldier taunt flip int 24:
en: operation soaring eagle
soldier taunt head end 01:
en: ahh ehh ehhrr
soldier taunt head end 13:
en: u s a
soldier taunt head end 24:
en: god guts guns
soldier taunt head end 29:
en: god guts guns
soldier taunt head exert 02:
en: ehrrrr rhuhh
soldier taunt head int 02:
en: heeead butt
soldier taunt head int 07:
en: head butt me
soldier taunt head int 17:
en: head butt time
soldier taunt head int 21:
en: but my head that\x92s an order
soldier taunt head pain 02:
en: -
soldier taunt head pain 13:
en: ahhhhhhh
soldier taunt int 02:
en: lets do this
soldier taunt int 03:
en: lets do this
soldier taunt int 04:
en: lets go
soldier taunt int 08:
en: come on
soldier taunt int 09:
en: come on
soldier taunt int 10:
en: I havent got all day
soldier taunt int 12:
en: I havent got all day
soldier taunt int 14:
en: go go go
soldier taunt int 15:
en: go go go
soldier taunt int 16:
en: come on magget
soldier taunt int 19:
en: lets go maggot
soldier taunt int 24:
en: I got your six
soldier taunt int 25:
en: come on maggots
soldier taunt kill 01:
en: a big cup of kicking your ass
soldier taunt kill 04:
en: a big mug of my foot up your ass
soldier taunt kill 10:
en: I love the smell of a kicked ass in the morning
soldier taunt kill 16:
en: ahhhh
soldier taunt kill 18:
en: ahhhh
soldier taunt rps exert 01:
en: one two three
soldier taunt rps exert 11:
en: on three
soldier taunt rps int 01:
en: rock paper scissors
soldier taunt rps int 03:
en: rock paper scissors
soldier taunt rps int 05:
en: lets throw down
soldier taunt rps int 07:
en: who wants some
soldier taunt rps int 08:
en: its throw time
soldier taunt rps lose 01:
en: no
soldier taunt rps lose 05:
en: ahhh
soldier taunt rps lose 12:
en: maggot
soldier taunt rps lose 14:
en: darrrhhe
soldier taunt rps lose 21:
en: did I win
soldier taunt rps lose 22:
en: I won no wait
soldier taunt rps win 55:
en: paper winds
soldier taunt rps win 57:
en: rock wins
soldier taunt rps win 61:
en: scissors win
soldier trade 03:
en: mine
soldier trade 08:
en: this is mine
soldier trade 12:
en: all mine
soldier trade 19:
en: eyes forward
soldier trade 24:
en: mine maggot
soldier trade 28:
en: there are many like it but this one is mine.
sniper activatecharge01:
en: heet thu charge doctah
sniper activatecharge02:
en: Charge me, Doctor!
sniper activatecharge03:
en: Now, Doctor, now!
sniper activatecharge04:
en: Now, Doctor, now!
sniper autocappedcontrolpoint01:
en: This one's ours now.
sniper autocappedcontrolpoint02:
en: That was too easy, mate.
sniper autocappedcontrolpoint03:
en: We're not givin' it back!
sniper autocappedintelligence01:
en: Simple. Simple. One for me.
sniper autocappedintelligence02:
en: That was too easy, mate.
sniper autocappedintelligence03:
en: No worries.
sniper autocappedintelligence04:
en: That wasn't so bad...
sniper autocappedintelligence05:
en: That wasn't so hard...
sniper autodejectedtie01:
en: Gah! Hear me man? Gah!
sniper autodejectedtie02:
en: Now that's downright embarrassing.
sniper autodejectedtie03:
en: [Groan]
sniper autoonfire01:
en: Fire Fire Fire!
sniper autoonfire02:
en: Fire!
sniper autoonfire03:
en: On fire!
sniper award01:
en: ?
sniper award02:
en: ?
sniper award03:
en: ?
sniper award04:
en: ?
sniper award05:
en: ?
sniper award06:
en: ?
sniper award07:
en: ?
sniper award08:
en: ?
sniper award09:
en: ?
sniper award10:
en: ?
sniper award11:
en: ?
sniper award12:
en: ?
sniper award13:
en: ?
sniper award14:
en: ?
sniper battlecry01:
en: Let's have a go at it!
sniper battlecry02:
en: Get to it!
sniper battlecry03:
en: YAAAH!
sniper battlecry04:
en: Go on then, mates!
sniper battlecry05:
en: God save the queen!
sniper battlecry06:
en: Give 'em a gobful!
sniper cartgoingbackdefense01:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefense02:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefense03:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefense04:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefense05:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefense06:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefense07:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefense08:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefensesoft01:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefensesoft02:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefensesoft03:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefensesoft04:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefensesoft05:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefensesoft06:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefensesoft07:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackdefensesoft08:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffense01:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffense02:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffense03:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffense04:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffense05:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffense06:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffense07:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffensesoft01:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffensesoft02:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffensesoft03:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffensesoft04:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffensesoft05:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffensesoft06:
en: ?
sniper cartgoingbackoffensesoft07:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefense01:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefense02:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefense03:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefense04:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefense05:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefense06:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefensesoft01:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefensesoft02:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefensesoft03:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefensesoft04:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefensesoft05:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwarddefensesoft06:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense01:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense02:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense03:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense04:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense05:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense06:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense07:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense08:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense09:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffense10:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft01:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft02:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft03:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft04:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft05:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft06:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft07:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft08:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft09:
en: ?
sniper cartmovingforwardoffensesoft10:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffense01:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffense02:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffense03:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffense04:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffense05:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffense06:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffense07:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffensesoft01:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffensesoft02:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffensesoft03:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffensesoft04:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffensesoft05:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffensesoft06:
en: ?
sniper cartstaycloseoffensesoft07:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefense01:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefense02:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefense03:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefense04:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefense05:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefense06:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefensesoft01:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefensesoft02:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefensesoft03:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefensesoft04:
en: ?
sniper cartstopitdefensesoft06:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffense01:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffense02:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffense03:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffense04:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffense05:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffensesoft01:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffensesoft02:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffensesoft03:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffensesoft04:
en: ?
sniper cartstoppedoffensesoft05:
en: ?
sniper cheers01:
en: Yeah!
sniper cheers02:
en: Wicked!
sniper cheers03:
en: Aces!
sniper cheers04:
en: Good on ya, mates!
sniper cheers05:
en: Allright!
sniper cheers06:
en: We gave 'em a bloody drubbing.
sniper cheers07:
en: Doodee
sniper cheers08:
en: Bloody beaut!
sniper cloakedspy01:
en: Spy!
sniper cloakedspy02:
en: Spy round here!
sniper cloakedspy03:
en: Spy here!
sniper cloakedspyidentify01:
en: The Scout is a Spy.
sniper cloakedspyidentify02:
en: The Soldier is a Spy.
sniper cloakedspyidentify03:
en: The Heavy is a Spy.
sniper cloakedspyidentify04:
en: The Pyro is a Spy.
sniper cloakedspyidentify05:
en: The Demoman is a Spy.
sniper cloakedspyidentify06:
en: The Medic is a Spy.
sniper cloakedspyidentify07:
en: The Engineer is a Spy.
sniper cloakedspyidentify08:
en: The Sniper is a Spy.
sniper cloakedspyidentify09:
en: That Spy is an enemy.
sniper domination01:
en: ?
sniper domination02:
en: ?
sniper domination03:
en: ?
sniper domination04:
en: ?
sniper domination05:
en: ?
sniper domination06:
en: ?
sniper domination07:
en: ?
sniper domination08:
en: ?
sniper domination09:
en: ?
sniper domination10:
en: ?
sniper domination11:
en: ?
sniper domination12:
en: ?
sniper domination13:
en: ?
sniper domination14:
en: ?
sniper domination15:
en: ?
sniper domination16:
en: ?
sniper domination17:
en: ?
sniper domination18:
en: ?
sniper domination19:
en: ?
sniper domination20:
en: ?
sniper domination21:
en: ?
sniper domination22:
en: ?
sniper domination23:
en: ?
sniper domination24:
en: ?
sniper domination25:
en: ?
sniper dominationdemoman01:
en: -
sniper dominationdemoman02:
en: Tagged ya, ya wobblin Scot.
sniper dominationdemoman03:
en: Ace reflexes, ya bomb chuckin waste a' good scotch.
sniper dominationdemoman04:
en: Ya been killed by the best, cyclops.
sniper dominationdemoman05:
en: Gotcha, ya bomb-lobbin wanker.
sniper dominationengineer01:
en: Dominated, ya cactus-eatin\x92 egghead!
sniper dominationengineer02:
en: Take THAT, booksmarts!
sniper dominationengineer03:
en: Back to the drawin' board, genius.
sniper dominationengineer04:
en: Not so smart with yer brains outside yer head, are ya?
sniper dominationengineer05:
en: Here\x92s a gadget ya should build: one what stops MY BULLETS.
sniper dominationengineer06:
en: You are inventin' LOADS a new ways ta get killed by me.
sniper dominationheavy01:
en: Got ya, ya potbellied bloody lardass.
sniper dominationheavy02:
en: Thanks for the target practice, ya plump bloody freakshow.
sniper dominationheavy03:
en: Dodge that, ya fat jigglin butterball.
sniper dominationheavy04:
en: Oi, yer bleedin' gravy, fatso.
sniper dominationheavy05:
en: Thanks for bein\x92 such a whoppin\x92 big target, mate.
sniper dominationheavy06:
sniper dominationheavy07:
en: That gotcha, ya lard-armed simpleton.
sniper dominationmedic01:
en: What\x92s up, doc? [hehheh]
sniper dominationmedic02:
en: Take that, ya quack!
sniper dominationmedic03:
en: Quit blubberin' and take yer medicine like a man!
sniper dominationmedic04:
en: Too slow, medicine woman.
sniper dominationmedic05:
en: Sorry there, nurse, I mistook ya for an actual threat.
sniper dominationpyro01:
en: You ARE a creepy, mute little bugger, aintcha?
sniper dominationpyro02:
en: Nobody's gonna miss YOU, ya mutant.
sniper dominationpyro03:
en: Gotcha, ya mental defective.
sniper dominationpyro04:
en: That snuffed yer fire, ya filthy arsonist.
sniper dominationpyro05:
en: Ya know what 'dominated' means, ya bloody whack job?
sniper dominationscout01:
en: Dominated! Ya little ankle biter!
sniper dominationscout02:
en: That'll slow ya down, ya twitchy hooligan.
sniper dominationscout03:
en: Dominated! Ya miniature delinquent.
sniper dominationscout04:
en: Couldn't skip around that, could ya? Ya precious little posey.
sniper dominationscout05:
en: Gotcha, ya spastic little gremlin.
sniper dominationsniper18:
en: The bullets come outta the slim end, mate.
sniper dominationsniper19:
en: Nice try, mate. But I\x92m the best.
sniper dominationsniper20:
en: You call that snipin'?
sniper dominationsniper21:
en: Dominated, ya blind-eyed bastard.
sniper dominationsniper22:
en: One sniper to another, mate: GIVE UP.
sniper dominationsoldier01:
en: I own ya, ya pickle-headed drongo!
sniper dominationsoldier02:
en: All rockets, no brains, eh mate?
sniper dominationsoldier03:
en: Take that, ya rocket-hoppin' simpleton!
sniper dominationsoldier04:
en: Aye, lend us yer shovel, SO I CAN DIG YER GRAVE!
sniper dominationsoldier05:
en: Dominated! Ya ploddin' potatahead!
sniper dominationsoldier06:
en: At ease! [laughs]
sniper dominationspy01:
en: Sneak around THAT, ya phony scoundrel!
sniper dominationspy02:
en: Take THAT, ya two-faced mongrel!
sniper dominationspy03:
en: Backstab THAT, ya snake.
sniper dominationspy04:
en: Aw, did I get blood on your suit?
sniper dominationspy05:
en: Cloak yer way outta that, ya filthy spook.
sniper dominationspy06:
en: I WIN, ya bloody backstabbin fraud.
sniper dominationspy07:
en: **I** was never on YOUR side either, wanker.
sniper fightoncap01:
en: ?
sniper fightoncap02:
en: ?
sniper fightoncap03:
en: ?
sniper fightoncap04:
en: ?
sniper fightoncap05:
en: ?
sniper fightoncap06:
en: ?
sniper go01:
en: Get bloody goin'!
sniper go02:
en: Let's go, mates!
sniper go03:
en: Go go go!
sniper goodjob01:
en: Spot On!
sniper goodjob02:
en: Good on ya!
sniper goodjob03:
en: Good one, mate!
sniper headleft01:
en: Go left!
sniper headleft02:
en: Left, Left!
sniper headleft03:
en: To the left!
sniper headright01:
en: Right, Right!
sniper headright02:
en: Go right!
sniper headright03:
en: To the right!
sniper helpme01:
en: Help!
sniper helpme02:
en: Help me!
sniper helpme03:
en: Need some help here!
sniper helpmecapture01:
en: Help me pin this down!
sniper helpmecapture02:
en: Help me capture this bloody thing.
sniper helpmecapture03:
en: Get over here and help me capture!
sniper helpmedefend01:
en: Come here and defend!
sniper helpmedefend02:
en: I need a hand defendin' here!
sniper helpmedefend03:
en: ?
sniper incoming01:
en: Incoming
sniper incoming02:
en: Incoming
sniper incoming03:
en: Incoming
sniper incoming04:
en: Incoming
sniper item birdhead cart push01:
en: -
sniper item birdhead cart push02:
en: Owl push!
sniper item birdhead domination01:
en: You and I are a lot alike, mate. Except I'm an owl and you're dead.
sniper item birdhead domination02:
en: DOMINATED! Hoot!
sniper item birdhead domination03:
en: Owl-head DOMINATION!
sniper item birdhead jarate01:
en: Owl jarate!
sniper item birdhead kill scoped01:
en: I love havin' an owl head.
sniper item birdhead kill scoped02:
en: God, I'm good at bein' an owl.
sniper item birdhead kill scoped03:
en: Oh, I love this owl head.
sniper item birdhead round start02:
en: Hoot hoot!
sniper item birdhead round start03:
en: Sniper owl! CHARGE!
sniper item birdhead round start04:
en: I have an owl head! [terror scream]
sniper item birdhead round start05:
en: Owl-head sniper comin' through!
sniper item birdhead round start06:
en: Hoot!
sniper item birdhead round start07:
en: Hoooot! Am I the only bloody owl?
sniper item birdhead uber01:
en: Hoot! HOOT!
sniper item unicorn cart forward01:
en: Unicorns! Push!
sniper item unicorn cart forward02:
en: Push, Unicorns! Push!
sniper item unicorn round start01:
en: I'm a bloody unicorn!
sniper item unicorn round start02:
en: Unicorn power, am I right?
sniper item unicorn scopekill01:
en: Becomin' a unicorn was the best decision I ever made.
sniper item unicorn scopekill02:
en: Yeah, that's pony magic.
sniper item unicorn scopekill03:
en: Unicorn power!
sniper item unicorn scopekill04:
en: Not bloody bad for a magical pony.
sniper item unicorn scopekill05:
en: The secret to pony magic? Bullets.
sniper item unicorn scopekill06:
en: The unicorn queen can't ignore me now.
sniper item unicorn uber01:
en: Who wants some bloody horn!
sniper jaratetoss01:
en: Jarate!
sniper jaratetoss02:
en: Bombs away!
sniper jaratetoss03:
en: Heads up!
sniper jeers01:
en: Ahhhh, that was rubbish
sniper jeers02:
en: That's some shonky business right there
sniper jeers03:
en: Crikey
sniper jeers04:
en: Dodgy.
sniper jeers05:
en: Well, that was a real bloody rooting.
sniper jeers06:
en: Nice going, ya bludgers.
sniper jeers07:
en: Should have saved a bullet for some of you blokes.
sniper jeers08:
en: Gahhh...
sniper laughevil01:
en: ?
sniper laughevil02:
en: [Evil Laugh]
sniper laughevil03:
en: [Evil Laugh]
sniper laughhappy01:
en: [Happy Laugh]
sniper laughhappy02:
en: [Happy Laugh]
sniper laughlong01:
en: [Long Laugh]
sniper laughlong02:
en: [Long Laugh]
sniper laughshort01:
en: [Short Laugh]
sniper laughshort02:
en: [Short Laugh]
sniper laughshort03:
en: [Short Quiet Laugh]
sniper laughshort04:
en: [Short Quiet Laugh]
sniper laughshort05:
en: [Short Quiet Laugh]
sniper medic01:
en: Medic!
sniper medic02:
en: Medic!
sniper medicfollow01:
en: ?
sniper medicfollow02:
en: ?
sniper medicfollow03:
en: ?
sniper medicfollow04:
en: ?
sniper medicfollow05:
en: ?
sniper meleedare01:
en: ?
sniper meleedare02:
en: ?
sniper meleedare03:
en: ?
sniper meleedare04:
en: ?
sniper meleedare05:
en: ?
sniper meleedare06:
en: ?
sniper meleedare07:
en: ?
sniper meleedare08:
en: ?
sniper meleedare09:
en: ?
sniper moveup01:
en: Right up, Right up!
sniper moveup02:
en: Move that gear up!
sniper mvm loot common01:
en: Haha. Nice.
sniper mvm loot common02:
en: I will take it.
sniper mvm loot common03:
en: Not bad.
sniper mvm loot common04:
en: Well, happy Australia Day to me.
sniper mvm loot common05:
en: That'll bloody do.
sniper mvm loot common06:
en: Oh, now that's nice.
sniper mvm loot godlike01:
en: It's a miracle! It's an Australian Christmas bloody miracle!
sniper mvm loot godlike02:
en: I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm filthy bloody stinkin' rich!
sniper mvm loot rare01:
en: Whoa. That is bloody beautiful.
sniper mvm loot rare02:
en: Now THAT is not somethin' you see every day.
sniper mvm loot rare03:
en: Bloody gorgeous.
sniper mvm loot rare04:
en: Now that is the Queen's birthday right there.
sniper mvm loot rare05:
en: Come to Sniper my little beauty.
sniper mvm loot rare06:
en: Sniper'll give you a good home, darlin'.
sniper mvm loot rare07:
en: Very, very nice.
sniper mvm loot rare08:
en: You don't see a lot of these.
sniper mvm mannhattan gate atk01:
en: The robots are poundin' the bloody gate!
sniper mvm mannhattan gate atk02:
en: The robots are at the bloody gate!
sniper mvm mannhattan gate take01:
en: The robots took the gate!
sniper mvm resurrect01:
en: AH! What the bloody hell just happened?
sniper mvm resurrect02:
en: What happened?
sniper mvm resurrect03:
en: Bloody hell!
sniper mvm resurrect04:
en: Yer a miracle worker, doc!
sniper needdispenser01:
en: Need a dispenser here!
sniper needsentry01:
en: Need a sentry here!
sniper needteleporter01:
en: Need a teleporter here!
sniper negativevocalization01:
en: Bugger.
sniper negativevocalization02:
en: Crikey.
sniper negativevocalization03:
en: Ah, piss.
sniper negativevocalization04:
en: Ahhhh...
sniper negativevocalization05:
en: Rrrrr...Grrrr...
sniper negativevocalization06:
en: Crikey.
sniper negativevocalization07:
en: Ah, piss.
sniper negativevocalization08:
en: Bugger.
sniper negativevocalization09:
en: Ahhhh...
sniper niceshot01:
en: Nice shot!
sniper niceshot02:
en: Good shot, mate.
sniper niceshot03:
en: Fine shot, mate.
sniper no01:
en: No.
sniper no02:
en: Nah.
sniper no03:
en: Nah.
sniper no04:
en: Nah.
sniper paincrticialdeath01:
en: gheeeaaaaawwwww
sniper paincrticialdeath02:
en: geeeaaaaahhhhh
sniper paincrticialdeath03:
en: gaaaahhhhhhh
sniper paincrticialdeath04:
en: arghhhh
sniper painsevere01:
en: argh
sniper painsevere02:
en: argh
sniper painsevere03:
en: ack
sniper painsevere04:
en: argh
sniper painsharp01:
en: argh
sniper painsharp02:
en: oof
sniper painsharp03:
en: argh
sniper painsharp04:
en: argh
sniper positivevocalization01:
en: Ripper, you little!
sniper positivevocalization02:
en: Holy dooley!
sniper positivevocalization03:
en: No worries!
sniper positivevocalization04:
en: Piece a piss.
sniper positivevocalization05:
en: There ya go.
sniper positivevocalization06:
en: Ripper, you little!
sniper positivevocalization07:
en: Holy dooley!
sniper positivevocalization08:
en: No worries!
sniper positivevocalization09:
en: Piece a piss.
sniper positivevocalization10:
en: There ya go.
sniper revenge01:
en: ?
sniper revenge02:
en: ?
sniper revenge03:
en: ?
sniper revenge04:
en: ?
sniper revenge05:
en: ?
sniper revenge06:
en: ?
sniper revenge07:
en: ?
sniper revenge08:
en: ?
sniper revenge09:
en: ?
sniper revenge10:
en: ?
sniper revenge11:
en: ?
sniper revenge12:
en: ?
sniper revenge13:
en: ?
sniper revenge14:
en: ?
sniper revenge15:
en: ?
sniper revenge16:
en: ?
sniper revenge17:
en: ?
sniper revenge18:
en: ?
sniper revenge19:
en: ?
sniper revenge20:
en: ?
sniper revenge21:
en: ?
sniper revenge22:
en: ?
sniper revenge23:
en: ?
sniper revenge24:
en: ?
sniper revenge25:
en: ?
sniper sentryahead01:
en: Sentry ahead!
sniper sf13 influx big01:
sniper sf13 influx big02:
sniper sf13 influx big03:
sniper sf13 influx big05:
sniper sf13 influx small01:
en: Ace.
sniper sf13 magic reac01:
en: AHHH! Everything's gone bloody crazy!
sniper sf13 magic reac02:
en: AHHH!
sniper sf13 magic reac03:
en: Close your eyes! Keep the magic out!
sniper sf13 magic reac04:
en: It's too much! AHHH!
sniper sf13 magic reac05:
en: The magic's in my bloody head!
sniper sf13 magic reac06:
en: It's only magic, it's only magic...
sniper sf13 magic reac07:
en: The magic's all around me! AHHHHHHH!
sniper sf13 midnight01:
en: Bridge is down, lads!
sniper sf13 midnight02:
en: It's the Witchin' Hour!
sniper sf13 midnight03:
en: Bridge is down! Let's load up!
sniper sf13 midnight05:
en: We can get to the island! GO!
sniper sf13 round start01:
en: Let's roll these bones to hell!
sniper sf13 round start02:
en: Let's make some bloody magic!
sniper sf13 scared01:
sniper sf13 scared02:
sniper sf13 scared03:
sniper sf13 spell bombhead01:
en: Cah-POO-tuss Cray-pee-TOOS
sniper sf13 spell devil bargain01:
en: PACK-toom Dee-AHH-boo-loose
sniper sf13 spell earthquake01:
en: SIGHS-mell-ah Trem-OR-oh
sniper sf13 spell generic04:
en: Barpo Kabalto!
sniper sf13 spell invisibility01:
en: BAR-po In-VIZZ-ee-um
sniper sf13 spell lightning bolt01:
en: Im-poo-TUM Full-MEEN-ohs
sniper sf13 spell summon monoculous01:
en: In-VOKE-um Maw-NAW-cue-luss
sniper sf13 spell super jump01:
en: AHM-ploos tree-POO-dee-oh
sniper sf13 spell super speed01:
en: PAY-dum Cell-AIR-us
sniper sf13 spell teleport self01:
en: IP-sum IN-stan-TARE-ium
sniper sf13 spell uber01:
en: Day-OOS Een-VIC-toos
sniper sf13 spell zombie horde01:
en: MORE-tiss Ann-im-mat-AIR-iss
sniper specialcompleted-assistedkill01:
en: Thanks, mate.
sniper specialcompleted-assistedkill02:
en: Appreciated, mate
sniper specialcompleted01:
en: That funeral ain't gonna be open casket.
sniper specialcompleted02:
en: *ptooey* (spits)
sniper specialcompleted03:
en: You'll be needin' another use for that neck
sniper specialcompleted04:
en: G'day.
sniper specialcompleted05:
en: Piker.
sniper specialcompleted06:
en: You got blood on my knife, mate.
sniper specialcompleted07:
en: You best keep lying down.
sniper specialcompleted08:
en: Ah, I'm sorry mate
sniper specialcompleted09:
en: A little of the old chop chop.
sniper specialcompleted10:
en: Bloody piker.
sniper specialcompleted11:
en: Wuss.
sniper specialcompleted12:
en: Stupid bloody spies.
sniper specialcompleted13:
en: Mongrel.
sniper specialcompleted14:
en: [to self] Psssss... [mimicking blood spraying sound] Heh heh...
sniper specialcompleted15:
en: Wave goodbye to yer head, wanker...
sniper specialcompleted16:
en: Standin' around like a bloody idiot...
sniper specialcompleted17:
en: Steady... Steady...
sniper specialcompleted18:
en: Spies. Bloody useless.
sniper specialcompleted19:
en: I see ya...
sniper specialcompleted20:
en: That helmet ain't gonna save ya.
sniper specialcompleted21:
en: Spy that, ya fancy bloody wuss.
sniper specialcompleted22:
en: Now that was a proper bloody rooting.
sniper specialcompleted23:
en: That funeral ain't gonna be open casket.
sniper specialcompleted24:
en: *ptooey* (spits)
sniper specialcompleted25:
en: You'll be needin' another use for that neck
sniper specialcompleted26:
en: G'day.
sniper specialcompleted27:
en: Piker.
sniper specialcompleted28:
en: You got blood on my knife, mate.
sniper specialcompleted29:
en: You best keep lying down.
sniper specialcompleted30:
en: Ah, I'm sorry mate
sniper specialcompleted31:
en: A little of the old chop chop.
sniper specialcompleted32:
en: Bloody piker.
sniper specialcompleted33:
en: Wuss.
sniper specialcompleted34:
en: Stupid bloody spies.
sniper specialcompleted35:
en: Mongrel.
sniper specialcompleted36:
en: [to self] Psssss... [mimicking blood spraying sound] Heh heh...
sniper specialcompleted37:
en: Wave goodbye to yer head, wanker...
sniper specialcompleted38:
en: Standin' around like a bloody idiot...
sniper specialcompleted39:
en: Steady... Steady...
sniper specialcompleted40:
en: Spies. Bloody useless.
sniper specialcompleted41:
en: I see ya...
sniper specialcompleted42:
en: That helmet ain't gonna save ya.
sniper specialcompleted43:
en: Spy that, ya fancy bloody wuss.
sniper specialcompleted44:
en: Now that was a proper bloody rooting.
sniper specialcompleted45:
en: Thanks for standin still, wanker.
sniper specialcompleted46:
en: Thanks for standin still, wanker.
sniper specialweapon01:
en: ?
sniper specialweapon02:
en: ?
sniper specialweapon03:
en: ?
sniper specialweapon04:
en: ?
sniper specialweapon05:
en: ?
sniper specialweapon06:
en: ?
sniper specialweapon07:
en: ?
sniper specialweapon08:
en: ?
sniper specialweapon09:
en: ?
sniper standonthepoint01:
en: Get on the point, wanker!
sniper standonthepoint02:
en: Come stand on the point, ya bloody wuss.
sniper thanks01:
en: Thanks Mate!
sniper thanks02:
en: 'ppreciate it!
sniper thanksfortheheal01:
en: Thanks, mate.
sniper thanksfortheheal02:
en: 'ppreciate it.
sniper thanksfortheheal03:
en: Thanks, Doc!
sniper thanksfortheteleporter01:
en: Thanks, mate!
sniper thanksfortheteleporter02:
en: thanks
sniper thanksfortheteleporter03:
en: thanks for the trackee
sniper yes01:
en: Yeah.
sniper yes02:
en: Okay.
sniper yes03:
en: Okay, mate.
sniper taunt admire 01:
en: cheers mate
sniper taunt admire 02:
en: he he hee cheers mate
sniper taunt admire 06:
en: ha ha ha no worries
sniper taunt admire 09:
en: ha ha ha well done
sniper taunt admire 11:
en: heheh thatull do
sniper taunt admire 12:
en: thatull do
sniper taunt admire 15:
en: ha ha ha brilliant
sniper taunt admire 16:
en: brilliant
sniper taunt admire 18:
en: hee heee good on yah
sniper taunt admire 19:
en: good on yah
sniper taunt admire 20:
en: have a good one
sniper taunt cong fun 01:
en: he he
sniper taunt cong fun 02:
en: yeah lookatme go ha ha he ha
sniper taunt cong fun 03:
en: its conga time in oz haahahaa
sniper taunt cong fun 04:
en: oh uh oooo aaaahh
sniper taunt cong fun 05:
en: ee a ooo ooo aaah
sniper taunt cong fun 06:
en: ay oooh ohh uh uh aaaah
sniper taunt cong fun 10:
en: look at me congaaaaa
sniper taunt cong fun 11:
en: ha ha
sniper taunt cong fun 12:
en: cummon ya pickeys
sniper taunt cong fun 17:
en: alright
sniper taunt cong fun 18:
en: alright ya wankers
sniper taunt cong fun 24:
en: wo who wo woo ha ha ha ha h
sniper taunt cong fun 25:
en: headshot congaaa
sniper taunt cong int 01:
en: who hooo ha ha haaaaa
sniper taunt cong int 02:
en: ha ha ha haaaa congaaaa
sniper taunt cong int 03:
en: cohohohohohohohohngaa
sniper taunt dosi end 01:
en: aaaand cheers
sniper taunt dosi end 02:
en: aaand brilliant
sniper taunt dosi fun 01:
en: ha haaaaa
sniper taunt dosi fun 02:
en: ho ho ho ha ha ha ha ha
sniper taunt dosi fun 03:
en: do si do yes ha ha hee
sniper taunt dosi fun 05:
en: oow look at my happy feet
sniper taunt dosi fun 06:
en: happy feet happy feet
sniper taunt dosi fun 07:
en: ha ha ha ha ha haaaa
sniper taunt dosi int 01:
en: lets dance
sniper taunt dosi int 02:
en: lets dance mate
sniper taunt dosi int 07:
en: do si do time
sniper taunt dosi int 08:
en: haha lets dance lads
sniper taunt dosi int 09:
en: whooos up for a dance
sniper taunt exert 03:
en: hyaaaaa
sniper taunt exert 07:
en: yaaah
sniper taunt exert 10:
en: haa
sniper taunt exert 15:
en: wanker
sniper taunt flip end 02:
en: hahahahahahha
sniper taunt flip end 03:
en: hahahah wanker
sniper taunt flip end 04:
en: hahahahah
sniper taunt flip end 06:
en: ha ha haaa ha ha haaaaa
sniper taunt flip end 07:
en: uh ha ha haaaa ha h aha
sniper taunt flip exert 01:
en: yuuup ya goooh
sniper taunt flip exert 04:
en: yaah
sniper taunt flip exert 05:
en: yuuuh
sniper taunt flip exert 06:
en: ha haaaaaa
sniper taunt flip exert 07:
en: hhmm huaa
sniper taunt flip fun 05:
en: and a little somethin extraa
sniper taunt flip fun 06:
en: ha ha haaaaaaaa
sniper taunt flip int 04:
en: ooow wants a flippin
sniper taunt flip int 06:
en: oow wants a fippin
sniper taunt flip int 07:
en: step rite uaap
sniper taunt flip int 10:
en: I'll flip ya
sniper taunt flip int 11:
en: ohl flip ya
sniper taunt head end 28:
en: cheers mate
sniper taunt head end 33:
en: krickey
sniper taunt head end 37:
en: bliimey
sniper taunt head end 39:
en: huhhooley dooley
sniper taunt head exert 13:
en: heeegg ghoh
sniper taunt head exert 18:
en: eeaaaann headshot owyy
sniper taunt head exert 23:
en: oooooowwwstraylyaahayaa
sniper taunt head int 02:
en: he he he he right here
sniper taunt head int 14:
en: free head buttun courtesy oh my face
sniper taunt head int 17:
en: come on my head against your head
sniper taunt int 01:
en: lets do this
sniper taunt int 03:
en: lets go
sniper taunt int 04:
en: lets go
sniper taunt int 05:
en: come on mate
sniper taunt int 07:
en: lets go mate
sniper taunt int 08:
en: lets go mate
sniper taunt int 13:
en: havent got all bloody day
sniper taunt kill 18:
en: I see you mate
sniper taunt kill 19:
en: I see you ya mongrel
sniper taunt rps exert 01:
en: one
sniper taunt rps exert 02:
en: two
sniper taunt rps exert 16:
en: three
sniper taunt rps exert 17:
en: on three
sniper taunt rps int 01:
en: rock paper scissors
sniper taunt rps int 03:
en: lets play
sniper taunt rps int 05:
en: lets throw em
sniper taunt rps int 06:
en: lets throw em
sniper taunt rps int 07:
en: oow wants a throw
sniper taunt rps int 11:
en: give us a throw
sniper taunt rps lose 04:
en: bah
sniper taunt rps lose 06:
en: ghyaaa
sniper taunt rps lose 13:
en: bloody stupid game
sniper taunt rps lose 15:
en: you sneaky ratbag
sniper taunt rps lose 22:
en: aah who needs it
sniper taunt rps win 02:
en: aah ha he he
sniper taunt rps win 14:
en: that was a rip snorter
sniper taunt rps win 15:
en: yes
sniper taunt rps win 18:
en: rock beats scissors
sniper taunt rps win 20:
en: scissors cuts paper
spy activatecharge01:
en: Activate the charge, Doctor.
spy activatecharge02:
en: At your pleasure, Doctor.
spy activatecharge03:
en: Doctor, if you please.
spy autocappedcontrolpoint01:
en: Well done us.
spy autocappedcontrolpoint02:
en: Our influence grows.
spy autocappedcontrolpoint03:
en: Excellent!
spy autocappedintelligence01:
en: Was there ever any doubt?
spy autocappedintelligence02:
en: My pleasure.
spy autocappedintelligence03:
en: Cheers.
spy autodejectedtie01:
en: That was unfortunate.
spy autodejectedtie02:
en: I must be dreaming.
spy autodejectedtie03:
en: [Groan]
spy autoonfire01:
en: I appear to have burst into flames.
spy autoonfire02:
en: Fire Fire Fire!
spy autoonfire03:
en: I do believe I'm on fire.
spy battlecry01:
en: Gentlemen?
spy battlecry02:
en: Shall we?
spy battlecry03:
en: After you.
spy battlecry04:
en: [Throat clearing]
spy cartgoingbackdefense01:
en: -
spy cartgoingbackdefense02:
en: Yes! The cart's moving back!
spy cartgoingbackoffense01:
en: The cart is supposed to move FORWARD!
spy cartgoingbackoffense02:
en: Damn it, we're losing ground!
spy cartgoingforwarddefense01:
en: Somebody stop that cart!
spy cartgoingforwarddefense02:
en: Stop that cart!
spy cartgoingforwarddefense03:
en: Stop that cart, you idiots!
spy cartgoingforwarddefense04:
en: We need to stop that cart!
spy cartgoingforwardoffense01:
en: Push! PUSH!
spy cartgoingforwardoffense02:
en: Push!
spy cartgoingforwardoffense03:
en: Push, everyone!
spy cartgoingforwardoffense04:
en: Everyone! Push!
spy cartgoingforwardoffense05:
en: Push the cart!
spy cartgoingforwardoffense06:
en: Push!
spy cartgoingforwardoffense07:
en: Push, you idiots!
spy cartgoingforwardoffense08:
en: Push, damn you!
spy cartstaycloseoffense01:
en: Get to the cart!
spy cartstaycloseoffense02:
en: Get to the cart!
spy cartstaycloseoffense03:
en: Stay close to cart!
spy cartstaycloseoffense04:
en: Do NOT leave the cart!
spy cartstopitdefense01:
en: We've GOT to stop that bomb!
spy cartstopitdefense02:
en: Stand next to the bomb!
spy cartstopitdefense03:
en: We must stop the bomb!
spy cartstopitdefense04:
en: Get to the bomb-cart!
spy cartstoppedoffense01:
en: The cart isn't MOVING, gentlemen.
spy cartstoppedoffense02:
en: [sigh] The cart has stopped.
spy cartstoppedoffense03:
en: Why is the car not MOVING?
spy cheers01:
en: All in a day's work.
spy cheers02:
en: Heartwarming.
spy cheers03:
en: But of course.
spy cheers04:
en: What did they expect?
spy cheers05:
en: Naturally.
spy cheers06:
en: Excellent.
spy cheers07:
en: The outcome was never really in doubt.
spy cheers08:
en: Clearly, they were outclassed.
spy cloakedspy01:
en: It seems I am not the only Spy.
spy cloakedspy02:
en: Spy in our midst.
spy cloakedspy03:
en: Spy, Gentlemen.
spy cloakedspy04:
en: Spy among us.
spy cloakedspyidentify01:
en: The Scout is a Spy.
spy cloakedspyidentify02:
en: The Soldier is a Spy.
spy cloakedspyidentify03:
en: The Heavy is a Spy.
spy cloakedspyidentify04:
en: The Pyro is a Spy.
spy cloakedspyidentify05:
en: The Demoman is a Spy.
spy cloakedspyidentify06:
en: That Spy is an enemy.
spy cloakedspyidentify07:
en: That Spy is not one of us.
spy cloakedspyidentify08:
en: The Medic is a Spy.
spy cloakedspyidentify09:
en: The Engineer is a Spy.
spy cloakedspyidentify10:
en: The Sniper is a Spy.
spy dominationdemoman01:
en: kaboom indeed you drunken wretch
spy dominationdemoman02:
en: How's that bottle of scrumpy now?
spy dominationdemoman03:
en: 'Kaboom' to you, sir.
spy dominationdemoman04:
en: Don\x92t feel bad. You did a fine job tossing your little balls around.
spy dominationdemoman05:
en: The Black Scottish Cyclops: now extinct.
spy dominationdemoman06:
en: I've merely finished what your liver started.
spy dominationdemoman07:
en: Here\x92s what I have that you don\x92t: A functioning liver. Depth perception. And a pulse.
spy dominationengineer01:
en: Yippie Kie Yay, my dead, illiterate friend.
spy dominationengineer02:
en: Howdy, pardner.
spy dominationengineer03:
en: Happy trails, laborer.
spy dominationengineer04:
en: Did I throw a 'wrench' into your plans? [explosive laughter]
spy dominationengineer05:
en: Not much of a quick draw, are you pardner.
spy dominationengineer06:
en: Giddyup now. TO HELL!
spy dominationheavy01:
en: Oh fat man please. This is getting awkward.
spy dominationheavy02:
en: You disgust me, fat man.
spy dominationheavy03:
en: That is a diet I call 'death'.
spy dominationheavy04:
en: Dominated! You fatuous fatheaded fat man.
spy dominationheavy05:
en: You died as you lived: Morbidly obese.
spy dominationheavy06:
en: Your precious sandwich won't save you now, fatty.
spy dominationheavy07:
en: Ohhh! Too bad this wasn't a pie eating contest.
spy dominationheavy08:
en: What\x92s the matter? FAT got your tongue? [explosive laughter]
spy dominationmedic01:
en: [laughing at dead Medic] Laughter really IS the best medicine!
spy dominationmedic02:
en: [mocking]Medeeec Medeec Medeec!
spy dominationmedic03:
en: [mock sympathy] Ohhh, you ALMOST healed me to death that time.
spy dominationmedic04:
en: I'm looking at your x-ray, and I am afraid YOU SUCK!
spy dominationmedic05:
en: [Lauging - barely can get words out] You are such a bad doctor.
spy dominationmedic06:
en: Does it hurt when I do that? It does, doesn't it?
spy dominationpyro01:
en: Dominated! You mush-mouthed freak.
spy dominationpyro02:
en: Good lord, you fight like a woman.
spy dominationpyro03:
en: The world will thank me for this, you monster.
spy dominationpyro04:
en: Burn in hell, you mumbling abomination.
spy dominationpyro05:
en: [chuckles] You look like death warmed over.
spy dominationscout01:
en: Well. Off to visit your mother.
spy dominationscout02:
en: You died as you lived: running away.
spy dominationscout03:
en: [condescending] Oo, you were quick as a little bunny, weren\x92t you?
spy dominationscout04:
en: Here lies Scout. He ran fast and died a virgin.
spy dominationscout05:
en: Weren\x92t you supposed to be GOOD at dodging?
spy dominationscout06:
en: May I borrow your earpiece? This is Scout. Rainbows make me cry. Over.
spy dominationscout07:
en: Nothing personal. I just had to shut you up.
spy dominationscout08:
en: So:Your deadly skill is jogging? Mine is murdering people.
spy dominationsniper01:
en: Boo! You repulsive bushman.
spy dominationsniper02:
en: You digust me, filthy jar man.
spy dominationsniper03:
en: No worries, mate
spy dominationsniper04:
en: [laughing] You live a van! [laughing]
spy dominationsniper05:
en: Oh please. Just stay down.
spy dominationsniper06:
en: Perhaps they can bury you in the van you called home.
spy dominationsniper07:
en: Good day to you, 'mate'. [laughs]
spy dominationsoldier01:
en: Maybe your colleagues will send a man next time.
spy dominationsoldier02:
en: I dominate you, you sluggish simpleton.
spy dominationsoldier03:
en: At least you died for honor. And my amusement.
spy dominationsoldier04:
en: Oh soldier, who will they ever find to replace you? ANYONE. [laughs]
spy dominationsoldier05:
en: They can bury you in the tomb of the unskilled soldier.
spy dominationspy01:
en: Go to hell and take your cheap suit with you.
spy dominationspy02:
en: We all knew you were a spy.
spy dominationspy03:
en: You are an amateur and a fool.
spy dominationspy04:
en: I'll see you in hell, you handsome rogue.
spy dominationspy05:
en: You are an embarrassment to spies everywhere.
spy go01:
en: Move.
spy go02:
en: Let us move.
spy go03:
en: Proceed.
spy goodjob01:
en: Well played.
spy goodjob02:
en: Fine job.
spy goodjob03:
en: You have done well.
spy headleft01:
en: Left!
spy headleft02:
en: To the left!
spy headleft03:
en: Go left!
spy headright01:
en: Right!
spy headright02:
en: To the right!
spy headright03:
en: Go Right!
spy helpme01:
en: Help!
spy helpme02:
en: Some assistance, please.
spy helpme03:
en: I require assistance.
spy helpmecapture01:
en: Come help me capture this!
spy helpmecapture02:
en: Help me capture the point!
spy helpmecapture03:
en: Would someone care to help me capture this?
spy helpmedefend01:
en: Help me defend.
spy helpmedefend02:
en: More defense required here.
spy helpmedefend03:
en: I could use a hand defending here.
spy incoming01:
en: Incoming!
spy incoming02:
en: Incoming!
spy incoming03:
en: Incoming!
spy item unicorn backstab01:
en: I am the prettiest unicorn!
spy item unicorn backstab02:
en: Sorry to 'horn' in.
spy item unicorn capped01:
en: I claim this point for UNICORNS!
spy item unicorn capped02:
en: I claim this point for France! And unicorns!
spy item unicorn capped03:
en: This cap point is now under the iron hoof of Unicorn Fairy Land!
spy item unicorn case cap01:
en: Never send a Scout to do a Unicorn's job.
spy item unicorn domination01:
en: There's no room for TWO pretty unicorns!
spy item unicorn round start01:
en: I am not just ANY unicorn. I am the prettiest unicorn there ever WAS.
spy item unicorn round start02:
en: You don't need to TELL me I am the prettiest unicorn. I KNOW I am the prettiest unicorn.
spy item unicorn round start03:
en: If there are ANY unicorns prettier than me, I will FIND them. I will FOLLOW them. And no one will EVER see those unicorns again.
spy item unicorn round start04:
en: I can FEEL the unicorn friendship magic COURSING through my veins.
spy item unicorn round start05:
en: Today, I am a Pony GOD!
spy item unicorn round start06:
en: I am the prettiest unicorn!
spy jaratehit01:
en: Is this...? Mon dieu!
spy jaratehit02:
en: Jarate! Noooooo!
spy jaratehit03:
en: I HATE you!
spy jaratehit04:
en: I have been shown who is the boss!
spy jaratehit05:
en: Jarate? [sobbing]
spy jaratehit06:
en: Agghhh!
spy jeers01:
en: Hisss....
spy jeers02:
en: Well, this was a disappointment.
spy jeers03:
en: I did all I could.
spy jeers04:
en: What a disaster.
spy jeers05:
en: Not our finest moment.
spy jeers06:
en: Oh, merde. [disgusted]
spy laughevil01:
en: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
spy laughevil02:
en: [Evil Laugh]
spy laughhappy01:
en: [Happy Laugh]
spy laughhappy02:
en: [Happy Laugh]
spy laughhappy03:
en: [Happy Laugh]
spy laughlong01:
en: [Long Laugh]
spy laughshort01:
en: [Short Laugh]
spy laughshort02:
en: [Short Laugh]
spy laughshort03:
en: [Short Laugh]
spy laughshort04:
en: [Short Laugh]
spy laughshort05:
en: [Short Laugh]
spy laughshort06:
en: [Short Laugh]
spy medic01:
en: Doctor!
spy medic02:
en: Doctor!
spy medic03:
en: Medic!
spy medicfollow01:
en: This way Doctor!
spy medicfollow02:
en: Follow me Doctor!
spy meleedare01:
en: Let's settle this like gentlemen.
spy meleedare02:
en: Queen's rules?
spy moveup01:
en: Move these things up!
spy moveup02:
en: Move these machines up!
spy mvm loot common01:
en: Very nice.
spy mvm loot common02:
en: I'll take it.
spy mvm loot common03:
en: I'll take it.
spy mvm loot godlike01:
en: My... GOD.
spy mvm loot godlike02:
en: It's... PERFECT.
spy mvm loot godlike03:
en: It's the only one of its kind. And it's MINE.
spy mvm loot rare01:
en: I'll give it a good home.
spy mvm loot rare02:
en: Excellent!
spy mvm loot rare03:
en: Magnificent!
spy mvm mannhattan gate atk01:
en: The robots are at the gate!
spy mvm mannhattan gate atk02:
en: The robots are taking the gate!
spy mvm mannhattan gate take01:
en: The robots have taken the gate!
spy mvm resurrect01:
en: Gentlemen -- I'm back.
spy mvm resurrect02:
en: Ah. Much better.
spy mvm resurrect03:
en: I'm BACK.
spy mvm resurrect04:
en: Death is but a doorway.
spy mvm resurrect05:
en: Voila.
spy mvm resurrect06:
en: I have returned.
spy mvm resurrect07:
en: No coffin can contain me.
spy mvm resurrect08:
en: What did I miss?
spy mvm resurrect09:
en: [Laugh]
spy needdispenser01:
en: Place a dispenser here!
spy needsentry01:
en: Place a Sentry here.
spy needteleporter01:
en: Place a teleporter here.
spy negativevocalization01:
en: Ahhhhh.
spy negativevocalization02:
en: Ahhhhh.
spy negativevocalization03:
en: Preposterous!
spy negativevocalization04:
en: Oh, please.
spy negativevocalization05:
en: Oh please...
spy negativevocalization06:
en: Oh no...
spy negativevocalization07:
en: Ahhhh....
spy negativevocalization08:
en: Nyahhhhhhh...
spy negativevocalization09:
en: Awwwhhhh...
spy niceshot01:
en: Nice shot.
spy niceshot02:
en: Admirable shot.
spy niceshot03:
en: Superior shot!
spy no01:
en: I think not.
spy no02:
en: No.
spy no03:
en: I'm afraid not.
spy paincrticialdeath01:
en: ohaea
spy paincrticialdeath02:
en: Pain Death Scream
spy paincrticialdeath03:
en: Pain Death Scream
spy painsevere01:
en: Severe Pain
spy painsevere02:
en: Severe Pain
spy painsevere03:
en: Severe Pain
spy painsevere04:
en: Severe Pain
spy painsevere05:
en: Severe Pain
spy painsharp01:
en: ?
spy painsharp02:
en: ?
spy painsharp03:
en: ?
spy painsharp04:
en: ?
spy paulingkilltaunt01:
en: I'll tell Miss Pauling you're... occupied.
spy paulingkilltaunt02:
en: Hmm. Well, maybe I'LL ask Miss Pauling out.
spy paulingkilltaunt03:
en: I'll tell your mother hello.
spy positivevocalization01:
en: Excellent.
spy positivevocalization02:
en: Splendid!
spy positivevocalization03:
en: Magnificent!
spy positivevocalization04:
en: First rate!
spy positivevocalization05:
en: Top shelf!
spy revenge01:
en: Hello again, dumbbell.
spy revenge02:
en: I'm back, you subnormal half-wit.
spy revenge03:
en: Did you forget about me?
spy rpscountgo01:
en: ALLEZ!
spy rpscountgo02:
en: SHOOT!
spy rpscountgo03:
en: SHOOT!
spy rpscountone01:
en: 1...
spy rpscountpaper01:
en: paper...
spy rpscountpaper02:
en: paper...
spy rpscountrock01:
en: Rock...
spy rpscountrock02:
en: Rock...
spy rpscountscissor01:
en: scissors...
spy rpscountscissor02:
en: scissors...
spy rpscountthree01:
en: 3...
spy rpscounttwo01:
en: 2...
spy rpshold01:
en: Anyone?
spy rpslose01:
en: Aww.
spy rpslose02:
en: Aww.
spy rpspaperwin01:
en: Paper obfuscates rock!
spy rpspaperwin02:
en: Paper envelopes rock!
spy rpspaperwin03:
en: Paper smothers rock!
spy rpsregretpaper01:
en: Paper. I should have chosen paper.
spy rpsregretrock01:
en: Rock. I should have chosen rock.
spy rpsregretscissor01:
en: Scissors. I should have chosen scissors.
spy rpsrockwin01:
en: Rock obliterates scissors!
spy rpsscissorwin01:
en: Scissors cuts paper!
spy rpsstart01:
en: Let us play!
spy rpstie01:
en: Merde. A tie.
spy rpswin01:
en: Excellent!
spy rpswin02:
en: I am victorious!
spy sentryahead01:
en: Sentry just ahead!
spy sentryahead02:
en: Sentry ahead!
spy sf12 badmagic01:
en: -
spy sf12 badmagic02:
en: Sacre bleu...
spy sf12 badmagic03:
en: What the hell...?
spy sf12 badmagic04:
en: Ughhhh... fantastic.
spy sf12 badmagic05:
en: Noooooo!
spy sf12 badmagic06:
en: Noooooo!
spy sf12 badmagic07:
en: Tell no one of this...
spy sf12 badmagic08:
en: Ughhhh... mon dieu.
spy sf12 dancing01:
en: Jealous?
spy sf12 falling01:
spy sf12 falling02:
en: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... Come on, I don't have all day.
spy sf12 goodmagic01:
en: Hmmm. Not bad...
spy sf12 goodmagic02:
en: [chuckle] Well, now...
spy sf12 goodmagic03:
en: Hmmm. Excellent.
spy sf12 goodmagic04:
en: Splendid!
spy sf12 goodmagic05:
en: YES!
spy sf12 goodmagic06:
en: Splendid!
spy sf12 goodmagic07:
en: [evil laugh]
spy sf12 goodmagic08:
en: [evil laugh]
spy sf12 scared01:
en: Abort! Abort!
spy sf13 influx big01:
en: Oh, YES.
spy sf13 influx big02:
en: Very nice. VERY NICE!
spy sf13 influx small02:
en: ...Excellent.
spy sf13 influx small03:
en: Marvelous.
spy sf13 influx small04:
en: [laugh]
spy sf13 influx small05:
en: [laugh]
spy sf13 influx small06:
en: [laugh]
spy sf13 magic reac01:
en: Oh, no...
spy sf13 magic reac02:
en: Oh, merde...
spy sf13 magic reac03:
en: What the hell is THAT?
spy sf13 magic reac04:
en: What have you DONE?
spy sf13 magic reac05:
en: God help us!
spy sf13 magic reac06:
spy sf13 midnight01:
en: The bridge is DOWN!
spy sf13 midnight02:
en: The bridge is DOWN!
spy sf13 midnight03:
en: The bridge is DOWN, gentlemen!
spy sf13 midnight04:
en: Now, gentlemen! Cross the bridge!
spy sf13 midnight05:
en: It's the witching hour!
spy sf13 midnight06:
en: NOW, gentlemen! Grab all that you can!
spy sf13 midnight08:
en: Quickly! Get to the island!
spy sf13 round start01:
en: This won't be the FIRST dead man I've disposed of in the dead of night.
spy sf13 round start02:
en: As long as nothing supernatural happens, this should be easy.
spy sf13 round start03:
en: Why is it always THIS time of year we get assignments like this?
spy sf13 round start04:
en: Gentlemen! Let's push a dead man to hell!
spy sf13 round start05:
en: This dead man belongs in hell! Let's take him home!
spy sf13 round start06:
en: Let's give this wretch his final reward!
spy sf13 spell bombhead01:
en: Cah-POO-tuss Cray-pee-TOOS
spy sf13 spell devil bargain01:
en: PACK-toom Dee-AHH-boo-loose
spy sf13 spell earthquake01:
en: SIGHS-mell-ah Trem-OR-oh
spy sf13 spell generic04:
en: Barpo Kabalto!
spy sf13 spell invisibility01:
en: BAR-po In-VIZZ-ee-um
spy sf13 spell lightning bolt01:
en: Im-poo-TUM Full-MEEN-ohs
spy sf13 spell summon monoculous01:
en: In-VOKE-um Maw-NAW-cue-luss
spy sf13 spell super jump01:
en: AHM-ploos tree-POO-dee-oh
spy sf13 spell super speed01:
en: PAY-dum Cell-AIR-us
spy sf13 spell teleport self01:
en: IP-sum IN-stan-TARE-ium
spy sf13 spell uber01:
en: Day-OOS Een-VIC-toos
spy sf13 spell zombie horde01:
en: MORE-tiss Ann-im-mat-AIR-iss
spy specialcompleted-assistedkill01:
en: I appreciate your help.
spy specialcompleted-assistedkill02:
en: My appreciation, amigo.
spy specialcompleted01:
en: Apologies...
spy specialcompleted02:
en: With my apologies...
spy specialcompleted03:
en: Oh dear, I've made quite a mess.
spy specialcompleted04:
en: Sorry to pop in unannounced.
spy specialcompleted05:
en: I murdered your toys as well.
spy specialcompleted06:
en: Pardon me.
spy specialcompleted07:
en: I never really was on your side.
spy specialcompleted08:
en: Thank you for being such a dear friend.
spy specialcompleted09:
en: Coward. [disgusted]
spy specialcompleted10:
en: You disgust me.
spy specialcompleted11:
en: You got blood on my suit.
spy specialcompleted12:
en: Surprise...
spy stabtaunt01:
en: Time for the killing stroke.
spy stabtaunt02:
en: Time to make that ugly face a little prettier.
spy stabtaunt03:
en: Ah, stab wounds. My favorite type of wound.
spy stabtaunt04:
en: Shock. Blood loss. Infection. Oh, I love stabbing.
spy stabtaunt05:
en: Some are born great. Others have greatness thrust into their sternums.
spy stabtaunt06:
en: Let me get straight to the point.
spy stabtaunt07:
en: I'm not going to stab you I'm not going to stab you HA! I stabbed you!
spy stabtaunt08:
en: I'm going to fillet you like a salmon.
spy stabtaunt09:
en: I'm going to puncture you like a juice box.
spy stabtaunt10:
en: I'm going to carve you like a partridge.
spy stabtaunt11:
en: I'm going to carve you like a pumpkin.
spy stabtaunt12:
en: I'm going to butcher you like a pig.
spy stabtaunt13:
en: I'm going to hack you up like cordwood.
spy stabtaunt14:
en: I'm going to fillet you like a salmon.
spy stabtaunt15:
en: I'm going to hack you up like cordwood.
spy stabtaunt16:
en: I'm going to puncture you like an old tire.
spy standonthepoint01:
en: Come stand on the point!
spy standonthepoint02:
en: Come stand on the point you idiot!
spy standonthepoint03:
en: Idiot! Come stand on the point!
spy standonthepoint04:
en: Come stand on the point you imbecile!
spy thanks01:
en: Thank you!
spy thanks02:
en: Many thanks.
spy thanks03:
en: Thank you!
spy thanksfortheheal01:
en: Cheers, Doctor.
spy thanksfortheheal02:
en: Thank you, Doctor.
spy thanksfortheheal03:
en: Much appreciated, Doctor.
spy thanksfortheteleporter01:
en: Thank you, laborer.
spy thanksfortheteleporter02:
en: Thank you, my friend.
spy thanksfortheteleporter03:
en: Cheers, Engineers.
spy tietaunt01:
en: Let'sss see... yes, good . I still look magnificent.
spy tietaunt02:
en: Good . I still look magnificent.
spy tietaunt03:
en: It should be a crime to look this good.
spy tietaunt04:
en: It should be a crime to look this good.
spy tietaunt05:
en: Like a wolf among the lambs.
spy tietaunt06:
en: Like a wolf among the lambs.
spy tietaunt07:
en: You handsome devil. Don't you ever die.
spy tietaunt08:
en: It's a privilege to be killed by a man who looks this good.
spy tietaunt09:
en: As if I would get blood on a three thousand dollar suit. Come on.
spy yes01:
en: Yes
spy yes02:
en: But of course.
spy yes03:
en: Of course.
spy kill taunt 03:
en: Here buy yourself some talent
spy kill taunt 13:
en: Here go guy a nicer hat
spy kill taunt 16:
en: Here that\x92s what your worth
spy kill taunt 17:
en: Here keep the change
spy taunt bos int 05:
en: your move
spy taunt bos kick 02:
en: ha ha
spy taunt cong fun 01:
en: who ho ho hooo
spy taunt cong fun 02:
en: ahughhh ha ha ha ha ha ha
spy taunt cong fun 03:
en: alright
spy taunt cong fun 05:
en: au si magnafica
spy taunt cong fun 06:
en: oooo ha ha ha
spy taunt cong fun 08:
en: oo ha ha
spy taunt cong fun 09:
en: auh ha ha ha haaaa
spy taunt cong fun 10:
en: oooo yeahh
spy taunt cong fun 14:
en: nut du du dun
spy taunt cong fun 15:
en: bup budump bum budump bum bum
spy taunt cong fun 17:
en: bum ba boom bump bump bummp ba boom
spy taunt cong int 01:
en: lets us dance
spy taunt cong int 05:
en: dancing it is the forbiden dance
spy taunt cong int 11:
en: let us dance gentalmen dance like no one is shooting at us
spy taunt dosi end 03:
en: yes good were done
spy taunt dosi end 06:
en: if you speak of this I will kill you
spy taunt dosi end 11:
en: well that was idiotic
spy taunt dosi end 14:
en: I will stab this memory out of my sckull
spy taunt dosi end 17:
en: mmmmuhhhhh
spy taunt dosi end 18:
en: murhhhahhh
spy taunt dosi end 19:
en: mmmrusuuhhhahh
spy taunt dosi end 24:
en: yes good times for all
spy taunt dosi end 32:
en: and were done time to shower
spy taunt dosi end 37:
en: and were done time to hang myself
spy taunt dosi int 01:
en: auhghhhhh
spy taunt dosi int 02:
en: auhghhhhh
spy taunt dosi int 03:
en: whhhahhaaa
spy taunt dosi int 08:
en: ooooo the do si do
spy taunt dosi int 09:
en: auhhh the do si do
spy taunt dosi int 10:
en: the do si do
spy taunt dosi int 12:
en: oow come on
spy taunt dosi int 14:
en: oow come on
spy taunt dosi int 16:
en: I will never live dis down
spy taunt dosi int 31:
en: yes yes spinning happy memories
spy taunt dosi int 32:
en: I feel like an idiot
spy taunt exert 11:
en: uugha
spy taunt exert 12:
en: oough
spy taunt exert 13:
en: errugha
spy taunt exert 14:
en: rrrruha
spy taunt exert 15:
en: uraha
spy taunt exert 16:
en: wwwuahaa
spy taunt flip admire 05:
en: very nice
spy taunt flip admire 09:
en: teamwork
spy taunt flip admire 18:
en: alright take it easy
spy taunt flip admire 20:
en: ok don't get too excited
spy taunt flip end 07:
en: and then this
spy taunt flip end 12:
en: big finnish
spy taunt flip end 14:
en: I make it look easy
spy taunt flip end 16:
en: peroet
spy taunt flip exert 01:
en: urrr
spy taunt flip exert 02:
en: ughhaaa
spy taunt flip exert 07:
en: up you go
spy taunt flip exert 08:
en: up you go
spy taunt flip exert 09:
en: and flip
spy taunt flip exert 10:
en: like so
spy taunt flip fun 01:
en: ha ha
spy taunt flip fun 02:
en: ha ha
spy taunt flip fun 07:
en: watch and learn
spy taunt flip fun 09:
en: ja lete
spy taunt flip fun 12:
en: I fly
spy taunt flip fun 13:
en: I take to the air
spy taunt flip int 01:
en: flipping
spy taunt flip int 02:
en: flipping
spy taunt flip int 03:
en: flipping
spy taunt flip int 04:
en: ahaaa flipping
spy taunt flip int 07:
en: time to flip
spy taunt flip int 15:
en: flipping time
spy taunt flip int 16:
en: flipping time
spy taunt flip int 20:
en: to me
spy taunt flip int 25:
en: aughhh fine
spy taunt flip int 28:
en: aughh fine lets flip
spy taunt head exert 01:
en: urrrrrugh
spy taunt head exert 15:
en: owww
spy taunt head int 02:
en: let us but heads
spy taunt head int 05:
en: right here
spy taunt head int 12:
en: but my head
spy taunt head int 21:
en: bootay la tet
spy taunt head int 26:
en: bootay la tet
spy taunt head pain 01:
en: ow ow ow
spy taunt head pain 11:
en: oogh good a concussion
spy taunt head pain 20:
en: didn't feel a thing
spy taunt int 01:
en: come on
spy taunt int 03:
en: come on
spy taunt int 16:
en: lets begin
spy taunt int 24:
en: over here
spy taunt int 48:
en: let us commence
spy taunt killme 01:
en: kill me
spy taunt killme 02:
en: kill me
spy taunt rps exert 08:
en: one
spy taunt rps exert 09:
en: two
spy taunt rps exert 10:
en: three
spy taunt rps exert 28:
en: on three
spy taunt rps int 01:
en: Rock paper scissors
spy taunt rps int 05:
en: let us play
spy taunt rps int 07:
en: who will play me
spy taunt rps int 08:
en: my hands against your hands
spy taunt rps lose 05:
en: burn in hell
spy taunt rps lose 12:
en: I should have won
spy taunt rps lose 15:
en: you got lucky
spy taunt rps win 09:
en: behold your winner
spy taunt rps win 11:
en: -
spy trade 01:
en: magnificent
spy trade 03:
en: such treasure
spy trade 05:
en: jealous
spy trade 08:
en: stylish
spy trade 09:
en: you are green with envey I can tell
spy trade 11:
en: what do you think
spy trade 13:
en: very nice eh
spy trade 17:
en: the pearl of my collection
spy trade 18:
en: the piesss du resisdaunce
spy trade 20:
en: I have expensive tastes
spy trade 22:
en: I spare no expense on lugshuries
en: ?
en: ?
medic activatecharge01:
en: Charge me, Herr Doktor!
medic activatecharge02:
en: Ready for ze charge, Herr Doktor!
medic activatecharge03:
en: Now is ze time, Herr Doktor.
medic autocappedcontrolpoint01:
en: Another successful procedure!
medic autocappedcontrolpoint02:
en: Zey are weakened!
medic autocappedcontrolpoint03:
en: I am prepared to do vatever it takes.
medic autocappedintelligence01:
en: ?
medic autocappedintelligence02:
en: Papers please.
medic autocappedintelligence03:
en: Where are your precious papers now, dumpkopfs?
medic autochargeready01:
en: Ready to charge!
medic autochargeready02:
en: I am fully charged!
medic autochargeready03:
en: I am charged!
medic autodejectedtie01:
en: Zis is unacceptable.
medic autodejectedtie02:
en: Anyone still alive has let me down.
medic autodejectedtie03:
en: [Groan]
medic autodejectedtie04:
en: Schweinhunds
medic autodejectedtie05:
en: [Groan]
medic autodejectedtie06:
en: [Groan]
medic autodejectedtie07:
en: [Groan]
medic autoonfire01:
en: fire fire fire!
medic autoonfire02:
en: fire!
medic autoonfire03:
en: i am on fire
medic autoonfire04:
en: everyone i am on fire
medic autoonfire05:
en: i am melting
medic battlecry01:
en: Raus! Raus!
medic battlecry02:
en: Forward!
medic battlecry03:
en: Heil us!
medic battlecry04:
medic battlecry05:
en: Horridoh!
medic battlecry06:
en: Gesundheit!
medic cartgoingbackoffense01:
en: -
medic cartgoingbackoffense02:
en: Why is the cart moving BACKWARDS?
medic cartgoingforwarddefense01:
en: That cart must be STOPPED!
medic cartgoingforwarddefense02:
en: Stop that cart!
medic cartgoingforwardoffense01:
en: Push!
medic cartgoingforwardoffense02:
en: Pushhhh!
medic cartgoingforwardoffense03:
en: Everyone! Push!
medic cartgoingforwardoffense04:
en: Push the cart!
medic cartgoingforwardoffense05:
en: Everyone! Push the cart!
medic cartgoingforwardoffense06:
en: Raus, raus!
medic cartgoingforwardoffense07:
en: Push! Schnell!
medic cartgoingforwardoffense08:
en: Push, damn you, push!
medic cartstaycloseoffense01:
en: Everyone stay close to the cart!
medic cartstaycloseoffense02:
en: Do not leave the CART, dumpkoffs!
medic cartstaycloseoffense03:
en: Stay close to the cart!
medic cartstopitdefense01:
en: Everyone! We must stop that bomb!
medic cartstoppedoffense01:
en: The cart is not MOVING!
medic cartstoppedoffense02:
en: Who stopped pushing the cart? I WANT NAMES!
medic cartstoppedoffense03:
en: Why is no one else PUSHING THIS CART?
medic cartstoppedoffense04:
en: Who stopped pushing the cart?
medic cheers01:
en: Excellent.
medic cheers02:
en: Well done!
medic cheers03:
en: Keep it up!
medic cheers04:
en: Sturm und drang!
medic cheers05:
en: I am ze ubermensch!
medic cheers06:
en: Oktoberfest!
medic cloakedspy01:
en: Spy!
medic cloakedspy02:
en: Achtung! Spy!
medic cloakedspyidentify01:
en: The Scout is a Spy!
medic cloakedspyidentify02:
en: The Soldier is a Spy!
medic cloakedspyidentify03:
en: The Heavy is a Spy!
medic cloakedspyidentify04:
en: The Pyro is a spy!
medic cloakedspyidentify05:
en: The Demoman is a Spy!
medic cloakedspyidentify06:
en: The Spy is a double agent!
medic cloakedspyidentify07:
en: The Medic is a Spy!
medic cloakedspyidentify08:
en: The Engineer is a Spy!
medic cloakedspyidentify09:
en: The Sniper is a Spy!
medic go01:
en: Mach schnell!
medic go02:
en: Schnell! Roust! Roust!
medic go03:
en: Move! Schnell!
medic go04:
en: Los Weiter!
medic go05:
en: ?
medic goodjob01:
en: Good work!
medic goodjob02:
en: Stupendous!
medic goodjob03:
en: Amazing, kamerad!
medic hat taunts01:
en: -
medic hat taunts02:
en: In my medical opinion, that hat looks ridiculous. Here's a second opinion: You're dead.
medic hat taunts03:
en: The patient died, but sadly, his terrible hat lives on.
medic hat taunts04:
en: Confidentially, doctor to patient, that is a STUPID HAT.
medic headleft01:
en: Left!
medic headleft02:
en: Go left!
medic headleft03:
en: Left! LEFT!
medic headright01:
en: Right!
medic headright02:
en: Go right!
medic headright03:
en: Right! Right!
medic helpme01:
en: Help!
medic helpme02:
en: I need assistance!
medic helpme03:
en: Assistance, bitte!
medic helpmecapture01:
en: Help me secure this point!
medic helpmecapture02:
en: I need help with this point! Schnell!
medic helpmedefend01:
en: We must defend this point!
medic helpmedefend02:
en: Must I defend this point myself?
medic helpmedefend03:
en: Defend the point!
medic incoming01:
en: Incoming!
medic incoming02:
en: Incoming!
medic incoming03:
en: Incoming!
medic item birdhead domination01:
en: Bird-head DOMINATION!
medic item birdhead domination02:
en: I have a bird head, you're dominated. We're both having a bad day.
medic item birdhead round start01:
en: I am Archimedes!
medic item birdhead round start02:
en: I experimented on my own head! Ahahahahaha!
medic item birdhead round start03:
en: My head! Ahahahahahaha!
medic item birdhead round start04:
en: The bird head is pure agony! Ahahahahahaha!
medic item birdhead round start05:
en: It's a bird! It's a head! It's a bird head! Ahahahaha!
medic item birdhead round start06:
en: Help meeeeeee! Ahahaha!
medic item birdhead round start07:
en: Bird head was a bad choice! AHHHHHH!
medic item birdhead round start08:
en: I toiled in God's domain! AHHHHH!
medic item birdhead uber01:
en: I am the angry bird-god of the badlands. FEAR ME!
medic item secop cart push03:
en: [evil] Push harder! [/evil] Oh, shut up.
medic item secop cart push04:
en: [evil] Keep pushing! [/evil] Why don't YOU push?
medic item secop cart stopped01:
en: Who stopped pushing the cart? [evil] This is YOUR fault.
medic item secop domination01:
en: I'm of two minds about this. Both are... pretty good with it.
medic item secop idle01:
en: [evil] Do you ever worry you might be going mad? [/evil] Well, not 'worry'. I mean, I'm not up at night about it.
medic item secop idle02:
en: [evil] Do you ever think you might be going mad? [/evil] Oh, all the time. I don't think it's anything to worry about.
medic item secop idle03:
en: [evil] Red rum. Rrrred rrrum. [/evil] 'Red'...? Oh! I just got that. Very clever.
medic item secop kill assist01:
en: We did it! [evil] *I* did it. [/evil] Well, whatever.
medic item secop round start01:
en: Let's DO this, my friends! [evil] Kill them all. [/evil] Shhh, that's enough.
medic item secop round start02:
en: I am ready, my friends! [evil] Kill all your friends. [/evil] Oo, Good idea!
medic item secop round start03:
en: I am ready! [evil] Kill them all. [/evil] Also I must kill you all!
medic item secop round start04:
en: I cannot wait! [evil] And neither can I...
medic item secop round start05:
en: [evil] Kill them. Kill them all. [/evil] Hm, that DOES sound like fun.
medic item secop round start06:
en: [evil] Kill them all. [/evil] Hm. Are you sure? [evil] Yes. [/evil] Well, I'm convinced.
medic item secop round start07:
en: [evil] They all think you're crazy. [/evil] What? I'll show them!
medic item secop round start08:
en: Ready! [evil] We're both ready.
medic item secop uber01:
en: We are INVINCIBLE! [evil] Yes we are.
medic item zombiebird dominated01:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Dominated!
medic item zombiebird got briefcase01:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Stole the briefcase! [Medic] Shh!
medic item zombiebird jarate01:
en: [bird] BRAWK! That's Jarate. [Medic] Yes it is.
medic item zombiebird mvm go upgrade01:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Upgrade Station! [Medic] Ah. Yes.
medic item zombiebird mvm win01:
en: We did it! [bird] BRAWK! Kill your friends! [Medic] Ah, yes, I almost forgot.
medic item zombiebird on fire01:
en: [bird] BRAWK! We're on fire. [whistle] Yes, I KNOW!
medic item zombiebird round start01:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Kill them all! [Medic] Shh.
medic item zombiebird round start02:
en: [bird] Kill them all! [Medic] That's enough!
medic item zombiebird round start03:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Dead by dawn! [Medic] Shh. Silence.
medic item zombiebird round start04:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Archimedes wants brains! [Medic] Thank you, Archimedes...
medic item zombiebird round start05:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Brains! [Medic] Shush, Archimedes!
medic item zombiebird round start06:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Archimedes wants brains! [Medic] Yes, Archimedes wants all the brains, doesn't he?
medic item zombiebird sf13 cart forward01:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Push the dead man! [Medic] I'm trying!
medic item zombiebird sf13 cart forward02:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Send him to hell! [Medic] Ah. Yes.
medic item zombiebird stand point01:
en: [bird] BRAWK! Stand on the point!
medic jeers01:
en: Hissss
medic jeers02:
en: Is there a point to your lives?
medic jeers03:
en: My skill is wasted on this team.
medic jeers04:
en: Dummkopfs!
medic jeers05:
en: Boooo!
medic jeers06:
en: You are trying my patience
medic jeers07:
en: Teaaaamm!
medic jeers08:
en: Welcome to we lose once again fest.
medic jeers09:
en: Achh! Was is los?
medic jeers10:
en: Danke!
medic jeers11:
en: from now on losing is verbooten
medic jeers12:
en: shvieenhoontz
medic laughevil01:
en: [Evil Laugh]
medic laughevil02:
en: ?
medic laughevil03:
en: [Evil Laugh]
medic laughevil04:
en: ?
medic laughevil05:
en: ?
medic laughhappy01:
en: [Happy Laugh]
medic laughhappy02:
en: [Happy Laugh]
medic laughhappy03:
en: [Happy Laugh]
medic laughlong01:
en: [Long Laugh]
medic laughlong02:
en: [Long Laugh]
medic laughshort01:
en: [Short Laugh]
medic laughshort02:
en: [Short Laugh]
medic laughshort03:
en: [Short Laugh]
medic medic01:
en: Doktor!
medic medic02:
en: Medic!
medic medic03:
en: Medic!
medic moveup01:
en: Move the gear up! Schnell!
medic moveup02:
en: Move this gear up!
medic mvm ask ready01:
en: Who is not ready?
medic mvm bomb destroyed01:
en: The bomb is clear!
medic mvm bomb destroyed02:
en: The bomb carrier is down!
medic mvm bomb see01:
en: Bomb!
medic mvm bomb see02:
en: They have a bomb!
medic mvm bomb see03:
en: Another bomb!
medic mvm bomb upgrade01:
en: The bomb carrier is looking angry!
medic mvm bomb upgrade02:
en: The bomb carrier is getting angrier!
medic mvm bomb upgrade03:
en: The bomb carrier is furious!
medic mvm class is dead01:
en: Scout is dead!
medic mvm class is dead02:
en: Spy is dead!
medic mvm class is dead03:
en: Heavy is dead!
medic mvm class is dead04:
en: Soldier is dead!
medic mvm class is dead05:
en: Medic is dead!
medic mvm class is dead06:
en: Demo is dead!
medic mvm class is dead07:
en: Pyro is dead!
medic mvm class is dead08:
en: Sniper is dead!
medic mvm class is dead09:
en: Engie is dead!
medic mvm collect credits01:
en: Come on! Collect the money!
medic mvm collect credits02:
en: Free money! Free money!
medic mvm collect credits03:
en: Everyone! Free money!
medic mvm collect credits04:
en: [happy laugh] Oo, money!
medic mvm encourage upgrade01:
en: I should upgrade.
medic mvm encourage upgrade02:
en: Get to an upgrade station, Schell!
medic mvm encourage upgrade03:
en: Upgrade! Uppen-grade-en, everyone!
medic mvm get upgrade01:
en: Ooo! Much better!
medic mvm get upgrade02:
en: I feel like a million Deutschmarks!
medic mvm get upgrade03:
en: [maniacal laugh] I am a god!
medic mvm get upgrade04:
en: Ahhh. I am going to murder so many robots.
medic mvm giant robot01:
en: Uber-bot!
medic mvm giant robot02:
en: The Uber-bot is destroyed!
medic mvm giant robot03:
en: The Uber-bot has the bomb!
medic mvm heal shield01:
en: Everyone! Behind me!
medic mvm heal shield02:
en: You will go no further!
medic mvm heal shield03:
en: No robot shall pass!
medic mvm heal shield04:
en: Get behind me!
medic mvm heal shield05:
en: This wall is robot death!
medic mvm loot common01:
en: This will do nicely.
medic mvm loot common02:
en: Vunderbar!
medic mvm loot common03:
en: Hm. Not bad!
medic mvm loot godlike01:
en: Vunderbar.
medic mvm loot godlike02:
en: It's beautiful.
medic mvm loot godlike03:
en: Got in himmel, it's wonderful! It's more than wonderful - it's... it's perfect! [cackle]
medic mvm loot rare01:
en: Now, THIS is a rare piece.
medic mvm loot rare02:
en: Oh, VERY nice.
medic mvm mannhattan gate atk01:
en: They're attacking the gate!
medic mvm mannhattan gate atk02:
en: The robots are attacking the gate!
medic mvm mannhattan gate take01:
en: The robots have taken the gate!
medic mvm mannhattan gate take02:
en: The robots have the gate!
medic mvm resurrect01:
en: I'm alive! I'M ALIVE!
medic mvm resurrect02:
en: Back from the dead!
medic mvm resurrect03:
en: I'm BACK!
medic mvm robot sapped01:
en: Sapping a robot!
medic mvm robot sapped02:
en: The robot is sapped!
medic mvm say ready01:
en: Ready!
medic mvm say ready02:
en: I cannot wait!
medic mvm sentry buster01:
en: Sentry buster!
medic mvm sentry buster02:
en: Sentry buster is destroyed!
medic mvm sniper01:
en: Sniper!
medic mvm stand alone01:
en: [crazy laugh] It's just you and me robots...
medic mvm tank alert01:
en: Tank!
medic mvm tank deploy01:
en: The Tank is dropping a bomb!
medic mvm tank shooting01:
en: Shoot the tank!
medic mvm tank shooting02:
en: Kill that tank!
medic mvm tank shooting03:
en: Shooten ein Kraftmaschine!
medic mvm taunt01:
en: I will tear you apart BOLT BY BOLT!
medic mvm wave end01:
en: We have done it!
medic mvm wave end02:
en: Robots. Heh heh...
medic mvm wave end03:
en: Ahahahahaha! Death to robots!
medic mvm wave end04:
en: Oh, this is not good...
medic mvm wave end05:
en: Ach! We deserve to lose...
medic mvm wave end06:
en: The flesh is weak.
medic mvm wave end07:
en: Robots are our masters!
medic needdispenser01:
en: The dispenser goes here!
medic needsentry01:
en: The sentry goes here!
medic needteleporter01:
en: The teleporter goes here!
medic negativevocalization01:
en: Achh
medic negativevocalization02:
en: Schweinhunds
medic negativevocalization03:
en: Dummkopfs
medic negativevocalization04:
en: Ahhhhhhh.
medic negativevocalization05:
en: Nyaaachhh
medic negativevocalization06:
en: Schweinhunds
medic negativevocalization07:
en: Dummkopfs
medic niceshot01:
en: Nice shot, kamerad!
medic niceshot02:
en: Good shooting!
medic no01:
en: Nein!
medic no02:
en: No!
medic no03:
en: Nix da!
medic paincrticialdeath01:
en: ?
medic paincrticialdeath02:
en: ?
medic paincrticialdeath03:
en: ?
medic paincrticialdeath04:
en: ?
medic painsevere01:
en: ?
medic painsevere02:
en: ?
medic painsevere03:
en: ?
medic painsevere04:
en: ?
medic painsharp01:
en: ?
medic painsharp02:
en: ?
medic painsharp03:
en: ?
medic painsharp04:
en: ?
medic painsharp05:
en: ?
medic painsharp06:
en: ?
medic painsharp07:
en: ?
medic painsharp08:
en: ?
medic positivevocalization01:
en: Wonderful.
medic positivevocalization02:
en: Wunderba.
medic positivevocalization03:
en: HA!
medic positivevocalization05:
en: Dankeshein da da dankeshein
medic positivevocalization06:
en: Dankeshein, dankeshein
medic sentryahead01:
en: Sentry ahead!
medic sentryahead02:
en: There is a sentry ahead!
medic sf12 attack01:
en: -
medic sf12 attack02:
en: Now! NOW! Attack the wizard!
medic sf12 attack03:
en: I will heal you! Attack the wizard!
medic sf12 badmagic01:
en: Ooo! Big head!
medic sf12 badmagic02:
en: Fascinating...
medic sf12 badmagic03:
en: Oo! Tiny little head!
medic sf12 badmagic04:
en: Ahahah! I have no head!
medic sf12 badmagic05:
en: Mmm... interesting...
medic sf12 badmagic06:
en: Mm! This IS exciting!
medic sf12 badmagic07:
en: Ohohoh! I have been in the wrong profession! I must LEARN this magic.
medic sf12 badmagic08:
en: Oh, what is happening now?
medic sf12 badmagic09:
en: [whispered] ...what a STRANGE sensation...
medic sf12 badmagic10:
en: Uh oh. Alright, this is actually really bad...
medic sf12 badmagic11:
en: My blood is entirely out of my body! What a curious feeling...
medic sf12 badmagic12:
en: Ohohoh! What a CURIOUS sensation...
medic sf12 bombinomicon01:
en: Oh! That book certainly seems angry...
medic sf12 bombinomicon02:
en: Hello! Magic book? Do you still have Demoman's eye? I'll trade you a heart for it!
medic sf12 bombinomicon03:
en: Oh! That book is full of bombs!
medic sf12 bombinomicon04:
en: So many bombs!
medic sf12 bombinomicon05:
en: What is that book DOING?
medic sf12 charging01:
en: The wizard's charging!
medic sf12 falling01:
medic sf12 goodmagic01:
medic sf12 goodmagic02:
medic sf12 goodmagic03:
en: I am coming for you, wizard!
medic sf12 goodmagic04:
en: Oh, I MUST learn how to do THAT...
medic sf12 healing01:
en: He's healing himself!
medic sf12 healing02:
en: Kill him! He's healing himself!
medic sf12 scared01:
en: Run!
medic sf12 scared02:
en: Get away!
medic sf12 scared03:
en: Get away from the wizard!
medic sf12 seeking01:
en: Wizzzardd? Where arrrre you?
medic sf12 seeking02:
en: Wizard? The sooner you come out, the sooner we can kill you!
medic sf12 seeking03:
en: Come out, Merasmus! We have MUCH to discuss!
medic sf12 seeking04:
en: Come out, Merasmus! Nothing will happen to you! I swear! [laughs] I can't. We're going to kill you.
medic sf12 seeking05:
en: That wizard is hiding somewhere...
medic sf12 seeking06:
en: Meraaasmusss?
medic sf12 seeking07:
en: Where are you, Wizard?
medic sf12 seeking08:
en: Wizard!
medic sf12 taunts02:
en: [happy laughter]
medic sf12 taunts03:
en: [more happy laughter]
medic sf12 taunts04:
en: Oh, magic! Ghosts! This is so much fun!
medic sf12 taunts05:
en: Ohh, I LOVE Halloween!
medic sf13 cart forward01:
en: Raus, raus! Move the wheelchair!
medic sf13 cart forward02:
en: Push that old man to hell!
medic sf13 cart forward03:
en: Push the dead man!
medic sf13 influx big02:
medic sf13 influx big03:
en: [mad laughter]
medic sf13 influx small02:
en: Oo. Tingly.
medic sf13 magic reac01:
en: What is happening?
medic sf13 magic reac02:
en: The horror! THE HORROR!
medic sf13 magic reac03:
en: I can't take any more of this insanity!
medic sf13 magic reac04:
en: Insanity! AHHH! INSANITY!
medic sf13 magic reac05:
en: Someone make the magic stop!
medic sf13 magic reac06:
en: Too much magic!
medic sf13 magic reac07:
en: I can't take it anymore!
medic sf13 midnight01:
en: The bridge is down!
medic sf13 midnight02:
en: Everyone! Get to the bridge!
medic sf13 midnight03:
en: The bridge!
medic sf13 midnight06:
en: The clock has struck! Schnell! Schnell!
medic sf13 midnight07:
en: The clock has struck!
medic sf13 spell bombhead01:
en: Cah-POO-tuss Cray-pee-TOOS
medic sf13 spell devil bargain01:
en: PACK-toom Dee-AHH-boo-loose
medic sf13 spell earthquake01:
en: SIGHS-mell-ah Trem-OR-oh
medic sf13 spell generic04:
en: Barpo Kabalto!
medic sf13 spell invisibility01:
en: BAR-po In-VIZZ-ee-um
medic sf13 spell lightning bolt01:
en: Im-poo-TUM Full-MEEN-ohs
medic sf13 spell summon monoculous01:
en: In-VOKE-um Maw-NAW-cue-luss
medic sf13 spell super jump01:
en: AHM-ploos tree-POO-dee-oh
medic sf13 spell super speed01:
en: PAY-dum Cell-AIR-us
medic sf13 spell teleport self01:
en: IP-sum IN-stan-TARE-ium
medic sf13 spell uber01:
en: Day-OOS Een-VIC-toos
medic sf13 spell zombie horde01:
en: MORE-tiss Ann-im-mat-AIR-iss
medic specialcompleted-assistedkill01:
en: Danke, kamerad!
medic specialcompleted-assistedkill02:
en: We did it, Kamerad!
medic specialcompleted01:
en: Did that sting? Sorry.
medic specialcompleted02:
en: The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting.
medic specialcompleted03:
en: The healing leaves little time for the hurting.
medic specialcompleted04:
en: NOW GO!
medic specialcompleted05:
medic specialcompleted06:
medic specialcompleted07:
en: good to goo
medic specialcompleted08:
en: Did the fraulines have some mittelschmerz?
medic specialcompleted09:
en: zat was doctor assisted homicide
medic specialcompleted10:
en: oops, zat vas not medicine
medic specialcompleted11:
en: can you feel the shardenfoyder
medic specialcompleted12:
en: ha ha, vat a bludbass
medic standonthepoint01:
medic standonthepoint02:
medic standonthepoint03:
medic standonthepoint04:
medic standonthepoint05:
en: Standing near the point does nothing. GET ON THE POINT, DUMPKOPF!
medic thanks01:
en: Thank you
medic thanks02:
en: Danke.
medic thanksfortheheal01:
en: Thank you, Herr Doktor!
medic thanksfortheheal02:
en: Danke, Herr Doktor!
medic thanksfortheteleporter01:
en: Danke engineer
medic thanksfortheteleporter02:
en: danke my hard hatted friend
medic thanksfortheteleporter03:
en: Danke, engineer!
medic trade taunts01:
en: We should trade.
medic trade taunts02:
en: Ohhh! I see you looking!
medic trade taunts03:
en: You want this? [angry] Then TRADE me for it!
medic trade taunts04:
en: Let us trade! Schnell!
medic weapon taunts01:
en: Your silly clown weapon is making a mockery of this war!
medic weapon taunts02:
en: [laughing] What did you think you were going to kill with THAT?
medic weapon taunts03:
en: [laughing] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you, it's just your weapon. It's so... [breaks into laughter again]
medic yes01:
en: Ja!
medic yes02:
en: Jawhol!
medic yes03:
en: Yes!
medic taunt admire 01:
en: haha haaaaaaa
medic taunt admire 02:
en: haha haa hueh
medic taunt admire 03:
en: hu vell done
medic taunt admire 07:
en: sankyoooo huha huh
medic taunt admire 10:
en: sankyou huh
medic taunt admire 13:
en: zat was fuuunuhuhe
medic taunt admire 14:
en: zat was fuuun hoo
medic taunt admire 22:
en: my sanks huh
medic taunt cong fun 01:
en: one two three kick
medic taunt cong fun 06:
en: I ya do za conga
medic taunt cong fun 07:
en: I kick my leg out ooh I am so good yeah
medic taunt cong fun 08:
en: wooohahaaaaaa
medic taunt cong fun 09:
en: yeehha haa
medic taunt cong fun 12:
en: wooo wa
medic taunt cong fun 15:
en: ha whoo ha haaa
medic taunt dosi fun 01:
en: ha ha haaa ha ha haaaaa
medic taunt dosi fun 02:
en: wo ho ho haaa do si do your partner
medic taunt dosi fun 03:
en: elemen left element right hah ha
medic taunt dosi fun 05:
en: vell done
medic taunt dosi fun 08:
en: ha ha ha whoo
medic taunt dosi fun 10:
en: well done
medic taunt dosi fun 11:
en: very nice
medic taunt dosi fun 12:
en: I like your moves
medic taunt dosi fun 13:
en: oh zat was fun ha ha
medic taunt dosi fun 14:
en: -
medic taunt dosi int 03:
en: do sidoooohh
medic taunt dosi int 06:
en: let us daance
medic taunt dosi int 14:
en: my prescription dancing haha
medic taunt exert 01:
en: huurrag
medic taunt exert 02:
en: mmmyeagh
medic taunt exert 08:
en: aah
medic taunt exert 09:
en: yyaah
medic taunt flip end 01:
en: danker danker
medic taunt flip end 02:
en: sank you sank you
medic taunt flip end 05:
en: vell done
medic taunt flip end 06:
en: whoo very nice
medic taunt flip end 08:
en: ten out of ten
medic taunt flip end 09:
en: ho hoo astounding
medic taunt flip exert 01:
en: mmmyaahhh
medic taunt flip exert 03:
en: yeaaahh
medic taunt flip exert 04:
en: uup you goooo
medic taunt flip exert 05:
en: zere you aaare
medic taunt flip exert 06:
en: eeen to the air
medic taunt flip exert 07:
en: up uuup
medic taunt flip exert 08:
en: up uuup
medic taunt flip exert 09:
en: whoo ho hoo
medic taunt flip exert 10:
en: whhoooow
medic taunt flip int 05:
en: time to fliip
medic taunt flip int 08:
en: time to flip
medic taunt flip int 10:
en: who wants a flip
medic taunt flip int 12:
en: ready to flip
medic taunt flip int 15:
en: in position
medic taunt head end 03:
en: whooo huh hu ha huuuu
medic taunt head end 04:
en: oh huh ha I sink I have a consussion haha
medic taunt head end 07:
en: oh huh ha I sink I have a consussion haha
medic taunt head end 20:
en: iim seeing six of everysing three two fine
medic taunt head exert 01:
en: gggrraaahh ddaaa
medic taunt head exert 04:
en: hhaaa ha ha ha hhaa
medic taunt head int 04:
en: right in ze noggin
medic taunt head int 08:
en: head to head
medic taunt int 01:
en: come on
medic taunt int 02:
en: come on
medic taunt int 03:
en: come on
medic taunt int 05:
en: shnell
medic taunt int 06:
en: shnell
medic taunt int 07:
en: let uz doo zis
medic taunt int 09:
en: shall we
medic taunt int 10:
en: shall we
medic taunt int 11:
en: lets begin
medic taunt int 12:
en: lets begin
medic taunt int 13:
en: over here
medic taunt int 14:
en: over here
medic taunt int 15:
en: oh I can wait
medic taunt int 22:
en: ho ho ho ho huh ho ho its on
medic taunt kill 12:
en: my profezzional opinion
medic taunt kill 16:
en: prognosis
medic taunt kill 17:
medic taunt kill 21:
en: you're dead
medic taunt kill 22:
en: wa ha ha ha yes I killed you alright
medic taunt kill 23:
en: you're dead
medic taunt kill 24:
en: you're dead
medic taunt kill 26:
en: ha ha
medic taunt kill 27:
en: -
medic taunt rps exert 01:
en: one
medic taunt rps exert 07:
en: tooow
medic taunt rps exert 24:
en: three
medic taunt rps int 01:
en: rock paper scissors
medic taunt rps lose 12:
en: aah
medic taunt rps lose 14:
en: ridicoulus
medic taunt rps lose 16:
en: unbelievable
medic taunt rps lose 17:
en: impossible
medic taunt rps lose 19:
en: what
medic taunt rps win 04:
en: I am ze winner
medic taunt rps win 05:
en: uh ha hah ha ha
medic taunt rps win 06:
en: victorious
medic taunt rps win 08:
en: yeees
medic taunt rps win 09:
en: uh ho perfect
medic trade 02:
en: how about zis
medic trade 03:
en: now zis
medic trade 04:
en: what do you sink of ziss ha haa
medic trade 05:
en: euh euuhh
medic trade 06:
en: not baaad yeah
medic trade 10:
en: I'm fond of zis one
medic trade 11:
en: I found zis inside a patient ha hae
Miss Pauling responses
plng give bigcontract allclass 01:
en: This contract's big. Don't pass this up. ja: これは重要な仕事だから、頼むわよ。 ko: 이번 계약은 큰 거에요. 포기하지 말아요. pt-br: Este contrato é grande. não o deixe de lado. ru: Это — большой контракт. Только не подведи. zh-hans: 这可是份大合同,可别把它错过了! zh-hant: 這份合約可"大"了,不要無視掉這份!
plng give bigcontract allclass 02:
en: It's Pauling. This is a big one. That means a big payday. ja: こちらポーリング。これは重要任務よ。だから報酬も大きいわ。 ko: 폴링 양이에요. 이번에는 큰 거에요. 보수도 크다는 뜻이죠. pt-br: Aqui é Pauling. Este contrato é grande. Isso significa recompensa. ru: Это Полинг. Это большой контракт. Это означает 'большая награда'. zh-hans: 这里是宝琳。这是个大合同。这意味着这是高回报工作。 zh-hant: 這是寶琳,這是份大合約。意思就是高報酬工作。
plng give bigcontract allclass 03:
en: Pauling here. This contract's big. I don't give these out everyday. ja: こちらポーリング。今日は大仕事よ。これは毎日手配できるような仕事じゃないの。 ko: 폴링이에요. 이번 계약은 큰 거에요. 매일 있는 게 아니라고요. pt-br: Pauling aqui. Este contrato é grande. Eu não distribuo esses todo dia. ru: Говорит Полинг. Это большой контракт. Такими здесь я не разбрасываюсь. zh-hans: 这里是宝琳。这可是份大合同, 我可不会每天都给人这种合同。 zh-hant: 我是寶琳,這份合約是大事,我可不會每天都把這些吐出來的。
plng give bigcontract allclass 04:
en: It's Pauling. This is a high value contract. That means a big reward on this one. ja: こちらポーリングよ。これは高額の任務なので見返りも大きいわ。 ko: 폴링이에요. 이번에는 값나가는 계약이에요. 보상도 커요. pt-br: Pauling aqui. Este contrato é grande. Isso significa uma grande recompensa nesse aqui. ru: Полинг на связи. Это - ценный контракт. Справишься - награда обещает быть хорошей. zh-hans: 这里是宝琳。这是一份高价值合同。这表示着报酬很丰富。 zh-hant: 我是寶琳,這是份高價值的合約,這表示這份合約有份大獎賞!
plng give bigcontract allclass 05:
en: Pauling here. This contract's big. And big contracts mean big payouts. ja: ポーリングよ。あなたに重大任務を任せます。重大任務にはそれなりの報酬がお約束よ。 ko: 폴링이에요. 이번 계약은 커요. 보수도 크죠. pt-br: Pauling aqui. Este contrato é grande. E grandes contratos significam grandes pagamentos. ru: Полинг. Вот большой контракт. Больше - значит лучше. zh-hans: 这里是宝琳。这是一份大合同。大合同意味着大回报。 zh-hant: 這是寶琳,這是份大合約,而且呢,大合約代表大報酬。
plng give bigcontract allclass 06:
en: Ok, I managed to get you one of the big contracts. And that means a big payday. Don't make me look bad. ja: そうね、あなたにこの大事な仕事を任せるわ。見返りも大きいから、どうか失敗しないでね。 ko: 좋아요, 당신이 큰 계약을 맡게 하느라 고생했어요. 보수도 크다는 뜻이죠. 날 실망시키지 말아요. pt-br: Ok, eu consegui pegar um dos grandes contratos. E isso significa um grande prêmio. Não me faça parecer mal. ru: Мне удалось достать для тебя особый контракт. А это означает большую награду. Не позорь меня. zh-hans: 好的,我帮你弄到了一份大合同。这也意味着高回报。别让我失望了。 zh-hant: 好,我幫你弄到了一份大合約,這也代表高報酬,別讓我失望了。
plng give bigcontract allclass 07:
en: It's Pauling. This is a big one. Don't screw it up. ja: こちらポーリング。これは重大任務なの。失敗は許されないわ。 ko: 폴링이에요. 이번엔 큰 거에요. 바보짓하지 말아요. pt-br: Aqui é Pauling, Este aqui é grande. Não estrague tudo. ru: Полинг на связи. Прими особый контракт. Только не облажайся. zh-hans: 这里是宝琳。这是个大合同。别出乱子了。 zh-hant: 這是寶琳,這是個大事,別搞砸了。
plng give bigcontract allclass 08:
en: Ok, I've pulled some strings and secured you one of the big contracts. This'll be a high-end payout so get it done. ja: いい?上手いことやり繰りして、あなたに高額の任務を任せるようにしたの。報酬もそれなりだから、頑張って。 ko: 좋아요, 힘 좀 써서 큰 계약을 따냈어요. 보수도 많으니까 빨리 끝내는 게 좋아요. pt-br: Ok, eu puxei algumas cordas e garanti para você um dos contratos grandes. Isso será um pagamento de grande qualidade, então faça. ru: Я порылась в папках и нашла для тебя хороший контракт. Награда будет хорошей, поэтому за работу. zh-hans: 好的,我动用了一点人际关系给你找到了个大合同。这个报酬很高,所以一鼓作气完成吧。 zh-hant: 好了,我用了一些人際關係幫你弄到了一份大合約,薪水可不是屈指可數的,所以把它完成吧。
plng give bigcontract allclass 09:
en: I made some calls and got you one of the big contracts. I don't give these out everyday, so don't screw it up, all right? es: I made some calls and got you one of the big contracts. I don't give these out everyday, so don't screw it up, all right? ja: あなたに何とか重大任務をして欲しくて、色々手配したの。めったにない大仕事だから、絶対やり遂げて。分かった? ko: 제가 전화해서 당신이 큰 계약 한 건 받을 수 있게 했어요. 매일 있는 일이 아니니까, 제발 바보짓하지 말아요. 알겠죠? pt-br: Eu fiz algumas ligações e consegui para você um dos contratos grandes. Eu não dou esses todos os dias, então não estrague tudo, certo? ru: Пара звонков - и большой контракт для тебя. Такими не разбрасываются, поэтому постарайся не запороть всё, хорошо? zh-hans: 我打了几个电话帮你弄到了这一份大合同。我可不会每天都发布这些合同,所以别搞砸了,好吗? zh-hant: 我打了幾通電話,幫你弄來了這份大合約,我可不會每天都把這些差事吐出來,所以別搞砸了,好嗎?
plng give contract scout 01:
en: Scout? Pauling here. ja: スカウト?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 스카웃? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Scout? Pauling na linha. ru: Разведчик? Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 侦察兵?这里是宝琳。 zh-hant: 「偵查兵嗎?這是寶琳。
plng give contract scout 02:
en: Scout? Miss Pauling here. ja: スカウト?こちらミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 스카웃? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Scout? Srta. Pauling na linha. ru: Разведчик? Мисс Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 侦察兵?宝琳在这里。 zh-hant: 偵查兵?我是寶琳小姐。
plng give contract scout 03:
en: Hey Scout. It's Pauling. ja: もしもし、スカウト。ポーリングよ。 ko: 이봐요 스카웃. 폴링이에요. pt-br: Ei, Scout. É a Pauling. ru: Разведчик, это Полинг. zh-hans: 嗨,侦察兵。这里是宝琳。 zh-hant: 嘿偵查兵,我是寶琳。
plng give contract scout 04:
en: Hey Scout. It's Pauling. Got a contract for you. ja: スカウト、こちらポーリング。あなたに仕事をあげるわ。 ko: 이봐요 스카웃. 폴링이에요. 당신에게 줄 계약이 있어요. pt-br: Ei, Scout. É a Pauling. Um contrato para você. ru: Разведчик, это Полинг. Тут работенка для тебя. zh-hans: 嗨,侦察兵。这里是宝琳。帮你弄到了一份合同。 zh-hant: 嘿偵查兵,這是寶琳,我有份合約給你。
plng give contract scout 05:
en: Scout, Pauling here. I've got work. ja: スカウト、ポーリングよ。仕事があるの。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Scout, Pauling na linha. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Разведчик, говорит Полинг. Есть работа для тебя. zh-hans: 侦察兵,这里是宝琳。我有份差事给你。 zh-hant: 偵查兵,這是寶琳,我有差事給你做。
plng give contract scout 06:
en: Hey Scout, Pauling here. I need your help. ja: ねえスカウト、こちらポーリングよ。あなたの手を借りたいの。 ko: 이봐요 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 도움이 필요해요. pt-br: Ei, Scout, Pauling aqui. Eu preciso da sua ajuda. ru: Разведчик, Полинг на связи. Требуется твоя помощь. zh-hans: 嘿,侦察兵。这里是宝琳。我需要你的帮助。 zh-hant: 嘿偵查兵,這是寶琳,我需要你的幫忙。
plng give contract scout 07:
en: Hey Scout, Pauling here. Think you can handle this? ja: ハイ、スカウト、ポーリングよ。あなたならこの任務を完了できる? ko: 이봐요 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 이것 좀 처리할 수 있어요? pt-br: Ei, Scout, Pauling aqui. Acha que pode segurar isto? ru: Разведчик, на связи Полинг. Справишься? zh-hans: 嘿,侦察兵。这里是宝琳。你认为你能搞定这个吗? zh-hant: 嘿偵查兵,這是寶琳,你覺得你對這工作有把握嗎?
plng give contract scout 08:
en: Scout, Pauling here. This one came right from the Administrator. ja: スカウト、ポーリングよ。この任務はAdministratorからの命令なの。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 관리자님이 이걸 보냈어요. pt-br: Scout, Pauling aqui. Este veio direto da Administradora. ru: Разведчик, это Полинг. Это от Администратора. zh-hans: 侦察兵,这里是宝琳。这有份来自管理员的合同。 zh-hant: 偵查兵,這是寶琳,這裡有一份合約來自管理員。
plng give contract scout 09:
en: Scout, it's Pauling. Something big just came up. ja: スカウト、ポーリングよ。一仕事頼むわ。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 큰 게 왔어요. pt-br: Scout, é a Pauling. Algo grande apareceu. ru: Разведчик, говорит Полинг. Тут кое-что есть. zh-hans: 侦察兵,这里是宝琳。有大事找上门了。 zh-hant: 偵查兵,這是寶琳,有件大事剛剛上門了。
plng give contract scout 10:
en: Scout, it's Pauling. Listen up, this is big. ja: スカウト、こちらポーリング。よく聞いて、これは大事な仕事なの。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 들어 봐요, 큰 게 있어요. pt-br: Scout, é a Pauling. Escute, esse é dos grandes. ru: Разведчик, Полинг на связи. Давай посерьезнее с этим. zh-hans: 侦察兵,这里是宝琳。听好了,这是份大事情。 zh-hant: 偵查兵,這是寶琳,聽好,這份是大事。
plng give contract scout 11:
en: Scout? Pauling. Don't talk, just listen. I've got a job. ja: こちらポーリングよ、スカウト。喋らなくていいから聞いて。新しい任務を伝えるわ。 ko: 스카웃? 폴링이에요. 대답하지 말고 듣기만 해요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Scout? Pauling. Não fale nada, escute. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Разведчик? Мисс Полинг. Рот на замок, слушай внимательно. Есть работа для тебя. zh-hans: 侦察兵?宝琳在这。别说话,只要听。我找到了份差事。 zh-hant: 偵查兵?寶琳。不要說,聽就好。我有一個差事。
plng give contract scout 12:
en: Hey Scout. Take a look at this. ja: ねえスカウト。これをお願いできるかしら。 ko: 이봐요 스카웃. 이것 좀 봐요. pt-br: Ei, Scout. Dê uma olhada nisso. ru: Разведчик, ты только взгляни на это. zh-hans: 嘿,侦察兵。看一眼这个。 zh-hant: 嘿偵查兵。看看這個。
plng give contract scout 13:
en: Scout, it's Pauling. This isn't a social call. I've got work. ja: スカウト、こちらポーリング。お喋りする気はないわ、あなたに仕事を持ってきたのよ。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 이건 사적인 전화가 아니에요. 할 일이 있어요. pt-br: Scout, é a Pauling. Isso não é uma conversa social. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Разведчик, Полинг на связи. Нет, это не звонок. Работа есть. zh-hans: 侦察兵,这里是宝琳。我不是打来跟你闲聊的,我有差事给你做。 zh-hant: 偵查兵,這是寶琳,我不是打來聊天的,我有事給你做。
plng give contract rare scout 01:
en: Scout? Pauling. I need something done fast. I thought of you. ja: スカウト?ポーリングよ。早く片付けなきゃいけない仕事があるの。あなたにピッタリのね。 ko: 스카웃? 폴링이에요. 빨리 끝내야 하는 일이 있어서 당신을 생각해냈어요. pt-br: Scout? Pauling. Eu preciso de algo feito rapidamente. ru: Разведчик? Это Полинг. Нужно выполнить кое-что, да побыстрее. Давай, я верю в тебя. zh-hans: 侦察兵?这里是宝琳。我有件事要很快完成,我只能想到你。 zh-hant: 偵查兵?寶琳。我需要一件事很快的完成。然後我只想到你。
plng give contract rare scout 02:
en: Hey Scout. First, 'No' to whatever you're about to ask. I've got a job for you. ja: ハイ、スカウト。あなたが何を言い出すか知らないけど、先にノーと言わせてもらうわね。あなたに仕事よ。 ko: 이봐요 스카웃. 먼저, 당신이 뭐라고 하든 '싫어요'라고 대답할 거에요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Ei, Scout. Primeiro, "Não" para qualquer coisa que você estiver prestes a pedir. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Разведчик. Для начала, 'нет' на всё, что ты спросишь. Займись работой. zh-hans: 嘿,侦察兵。首先,我会用"不"来回答你全部问题。 我给你找了一份差事。 zh-hant: 嘿偵查兵,首先,對你任何提出的問題,答案是否。我有一個差事給你做。
plng give contract rare scout 03:
en: Scout, it's Pauling. I'm assuming you're talking right now. Please stop. ja: スカウト。こちらポーリングよ。今何か喋ろうと思ってるでしょ?勘弁してね。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 지금도 떠들고 있는 것 같은데, 그만하죠. pt-br: Scout, é a Pauling. Eu estou supondo que você está falando agora. Por favor pare. ru: Разведчик, на связи Полинг. Предполагаю, что ты сейчас о чём-то начал трещать. Пожалуйста, хватит. zh-hans: 侦察兵,这里是宝琳。我知道你现在正在讲话。请停下来。 zh-hant: 偵查兵,這是寶琳。我知道你現在正在講話,請停下來。
plng give contract rare scout 04:
en: Scout, Pauling here. Wrap up whatever you were bragging about and look at this. ja: スカウト、こちらポーリング。自慢話はもういいから、この任務に取り掛かって頂戴。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 자랑은 그만하고 이것 좀 보세요. pt-br: Scout, Pauling aqui. Pare de se gabar seja lá do que estiver se gabando e olhe isto aqui. ru: Разведчик, Полинг на связи. Все мысли о самодовольстве убери в сторону и займись вот чем. zh-hans: 侦察兵,宝琳在这。收好你正在炫耀的东西然后看看这个。 zh-hant: 偵查兵?我是寶琳。把你正在炫耀的東西收起來然後看看這個。
plng give contract rare scout 05:
en: Hey Scout, I need you...I...I...I mean for...for this. ja: ねえスカウト、あなたが必要なの…あー、えっと、仕事の話でね? ko: 이봐요 스카웃, 당신의 도움이...난...난...그러니까...이거 말이에요. pt-br: Ei, Scout, Eu preciso de você... Eu... Eu... Eu, digo...para isso. ru: Разведчик, ты мне нужен... Я... Я... Я имела в виду... Вот для этого. zh-hans: 嘿,侦察兵。我需要你…我…我…我的意思是…为了这个。 zh-hant: 嘿偵查兵,我需要你...我...我...我的意思是...是指這個。
plng give contract rare scout 06:
en: Scout, it's Pauling. Whatever stupid thing you're doing, stop it. I've got work. ja: スカウト、ポーリングよ。何バカなことやってるか知らないけど、手を止めて。仕事があるの。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 뭘 하고 있었든 그 바보짓 그만둬요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Scout, é a Pauling. Seja qual for a estupidez que você estiver fazendo, pare. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Разведчик, Полинг на связи. Мне плевать, какой ерундой ты там страдаешь, хватит. Займись этим. zh-hans: 侦察兵,这里是宝琳。无论你在做什么蠢事,停下来,我有差事给你。 zh-hant: 偵查兵,這是寶琳。無論你在做什麼蠢事,停下來,我有工作。
plng give contract rare scout 07:
en: Scout, it's Pauling. I need something done quietly. Scout? Quietly. ja: スカウト。こちらポーリングよ。慎重にやってほしい任務があるの。いい?スカウト? 慎重によ。 ko: 스카웃, 폴링이에요. 조용히 끝내야 할 일이 있어요. 스카웃? 조용히요. pt-br: Scout, é a Pauling. Eu preciso de algo feito silenciosamente. Scout? Silenciosamente. ru: Разведчик, Полинг. Нужно кое-что сделать без шума. Разведчик? Без шума. zh-hans: 侦察兵,这里是宝琳。我需要你安静地完成一件事。侦察兵?很安静地。 zh-hant: 偵查兵,這是寶琳,我需要你很安靜地完成一件事。偵查兵?"很安靜的"。
plng give contract soldier 01:
en: Soldier? Pauling here. ja: ソルジャー?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 솔저? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Soldier? Pauling na linha. ru: Солдат? Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 士兵?这里是宝琳。
plng give contract soldier 02:
en: Soldier. Miss Pauling here. ja: ソルジャー?ミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 솔저. 폴링 양이에요. pt-br: Soldier. Miss Pauling na linha. ru: Солдат. Это Мисс Полинг. zh-hans: 士兵,宝琳小姐在这。
plng give contract soldier 03:
en: Hey Soldier. It's Pauling. ja: もしもし、ソルジャー。ポーリングよ。 ko: 이봐요 솔저. 폴링이에요. pt-br: Ei, Soldier. É a Pauling. ru: Эй, солдат. Это Полинг. zh-hans: 嘿,士兵。这里是宝琳。
plng give contract soldier 04:
en: Soldier, it's Pauling. I've got a job for you. ja: ソルジャー。こちらポーリングよ。あなたに仕事があるわ。 ko: 솔저, 폴링이에요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Soldier, É a Pauling. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Солдат, на связи Полинг. Есть дело к тебе. zh-hans: 士兵,这里是宝琳。我找到了份差事给你。
plng give contract soldier 05:
en: Soldier? Hey, it's Pauling. There's something I wanted you to look into. ja: もしもし、ソルジャー?ポーリングよ。あなたにやって欲しい任務があるのだけど。 ko: 솔저? 이봐요, 폴링이에요. 조사해보고 싶은 게 있어요. pt-br: Soldier? Ei, é a Pauling. Há algo que eu queria que você desse uma olhada. ru: Солдат? Это Полинг. Нужно, чтобы ты разобрался вот с чем. zh-hans: 士兵?嘿,这里是宝琳。这里有点东西我需要你看一下。
plng give contract soldier 06:
en: Soldier? Pauling. I've got a contract for you. ja: ソルジャー?ポーリングよ。あなたに任務があるの。 ko: 솔저? 폴링이에요. 계약을 따냈어요. pt-br: Soldier? Pauling. Tenho um contrato para você. ru: Солдат? Это Полинг. Есть контракт для тебя. zh-hans: 士兵?宝琳在这。我有一份合同给你。
plng give contract soldier 07:
en: Got some new marching orders, Soldier. ja: 進軍命令が出たわよ、ソルジャー。 ko: 새 진군 명령이 떨어졌어요, 솔저. pt-br: Temos algumas novas ordens de marcha, Soldier. ru: Тебе тут приказы пришли, солдат. zh-hans: 收到了一些新的行军命令,士兵。
plng give contract soldier 08:
en: A contract, Soldier. You good to go? ja: あなたに任務よ、ソルジャー。戦闘準備は良い? ko: 계약이에요, 솔저. 할 수 있죠? pt-br: Um contrato, Soldier. Você está bem para ir? ru: Солдат, это контракт. Возьмешься? zh-hans: 一个合同,士兵。你准备好了吗?
plng give contract soldier 09:
en: Move out, Soldier! You've been reassigned. ja: 戦闘準備よ、ソルジャー!あなたに任務を与えるわ。 ko: 움직여요, 솔저! 다시 일을 맡게 됐어요. pt-br: Mova-se, Soldier! Você foi reatribuído. ru: Съезжай, солдат! Ты был переведен. zh-hans: 动起来,士兵!你被分发上战场了。
plng give contract soldier 10:
en: Eyes front, Soldier. There's work to do. es: Eyes front, Soldier. There's work to do. fr: Eyes front, Soldier. There's work to do. ja: 直れ!ソルジャー、あなたに任務を与えるわ。 ko: 바로 서요, 솔저. 할 일이 있어요. pt-br: Olhos aberto, Soldier. Há trabalho a fazer. ru: Солдат, глаза на фронт. Есть работа. zh-hans: 目视前方,士兵。有活要做了。
plng give contract soldier 11:
en: You've got incoming, Soldier. Get to work. ja: ソルジャー、敵が来るわ。任務を開始して。 ko: 적을 발견했어요, 솔저. 일을 시작하세요. pt-br: Você pegou um chegando, Soldier. Vá trabalhar. ru: Оружие к бою, солдат. За работу. zh-hans: 你收到了一份合同,士兵。去工作。
plng give contract soldier 12:
en: Incoming, Soldier. Get this squared away. ja: ソルジャー、敵が来るわ。戦闘態勢に入って! ko: 적이에요, 솔저. 맞서 싸우세요. pt-br: Chegando, Soldier. Resolva isto. ru: Тревога, солдат. Необходимо зачистить квадрат. zh-hans: 敌人来袭,士兵。了解这份合同后就做好准备。
plng give contract soldier 13:
en: Soldier, it's Pauling. You got time to look into something for me? ja: ソルジャー、こちらポーリングよ。ちょっと協力して欲しいことがあるの。 ko: 솔저, 폴링이에요. 뭔가 보고할 거라도 있나요? pt-br: Soldier, é a Pauling. Você tempo para olhar algo para mim? ru: Солдат, это Полинг. У меня есть кое-что, не найдется время? zh-hans: 士兵,这里是宝琳。你有时间为我做好一件事吗?
plng give contract soldier 14:
en: Show these maggots how it's done, Soldier. es: Show these maggots how it's done, Soldier. ja: あのウジ虫共に手本を見せてやって、ソルジャー! ko: 이 구더기들에게 어떻게 일을 해야하는지 보여주도록! pt-br: Mostre a esses vermes como é feito, Soldier. ru: Покажи этим слизнякам, как это делается, солдат. zh-hans: 给这些蛆虫们上一课,士兵。
plng give contract soldier 15:
en: Soldier, it's Pauling. Son, your country needs you. ja: ソルジャー?ポーリングよ。アメリカにはあなたが必要なの。 ko: 솔저, 폴링이다. 국가가 '솔저'를 필요로 한다. pt-br: Soldier, é a Pauling. Filho, seu país precisa de você. ru: Солдат, Полинг на связи. Сынок, страна нуждается в тебе. zh-hans: 士兵,这里是宝琳。孩子,你的国家需要你。
plng give contract soldier 16:
en: I've got a job for you, Soldier. Make me proud, son. ja: あなたに仕事を託すわ、ソルジャー。上手くやり遂げてね。 ko: 솔저, 임무가 부여되었습니다. 병사로서의 긍지를 높이십시오. pt-br: Tenho um trabalho para você, Soldier. Deixe-me orgulhosa, filho. ru: Солдат, у меня для тебя работа. Я горжусь тобой, сынок. zh-hans: 我找到了份差事给你,士兵。让我为你感到骄傲,孩子。
plng give contract soldier 17:
en: I want you to know, Soldier. You're doing hero's work out there, son. ja: ソルジャー、良い事を教えてあげる。あなたの仕事はまるで英雄がする事なのよ。 ko: 알려줄 게 있어요, 솔저. 당신은 영웅일을 하고 있는 거에요. pt-br: Eu quero que você saiba, Soldier. Você está fazendo um trabalho heroico aqui, filho. ru: Солдат, я хочу, чтобы ты знал: сынок, ты работаешь как истинный герой. zh-hans: 我想要你知道,士兵。你在外正尽着英雄应做之事,孩子。
plng give contract soldier 18:
en: Soldier, it's Pauling. There will be medals given out for this one. ja: ソルジャー、仕事よ。この任務を達成したら勲章ものね。 ko: 솔저, 폴링이에요. 이 일을 완수하면 훈장을 받게 될 거에요. pt-br: Soldier, é a Pauling. Haverá medalhas dadas por este. ru: Солдат, это Полинг. За кое-что тебя наградят медальками. zh-hans: 士兵,这里是宝琳。这件事完成后会颁发一些勋章给你。
plng give contract rare soldier 01:
en: If this mission weren't maximum deniability, you'd be a hero for this son. There would be a parade. ja: この任務を完了してくれたら、あなたはもはや英雄よ。軍事パレードも行われるでしょうね。 ko: 이 임무를 완수하면 당신은 영웅이 될 거에요. 열병식도 열어줄 거고요. pt-br: Se esta missão não tivesse rejeições máximas, você seria um herói para este filho. Não haveria um desfile. ru: Если не относиться к этой миссии равнодушно, ты станешь героем, сынок. Там будет парад. zh-hans: 这件任务母庸质疑地伟大,你会因此成为英雄,孩子。之后会为此而进行一场游行。
plng give contract rare soldier 02:
en: Soldier, I need you and Pepper Pot Pete, and Salty Pete, and Pete Pepper Pants...Hell, all your cardboard friends on this one. fr: Soldier, I need you and Pepper Pot Pete, and Salty Pete, and Pete Pepper Pants...Hell, all your cardboard friends on this one. ja: ソルジャー、あなたとペッパーポット・ピート、あとソルティー・ピート、そしてピーター・ペッパーパンツ…要するに、ダンボール兵士のみんなと任務をしてほしいの。 ko: 솔저, 당신의 도움이 필요해요. 또 후추통 피트랑 짠돌이 피트, 그리고 후추바지 피트...젠장, 당신의 골판지 친구들의 도움도요. pt-br: Soldier, Eu preciso de você e Pepper Pot Pete, e Salty Pete, e Pete Pepper Pants...Droga, todos os seus amigos de papelão para isso. ru: Солдат, зови Перечницу Пита, Соленого Пита, Пита из общепита... Короче, всю свою картонную бригаду. zh-hans: 士兵,我需要你和你的胡椒罐皮特,还有咸皮特和胡椒裤皮特…见鬼,总之就是和你所有的纸板战友来完成这份合同。
plng give contract rare soldier 03:
en: Soldier, you know who doesn't want you to take this job? Hippies, Communists, Tom Jones. Show them, Soldier. Show them all. es: Soldier, you know who doesn't want you to take this job? Hippies, Communists, Tom Jones. Show them, Soldier. Show them all. ja: ヒッピー、共産主義者、トム・ジョーンズはこの任務をあなたにさせたくないみたい。奴らの目に物見せてやりなさい、ソルジャー。余すことなく。 ko: 솔저, 당신이 이 일을 맡지 않았으면 하는 사람이 누군지 알아요? 히피들, 공산주의자들, 톰 존스. 본때를 보여 줘요, 솔저. 본때를 보여달라고요. pt-br: Soldier, você sabe que não quer que você pegue este trabalho? Hippies, Comunistas, Tom Jones. Mostre a eles, Soldier. Mostre para todos. ru: Солдат, знаешь, кто не берется за эту работу? Хиппи, коммунисты и Том Джонс. Давай, солдат. Покажи им. zh-hans: 士兵,你知道谁不想要你做这件事情吗?嬉皮士,共产党,汤姆·琼斯。给他们上一课,士兵。给他们所有人。
plng give contract rare soldier 04:
en: Ten-hut, Soldier! Alpha...Romeo...Zero words. ja: 気をつけ、ソルジャー!アルファ...ロミオ...ゼロ・ダーク...軍事用語よ。 ko: 차렷! '알파, 로메오', 공공시, 군사용어. pt-br: Sentido, Soldier! Alfa...Romeu...termos do exército. ru: Солдат, смирно! Альфа... Ромео... Зиро Дарк... и другие военные слова. zh-hans: 立-正,士兵!阿尔法…罗密欧…至暗时分…总之是军事用语。
plng give contract rare soldier 05:
en: I want you to go out there with all you've got and win just one for Miss Pauling, Soldier! ja: あなたの全力を出して、ミス・ポーリングに勝利をプレゼントして欲しいわ、ソルジャー! ko: 나가서 폴링 양을 위해 최선을 다해 싸워서 승리하세요, 솔저! pt-br: Eu quero que você vá lá fora, com tudo que você tem e ganhe apenas um para a Srta. Pauling, Soldier! ru: Я хочу, чтобы ты сразился со всем, что там есть и победил для Мисс Полинг, солдат! zh-hans: 我需要你带上你所有的本领出发后取胜并为宝琳小姐做好这件事,士兵!
plng give contract pyro 01:
en: Pyro? Miss Pauling here. ja: パイロ?こちらミス・ポーリング。 ko: 파이로? 폴링 양이야. pt-br: Pyro? Srta. Pauling na linha ru: Поджигатель? Мисс Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 火焰兵?宝琳小姐在这。
plng give contract pyro 02:
en: Pyro? Pauling here. I saw this and thought of you. ja: パイロ?ポーリングよ。あなたにピッタリの仕事があるの。 ko: 파이로? 폴링이야. 이거 보고 널 생각해냈어. pt-br: Pyro? Pauling na linha. Eu vi isso e pensei em você. ru: Поджигатель? Это Полинг. Я увидела это и подумала о тебе. zh-hans: 火焰兵?这里是宝琳。我看了这个合同后就想到给你来做。
plng give contract pyro 03:
en: Pyro? It's Pauling. ja: パイロ?ポーリングよ。 ko: 파이로? 폴링이야. pt-br: Pyro? É Pauling. ru: Поджигатель? Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 火焰兵?这里是宝琳。
plng give contract pyro 04:
en: Hi Pyro. It's Miss Pauling. ja: ハイ、パイロ。こちらミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 안녕 파이로. 폴링이야. pt-br: Oi Pyro. É a Srta. Pauling. ru: Привет, поджигатель. Это Мисс Полинг. zh-hans: 嗨,火焰兵。这里是宝琳小姐。
plng give contract pyro 05:
en: Hey Pyro, Pauling here. This contract just came in. ja: もしもし。パイロ?ポーリングよ。たった今入った任務を任せるわ。 ko: 파이로, 폴링이야. 계약이 들어왔어. pt-br: Ei, Pyro, Pauling. Este contrato apenas veio. ru: Эй, поджигатель, это Полинг. Есть контракт для тебя. zh-hans: 嘿,火焰兵。这里是宝琳。这个是新来的合同。
plng give contract pyro 06:
en: Pyro? Pauling here. Think you can handle this? ja: パイロ?ポーリングよ。あなたならこの任務を完了できる? ko: 파이로? 폴링이야. 이것 좀 처리할 수 있니? pt-br: Pyro? Pauling aqui. Acha que pode segurar isto? ru: Поджигатель? Полинг на связи. Думаешь, справишься? zh-hans: 火焰兵?宝琳在这。你认为你能解决这个事吗?
plng give contract pyro 07:
en: Pyro, Pauling here. I need something done. Quietly. ja: パイロ、こちらポーリング。任務があるの。慎重に行ってね。 ko: 파이로, 폴링이야. 처리해야 할 일이 있어. 조용히. pt-br: Pyro, Pauling aqui. Eu preciso de algo feito. Silenciosamente. ru: Поджигатель, Полинг на связи. Мне кое-что нужно. Только тише. zh-hans: 火焰兵,宝琳在这。我需要一些事情被完成。安静地。
plng give contract pyro 08:
en: Pyro, Pauling here. Something just came up. ja: パイロ、こちらポーリングよ。新しい仕事が入ったわ。 ko: 파이로, 폴링이야. 일이 생겼어. pt-br: Pyro, Pauling aqui. Algo que apareceu. ru: Поджигатель, это Полинг. Для тебя кое-что есть. zh-hans: 火焰兵,这里是宝琳。有新的合同到了。
plng give contract rare pyro 01:
en: Hey buddy! It's Pauling! ja: 親愛なるパイロちゃん?ポーリングよ! ko: 안녕 친구! 폴링이야! pt-br: Ei colega! É Pauling! ru: Эй, приятель! Это Полинг! zh-hans: 嘿,伙计!这里是宝琳。
plng give contract rare pyro 02:
en: Hi Pyro! I've got something I need you to do, OK buddy? ja: 親愛なるパイロちゃん!あなたにお願い事があるの。頼まれてくれない? ko: 안녕, 파이로! 네가 해야 할 일을 갖고 왔어. 알겠지, 친구야? pt-br: Oi, Pyro! Tenho algo que preciso que faça, tá bem, colega? ru: Привет, поджигатель! Приятель, у меня есть дело к тебе, не поможешь? zh-hans: 嗨,火焰兵!我有些事情需要你做,好不好,伙计?
plng give contract rare pyro 03:
en: Hey Pyro! You want to do a real big favor for Miss Pauling? ja: パイロちゃん、ミス・ポーリングのために一役買って出てみない? ko: 안녕, 파이로! 폴링 부탁 하나만 들어줄 수 있니? 정말 멋진 부탁이야! pt-br: Ei, Pyro! Quer fazer um favorzão pra Senhorita Pauling? ru: Поджигатель! Можешь оказать тете Полинг услугу? zh-hans: 嗨,火焰兵!你能为了宝琳小姐做一件大事情吗?
plng give contract rare pyro 04:
en: "Hey Pyro!" [extended mumbling] "I've always wanted to try that. I hope I just said 'I have a job'. Because I have a job." ja: ねえ、パイロ。(モゴモゴの真似)....ちょっとやってみたかったの。”あなたに仕事よ”ってうまく言えてたら良いのだけど。なぜならあなたに仕事が入ったから。 ko: 안녕, 파이로! [길게 무앙거림] 꼭 해보고 싶었어. 네게 할 일이 있다고 말한 거야. 왜냐면 진짜로 네가 할 일이 있거든. pt-br: Ei, Pyro! [sons de voz abafada] Sempre quis fazer isso. Espero que tenha dito que tenho um trabalho para você, porque tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Эй, поджигатель! [долгое бормотание] Я всегда хотела сделать это. Надеюсь, у меня получилось сказать 'У меня есть работа'. Потому что есть работа. zh-hans: 嘿,火焰兵![长时间的喃喃自语]我一直都想这么试试。我希望我表达了'我有一份差事'。因为我真的有份差事在这。
plng give contract demo 01:
en: Demo? Pauling here. ja: デモ?ポーリングよ。 ko: 데모? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Demo? Pauling na linha. ru: Подрывник? Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 爆破手?这里是宝琳。
plng give contract demo 02:
en: Demo? Miss Pauling here. ja: デモ?ミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 데모? 폴링 양이에요. pt-br: Demo? Srta. Pauling na linha. ru: Подрывник? Это Мисс Полинг. zh-hans: 爆破手?宝琳小姐在这。
plng give contract demo 03:
en: Pack up some bombs, Demo. I've got a contract. ja: 爆弾を準備して、デモ。あなたに仕事よ。 ko: 폭탄 챙겨요, 데모. 계약을 따냈어요. pt-br: Arrume suas bombas, Demo. Tenho um contrato para você. ru: Подготовь свои хлопушки, подрывник. Есть работа. zh-hans: 准备好一些炸弹,爆破手。我收到合同了。
plng give contract demo 04:
en: Demo? It's Pauling. ja: デモ?こちらポーリング。 ko: 데모? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Demo? é a Pauling. ru: Подрывник? Это Полинг. zh-hans: 爆破手?这里是宝琳。
plng give contract demo 05:
en: Demo? Pauling here. I need your help. ja: デモ?ポーリングよ。あなたの手を貸して。 ko: 데모? 폴링이에요. 도움이 필요해요. pt-br: Demo? Pauling na linha. Eu preciso de sua ajuda. ru: Подрывник? Полинг на связи. Нужна твоя помощь. zh-hans: 爆破手?这里是宝琳。我需要你的帮助。
plng give contract demo 06:
en: Demo, it's Pauling. I've got a contract for you. ja: デモ、こちらポーリング。あなたに任務を与えるわ。 ko: 데모, 폴링이에요. 계약을 따냈어요. pt-br: Demo, é a Pauling. Tenho um contrato para você. ru: Подрывник, это Полинг. Есть контракт для тебя. zh-hans: 爆破手,这里是宝琳。我给你找到了份新合同。
plng give contract demo 07:
en: Demo, Pauling here. This one came right from the Administrator. ja: デモ、こちらポーリングよ。これはAdministratorからの任務よ。 ko: 데모, 폴링이에요. 관리자님이 이걸 보냈어요. pt-br: Demo, Pauling na linha. Este veio direto da Administradora. ru: Подрывник, говорит Полинг. Это пришло от Администратора. zh-hans: 爆破手,宝琳在这里。这有一份合同来自管理员。
plng give contract demo 08:
en: Hey Demo, Pauling here. I've got work. ja: もしもし?デモ、ポーリングよ。仕事をあげるわ。 ko: 이봐요 데모, 폴링이에요. 일이 생겼어요. pt-br: Ei, Demo, Pauling na linha. Tenho um trabalho. ru: Эй, подрывник, это Полинг. Есть работа. zh-hans: 嘿,爆破手。这里是宝琳。我有份差事给你。
plng give contract demo 09:
en: Demo. Hey, it's Pauling. I've got a job for you. ja: デモ、もしもし。こちらポーリング。あなたに仕事があるの。 ko: 데모. 이봐요, 폴링이에요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Demo. Ei, é a Pauling. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Подрывник. Эй, это Полинг. У меня есть работа. zh-hans: 爆破手,嘿,这里是宝琳。我找了份差事给你。
plng give contract demo 10:
en: Demo. It's Pauling. I've got a contract for you. ja: デモ?ポーリングよ。あなたに新しい仕事が入ったわ。 ko: 데모. 폴링이에요. 계약을 따냈어요. pt-br: Demo. É a Pauling. Tenho um contrato para você. ru: Подрывник. Полинг на связи. Есть контракт для тебя. zh-hans: 爆破手,这里是宝琳。我找了一份合同给你。
plng give contract rare demo 01:
en: Demo? It's Miss Pauling. The Miss Pauling...that's...I...I'm not actually famous. That was a joke I've been researching. Could you...rate your amusement on a scale of 1-100? ja: デモ?こちらミス・ポーリング。あのミス・ポーリングよ…!いや、別に私は有名じゃないけどね。どっかで聞いたジョークを真似たの。どれだけ面白いか1~100で評価してみて。 ko: 데모? 폴링이에요. 위대한 폴링 양...그게...나...난 그다지 유명하지 않죠. 전에 어디서 들은 농담 좀 해본 것 뿐이에요. 당신이...얼마나 웃긴 말이었는지 1-100점 중에서 골라 볼래요? pt-br: Demo? É a Srta. Pauling. A Srta. Pauling...isso é...Eu...Eu não sou realmente famosa. Isso foi uma piada que eu estive pesquisando. Você poderia...classificar o seu divertimento em uma escala de 1 a 100? ru: Подрывник? Это Мисс Полинг. Настоящая Мисс Полинг... Это... Я... Нет, я не настолько популярна. Это была шутка, просто на ум пришло. Может, оценишь... по стобалльной шкале? zh-hans: 爆破手?这里是宝琳小姐。大名鼎鼎的宝琳小姐…那个…我…其实我真的不出名。那只是我刚研究出的笑话。你能…用1-100分给我评下吗?” zh-hant: "Demo? It's Miss Pauling. The Miss Pauling...that's...I...I'm not actually famous. That was a joke I've been researching. Could you...rank your amusement on a scale of 1-100?"
plng give contract rare demo 02:
en: Hey, Demo. I was on the phone with your mom. She said you didn't have enough jobs, so I got you an extra one. I won't lie, she sounded angry. ja: ハーイ、デモ。あなたのお母様から電話があったの。あなたの仕事量が少ないって言われちゃったから、追加で仕事をあげるわね。なんだか彼女…ちょっと怒ってるような口調だったわ。 ko: 이봐요, 데모. 어머니와 전화를 해봤는데, 그 분께서 자기 아들이 충분히 많은 일거리를 받지 못 했다고 전화로 말씀하셨어요. 그래서 일거리를 하나 더 드리려고요. 거짓말이 아니예요, 어머님께서 화나신 것 같더군요. pt-br: Ei, Demo. Eu estava no telefone com sua mãe. Ela disse que você não tem empregos o suficiente, então eu tenho um extra para você. Eu não vou mentir, ela parecia furiosa. ru: Эй, подрывник. Только что болтала с твоей мамой. Она говорит, что у тебя недостаточно работ, так что вот тебе еще одна. Я не вру, она звучала грозно. zh-hans: 嘿,爆破手。我刚刚和你的母亲通了电话。她说你没有足够的工作,所以我给你一个额外的差事。我不会撒谎,她吵得很大声。
plng give contract rare demo 03:
en: Demo, it's Pauling. Place your eyeballs on this...eye...eyeball...whatever you see with. Make it...just make it look at this. ja: デモ、ポーリングよ。この仕事内容によく目を通してね…あの、片目しかないとか、そんな事は気にしなくていいから、とにかくよーく確認しといて。 ko: 데모, 폴링이에요. 두 눈 뜨고...눈...한 눈이요...아무렴 어때요. 그냥...이것 좀 봐요. pt-br: Demo, é a Pauling. Coloque seus olhos sobre o qual você enxerga. Faça...apenas olhe para isso ru: Подрывник, это Полинг. Направь свои глаза... гла... глаз... или чем ты там смотришь. Просто... Просто взгляни на это. zh-hans: 爆破手,这里是宝琳。把你的两只眼睛放在这里…眼…单个眼球…随便你用什么看了。就让它…看起来在看着这个。
plng give contract rare demo 04:
en: Demo, it's your liver. I'm kidding, it's Miss Pauling. If I was your liver, I'd just be screaming. ja: デモ...聞こえる...?私はあなたの肝臓よ…なんてね!ポーリングよ。私がホントにあなたの肝臓なら、きっと絶叫してて喋れたもんじゃないわ。 ko: 데모? 나야 나, 네 간. 농담이에요. 폴링입니다. 제가 당신 간이라면 그냥 비명을 지르고 있겠지요. pt-br: Demo, é o seu fígado. Bricadeira, é a Srta, Pauling. Se eu fosse o seu fígado estaria berrando. ru: Подрывник, это твоя печень. Шучу, это Мисс Полинг. Если бы я была твоей печенью, я бы плакала. zh-hans: 爆破手,这里是你的肝。只是开个玩笑,这里是宝琳小姐。如果我是你的肝,我会叫得很大声的。
plng give contract rare demo 05:
en: Hey Demo, wake up. I've got a job for you. ja: はーいデモ、起きなさい。仕事の時間よ。 ko: 이봐요 데모, 일어나요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Ei, Demo, acorde. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Подрывник, очнись. Это для тебя. zh-hans: 嘿,爆破手,醒来吧。我给你找了份差事。
plng give contract rare demo 06:
en: Demo, it's Pauling. If you're not dead, I've got work for you. ja: デモ、こちらポーリングよ。まだ生きてるなら、この任務を完了してきて頂戴。 ko: 데모, 폴링이에요. 죽은 게 아니라면, 일을 줄게요. pt-br: Demo, é a Pauling. Se você não estiver morto, Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Подрывник, Полинг на связи. Если еще не откинул копыта, возьмись за это. zh-hans: 爆破手,这里是宝琳。如果你还没有死掉,那我就有份工作给你。
plng give contract rare demo 07:
en: Demo. Pauling. Sober up, I've got work. ja: デモ。ポーリングよ。さっさと酔いを醒まして、この仕事に取り掛かって。 ko: 데모. 폴링이에요. 술 깨세요, 할 일이 있거든요. pt-br: Demo. Pauling. Foque sóbrio, Tenho um trabalho. ru: Подрывник. Полинг. Протрезвей и за работу. zh-hans: 爆破手,这里是宝琳。苏醒吧,我有差事给你。
plng give contract rare demo 08:
en: Demo? Pauling. I've got a job here that requires killing a lot of people and blowing up everything else. I thought of you. es: Demo? Pauling. I've got a job here that requires killing a lot of people and blowing up everything else. I thought of you. ja: デモ?こちらポーリング。大量の人間諸共、何もかも木端微塵にしなきゃいけない仕事があるのだけど。これってあなた向きよね。 ko: 데모? 폴링이에요. 사람 많이 죽이고 모든 걸 다 폭파시켜야 하는 일거리를 얻었어요. 당신이 생각나더군요. pt-br: Demo? Pauling. Eu tenho um trabalho aqui que exige matar um monte de gente e explodir tudo. Pensei em você. ru: Подрывник? Полинг. Есть работа, в которой нужно беспощадно убивать каждого встречного и взрывать всё, что движется. Я верю в тебя. zh-hans: 爆破手?宝琳在这。我这里有份工作需要大开杀戮和炸飞一切。我只能想到你。
plng give contract rare demo 09:
en: Demo! Demo? You there? It's Pauling. Demo? Demo? ja: デモ!…デモ?もしもし?ポーリングよ。ねえ聞いてる?デモ?…デモ?? ko: 데모! 데모? 거기 있어요? 폴링이에요. 데모? 데모? pt-br: Demo! Demo? Você tá aí? É a Pauling. Demo? Demo? ru: Подрывник! Подрывник? Ты здесь? Это Полинг. Подрывник? Подрывник? zh-hans: 爆破手!爆破手?你在那吗?这里是宝琳。爆破手?爆破手?
plng give contract rare demo 10:
en: Hey, Demo. This job is for your eyes only...eye...I get it. es: Hey, Demo. This job is for your eyes only...eye...I get it. ja: こんにちは、デモ。この任務内容はあなたの目だけに留めておいて…えっと、あなたの右目だけに…いいわね。 ko: 안녕, 데모. 이번 일은 두 눈으로 똑똑히 봐야 해요. 맞다, 외눈이지... 알겠죠? pt-br: Ei, Demo. Este trabalho é apenas para os seus olhos...olho...quero dizer...você entendeu. ru: Эй, подрывник. Это работа только для твоих глаз...Глаза...То есть...Ну, ты понял. zh-hans: 嘿,爆破手。这份工作仅限你的眼观看…眼睛…我的意思是…你擅长的。
plng give contract rare demo 11:
en: Demo? Pauling. I've got a job that requires no depth perception. You in? es: Demo? Pauling. I've got a job that requires no depth perception. You in? ja: デモ、ポーリングよ。 奥行き感覚の必要ない仕事をあなたに託そうと思うの。いかが? ko: 데모? 폴링이에요. 거리 감각은 필요 없는 일이 있어요. 할래요? pt-br: Demo? Pauling. Tenho um trabalho que não requer percepção de profundidade. Você está dentro? ru: Подрывник? Полинг. Есть работа, где не надо сильно вникать в дело. Ты как? zh-hans: 爆破手?宝琳在这。我有一份不需要深度感知的工作。你参加吗?
plng give contract rare demo 12:
en: Demoman? It's Pauling. I've got work. I...Demoman? That sounds weird. Does anyone actually call you that? Let's go back to 'Demo'. es: Demoman? It's Pauling. I've got work. I...Demoman? That sounds weird. Does anyone actually call you that? Let's go back to 'Demo'. ja: デモマン?こちらポーリング、新しい任務よ。デモマン…?なんだか落ち着かない。誰もあなたをデモマンって呼ばないわよね?"デモ"呼びに戻すわ。 ko: 데모맨? 폴링이에요. 일이 생겼어요. 저...데모맨? 이상하게 들리네요. 전부 다 그렇게 부르죠? 그냥 '데모'라고 부를게요. pt-br: Demoman? É a Pauling. Tenho um trabalho. Eu...Demoman? Isso soa estranho. Alguém realmente te chama assim? Vamos voltar para "Demo". ru: Взрывщик? Это Полинг. У меня есть работа. Я... Взрывщик? Звучит ужасно. Тебя никто так не называет? Ладно, вернемся к 'Подрывнику'. zh-hans: 爆破手(Demoman)?这里是宝琳。我有一份差事在这,我…爆破手(Demoman)?那听起来挺怪。有人这么称呼过你吗?我们还是回到叫你爆破手(Demo)吧。
plng give contract heavy 01:
en: Heavy? Pauling here. ja: ヘビー?ポーリングよ。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Heavy? Pauling na linha. ru: Пулеметчик? Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 机枪手?宝琳在这。
plng give contract heavy 02:
en: Heavy. Miss Pauling here. ja: ヘビー、ミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 헤비. 폴링 양이에요. pt-br: Heavy. Srta. Pauling na linha. ru: Пулеметчик. Это Мисс Полинг. zh-hans: 机枪手,宝琳小姐在这。
plng give contract heavy 03:
en: Heavy? It's Pauling. ja: ヘビー?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Heavy? É a Pauling. ru: Пулеметчик? Полинг. zh-hans: 机枪手?这里是宝琳。
plng give contract heavy 04:
en: Heavy? It's Pauling. I'm cashing in a favor on this one. ja: ヘビー?こちらポーリングよ。あなたのこの任務のために色々やり繰りしておいたの。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. 이번 일 때문에 돈 좀 썼어요. pt-br: Heavy? É a Pauling. Eu preciso de sua ajuda. ru: Пулеметчик? Полинг на связи. Гарантирую пользу от этого. zh-hans: 机枪手?这里是宝琳。我需要去兑现这个合同。
plng give contract heavy 05:
en: Heavy? It's Pauling. Got a contract for you. ja: ヘビー?ポーリングよ。あなたに新しい任務を与えるわ。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. 당신을 위해 계약을 따냈어요. pt-br: Heavy? É a Pauling. Tenho um contrato para você. ru: Пулеметчик? Говорит Полинг. Есть контракт для тебя. zh-hans: 机枪手?这里是宝琳。给你找了份合同。
plng give contract heavy 06:
en: Heavy? It's Pauling. I've got a job for you. ja: ヘビー?ポーリングよ。あなたに新しい仕事を割り当てるわ。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Heavy? É a Pauling. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Пулеметчик? Это Полинг. Для тебя есть работа. zh-hans: 机枪手?这里是宝琳。我找了份差事给你。“
plng give contract heavy 07:
en: Heavy? Pauling here. Something just came up. ja: もしもし?ヘビー、ポーリングよ。新しい仕事が入ってきたわ。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. 일이 생겼어요. pt-br: Heavy? Pauling na linha. Algo apareceu. ru: Пулеметчик? Полинг на связи. Есть кое-что для тебя. zh-hans: 机枪手?宝琳在这。有事情找上门了
plng give contract heavy 08:
en: Heavy. Pauling here. This contract just came in. ja: もしもし。ヘビー?ポーリングよ。新しい任務を任せるわ。 ko: 헤비. 폴링이에요. 계약이 들어왔어요. pt-br: Heavy. Pauling na linha. Este contrato apenas veio. ru: Пулеметчик. Это Полинг. Только что пришло. zh-hans: 机枪手,宝琳在这。这里有份合同来了。
plng give contract heavy 09:
en: Heavy? Pauling here. I've got work. ja: ヘビー?こちらポーリング。仕事があるの。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. 일을 따냈어요. pt-br: Heavy? Pauling na linha. Tenho um trabalho. ru: Пулеметчик? Полинг. Есть работа. zh-hans: 机枪手?宝琳在这。我找到差事给你了。
plng give contract heavy 10:
en: Heavy? Can you talk? It's Pauling. ja: ヘビー?ちょっといいかしら?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 헤비? 말할 수 있어요? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Heavy? Você pode falar? É a Pauling. ru: Пулеметчик? Говорить можешь? Это Полинг. zh-hans: 机枪手?你能说几句吗?这里是宝琳。
plng give contract heavy 11:
en: Heavy? Pauling here. This one came right from the Administrator. ja: もしもし、ヘビー?こちらポーリング。これはAdministratorからの任務よ。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. 관리자님이 이걸 보냈어요. pt-br: Heavy? Pauling na linha. Este veio direto da Administradora. ru: Пулеметчик? На связи Полинг. Это от Администратора. zh-hans: 机枪手?宝琳在这。这一份合同来自管理员。
plng give contract heavy 12:
en: I need something taken care of, Heavy. I know I can trust you. ja: 終わらせなきゃいけないタスクがあるの。ヘビー、あなたを頼りにしてるわ。 ko: 일을 맡길 사람이 필요해요, 헤비. 당신은 믿음직한 사람이에요. pt-br: Eu preciso de algo feito com cuidado, Heavy. Seu que posso confiar em você. ru: Нужно о кое-чем позаботиться, пулеметчик. Я знаю, я могу доверять тебе. zh-hans: 我需要有人来搞定这事,机枪手。我知道我能信任你。
plng give contract heavy 13:
en: Administrator wants this taken care of, Heavy. No loose ends. ja: Administratorがこの任務の達成を望んでるわ。ヘビー、どうか万全を期して取り掛かって欲しいの。 ko: 관리자님이 이걸 맡아달라고 하셨어요, 헤비. 망치면 안 돼요. pt-br: Administradora quer isso com cuidado, Heavy. Sem falhas. ru: Пулеметчик, Администратор попросила тебя разобраться с этим. Все концы в воду. zh-hans: 管理员需要这个事情被解决,机枪手。有始有终。
plng give contract heavy 14:
en: Administrator's on the warpath, Heavy. I need this done. ja: Administratorがお冠なの。ヘビー、この任務を一刻でも早く終わらせて欲しいわ。 ko: 관리자님이 싸우려 하고 있어요, 헤비. 이걸 끝내야 해요. pt-br: A Administradora está em pé de guerra, Heavy. Eu preciso disso pronto. ru: Администратор вышла на тропу войны, пулеметчик. Нужно с этим покончить. zh-hans: 管理员对此怒气冲冲,机枪手。我需要这个事被解决。
plng give contract heavy 15:
en: This one's got your name all over it, big guy. ja: この任務にはあなたが指名されてるのよ。大男さん。 ko: 당신 이름이 잔뜩 쓰인 계약을 하나 받았어요. 덩치. pt-br: Tenho um contrato que é a sua cara, grandalhão ru: Твое имя надолго запомнят после этого, большой парень. zh-hans: 这一份合同上写着你的名字,大家伙。
plng give contract heavy 16:
en: Hey Heavy. I've got work for you and Sasha. ja: ごきげんよう、ヘビー。あなたとサーシャにこの仕事を託すわね。 ko: 이봐요 헤비. 당신이랑 사샤를 위해 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Ei Heavy. Tenho um trabalho para você e Sasha. ru: Эй, пулеметчик. Есть работа для вас с Сашей. zh-hans: 嘿,机枪手。我找了份差事给你和萨莎。
plng give contract heavy 17:
en: Hey Heavy, it's Pauling. You're the only one I trust for this. ja: もしもし?ヘビー、ポーリングよ。この仕事はあなたしか出来ないの。 ko: 이봐요 헤비, 폴링이에요. 당신밖에 믿을 사람이 없어요. pt-br: Ei Heavy, é a Pauling. Você é o único em quem confio para isso. ru: Пулеметчик, говорит Полинг. Я могу доверить это только тебе. zh-hans: 嘿,机枪手。这里是宝琳。你在这份差事上是我唯一能信赖的人。
plng give contract heavy 18:
en: Heavy, Pauling here. Keep this job between you and me. ja: ヘビー、こちらポーリング。この任務情報は誰にも共有しないでね。 ko: 헤비, 폴링이에요. 이 일은 아무한테도 말하지 말아요. pt-br: Heavy, Pauling na linha. Mantenha este trabalho entre você e eu. ru: Пулеметчик, это Полинг. Пусть эта работа будет между нами двумя. zh-hans: 机枪手,宝琳在这。将这份差事只保留在你与我之间。
plng give contract rare heavy 01:
en: Heavy? It's Pauling. I know you're working so you're probably killing... like...everything right now, but this just came in. ja: ヘビー?ポーリングよ。仕事中だろうからもう全員殺しちゃってるかもしれないけど、新しい依頼を送るわね。 ko: 헤비? 폴링이에요. 당신은 일하면서 수많은 사람을 사살... 그러니까...지금까지 전부 다요, 일이 들어왔어요. pt-br: Heavy? É a Pauling. Eu sei que está trabalho, então provavelmente está matando... tipo... tudo agora. Mas isso acabou de chegar ru: Пулеметчик? Это Полинг. Я знаю, что ты на работе, но для тебя, скорее всего, убийство... как... пустяк, но тут кое-что есть. zh-hans: 机枪手?这里是宝琳。我知道你现在可能在工作,所以你可能在大杀四方…就像是…现在正在做着。但这有个合同来了。
plng give contract rare heavy 02:
en: Heavy, I need to you keep quiet on this. Well, you're always quiet. Quieter. ja: ヘビー、慎重に片づけてほしい仕事があるの。…と言ってもあなたはいつも慎重だけどね。より慎重に、頼むわよ。 ko: 헤비, 일할 때는 조용히 해야 해요. 음, 언제나 조용히요. 조용히. pt-br: Heavy, Preciso que fique calado. Bem, você é de ficar calado. Então fique mais calado ru: Пулеметчик, нужно выполнить работу и без шума. Ну, ты всегда тихий. Тише. zh-hans: 机枪手,我需要你安静地解决掉这事。好吧,你总是很安静。沉默的大块头。
plng give contract engie 01:
en: Engie? Pauling here. ja: エンジ?ポーリングよ。 ko: 엔지? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Engie? Pauling na linha. ru: Инженер? Полинг на связи zh-hans: 工程师?这里是宝琳。
plng give contract engie 02:
en: Engie. Miss Pauling here. ja: エンジ、ミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 엔지. 폴링 양이에요. pt-br: Engie. Miss Pauling na linha. ru: Инженер. Это Мисс Полинг. zh-hans: 工程师,宝琳小姐在这。
plng give contract engie 03:
en: Hey Engie. It's Pauling. ja: もしもし、エンジ?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 이봐요 엔지. 폴링이에요. pt-br: Ei, Engie. É a Pauling. ru: Эй, инженер. Это Полинг. zh-hans: 嘿,工程师,这里是宝琳。
plng give contract engie 04:
en: Engie. The Administrator asked for you on this one. Specifically. ja: エンジ?Administratorがあなたを指名してこの任務をくれたわ。 ko: 엔지. 관리자님이 당신에게 이걸 부탁했어요. 특별히요. pt-br: Engie. A Administradora pediu você neste. Especificamente. ru: Инженер. Администратор попросила тебя разобраться с этим. Конкретно тебя. zh-hans: 工程师,管理员要求你解决这件事。
plng give contract engie 05:
en: Hey Engie, it's Pauling. ja: もしもし、エンジ。こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 이봐요 엔지, 폴링이에요. pt-br: Ei, Engie, é a Pauling. ru: Инженер, это Полинг. zh-hans: 嘿,工程师。这里是宝琳。
plng give contract engie 06:
en: Engie, Pauling here. This contract is high priority. ja: エンジ、こちらポーリングよ。この仕事は優先度が高いの。 ko: 엔지, 폴링이에요. 이번 계약은 특히 중요한 거에요. pt-br: Engie, Pauling na linha. Este contrato é de alta prioridade. ru: Инженер, Полинг на связи. Срочно возьмись за этот контракт. zh-hans: 工程师,宝琳小姐在这。这个是高优先级合同。
plng give contract engie 07:
en: Contract just came in. I need this done by the numbers, Engie. ja: 新しいコントラクトよ。機械的に進めて欲しいわ、エンジ。 ko: 계약이 들어왔어요. 숫자의 도움이 필요해요, 엔지. pt-br: Um contrato chegou. Eu preciso que este seja feito pelos números, Engie. ru: Контракт только что прибыл. Мне нужно сделать это по числам, инженер. zh-hans: 合同来了。我需要这合同按先前的计划完成,工程师。
plng give contract engie 08:
en: This one's gonna need some strategy, Engie. ja: エンジ、この任務は戦略を練る必要がありそうよ。 ko: 이번 일은 전략적으로 해야 해요, 엔지. pt-br: Este contrato precisa de estratégia, Engie. ru: Здесь нужна стратегия, инженер. zh-hans: 这个需要一些策略完成,工程师。
plng give contract engie 09:
en: Pack up your tools, Engie. I've got a job for you. ja: 装置と道具の準備をして、エンジ。新しい仕事よ。 ko: 도구들 챙겨요, 엔지. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Arrume suas ferramentas, Engie. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Инженер, пакуй инструменты. Работа нашлась. zh-hans: 收拾好你的工具,工程师。我找了份差事给你。
plng give contract engie 10:
en: Engie? Pauling. Think you can handle this? ja: エンジ?ポーリングよ。あなたならこの任務を完了できる? ko: 엔지? 폴링이에요. 이것 좀 처리할 수 있어요? pt-br: Engie? Pauling. Acha que pode segurar isto? ru: Инженер? Полинг. Справишься? zh-hans: 工程师?宝琳在这。你认为你能解决这个事情吗?
plng give contract engie 11:
en: Engie? Hey, it's Pauling. Interested in some extra work? es: Engie? Hey, it's Pauling. Interested in some extra work? ja: エンジ?もしもし、ポーリングよ。規格外の仕事に興味はないかしら? ko: 엔지? 이봐요, 폴링이에요. 임시 아르바이트에 흥미 있어요? pt-br: Engie? Ei, é a Pauling. Interessado em trabalho extra? ru: Инженер? Эй, это Полинг. Не хочешь поработать? zh-hans: 工程师?嘿,这里是宝琳。对一些额外工作感兴趣吗?
plng give contract engie 12:
en: Engie? Pauling here. I need your help. ja: エンジ?こちらポーリング。手を借りたいの。 ko: 엔지? 폴링이에요. 도움이 필요해요. pt-br: Engie? Pauling na linha. Eu preciso da sua ajuda. ru: Инженер? Полинг на связи. Нужна твоя помощь. zh-hans: 工程师?宝琳在这里。我需要你的帮助。
plng give contract engie 13:
en: Engie? Pauling, here. I need something done. Quietly. ja: エンジ?ポーリングよ。任務があるの。慎重に行ってね。 ko: 엔지? 폴링이에요. 해결해야 할 일이 있어요. 조용히요. pt-br: Engie? Pauling, na linha. Eu preciso de algo feito silenciosamente. Silenciosamente. ru: Инженер? Это Полинг. Нужно кое-что сделать. Но без шума. zh-hans: 工程师?宝琳,在这。我需要一些事情被解决,安静地。
plng give contract rare engie 01:
en: Hey Big Brains! Pauling here. ja: 天才博士、ごきげんよう!こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 이봐요 똑똑이! 폴링이에요. pt-br: Ei, massa cinzenta! Pauling falando. ru: Эй, большемозглый! Это Полинг. zh-hans: 嘿,大天才!宝琳小姐在这。
plng give contract rare engie 02:
en: Engie. It's Pauling. My moped's making a funny noise like a *chuk chuk chuk chuk* *whirr* *chuk chuk* sort of...thing. You know what? You're busy. Uh anyway, I've got work. ja: エンジ、ポーリングよ。私のモペッドが何だか、チャッチャッチャッ…ブウーン…チャッチャッ…みたいな変な音を出すの。これって何かしら?いや、今忙しいか。ゴメン気にしないで。新しい仕事を持ってきたわ。 ko: 엔지. 폴링이에요. 제 모페드에서 이상한 잡음이 *칙 칙 칙 칙* *위잉* *칙 칙* 그런...소리요. 알 것 같아요? 바쁜 거 알아요. 음, 그러니까, 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Engie, é a Pauling. A minha scooter tá fazendo um barulho estranho, tipo um chk-chk-chk rrrrrrrrr meio que...quer saber, você está ocupado. Enfim, tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Инженер. Говорит Полинг. Мой мопед издает смешные звуки типа *чик-чик-чик-чик* *вррр* *чик-чик*, прямо как... что-то. Короче, знаешь что? Ты занят. А, плевать. Для тебя работа есть. zh-hans: 工程师,这里是宝琳。我的摩托好像发出着有趣的声音,就像是*一阵扭动声* *引擎启动声* *又一阵扭动声*类似的东西。你知道原因吗?哦对,你很忙。额…总之,我有差事给你。
plng give contract rare engie 03:
en: Hey Engie, you got anything in your warehouse that can liquify about...hold on... let's call it 80 bodies? My chipper shredder's backed up. Anyway think about it. I've got a job. es: Hey Engie, you got anything in your warehouse that can liquify about...hold on... let's call it 80 bodies? My chipper shredder's backed up. Anyway think about it. I've got a job. ja: ねえエンジ、何か物を…えーっと、死体を80体くらい…?ドロドロに溶かせる物って倉庫にないかしら?私の粉砕機が故障しちゃって…。とにかくなんか考えておいて。あなたに新しい仕事があるわ。 ko: 이봐요 엔지, 당신 창고에 액체로 된...잠깐만... 80 bodies라는 거 있어요? 분쇄기가 고장났거든요. 한번 생각해 봐요. 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Ei, Engie, você tem alguma coisa no seu armazém que consegue liquefazer por volta de...espera... vamos dizer uns oitenta corpos? O meu triturador tá entupido. Enfim, pensa nisso. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Инженер, у тебя есть что-нибудь такое, что сможет растворить... погоди... Ну, скажем, 80 трупов? Мой измельчитель забился. Ну, об этом потом. А пока займись вот чем. zh-hans: 嘿,工程师。你的仓库里有东西可以液化…等下…让我先估为八十个尸体?我的切碎机因为放太多堵了。总而言之先想别的,我有差事给你。
plng give contract rare engie 04:
en: Engie, this job requires someone who can're my only hope. es: Engie, this job requires someone who can're my only hope. ja: エンジ、この仕事は字が読めないと出来ない物なの…あなたにしか頼めないわ。 ko: 엔지, 이번 일은 '글'을 읽을 수 있는 사람이 필요해요. 당신에게만 희망을 걸고 있어요. pt-br: Engie, este trabalho requer alguém que saiba ler...você é a minha única esperança. ru: Инженер, работа требует того, кто умеет читать... Ты - моя единственная надежда. zh-hans: 工程师,这个差事需要有个能读懂的人…你是我唯一的希望
plng give contract rare engie 05:
en: Engie, it's Pauling. Is Scout there? Cough if he's there. I've got a job for you. Not him. ja: エンジ、こちらポーリングよ。そこにスカウトもいる?一緒なら咳をして頂戴。あなたに仕事があるの。彼じゃなくて。 ko: 엔지, 폴링이에요. 거기 스카웃 있어요? 에헴, 만약 있다면. 당신에게 일을 줄게요. 스카웃이 아니라. pt-br: Engie, é a Pauling. O Scout tá aí? Dá uma tossida se estiver. Tenho um trabalho para você. Não para ele. ru: Инженер, это Полинг. Разведчик там? Прокашляйся, если он там. Есть работа для тебя. Не для него. zh-hans: 工程师,这里是宝琳。侦察兵在那吗?如果他在那先拦着他,我找了份差事给你,不是他。
plng give contract rare engie 06:
en: Howdy pardner! Rustle up the...cows...and move...move 'em out..of the barn...partner. ja: よう、相棒!牛達を…まとめて…畜舎、畜舎から追い出してくれよ..相棒。 ko: 여어 친구! 이...소를...들어서...창고에..집어 넣...형씨. pt-br: Oi parceiro! Suba nas...vacas...e as tire...para celeiro...parceiro. ru: Привет, партнер! Гони... коров... и двигай... гони их... из амбара... партнер. zh-hans: 你好啊,搭档!快准备好…牛们…并移动它们…让他们出去…从谷仓里出去…搭档。
plng give contract rare engie 07:
en: Howdy cowpoke! Let's ride...oh what other cowboy words do I know? Oh, saddle! Engie? You still there? Saddle up! Saddle 'em up! ja: ようカウボーイ!馬に乗ろうぜ!...カウボーイ言葉って他に何かあったっけ?...そうだ、”鞍”だわ。エンジ、まだ聞いてる?鞍にまたがれ、馬に乗って出発だ! ko: 여어 카우보이씨! 함께...아 내가 아는 다른 카우보이 용어가 뭐였지? 아,안장! 엔지? 거기 있어요? 안장을 얹어요! 얹으라고요! pt-br: Oi caubói! Vamos cavalgar...ah quais outras palavras de caubói que eu conheço? Ah, sela! Engie? Ainda tá aí? Sele! Sele todos! ru: Привет, ковбой! Давай прокатимся... а какие еще ковбойские слова я знаю? О, оседлать! Инженер? Ты еще там? Оседлай их! Оседлай их всех! zh-hans: 你好啊,牛仔!让我们骑行…哦等下,我还知道什么其他有关牛仔的单词?哦对了,鞍!你还在那?快坐上鞍!出发吧!
plng give contract rare engie 08:
en: Engie? Pauling. I need someone who's smart for this. ja: エンジ?ポーリングよ。この任務には頭が切れる傭兵が必要なの。 ko: 엔지? 폴링이에요. 똑똑한 사람의 도움이 필요해요. pt-br: Engie? Pauling. Preciso de alguém inteligente para isso. ru: Инженер? Полинг. Нужен кто-то, кто достаточно умен для этого. zh-hans: 工程师?这里是宝琳。我需要一个聪明的人来应付这个。
plng give contract rare engie 09:
en: Howdy pardner! I' sorry for that. ja: よう、相棒!”…えっと、その、悪く思わないでね? ko: 여어 친구! 나...미안해요. pt-br: Olá parceiro! Me desculpe... por aquilo. ru: Привет, приятель! Я... извини меня за это. zh-hans: 你好啊,搭档!我…对那句话感到抱歉。
plng give contract medic 01:
en: Medic? Pauling here. ja: メディック?ポーリングよ。 ko: 메딕? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Medic? Pauling na linha. ru: Медик? Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 医生?宝琳在这。
plng give contract medic 02:
en: Medic. Miss Pauling here. ja: メディック、ミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 메딕. 폴링 양이에요. pt-br: Medic. Srta. Pauling na linha. ru: Медик. Говорит Мисс Полинг. zh-hans: 医生,这里是宝琳小姐。
plng give contract medic 03:
en: Hey Doc. It's Pauling. ja: もしもし、ドクター?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 이봐요 의사님. 폴링이에요. pt-br: Ei Doc. É a Pauling. ru: Эй, док. Это Полинг. zh-hans: 嘿,医生。这里是宝琳。
plng give contract medic 04:
en: Medic? It's Pauling. ja: メディック?ポーリングよ。 ko: 메딕? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Medic? É a Pauling. ru: Медик? Полинг. zh-hans: 医生?宝琳在这。
plng give contract medic 05:
en: Medic, it's Pauling. I've got something I wanted you to look at. ja: メディック。こちらポーリングよ。これをお願いできるかしら。 ko: 메딕, 폴링이에요. 봐줬으면 하는 게 있어요. pt-br: Medic, é a Pauling. Eu tenho algo que gostaria que você olhasse. ru: Медик, Полинг на связи. Тут кое-что есть, взгляни. zh-hans: 医生,这里是宝琳。我这里有东西需要你看一下。
plng give contract medic 06:
en: Medic, it's Pauling. You've got time to look into something for me? ja: メディック、こちらポーリングよ。ちょっと協力して欲しいことがあるの。 ko: 메딕, 폴링이에요. 이것 좀 봐 줄 시간 있어요? pt-br: Medic, é a Pauling. Você poderia dar uma olhada em algo para mim? ru: Медик, это Полинг. Не найдется времени посмотреть на это для меня? zh-hans: 医生,这里是宝琳。你能花点时间为我看一下这个事情吗?
plng give contract medic 07:
en: Doc? Pauling here. Take a look at this. ja: ドクター?ポーリングよ。これをお願いできるかしら。 ko: 의사님? 폴링이에요. 이것 좀 봐요. pt-br: Doc? Pauling na linha. Olhe isso. ru: Док? Говорит Полинг. Взгляни на это. zh-hans: 医生?宝琳在这。看一眼这个。
plng give contract medic 08:
en: Hey Medic. Pauling here. I saw this and thought of you. ja: もしもし。メディック、こちらポーリングよ。あなたにピッタリの仕事があるの。 ko: 이봐요 메딕. 폴링이에요. 이거 보고 당신을 생각해 냈어요. pt-br: Ei Medic. Pauling aqui. Eu vi isso e pensei em você. ru: Эй, медик. Полинг на связи. Взглянув на это, я подумала о тебе. zh-hans: 嘿,医生。宝琳在这。我看到这个后就想到了你。
plng give contract medic 09:
en: Medic, it's Pauling. I've got a contract for you. ja: メディック、ポーリングよ。あなたに新しい仕事が入ったわ。 ko: 메딕, 폴링이에요. 계약을 따냈어요. pt-br: Medic, é a Pauling. Tenho um trabalho para você. ru: Медик, это Полинг. Есть контракт для тебя. zh-hans: 医生,这里是宝琳。我给你找到了个合同。
plng give contract medic 10:
en: Pauling, here. Let's keep this job confidential. ja: こちらポーリング。この任務情報は誰にも共有しないでね。 ko: 폴링이에요. 이 일은 아무도 모르게 하세요. pt-br: Pauling, aqui. Vamos manter este trabalho confidencial. ru: Полинг. Давай работать конфиденциально. zh-hans: 宝琳,在这。让我们保密好这件事情。
plng give contract medic 11:
en: Nobody's crazy enough to do this but you, doctor. ja: この仕事はあなた程クレイジーじゃないと手を付けられないのよ、ドクター。 ko: 당신보다 미친 사람은 아무도 없어요. 의사님. pt-br: Ninguém é louco o bastante para fazer isso que não você, doutor. ru: Никто не безумен так достаточно, как ты, доктор. zh-hans: 没有人足够疯狂到做这件事,但是你除外,医生。
plng give contract medic 12:
en: Hey Doc. It's Pauling. I've got a contract for you. Anything goes. ja: ごきげんよう、ドクター。ポーリングよ。あなたに新しい仕事が入ったわ。手段は問わないそうよ。 ko: 이봐요 의사님. 폴링이에요. 계약을 따냈어요. 뭐든지 할 수 있어요. pt-br: Ei Doc. É a Pauling. Tenho um trabalho para você. Qualquer coisa serve. ru: Эй, док. Это Полинг. Есть работа для тебя. Делай, что хочешь. zh-hans: 嘿,医生。这里是宝琳。我找到了一份合同给你。用什么手段完成都行。
plng give contract medic 13:
en: Medic, it's Pauling. This one...might get messy. ja: メディック、こちらポーリングよ。この任務は…あまり清潔じゃないわ。 ko: 메딕, 폴링이에요. 이번 일은...까다로울 거에요. pt-br: Medic, é a Pauling. Este trabalho... pode ficar feio. ru: Медик, это Полинг. Тут... легко запачкаться. zh-hans: 医生,这里是宝琳。这一个合同…可能会有点混乱。
plng give contract medic 14:
en: Hey Doc. Pauling. Got a live one for you. ja: ねえドクター、ポーリングよ。活きのいい患者を一人連れてきたわ。 ko: 이봐요 의사님. 폴링이에요. 아직 싱싱한 일 하나 구했어요. pt-br: Ei Doc. Pauling. Peguei um vivo para você. ru: Док. Полинг. Есть дельце для тебя. zh-hans: 嘿,医生。宝琳在这。找了一份专门的工作给你。
plng give contract rare medic 01:
en: MEDIC! That was...just an impression. In bad taste, now that I think about it. I guess the people screaming that are usually, you know, dying. ja: メディック!えーと…みんなの真似をしてみたの。ちょっと悪趣味かしら。こう叫んでる時って大体みんな…死にかけなのよね。 ko: 메딕! 이건...그냥 느낌인데. 느낌이 안 좋아요, 그런 생각이 들어요. 사람들이 평소처럼 소리지를 것 같아요. 알죠? 죽을 때요. pt-br: MEDIC! Aquilo foi...apenas uma impressão. De mau gosto, agora que penso nisso. Eu acho que as pessoas gritam já estão geralmente, você sabe, morrendo. ru: МЕДИК! Это... случайно получилось. Дурной тон, но я вдруг задумалась. Кажется, что люди кричат так, когда они обычно, ну, понимаешь, умирают. zh-hans: 医生!那个…只是我想的一个印象。庸俗地说,现在我理解到了那种印象了。我猜人们通常会这么叫,你懂的,濒临死亡的人。
plng give contract rare medic 02:
en: Medic. Pauling here. Take the gloves off for this one. Actually keep the gloves on. That might get messy. ja: メディック、ポーリングよ。この任務には一肌脱いで取り掛かって頂戴。あ、でも手袋を脱がないでね。コレ、あまり清潔な仕事じゃないの。 ko: 메딕. 폴링이에요. 장갑은 벗으세요. 아니, 그냥 끼고 계세요. 이번 일은 까다로울 거에요. pt-br: Medic, Pauling falando. tire as luvas para este trabalho. Na verdade, fique com as luvas. A coisa pode ficar feia. ru: Медик. Это Полинг. Надень перчатки для этого дела. И не снимай их. А то может быть хуже. zh-hans: 医生,宝琳在这。脱下手套拿着并看好这份合同。实际上还是戴着吧,那样会有点搞乱的。
plng give contract sniper 01:
en: Sniper? Pauling here. ja: スナイパー?ポーリングよ。 ko: 스나이퍼? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Sniper? Pauling na linha. ru: Снайпер? Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 狙击手?宝琳在这。
plng give contract sniper 02:
en: Sniper. Miss Pauling here. ja: スナイパー、ミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 스나이퍼. 폴링 양이에요. pt-br: Sniper. Srta. Pauling na linha. ru: Снайпер. Мисс Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 狙击手,宝琳小姐在这。
plng give contract sniper 03:
en: Hey Sniper. It's Pauling. ja: もしもし、スナイパー?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 이봐요 스나이퍼. 폴링이에요. pt-br: Ei Sniper. É a Pauling. ru: Эй, снайпер. Это Полинг. zh-hans: 嘿,狙击手,这里是宝琳。
plng give contract sniper 04:
en: Sniper? It's Pauling. ja: スナイパー?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 스나이퍼? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Sniper? É a Pauling. ru: Снайпер? Говорит Полинг. zh-hans: 狙击手?宝琳在这。
plng give contract sniper 05:
en: Heads up, Sniper. I've got work. ja: もしもし!スナイパー。あなたに仕事があるわ。 ko: 조심해요, 스나이퍼. 일거리를 얻었어요. pt-br: Atenção, Sniper. Tenho um trabalho. ru: Выше голову, снайпер. Есть работа. zh-hans: 注意好了,狙击手。我有份差事给你。
plng give contract sniper 06:
en: Sniper? Pauling here. Take a look at this. ja: スナイパー?ポーリングよ。これをお願いできるかしら。 ko: 스나이퍼? 폴링이에요. 이것 좀 봐요. pt-br: Sniper? Pauling aqui. Olhe isso. ru: Снайпер? Это Полинг. Взгляни на это. zh-hans: 狙击手?宝琳在这。看一眼这个。
plng give contract sniper 07:
en: Sniper, it's Pauling. You've got time to look into something for me? ja: スナイパー、こちらポーリングよ。もし余裕があるならあなたにこの任務を託したいんだけど。 ko: 스나이퍼, 폴링이에요. 이것 좀 봐줄 수 있어요? pt-br: Sniper, é a Pauling. Você teria tempo para olhar algo para mim? ru: Снайпер, Полинг на связи. Мне нужно кое-что посмотреть, не найдется времени? zh-hans: 狙击手,这里是宝琳。你有时间为我解决这个吗?
plng give contract sniper 08:
en: Hey Sniper. It's Pauling. Got a contract here for you. ja: もしもし?スナイパー、ポーリングよ。あなたに新しい仕事が入ったわ。 ko: 이봐요 스나이퍼. 폴링이에요. 당신을 위해 계약을 따냈어요. pt-br: Ei Sniper. É a Pauling. Tenho um contrato para você. ru: Снайпер. Это Полинг. Есть контракт для тебя. zh-hans: 嘿,狙击手。这里是宝琳。有一份合同给你。
plng give contract sniper 09:
en: Sniper? Hey, it's Pauling. Interested in some extra work. es: Sniper? Hey, it's Pauling. Interested in some extra work. ja: スナイパー?ハイ、ポーリングよ。特殊任務に興味はない? ko: 스나이퍼? 이봐요, 폴링이에요. 임시 아르바이트에 흥미 있어요? pt-br: Sniper? Ei, é a Pauling. Interessado em algum trabalho extra. ru: Снайпер? Эй, это Полинг. Для тебя работенка есть. zh-hans: 狙击手?嘿,这里是宝琳。对额外工作有兴趣吗?
plng give contract sniper 10:
en: Sniper? Pauling here. This contract is high priority. ja: スナイパー?こちらポーリングよ。この仕事は優先度が高いの。 ko: 스나이퍼? 폴링이에요. 이번 계약은 특히 중요한 거에요. pt-br: Sniper? Pauling aqui. Este contrato é de alta prioridade. ru: Снайпер? Полинг на связи. Займись этим делом сейчас же. zh-hans: 狙击手?宝琳在这。这是个高优先级合同。
plng give contract sniper 11:
en: Sniper? Pauling here. Think you can handle this? ja: スナイパー、ポーリングよ。あなたならこの任務を完了できる? ko: 스나이퍼? 폴링이에요. 이것 좀 처리할 수 있어요? pt-br: Sniper? Pauling aqui. Acha que pode segurar isso? ru: Снайпер? Это Полинг. Справишься? zh-hans: 狙击手?宝琳在这。你认为你能解决这个吗?
plng give contract sniper 12:
en: Pauling here. I need a professional here on this one, Sniper. ja: こちらポーリングよ。この仕事はあなたのような玄人向けなのよ、スナイパー。 ko: 폴링이에요. 이 일에는 전문가가 필요해요, 스나이퍼. pt-br: Pauling aqui. Eu preciso de um profissional nesse trabalho. ru: Полинг на связи. Для этого дела нужен профессионал. zh-hans: 宝琳在这。我需要一个专业人士来解决这事,狙击手。
plng give contract rare sniper 01:
en: Hey, Sniper. So you're a Kiwi now, huh? Right, allotted small talk time over, I've got work. ja: ごきげんよう、スナイパー。つまりあなたは今キーウィって事よね?オーケー、お喋りの時間はおしまい。あなたに仕事よ。 ko: 이봐요, 스나이퍼. 지금 키위죠? 좋아요, 재밌는 농담이었어요, 일을 구했어요. pt-br: Ei, Sniper. Então você é um Kiwi agora, huh? Certo, o tempo de conversa acabou, tenho um trabalho. ru: Эй, снайпер. Так ты теперь киви, а? Ладно, шутки в сторону, есть работа. zh-hans: 嘿,狙击手。所以你其实是一个新西兰人,对吧?对了,闲聊时间结束了,我有份差事给你。
plng give contract rare sniper 02:
en: Sniper? Pauling. What's that sound? Are you...are you peeing in a jar right now? ja: スナイパー?ポーリングよ。…これ何の音?あなた今…あなた今もしかして瓶に…オシッコしてる?? ko: 스나이퍼? 폴링이에요. 이 소린 뭐죠? 당신...지금 병에 오줌 누는 건가요? pt-br: Sniper? Pauling. Que som é esse? Você está...mijando em um jarro agora? ru: Снайпер? Полинг. Что это за звуки? Ты... ты занят очередным Банкате? zh-hans: 狙击手?宝琳在这。那是什么声音?你正在…你正在一个瓶子里尿尿?
plng give contract spy 01:
en: Spy? Pauling here. ja: スパイ?ポーリングよ。 ko: 스파이? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Spy? Pauling na linha. ru: Шпион? Это Полинг. zh-hans: 间谍?宝琳在这。
plng give contract spy 02:
en: Spy, Miss Pauling here. ja: スパイ、ミス・ポーリングよ。 ko: 스파이, 폴링 양이에요. pt-br: Spy, Miss Pauling na linha. ru: Шпион, Это Мисс Полинг. zh-hans: 间谍,宝琳小姐在这。
plng give contract spy 03:
en: Hey Spy. It's Pauling. ja: もしもし、スパイ。こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 이봐요 스파이. 폴링이에요. pt-br: Ei, Spy. É a Pauling. ru: Эй, шпион. Полинг на связи. zh-hans: 嘿,间谍。这里是宝琳。
plng give contract spy 04:
en: Spy? It's Pauling. ja: スパイ?こちらポーリングよ。 ko: 스파이? 폴링이에요. pt-br: Spy? É a Pauling. ru: Шпион? Говорит Полинг. zh-hans: 间谍?宝琳在这。
plng give contract spy 05:
en: Hey Spy. It's Pauling. Interested in some extra work? es: Hey Spy. It's Pauling. Interested in some extra work? ja: スパイ、こちらポーリングよ。特殊任務に興味はない? ko: 이봐요 스파이. 폴링이에요. 임시 아르바이트에 흥미 있어요? pt-br: Ei, Spy. É a Pauling. Interessado em um trabalho extra? ru: Шпион. Это Полинг. Не хочешь поработать? zh-hans: 嘿,间谍。这里是宝琳。对额外工作感兴趣吗?
plng give contract spy 06:
en: Spy? Pauling here. This contract is high priority. ja: スパイ?ポーリングよ。この仕事は優先度が高いの。 ko: 스파이? 폴링이에요. 이번 계약은 특히 중요한 거에요. pt-br: Spy? Pauling na linha. Este contrato é de alta prioridade. ru: Шпион? Говорит Полинг. Возьмись за это дело. zh-hans: 间谍?宝琳在这。这是高优先级合同。
plng give contract spy 07:
en: Spy, Pauling here. This contract just came in. ja: スパイ、こちらポーリング。新しい任務を任せるわ。 ko: 스파이, 폴링이에요. 계약이 들어왔어요. pt-br: Spy, Pauling na linha. Este contrato apareceu. ru: Шпион, На связи Полинг. Для тебя есть контракт. zh-hans: 间谍,宝琳在这。这有个新到的合同。
plng give contract spy 08:
en: Spy, it's Pauling. I need something done. Quietly. ja: スパイ、こちらポーリング。任務があるの。慎重に行ってね。 ko: 스파이, 폴링이에요. 도움이 필요해요. 조용히요. pt-br: Spy, é a Pauling. Eu preciso de algo feito. Silenciosamente. ru: Шпион, это Полинг. Нужно кое-что сделать. И тихо. zh-hans: 间谍,这里是宝琳。我需要这些被搞定。安静地。
plng give contract spy 09:
en: Spy, Pauling here. Take a look at this. ja: こちらポーリングよ。ねえスパイ、これをお願いできるかしら。 ko: 스파이, 폴링이에요. 이것 좀 봐요. pt-br: Spy, Pauling na linha. Dê uma olhada nisso. ru: Шпион, это Полинг. Взгляни на это. zh-hans: 间谍,宝琳在这。看一眼这个。
plng give contract spy 10:
en: Spy? It's Pauling. I never gave you this, got me? ja: スパイ?こちらポーリング。この手の任務は初めてのはずよ。オーケー? ko: 스파이? 폴링이에요. 당신한테 일 준 적 없죠? pt-br: Spy? É a Pauling. Eu nunca te dei isso, entendeu? ru: Шпион? Полинг на связи. Я тебе не давала это задание, понятно? zh-hans: 间谍?宝琳在这。我从来不会给你这个的,懂我意思吗?
plng give contract spy 11:
en: Do it quickly, do it quietly. Just get it done, Spy. ja: 迅速かつ慎重に…この任務を終わらせてね、スパイ。 ko: 빠르고 조용히 하세요, 스파이. pt-br: Faça isso rápido, faça isso silenciosamente. Apenas faça, Spy. ru: Сделай быстро, сделай тихо. Просто сделай это, шпион. zh-hans: 快速地解决它,安静地解决它。总之就是完成这事情,间谍。
plng give contract spy 12:
en: Spy, it's Pauling. Utmost discretion on this one. ja: スパイ、ポーリングよ。この任務中は油断禁物だからね。 ko: 스파이, 폴링이에요. 일할 때는 최대한 침착하게 하세요. pt-br: Spy, é a Pauling. Discrição máxima neste. ru: Шпион, на связи Полинг. Будь крайне осторожен. zh-hans: 间谍,这里是宝琳。这个合同你有最大决定权。
plng give contract spy 13:
en: Spy, it's Pauling. Got a black bag job. ja: スパイ、こちらポーリング。今日はあなたに侵入捜査を任せるわ。 ko: 스파이, 폴링이에요. 불법적인 침입 임무가 들어왔어요. pt-br: Spy, é a Pauling. Tenho um trabalho com saco preto. ru: Шпион, это Полинг. У меня есть грязная работа. zh-hans: 间谍,这里是宝琳。这有一份特级工作给你。
plng give contract spy 14:
en: Spy, I've got a custom contract: your eyes only. es: Spy, I've got a custom contract: your eyes only. ja: スパイ、あなたに極秘任務を与えるわよ。 ko: 스파이, 지정한 계약을 찾았어요: 당신만 보세요. pt-br: Spy, eu tenho um trabalho personalizado: apenas para seus olhos. ru: Шпион, у меня есть контракт исключительно для тебя. zh-hans: 间谍,我收到了一份定制合同:仅限你能看。
plng give contract spy 15:
en: This one's nasty. I thought of you, Spy. ja: これはとても冷酷な任務なの。あなたに向いてるわ、スパイ。 ko: 이건 매력적인 일이에요. 당신밖에 없어요, 스파이. pt-br: Este é desagradável. Eu pensei em você, Spy. ru: Это неприятная работа. Я подумала о тебе, шпион. zh-hans: 这份差事比较肮脏,我只能想到你,间谍。
plng give contract rare spy 01:
en: Hey Spy. Pauling. I took care of that DNA test for you. You owe me one and I'm cashing it in. Take care of this. es: Hey Spy. Pauling. I took care of that DNA test for you. You owe me one and I'm cashing it in. Take care of this. ja: ごきげんよう、スパイ。ポーリングよ。例のDNA鑑定は私が上手く処理しといたわ。だからあなた私に借りがあるのよ。この仕事で返しなさい。 ko: 이봐요 스파이. 폴링이에요. 내 돈으로 당신 DNA 테스트를 해 봤어요. 나한테 빚진 거죠. 이것 좀 처리해요. pt-br: Ei, Spy. Pauling. Cuidei daquele teste de DNA para você. Você me deve uma e eu vou tirar proveito. Cuide disto. ru: Эй, шпион. Полинг. Я позаботилась о ДНК-тесте для тебя. Ты у меня в долгу, и я воспользуюсь этим. Позаботься вот об этом. zh-hans: 嘿,间谍。我帮你躲过了一个DNA检测。你欠我的,还有我正要兑现这份合同,解决掉这个事情。
plng give contract rare spy 02:
en: Spy, just between you and me, you should really wash that ski mask. Like once. There's visible stink lines coming off that thing. Anyway, I need a favor. es: Spy, just between you and me, you should really wash that ski mask. Like once. There's visible stink lines coming off that thing. Anyway, I need a favor. ja: スパイ、ここだけの話だけど、その覆面マジで洗ったほうが良いわ…せめて一回くらい。強烈な匂いが漂ってくるの。それはさておき、新しい任務よ。 ko: 스파이, 우리끼리니까 하는 말인데, 그 스키 마스크 좀 씻으세요. 한 번이라도. 냄새가 눈에 보일 지경이에요. 어쨌든, 도움이 필요해요. pt-br: Spy? entre nós dois, você devia mesmo lavar essa máscara de esqui. Tipo, uma vez. Tem linhas de fedor saindo dessa coisa. Enfim, preciso de um favor. ru: Шпион, только между нами, тебе действительно стоит помыть эту лыжную маску. Хотя бы раз. От неё уже линиями вони так и прет. Как бы там ни было, мне нужно одолжение. zh-hans: 间谍,仅限你与我之间的话,你真的应该洗那个面具,现在洗一次就行。那东西有明显的臭气线。无论如何,我需要你帮个忙。
plng give contract rare spy 03:
en: (attempting a French accent) "Bonjour Spy! It ees I, Francis zhe Talking France. I have zhe job for you, yes? Oui? Baguettes?" (normal voice) "No, it's Miss Pauling, sorry. I do have a job for you. It's not French though, sorry." ja: (フランス語風に)ボンジュール、スパイ!私はフランシスだ。フランス語を喋るのだ。君に仕事を与えよう、いいね?ん?バゲット?(普通の口調で)いいえ、ポーリングよ。悪いわね。あなたに任務よ。フランシスの事は忘れて。ごめんなさい。 ko: (프랑스 억양을 흉내내며) 봉주르 스파이! 놔, 쁘랑스어로 말하고 있어요. 돵신을 위해 일짜리를 구했어요. 네? 구뢔요? 바겟뜨요? (원래 목소리) 아뇨, 폴링이에요, 미안해요. 일을 구했어요. 역시 난 프랑스인이 아니에요, 미안해요. pt-br: (tentando um sotaque Francês) "Bonjour Spy! Sou eu, Francis a França Falante. Tenho o trabalho para você, sim? Oui? Baguettes?" (voz normal) "Não, é a Srta. Pauling, desculpe. Tenho um trabalho para você. Não é nada francês, desculpe" ru: (имитируя французский акцент) Бонжур, шпион! Этхо я, фханцуженка, говорящщая по-фханцусски. У мня есь хабота для тебя, да? Oui? Баггет? (нормальным голосом) Нет, это Мисс Полинг, извини. У меня есть работа для тебя. Это был не французский язык, извини. zh-hans: (尝试使用法式口音)你好,间谍!是我,一个讲法语的法国人!我有一份差事给你,接受吗?好的?法棍?(正常音)不对,其实是宝琳小姐,对不起。我确实有份差事给你,刚刚那没怎么法式,对不起。
plng give contract rare spy 04:
en: Hey Spy! Oh, oh right. You're probably sneaking up on somebody. To stab them. Oh, I bet you're about to do it too. They can't...hear me, can they? Do you have video on this thing? ja: もしもし、スパイ!おっと…誰かの背後に忍び寄ってる最中かしら。そんで今からバックスタブするつもりね。この声もきっと彼らには聞こえないんでしょ。賭けてもいいわ。…今やってる事、録画とかしてない? ko: 이봐요 스파이! 아, 아 좋아요. 누군가에게 몰래 다가가고 있군요. 전부 찌르세요. 아, 분명 해낼 거에요. 분명히 못...들었을 거에요. 맞아요? 이거 녹화해 놨어요? pt-br: Ei, Spy! Ah, certo. Você provavelmente está se espreitando atrás de alguém. Para esfaqueá-la. Aposto que está prestes a dar o golpe. Eles não podem me ouvir, né? Tem vídeo nessa coisa? ru: Эй, шпион! О, о, точно. Видимо, ты крадешься за кем-то. Чтобы воткнуть нож в спину. О, я уверена, ты именно этим и занят. Они же... не могут слышать меня, да? В этой штуке есть камера? zh-hans: 嘿,间谍!哦哦哦,对不起。你可能正要偷袭别人,去背刺他们,我打赌你会那么做的。他们不能…听到我,他们能吗?你能用这玩意摄像吗?
plng contract 50 allclass 01:
en: You're halfway done. ko: 절반 해냈어요. pt-br: Você já fez metade. ru: Ты на полпути. zh-hans: 你完成了一半。 zh-hant: 你做好一半囉。
plng contract 50 allclass 02:
en: Halfway to Contract complete. ko: 계약 완수까지 반 남았어요. pt-br: Metade do contrato concluído. ru: Еще столько же и контракт выполнен. zh-hans: 已完成合同一半。 zh-hant: 距合約完成還有一半的進度。
plng contract 50 allclass 03:
en: Good work, half the Contract's fulfilled. ko: 좋아요, 계약 완수까지 반 남았어요. pt-br: Bom trabalho, metade do Contrato foi concluído. ru: Отлично, половина уже есть. zh-hans: 做得好,合同有一半完成了。 zh-hant: 做得好,合約的條件有一半滿足了。
plng contract 50 allclass 04:
en: Halfway there. ko: 절반 남았어요. pt-br: Já foi metade. ru: Половина. zh-hans: 还剩下一半了。 zh-hant: 有一半囉。
plng contract 50 allclass 05:
en: Nice work. You're halfway there. ko: 잘했어요. 이제 절반이에요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. Já foi metade. ru: Молодец. Уже есть половина. zh-hans: 干得好,你已经做到一半了。 zh-hant: 做得好。你做了一半了。
plng contract complete allclass 01:
en: Nice work. ko: 잘했어요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. ru: Молодец. zh-hans: ”做得好。 zh-hant: 做得不錯。
plng contract complete allclass 02:
en: Nice work! ko: 잘했어요! pt-br: Bom trabalho! ru: Молодец! zh-hans: 干得好! zh-hant: 做得不錯!
plng contract complete allclass 03:
en: Good work. ko: 좋아요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. ru: Отлично. zh-hans: 完成得很好。 zh-hant: 做得好啊。
plng contract complete allclass 04:
en: Good work! ko: 좋아요! pt-br: Bom trabalho! ru: Отлично! zh-hans: 你做的很棒! zh-hant: 做得好啊!"
plng contract complete allclass 05:
en: Good job. ko: 해냈어요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. ru: Хорошая работа. zh-hans: 干得很好。 zh-hant: 做得好。
plng contract complete allclass 06:
en: Well done. ko: 훌륭해요. pt-br: Bem feito. ru: Молодец. zh-hans: 干得很不错。 zh-hant: 做得好。
plng contract complete allclass 07:
en: You did it! ko: 달성했어요! pt-br: Você fez isso! ru: Ты сделал это! zh-hans: 你做到了 zh-hant: 你做到了!
plng contract complete allclass 08:
en: Nicely done. ko: 잘 해냈어요. pt-br: Bem-feito. ru: Хорошо выполнено. zh-hans: 你做得很出色。
plng contract complete allclass 09:
en: There you go. ko: 완벽해요. pt-br: Ai está. ru: Отлично. zh-hans: 走你!
plng contract complete allclass 10:
en: I knew I could count on you. ko: 해낼 줄 알았어요. pt-br: Eu sabia que podia contar com você. ru: Я знала, что могу рассчитывать на тебя. zh-hans: 我就知道我能相信你。
plng contract complete allclass 11:
en: I'm glad I came to you on this one. ko: 당신에게 맡기길 잘했어요. pt-br: Eu estou feliz que eu te dei este. ru: Я рада, что дала эту работу именно тебе. zh-hans: 我很高兴我给了你这份合同。
plng contract complete allclass 12:
en: Job well done. ko: 훌륭하게 일했어요. pt-br: Trabalho bem feito. ru: Работа выполнена на 'ура'. zh-hans: 工作很出色。
plng contract complete allclass 13:
en: Annnnnd here you go. ko: 그리고... 여기요. pt-br: Eeeeee ai está. ru: Ииииии, отлично. zh-hans: 然后…走你。
plng contract complete allclass 14:
en: Thanks! I'll be in touch. ko: 고마워요! 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Obrigada! Estarei em contato. ru: Спасибо! Я буду на связи. zh-hans: 谢谢!我会保持联系的。
plng contract complete allclass 15:
en: Thanks again. ko: 또다시 고마워요. pt-br: Obrigada novamente. ru: Спасибо еще раз. zh-hans: 再次谢谢你。
plng contract complete allclass 16:
en: I owe you one. ko: 신세를 졌네요. pt-br: Te devo uma. ru: Я твоя должница. zh-hans: 我欠你的。
plng contract complete allclass 17:
en: Thanks. The Administrator really wanted this done. ko: 고마워요. 관리자님이 끝내라고 하셨거든요. pt-br: Obrigada. A Administradora realmente queria este feito. ru: Спасибо. Администратор действительно хотела, чтобы работа была выполнена. zh-hans: 谢谢,管理员很需要这件事情被解决。
plng contract complete allclass 18:
en: Thanks. The Administrator was really on me about this. ko: 고마워요. 관리자님이 시킨 일이에요. pt-br: Obrigada. A Administradora veio realmente até mim sobre este. ru: Спасибо. Администратор действительно на меня рассчитывала. zh-hans: 谢谢。管理员真的对此对我唠叨了很久。
plng contract complete allclass 19:
en: Payment for services rendered. es: Payment for services rendered. ko: 보상을 줄게요. pt-br: Pagamento por serviços prestados. ru: Оплата за оказанные услуги. zh-hans: 感谢你的帮助,回报来了。
plng contract complete allclass 20:
en: Pleasure doing business. Thanks again. es: Pleasure doing business. Thanks again. ko: 끝내서 기뻐요. 또다시 고마워요. pt-br: Prazer em fazer negócios. Obrigada novamente. ru: Приятно иметь с тобой дело. Спасибо еще раз. zh-hans: 愉快的生意,再次谢谢你。
plng contract complete allclass 21:
en: Nice work. Don't worry, I'll run cleanup on this. ko: 잘했어요. 걱정 말아요, 제가 정리할게요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. Não se preocupe, eu vou limpar isso. ru: Молодец. Не волнуйся, следов от этого не останется. zh-hans: 做得好,别担心,我会打扫好这里的。
plng contract complete allclass 22:
en: I'll run cleanup. Don't worry, you're a ghost on this. ko: 제가 정리할게요. 걱정 말아요, 당신은 여기 없던 거에요. pt-br: Irei executar a limpeza. Não se preocupe, você é um fantasma. ru: Скоро не останется следов. Не беспокойся, там и духу твоего не будет. zh-hans: 我会清理好的,别灰心。你不会留下一点痕迹在这。
plng contract complete allclass 23:
en: Nice work. And don't worry, you were never there. ko: 잘했어요. 걱정 말아요, 당신은 여기 없던 거에요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. E não se preocupe, você nunca esteve lá. ru: Молодец. И не волнуйся, ведь тебя там никогда не было. zh-hans: 做得好,还有别担心,我会让这变得像你没来过一样。
plng contract complete allclass 24:
en: I'll make sure the evidence is disposed of. ko: 제가 증거를 치울게요. pt-br: Irei ter certeza que as evidências desapareçam. ru: Я прослежу, чтобы все улики были уничтожены. zh-hans: 我会让这些证据被清理了。
plng contract complete allclass 25:
en: Don't worry, I can make the bodies disappear. es: Don't worry, I can make the bodies disappear. ko: 걱정 말이요, 시체 숨기는 건 잘하거든요. pt-br: Não se preocupe, eu posso fazer os corpos desaparecerem. ru: Не волнуйся, все трупы будут спрятаны. zh-hans: 别担心,我能让尸体消失。
plng contract complete allclass 26:
en: If you need a place to lay low, I can secure you a safehouse. ko: 숨을 곳이 필요하다면, 은신처가 있어요. pt-br: Se você precisa de um lugar, posso garantir um esconderijo. ru: Если тебе нужно место, чтобы затаиться, я могу обеспечить тебе убежище. zh-hans: 如果你需要一个地方避风头,那我可以找一个安全屋给你。
plng contract complete allclass 27:
en: And to the victor goes...this thing! es: And to the victor goes...this thing! ko: 그리고 승자에게는...이것을! pt-br: E para o vencedor vai...isso! ru: И победителю достается... вот это! zh-hans: 然后赢家的奖励是…这个东西!
plng contract complete allclass 28:
en: Wow, that's...can, can I have that? ko: 우와, 이건...이, 이거 가져도 되요? pt-br: Uou, isso eu...posso, eu posso ter isso? ru: Вау, это... можно, можно я себе заберу? zh-hans: 哇哦,那真是…我,我也能做到那样吗?
plng contract complete allclass 29:
en: If you don't want that...I...will take it. ko: 만약 당신이 원하지 않는다면...제가...가질게요. pt-br: Se você não quiser...Eu...pegarei. ru: Если ты не хочешь... я... могу взять это себе. zh-hans: 如果你不要的话…我…我会拿着的
plng contract complete allclass 30:
en: Nice work, here's the pay. ko: 잘했어요, 여기 보상이요. pt-br: Bom trabalho, aqui o pagamento. ru: Молодец, вот твоя награда. zh-hans: 做得好,这是报酬。
plng contract complete allclass 31:
en: Nice work! Here's your payment. ko: 잘했어요! 여기 보수요. pt-br: Bom trabalho! Aqui está o seu pagamento. ru: Хорошая работа! Вот твоя награда. zh-hans: 做得好!这是你的报酬。
plng contract complete allclass 32:
en: Nice work, here's your fee. ko: 잘했어요, 여기 사례에요. pt-br: Bom trabalho, aqui sua recompensa. ru: Молодец, вот твой взнос. zh-hans: 做得好,这是给你的费用。
plng contract complete allclass 33:
en: Here, this one came straight from Saxton. fr: Here, this one came straight from Saxton. ko: 여기, 색스턴한테서 가져온 거에요. pt-br: Aqui, este veio da linha direta do Saxton. ru: Вот, на этот раз прямиком от Сакстона. zh-hans: 这里,这个东西从萨克斯顿手中而来。
plng contract complete allclass 34:
en: Here's the contract fee. You earned it. ko: 여기 계약 사례에요. 당신은 받을 만한 가치가 있어요. pt-br: Aqui a recompensa do contrato. Você ganhou isso. ru: Вот твоя плата за контракт. Ты заслужил это. zh-hans: 这是合同的费用,你值得的。
plng contract complete allclass 35:
en: Nice work. Here, you might like this. ko: 잘했어요. 여기, 마음에 들 거에요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. Aqui, você pôde gostar disso. ru: Хорошая работа. Держи, тебе понравится. zh-hans: 做得好。这里,你可能会喜欢这个的。
plng contract complete allclass 36:
en: Nice work. This...uh, the back of a Mann Co. truck. ko: 잘했어요. 이건...어... Mann Co. 트럭에서 떨어진 거에요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. Isso...uh, um caminhão da Mann Co.. ru: Молодец. Это... а, упа... упало из грузовика Манн Ко. zh-hans: 做得好。这个…额…是从曼恩公司卡车后面掉出来的。
plng contract complete allclass 37:
en: Contract complete. ko: 계약 완수. pt-br: Contrato completo. ru: Контракт выполнен. zh-hans: 合同完成。
plng contract complete allclass 38:
en: Contract fulfilled. ko: 계약 달성. pt-br: Contrato completo. ru: Контракт выполнен. zh-hans: 合同已兑现。
plng contract complete rareitem allclass 01:
en: Just so you know, I don't give a lot of these out. es: Just so you know, I don't give a lot of these out. ko: 알다시피, 많이 줄 수 있는 게 아니에요. pt-br: Só para você saber, eu não dou um monte desses. ru: Чтобы ты знал, я такими не разбрасываюсь. zh-hans: 只是让你知道,我可不会每天都给出这种东西。
plng contract complete rareitem allclass 02:
en: Good work. Your reward on this one is gonna be...pretty one of a kind. ko: 좋아요. 이번 일의 보상은...아주 특별한 거에요. pt-br: Bom trabalho. A sua recompensa depois disso vai ser...bem única. ru: Превосходно. Твоя награда — это... вот такая красивая штучка. zh-hans: 做得好,你的回报将会是…独一无二的那一种。
plng contract complete rareitem allclass 03:
en: Here's your payday. You earned it. ko: 여기 받아요. 받을 만한 가치가 있어요. pt-br: Aqui está seu pagamento. Você ganhou isso. ru: Вот твоя плата. Ты заслужил. zh-hans: 这是你的报酬,你值得的。
plng contract complete rareitem allclass 04:
en: Don't tell the other guys I gave you this. ko: 이걸 내가 줬다고 다른 사람에게 말하지 말아요. pt-br: Não diga aos outros que eu te dei isso. ru: Только никому не говори, что я тебе дала это. zh-hans: 别告诉其他人我给你这个东西。
plng contract complete rareitem allclass 05:
en: Contract complete. Here's your payday for the big job. ko: 계약 완수. 큰 일 끝마친 것에 대한 보수에요. pt-br: Contrato completo. Aqui está seu pagamento pelo grande trabalho. ru: Контракт выполнен. Вот твоя плата за большую работу. zh-hans: 合同完成。这是你艰苦的付出后所得的丰硕回报。
plng contract complete rareitem allclass 06:
en: Contract complete. Here's the payout...I know right? ko: 계약 완수. 이번 보상은...내가 제대로 알고 있는 거 맞아요? pt-br: Contrato completo. Aqui o pagamento...Eu sei certo? ru: Контракт выполнен. Вот выплата... я угадала, верно? zh-hans: 合同完成。这是回报…我知道的,对吧?
plng contract complete scout 01:
en: Nice work, Scout. ko: 잘했어요, 스카웃. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Scout. ru: Молодец, разведчик. zh-hans: 做得好,侦察兵。
plng contract complete scout 02:
en: Good job, Scout. ko: 좋아요, 스카웃. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Scout. ru: Отлично, разведчик. zh-hans: 干得好,侦察兵。
plng contract complete scout 03:
en: Good work, Scout. ko: 좋아요, 스카웃. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Scout. ru: Отличная работа, разведчик. zh-hans: 做得好,侦察兵。
plng contract complete scout 04:
en: Nicely done, Scout. I'll be in touch. ko: 잘 해냈어요, 스카웃. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Bem-feito, Scout. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Ты справился, разведчик. Я буду на связи. zh-hans: 完成得很出色,侦察兵。我会跟你保持联系的。
plng contract complete scout 05:
en: Job well done, Scout. ko: 훌륭하게 일했어요, 스카웃. pt-br: Trabalho bem-feito, Scout. ru: Работа выполнена на 'ура', разведчик. zh-hans: 工作出色完成,侦察兵。
plng contract complete soldier 01:
en: Nice work, Soldier. ko: 잘했어요, 솔저. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Soldier. ru: Молодец, солдат. zh-hans: 做得好,士兵。
plng contract complete soldier 02:
en: Good work, men. ko: 좋아요, 친구. pt-br: Bom trabalho, homens. ru: Хорошая работа, герой. zh-hans: 做得好,男子汉。
plng contract complete soldier 03:
en: At ease, Soldier. ko: 쉬어요, 솔저. pt-br: Descansar, Soldier. ru: Вольно, солдат. zh-hans: 稍息,士兵。
plng contract complete soldier 04:
en: Nice work, son. ko: 잘했어요, 친구. pt-br: Bom trabalho, filho. ru: Хорошая работа, сынок. zh-hans: 干得好,孩子。
plng contract complete soldier 05:
en: Good job, Soldier. ko: 훌륭해요, 솔저. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Soldier. ru: Отлично, солдат. zh-hans: 做得好,士兵。
plng contract complete soldier 06:
en: Nice work, Soldier. As you were. ko: 잘했어요, 솔저. 제자리로. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Soldier. Como você sempre foi. ru: Молодец, солдат. Отставить. zh-hans: 干得好,士兵。你名不虚传。
plng contract complete soldier 07:
en: Nice work, Soldier. I'm proud of you. ko: 잘했어요, 솔저. 당신이 자랑스러워요. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Soldier. Estou orgulhosa de você. ru: Ты молодец, солдат. Я горжусь тобой. zh-hans: 做得好,士兵。我为你而骄傲。
plng contract complete soldier 08:
en: All gave some, some gave all, Soldier. Nice work. ko: 모두는 일부를 주었지만, 일부는 모두를 주었다, 솔저. 잘했어요. pt-br: Todos deram pouco, poucos deram tudo, Soldier. Bom trabalho. ru: Все отдали понемногу, немногие отдали всё, солдат. Молодец. zh-hans: 人人都有所奉献,但有的人呕心沥血。士兵,做得好。
plng contract complete pyro 01:
en: Nice work, Pyro! ko: 잘했어요, 파이로! pt-br: Bom trabalho, Pyro! ru: Молодец, поджигатель! zh-hans: 做得好,火焰兵! zh-hant: 做得好,火焰兵!
plng contract complete pyro 02:
en: You did it Pyro! Thanks buddy. ko: 해냈어요 파이로! 고마워요 친구. pt-br: Você fez isso Pyro! Obrigada colega. ru: Ты сделал это, поджигатель! Спасибо, приятель. zh-hans: 你做到了,火焰兵!谢谢你,伙计。
plng contract complete pyro 03:
en: Thanks again Pyro. ko: 또다시 고마워요 파이로. pt-br: Obrigada novamente Pyro. ru: Спасибо еще раз, поджигатель. zh-hans: 再次谢谢你,火焰兵。
plng contract complete pyro 04:
en: Ohh, thanks Pyro. Administrator really wanted this one taken care of. ko: 아, 고마워요 파이로. 관리자님이 조심히 하라고 하셨어요. pt-br: Ohh, obrigada Pyro. A Administradora queria que cuidassem desse. ru: О, спасибо, поджигатель. Администратор хотела, чтобы кто-то сделал это. zh-hans: 哦,谢谢火焰兵。管理员真的很需要这事被解决。
plng contract complete pyro 05:
en: Thanks Pyro. I owe you one. ko: 고마워요 파이로. 신세를 졌네요. pt-br: Obrigada Pyro. Eu te devo uma. ru: Спасибо, поджигатель. Я у тебя в долгу. zh-hans: 谢谢你,火焰兵。我欠你一份人情。
plng contract complete pyro 06:
en: Contract fulfilled. Nice work Pyro. ko: 계약 달성. 잘했어요 파이로. pt-br: Contrato cheio. Bom trabalho Pyro. ru: Контракт выполнен. Хорошая работа, поджигатель. zh-hans: 合同已兑现,做得好,火焰兵。
plng contract complete pyro 07:
en: Nicely done Pyro. I'll be in touch. ko: 잘 해냈어요 파이로. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Bem-feito Pyro. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Отлично, поджигатель. Я буду на связи. zh-hans: 任务完成出色,火焰兵。我会跟你保持联系的。
plng contract complete pyro 08:
en: Contract complete. Thanks Pyro. ko: 계약 완수. 고마워요 파이로. pt-br: Contrato completo. Obrigada Pyro. ru: Контракт выполнен. Спасибо, поджигатель. zh-hans: 合同完成,谢谢你,火焰兵。
plng contract complete demo 01:
en: Nice work, Demo. ko: 잘했어요, 데모. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Demo. ru: Молодец, подрывник. zh-hans: 做得好,爆破手。 zh-hant: 做得好,爆破兵。
plng contract complete demo 02:
en: Contract complete. Thanks Demo. ko: 계약 완수. 고마워요 데모. pt-br: Contrato completo. Obrigada Demo. ru: Контракт выполнен. Спасибо, подрывник. zh-hans: 合同完成,谢谢你,爆破手。 zh-hant: 合約完成。謝謝,爆破兵。
plng contract complete demo 03:
en: Contract fulfilled. Nice work Demo. ko: 계약 달성. 잘했어요 데모. pt-br: Contrato cheio. Bom trabalho Demo. ru: Контракт выполнен. Молодец, подрывник. zh-hans: 合同已兑现,做得好,爆破手。 zh-hant: 合約條件滿足了。做得好啊,爆破兵。
plng contract complete demo 04:
en: Thanks again, Demo. ko: 또다시 고마워요, 데모. pt-br: Obrigada novamente, Demo. ru: Спасибо еще раз, подрывник. zh-hans: 再次谢谢你,爆破手。 zh-hant: 再次感謝,爆破兵。
plng contract complete demo 05:
en: Nicely done, Demo. I'll be in touch. ko: 잘 해냈어요, 데모. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Bem-feito, Demo. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Отлично справился, подрывник. Я буду на связи. zh-hans: 任务出色完成,爆破手。我会与你保持联系的。 zh-hant: 做得好啊,爆破兵。我會跟你保持聯絡的。
plng contract complete demo 06:
en: Well, that's one less thing to worry about. Thanks Demo. es: Well, that's one less thing to worry about. Thanks Demo. ko: 음, 걱정할 필요 없었네요. 고마워요 데모. pt-br: Bem, isso é uma coisa a menos para se preocupar. Obrigada Demo. ru: Ну, по крайней мере, еще одной проблемой меньше. Спасибо, подрывник. zh-hans: 很好,没有需要担心的事情了。谢谢你,爆破手。 zh-hant: 恩,又是一件少擔心的事。謝謝,爆破兵。
plng contract complete demo 07:
en: Thanks Demo. I owe you one. ko: 고마워요 데모. 신세를 졌네요. pt-br: Obrigada Demo. Eu te devo uma. ru: Спасибо, подрывник. Я у тебя в долгу. zh-hans: 谢谢你,爆破手。我欠你一份人情。 zh-hant: 謝謝,爆破兵。我欠你一次。
plng contract complete heavy 01:
en: Thanks Heavy. Administrator was really on me about this one. ko: 고마워요 헤비. 관리자님이 이걸 저한테 맡겼었어요. pt-br: Obrigada Heavy. A Administradora foi realmente até mim sobre este. ru: Спасибо, пулеметчик. Администратор рассчитывала на меня. zh-hans: 谢谢你,机枪手。管理员因此事真的唠叨了我很久。 zh-hant: 謝謝,重裝兵。管理員會因為這個看重我的。
plng contract complete heavy 02:
en: Good job, Heavy. ko: 잘했어요, 헤비. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Heavy. ru: Отлично, пулеметчик. zh-hans: 做得好,机枪手。 zh-hant: 做得好,重裝兵。
plng contract complete heavy 03:
en: Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Heavy. ko: 계약 달성. 잘했어요, 헤비. pt-br: Contrato completo. Bom trabalho, Heavy. ru: Контракт выполнен. Молодец, пулеметчик. zh-hans: 合同已兑现,做得好,机枪手。 zh-hant: 合約條件滿足了。做得好,重裝兵。
plng contract complete heavy 04:
en: Nicely done, Heavy. I'll be in touch. ko: 잘 해냈어요, 헤비. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Bem-feito, Heavy. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Хорошо справился, пулеметчик. Я буду на связи. zh-hans: 干得很出色,机枪手。我会和你保持联系的。 zh-hant: 做得好啊,重裝兵。我會跟你保持聯絡。
plng contract complete heavy 05:
en: Contract complete. Thanks Heavy. ko: 계약 완수. 고마워요 헤비. pt-br: Contrato completo. Obrigada Heavy. ru: Контракт выполнен. Спасибо, пулеметчик. zh-hans: 合同完成,谢谢你,机枪手。 zh-hant: 合約達成。謝謝,重裝兵。
plng contract complete heavy 06:
en: Knew I could count on you, Heavy. Thanks. ko: 해낼 줄 알았어요, 헤비. 고마워요. pt-br: Eu sabia que podia contar com você, Heavy. Obrigada. ru: Я знала, что могу рассчитывать на тебя, пулеметчик. Спасибо. zh-hans: 我就知道我能信任你,机枪手。谢谢你。 zh-hant: 就知道你可以信得過,重裝兵。謝謝。
plng contract complete heavy 07:
en: I owe you one, Heavy. I'll be in touch. ko: 신세를 졌네요, 헤비. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Eu te devo uma, Heavy. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Я твоя должница, пулеметчик. Буду на связи. zh-hans: 我欠你一份人情,机枪手。我会和你保持联系的。 zh-hant: 我欠你一次,重裝兵。我會跟你保持聯絡。
plng contract complete heavy 08:
en: Thanks again, Heavy. I appreciate it. ko: 또다시 고마워요, 헤비. 정말 고마워요. pt-br: Obrigada novamente, Heavy. Eu agradeço. ru: Спасибо еще раз, пулеметчик. Я ценю это. zh-hans: 再次谢谢你,机枪手。我很欣赏你来做事。 zh-hant: 再次感謝,重裝兵。你的好意我心領了。
plng contract complete heavy 09:
en: Nice work, Heavy! ko: 잘했어요, 헤비! pt-br: Bom trabalho, Heavy! ru: Молодчина, пулеметчик! zh-hans: 做得好,机枪手! zh-hant: 做得好啊,重裝兵!
plng contract complete engie 01:
en: Nice work, Engie. ko: 잘했어요, 엔지. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Engie. ru: Отлично, инженер. zh-hans: 做得好,工程师。 zh-hant: 做得好,工程師。
plng contract complete engie 02:
en: Nice work, Engie. ko: 잘했어요, 엔지. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Engie. ru: Молодец, инженер. zh-hans: 干得好,工程师。 zh-hant: 做得好,工程師。
plng contract complete engie 03:
en: Good job, Engie. Thanks! ko: 잘했어요, 엔지. 고마워요! pt-br: Bom trabalho, Engie. Obrigada! ru: Отличная работа, инженер. Спасибо! zh-hans: 干得好,工程师。谢谢你! zh-hant: 做得好,工程師。謝了!
plng contract complete engie 04:
en: Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Engie. ko: 계약 달성. 잘했어요, 엔지. pt-br: Contrato cheio. Bom trabalho, Engie. ru: Контракт выполнен. Хорошая работа, инженер. zh-hans: 合同已兑现,做得好,工程师。 zh-hant: 合約條件滿足了。做得好,工程師。
plng contract complete engie 05:
en: Nicely done, Engie. I'll be in touch. ko: 잘 해냈어요, 엔지. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Bem feito, Engie. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Отлично, инженер. Я буду на связи. zh-hans: 任务出色完成,工程师。我会和你保持联系的。 zh-hant: 做得好啊,工程師,我會跟你保持聯絡。
plng contract complete engie 06:
en: Contract complete. Thanks Engie. ko: 계약 완수. 고마워요 엔지. pt-br: Contrato completo. Obrigada Engie. ru: Контракт выполнен. Спасибо, инженер. zh-hans: 合同完成,谢谢你,工程师。 zh-hant: 合約完成。謝謝,工程師。
plng contract complete engie 07:
en: That'll do Engie! Thanks! ko: 됐어요 엔지! 고마워요! pt-br: Isso é tudo Engie! Obrigada! ru: Дело сделано, инженер! Спасибо! zh-hans: 这就是你该怎么完成它!谢谢! zh-hant: 這樣就可以了,工程師,謝謝!
plng contract complete engie 08:
en: Fulfilled to the letter, Engie. Thanks again. ko: 편지를 채웠어요, 엔지. 또다시 고마워요. pt-br: Completo ao pé da letra Engie. Obrigada novamente. ru: Награда в посылке, инженер. Спасибо еще раз. zh-hans: 要求已足够兑现,工程师。再次谢谢你。 zh-hant: 信上的條件都滿足了,工程師。再次感謝。
plng contract complete medic 01:
en: Nice work, Doc. ko: 잘했어요, 의사님. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Doc. ru: Хорошая работа, док. zh-hans: 做得好,医生。 zh-hant: 做得好,醫生。
plng contract complete medic 02:
en: Thanks again, Doc. ko: 또다시 고마워요, 의사님. pt-br: Obrigada novamente, Doc. ru: Спасибо еще раз, док. zh-hans: 再次谢谢你,医生。 zh-hant: 「再次感謝,醫生。
plng contract complete medic 03:
en: Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Medic. ko: 계약 달성. 잘했어요, 메딕. pt-br: Contrato cheio. Bom trabalho, Medic. ru: Контракт выполнен. Молодец, медик. zh-hans: 合同已兑现。做得好,医生。 zh-hant: 合約條件滿足了。做得好,醫生。
plng contract complete medic 04:
en: Nicely done, Medic. I'll be in touch. ko: 잘 해냈어요, 메딕. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Bem feito, Medic. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Отлично, медик. Если что, я на связи. zh-hans: 出色地完成任务了,医生。我会和你保持联系的。 zh-hant: 做得好,醫生。我會跟你保持聯絡。
plng contract complete medic 05:
en: Contract complete. Thanks Medic. ko: 계약 완수. 고마워요 메딕. pt-br: Contrato cheio. Obrigada Medic. ru: Контракт выполнен. Спасибо, медик. zh-hans: 合同完成。谢谢你,医生。 zh-hant: 合約完成,謝謝,醫生。
plng contract complete medic 06:
en: I'll give you this, Medic. You get results. es: I'll give you this, Medic. You get results. ko: 이걸 줄게요, 메딕. 좋은 결과에요. pt-br: Vou te dar isso, Medic. Você teve resultados. ru: Я дам тебе это, медик. У тебя будут результаты. zh-hans: 我会给你这个,医生。你做事的成果。 zh-hant: 我把這個給你,醫師,而你給了一個成果。
plng contract complete sniper 01:
en: Nice work, Sniper. ko: 잘했어요, 스나이퍼. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Sniper. ru: Молодец, снайпер. zh-hans: 做得好,狙击手。 zh-hant: 做得好,狙擊手。
plng contract complete sniper 02:
en: Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Sniper. ko: 계약 달성. 잘했어요, 스나이퍼. pt-br: Contrato cheio. Bom trabalho, Sniper. ru: Контракт выполнен. Хорошая работа, снайпер. zh-hans: 合同已兑现。干得漂亮,狙击手。 zh-hant: 合約條件滿足了。做得好,狙擊手。
plng contract complete sniper 03:
en: Nicely done, Sniper. I'll be in touch. ko: 잘 해냈어요, 스나이퍼. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Bem feito, Sniper. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Отлично, снайпер. Я буду на связи. zh-hans: 出色地完成任务了,狙击手。我会跟你保持联系的。 zh-hant: 做得好啊,狙擊手,我會跟你保持聯絡。
plng contract complete sniper 04:
en: Contract complete. Thanks Sniper. ko: 계약 완수. 고마워요 스나이퍼. pt-br: Contrato cheio. Obrigada Sniper. ru: Контракт выполнен. Спасибо, снайпер. zh-hans: 合同完成。谢谢,狙击手。 zh-hant: 合約完成。謝啦狙擊手。
plng contract complete sniper 05:
en: Thanks Sniper. I owe you one. ko: 고마워요 스나이퍼. 신세를 졌네요. pt-br: Obrigada Sniper. Eu te devo uma. ru: Спасибо, снайпер. Я у тебя в долгу. zh-hans: 谢谢你,狙击手。我欠你的。 zh-hant: 謝謝,狙擊手。我欠你一次。
plng contract complete sniper 06:
en: Thanks again, Sniper. ko: 또다시 고마워요, 스나이퍼. pt-br: Obrigada novamente, Sniper. ru: Спасибо еще раз, снайпер. zh-hans: 再次谢谢你,狙击手。 zh-hant: 再次感謝,狙擊手。
plng contract complete sniper 07:
en: Good job, Sniper! ko: 잘했어요, 스나이퍼! pt-br: Bom trabalho, Sniper! ru: Отличная работа, снайпер! zh-hans: 干得好,狙击手! zh-hant: 做得好阿,狙擊手!
plng contract complete spy 01:
en: Nice work, Spy. ko: 잘했어요, 스파이. pt-br: Bom trabalho, Spy. ru: Молодец, шпион. zh-hans: 做得好,间谍。 zh-hant: 做得好,間諜。
plng contract complete spy 02:
en: Thanks again Spy. ko: 또다시 고마워요 스파이. pt-br: Obrigada novamente, Spy. ru: Спасибо еще раз, шпион. zh-hans: 再次谢谢你,间谍。 zh-hant: 再次感謝,間諜。
plng contract complete spy 03:
en: Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Spy. ko: 계약 달성. 잘했어요, 스파이. pt-br: Contrato cheio. Bom trabalho, Spy. ru: Контракт выполнен. Хорошая работа, шпион. zh-hans: 合同已兑现,做得好,间谍。 zh-hant: 合約條件滿足了。做得好,間諜。
plng contract complete spy 04:
en: Always a pleasure, Spy. ko: 언제나 고마워요, 스파이. pt-br: É sempre um prazer, Spy. ru: Всегда приятно, шпион. zh-hans: 你做事总是让人愉快,间谍。 zh-hant: 一直以來都令我滿意,間諜。
plng contract complete spy 05:
en: Nicely done, Spy. I'll be in touch. ko: 잘 해냈어요, 스파이. 감동 먹었어요. pt-br: Bem feito, Spy. Eu estarei em contato. ru: Отлично, шпион. Буду на связи. zh-hans: 出色地完成任务了,间谍。我会和你保持联系的。 zh-hant: 做得不錯,間諜。我會跟你保持聯絡。
plng contract complete spy 06:
en: Contract complete. Thanks, Spy. ko: 계약 완수. 고마워요, 스파이. pt-br: Contrato concluído. Obrigada, Spy. ru: Контракт выполнен. Спасибо, шпион. zh-hans: 合同完成,谢谢你,间谍。 zh-hant: 合約完成。感謝,間諜。
plng contract complete spy 07:
en: Job well done, Spy! ko: 잘 해냈어요, 스파이! pt-br: Trabalho bem feito, Spy! ru: Ты справился со своей работой, шпион! zh-hans: 干得不错,间谍! zh-hant: 差事大成功,間諜!
plng contract fail allclass 01:
en: The Administrator will have to be notified. Sorry. ko: 관리자님이 통고할 거에요. 미안해요. pt-br: A Administradora será notificada. Desculpe. ru: Администратор должна быть уведомлена. Извини. zh-hans: 管理员肯定会注意到这个的,对不起。 zh-hant: 管理員需要知道這件事,抱歉了。
plng contract fail allclass 02:
en: Crap! The Administrator is going to kill me. ko: 젠장! 관리자님이 절 죽일 거에요. pt-br: Droga! A Administradora vai me matar. ru: Черт! Администратор убьет меня. zh-hans: 该死!管理员肯定要让我人头落地了。 zh-hant: 天啊!管理員會殺了我。
plng contract fail allclass 03:
en: I should have asked one of the other guys. ko: 다른 사람들에게 부탁해 봐야겠군요. pt-br: Eu deveria ter pedido a um dos outros caras. ru: Надо было мне обратиться к другим ребятам. zh-hans: 我应该去问问其他人的。 zh-hant: 我應該去問其他人做這件事的。
plng contract fail allclass 04:
en: I had a bad feeling about this one anyway. ko: 안 좋은 느낌이 드는데요. pt-br: Eu tinha um mau pressentimento sobre isso de qualquer maneira. ru: Ничего, у меня еще с начала было плохое предчувствие. zh-hans: 我对此有不祥的预感 zh-hant: 我本來就對這件案子沒甚麼把握的說。
plng contract fail allclass 05:
en: S'okay. We'll get them next time. ko: 알았어요. 다음에 다시 해 보죠. pt-br: Certo. Vamos pegá-los na próxima vez. ru: Ну ладно. В следующий раз им зададим. zh-hans: 这…好吧,我们下次会成功的。 zh-hant: 沒關係,下次我們會達成目標的。
plng contract fail allclass 06:
en: Let's this a learning experience? ko: 이건...좋은 경험이었죠? pt-br: Vamos.. er...chamar isso de uma experiência de aprendizagem? ru: Ну, так сказать... назовем это опытом изучения? zh-hans: 让我们…额…管这次叫经验学习? zh-hant: 我們把這件事叫做...記取教訓?
plng contract fail allclass 07:
en: Hey, sometimes you have to walk away. I get it. es: Hey, sometimes you have to walk away. I get it. ko: 이봐요, 가끔은 떠나는 게 좋겠군요. 이해해요. pt-br: Ei, às vezes você tem que ir embora. Entendi. ru: Иногда просто надо не вспоминать о тебе. Я запомню. zh-hans: 嘿,有时候你总得脱身休息。我明白的。 zh-hant: 嘿,有時候你就是要把事情看開點,我了解了。
plng contract fail allclass 08:
en: Contract incomplete. ko: 계약 완수하지 않음. pt-br: Contrato incompleto. ru: Контракт не выполнен. zh-hans: 合同未完成。 zh-hant: 合約未達成。
plng contract fail allclass 09:
en: Looks like I'll have to shunt this around somewhere else... ko: 여기를 떠나서 다른 곳으로 가야 할 것 같군요... pt-br: Parece que terei que desviar isso em volta de algum outro lugar... ru: Похоже, мне придется шунтировать это где-нибудь еще... zh-hans: 看来我不得不把这个玩意藏在哪里了… zh-hant: 看起來我要找個地方把這合約埋起來了...
plng contract fail allclass 10:
en: Thanks anyway. ko: 어쨌든 고마워요. pt-br: Obrigada de qualquer forma. ru: Ну, в любом случае, спасибо. zh-hans: 总而言之,谢谢了。 zh-hant: 還是謝謝你啦。
plng contract fail allclass 11:
en: You did it! Wait, you didn't do it. ko: 해냈어요! 잠깐, 아니네요. pt-br: Você vez isso! Espere, você não fez isso. ru: Ты сделал это! Погоди, ты не сделал этого. zh-hans: 你做到了!等下,你没做到。 zh-hant: 你做到了!等等,你沒做到。
plng contract fail allclass 12:
en: All right, fair enough. I'll be in touch. ko: 좋아요, 괜찮아요. 나중에 연락할게요. pt-br: Tudo bem, justo. Eu vou estar em contato. ru: Ладно, на этом пока всё. Я буду на связи. zh-hans: 好吧,足够了。我会跟你保持联系的。 zh-hant: 不錯,很公平,我會跟你保持連絡的。
plng contract fail allclass 13:
en: Well, you can't win them all. ko: 음, 이기지 못했군요. pt-br: Bem, você não pode ganhar todas. ru: Ладно, всех их нам не победить. zh-hans: 好吧,你不能战胜所有人。 zh-hant: 這個嗎,你其實不能全部都做到的。
plng contract fail allclass 14:
en: Hmm. Well maybe next time. ko: 흠. 다음에 다시 해 보죠. pt-br: Hmm. Bem, talvez na próxima. ru: Хм. Может в следующий раз. zh-hans: 嗯…也许下次会更好。 zh-hant: 恩,好吧,也許下一次。
plng contract fail allclass 15:
en: You did it! Wait, you didn't do it. ko: 해냈어요! 잠깐, 아니네요. pt-br: Você fez isso! Espere, você não fez isso. ru: Ты сделал это! Погоди, ты не сделал этого.» zh-hant: 「你做到了!等等,你沒做到。
plng toughbreak contractgive01:
en: Hey! Pauling. Look, I'm technically on vacation here, but something big just came up. pt-br: Ei! Pauling. Escute, eu estou tecnicamente de férias aqui, mas algo grande chegou. ru: Эй! Это Полинг. Слушай, я сейчас формально в отпуске, но тут что-то большое пришло. zh-hans: 嘿!宝琳在这。听着,严格来说我此时应该在度假,但是有大事情找上门来了。
plng toughbreak contractgive02:
en: Pauling, here. I'm on vacation, but a contract just came in. Thought of, you know...kill people...for prizes. es: Pauling, here. I'm on vacation, but a contract just came in. Thought of, you know...kill people...for prizes. pt-br: Pauling na linha. Estou de férias, mas um contrato acabou de chegar. Eu pensei em você...para, você sabe...matar pessoas...por prêmios. ru: Полинг на связи. Я в отпуске, но мне прислали контракт. Я сразу подумала о тебе... тут надо, ну, понимаешь... убивать людей... за награды. zh-hans: 宝琳在此。我正在度假,但是有一个合同来了。我就想到了你来…你懂的…杀戮…为了报酬。
plng toughbreak contractgive03:
en: Hey, it's me! The Administrator's been ringing me off the hook about this. Can you get this done? Done, done? Like bang, bang done? pt-br: Ei, sou eu! A Administradora está me perturbando sobre isso. Você pode terminar isso? Feito, feito? Tipo bang, bang feito? ru: Привет, это я! Мой телефон просто разрывается от звонков Администратора. Можешь взяться за это дело? Бом-бом? Ну, бах-бах? zh-hans: 嘿,是我!管理员一直在打电话给我,让我解决掉这事情。你能完成这个吗?“做完,做完?”就像是“砰,砰”两下就搞好一样?
plng toughbreak contractgive04:
en: Aw crap! I'm supposed to be on vacation here. Can you get this done, man? Thank you thank you thank you. pt-br: Ah, droga! Eu deveria estar de férias aqui. Você pode terminar isso, cara? Obrigada, obrigada, obrigada. ru: Проклятье! У меня заслуженный отпуск. Можешь взяться за это дело? Спасибо-спасибо-спасибо. zh-hans: 糟糕!我应该在度假才对。你能完成这件事吗,伙计?谢谢你,谢谢你
plng toughbreak contractgive05:
en: Hey! Pauling. I'm not in the office but the Administrator needs a lot of people killed and I've got some nice payouts here. pt-br: Ei! Pauling. Eu não estou no escritório, mas a Administradora precisa de um monte de pessoas mortas e eu tenho alguns bons pagamentos aqui. ru: Эй! Это Полинг. Я не на работе, но Администратор требует тучу трупов, а у меня есть неплохие награды для тебя. zh-hans: 嘿!这里是宝琳。我不在办公室,但管理员需要“很多”人被杀,而且我这里有一些不错的报酬。
plng toughbreak contractgiverare ambush:
en: [She's over there!] "Hey, it's Pauling" [Go! Go! Go!] "So, the Administrator invited me to her place for dinner." [There she is!; gunshot] "Uh!" [I got her!] "But it turns out it was just an ambush to kill me. Hold on." [more gunfire; screams; Watch out, she's armed!] "She does this every few years; it's like her version of an employee review. Anyway, got time for a contract?" pt-br: [Ela está ali!] "Ei, é a Pauling" [Vai! Vai! Vai!] "Então, a Administradora me convidou no lugar dela para um jantar." [Lá está ela!; tiro] "Uh!" [Eu peguei ela!] "Mas acontece que era apenas uma armadilha para me matar. Espere." [Mais tiros; gritos; Cuidado, ela esta armada!] "Ela faz isso há alguns anos; é como se fosse a versão dela de uma revisão do empregado. De qualquer forma, tem tempo para um contrato?" ru: ['Она здесь!'] «Эй, это Полинг!» ['Пошел! Пошел!'] «Короче, Администратор пригласила меня к себе на ужин!» ['Вот она!'; выстрел] «Ай!» ['Я попал!'] «Но это была засада, чтобы прикончить меня! Погоди.» [звуки выстрелов; крики; 'Осторожно, она вооружена!'] «Она делает это раз в несколько лет; это всё равно что проверка работника для нее. Как бы там ни было, не найдется время для контракта? zh-hans: 她在那边!”“嘿,是宝琳”“冲冲冲!”“所以,管理员邀请我去她那里吃晚饭。“她在那里!”(枪声)“啊!”“我捉到她了!”“但事实证明,这只是一个伏击想要杀死我。等我一下。”(更多的枪声)(尖叫声)“小心,她全副武装!”“她每隔几年就会这样做;这就像她的员工评价系统。不管怎么说,有时间签订合同吗?”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare beergarden:
en: (tipsy) "Say, it's, it's Pauling. I'm, I'm at a beer garden with Demo, so there's lots of beer I had something I was gonna tell you...Oh! You're a good friend! I'm always sending you on contracts to get you killed, and that's not friends, right? 'Cause, 'cause we're friends, man. And also, there's something I'm not supposed to tell you. Umm. Two teams and the Administrator and umm...and there's this secret that...Oh, oh gotta go! Demo wants me to drink beer. So I'm gonna drink beer." pt-br: (embriagada) "Diga, é a, é a Pauling. eu estou, eu estou no jardim da cerveja com o Demo, então tem um monte de cerveja e... hum.. cerveja. Eu tinha algo pra te dizer... Ah! Você é um bom amigo! Estou sempre te enviando contratos para você morrer, e isso não é amizade, certo? Pois, pois somos amigos, cara. E também, há algo que eu não devo dizer-lhe. Humm. Duas equipes e a Administradora e humm... e há este segredo que... Oh, oh tenho que ir! Demo quer que eu beba cerveja. Então eu vou beber cerveja." ru: (подвыпивши) «Так, угу, это Полинг. Я, я в пивном саду с подрывником, здесь куча пива... ах... пиво. Чего там я тебе сказать хотела... О! Ты очень хороший друг! Я всегда посылаю тебя, чтобы тебя там грохнули, а это не по-дружески, так? Ведь, ведь мы друзья, чел. И чего-то мне нельзя было говорить. Эм. Две команды, Администратор, эм... и подвох какой-то... О, я пошла! Подрывник еще пива тащит. Я пойду, хлебну чутка. zh-hans: 这…这里是…宝琳。我…我和爆破手一起在啤酒园,所以这有很多啤酒和…呃…啤酒。我有件事要告诉你…哦!你是个好朋友!我总是派你去完成合同,让你送死,那不是朋友,对吧?“因为,因为我们是”朋友“,伙计。而且,有些事情我不应该告诉你。嗯。两个团队和管理员…还有一个秘密…哦,哦,得走了!爆破手想让我喝啤酒。所以我要多喝点。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare bookclub:
en: (whispering) "Hey, it's Pauling here. I'm at the Teufort Ladies Book Club and I'm the only one who hasn't actually read it's just about relationships, right? Guy meets girl, love stuff, happy ending? It's a good thing, right? I'm gonna tell everyone how it really, really brings the two as a couple." pt-br: (sussurrando) "Ei, é a Pauling na linha. Estou no Clube do Livro das Senhoras de Teufort e sou a única que não leu Belinda...então é só sobre relacionamentos, certo? O cara conhece a garota, coisas de amor, final feliz? É uma coisa boa, certo? Contarei a todos como os dois se juntam como um casal." ru: (шепча) «Привет, это Полинг. Я сейчас в Женском книжном клубе Туфорта, и я единственная, кто еще не прочитала «Мелинду»... эта книга про отношения, так? Парень знакомится с девушкой, любовь-морковь, хэппи-энд? Оно того стоит, верно? Хочу рассказать всем, что любовь делает двух человек настоящей парой. zh-hans: (小声说话)“嘿,这里是宝琳。我在双城女士书籍俱乐部,我是唯一一个没有真正读过《贝琳达》的人…所以只是关于人际关系的内容,对吧?男人遇见女孩,爱情的东西,幸福的结局?这是一件好事,对吧?我要告诉大家,它是如何真正地将两人结为一对夫妇的。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare boxing:
en: [boxing bell rings] "Hey! Just a, taking a boxing class here." [grunts of pain] "Listen, a contract..." [grunt] "...a contract came in and..." [sharp grunt] "...Uh, arms in, arms in...and I thought of you" [grunt] "That's mine! That's my molar! Did, did anyone see where that went?" ru: [боксерский гонг] «Эй! Я на занятиях по боксу. [стоны от боли] Послушай, контракт... [стон]... прислали контракт, и... [резкий стон]... Ах, возьми себя в руки... я подумала о тебе [стон] Это мой! Мой зуб! Кто-нибудь видел, куда он улетел? zh-hans: 嘿!我只是,在这里上拳击课。[痛苦的咕噜声]听着,合同…[咕噜]…一份合同来了,然后…[尖锐的咕噜声]…呃,目标是,目标是…然后我就想到你。[咕哝]那是我的!那是我的臼齿!有没有人看到它去了哪里?”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare bus:
en: [roar of bus engine] "Hey, Pauling. I'm on a Teufort sightseeing tour. We just went to the library and took pictures of both the books. And then they took us to a tramp fight. And I guess now we're going to look at a sewage fire. It hasn't gone out in like fifty years or something. So we're really proud of it." pt-br: [barulho de motor de ônibus] "Ei, Pauling. Estou em um passeio turístico por Teufort. Nós só fomos à biblioteca e tiramos fotos de "ambos os livros". E então eles nos levaram para uma luta de vagabundos. E agora eu acho que vamos dar uma olhada em um incêndio no esgoto. Isso não acontece a anos 50 ou coisa do tipo, então nós estamos muito orgulhosos disso." ru: [рев автобусного двигателя] «Эй, это Полинг. Я на обзорной экскурсии по Туфорту. Мы были в библиотеке и сфотографировали обе книги. А потом отправились смотреть на драку бомжей. Теперь, я думаю, мы поедем смотреть на канализационный огонь. Его ведь не придумали в пятидесятых годах. Мы очень гордимся этим достижением. zh-hans: 嘿,这里是宝琳。我正在双城里观光旅游。我们只是去了图书馆,拍了“两本书”的照片。然后他们拉我们去打一架。我想现在我们要看看污火。它已经有五十年没有熄灭了。所以我们真的为此感到高兴。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare campfire:
en: [campfire crackling] "Pauling here. I'm at a campfire with Soldier, Salty Pete, Pepper Pot Pete, and Perry Pepper Pants, and Peter Poopy-Toots." (sotto voce) "And they're all cardboard. I think he's crazy." (normal voice) "Oh, what's that Soldier? Tree bark rations...sounds American!" (sotto voce) "Do this contract and then get this man some help." pt-br: [campfire crackling] "Pauling na linha. Eu estou em uma fogueira com o Soldier, Salty Pete, Pepper Pot Pete, Perry Pepper Pants e Peter Poopy-Toots. [voz baixa] E todos eles são de papelão. Eu acho que ele é louco. [voz normal] Ah, o que foi Soldier? Rações de casca de árvore...soa Americano! [voz baixa] Faça esse contrato e procure ajuda para este homem." ru: [треск костра] «Полинг на связи. Мы сидим у костра с солдатом, Соленым Питом, Перечницей Питом, Острым Перри и Простофилей Питером. (вполголоса) Они все из картона. Мне кажется, что он псих. (обычным голосом) О, ты что-то сказал, солдат? Пайки из коры деревьев... звучит по-американски! (вполголоса) Займись контрактом, а потом вызовем этому парню психиатра. zh-hans: 宝琳在这。我和士兵、咸皮特、胡椒锅皮特、胡椒裤皮特和波比嘟嘟皮特一起在篝火旁。[嗡嗡声]“而且它们都是纸板。我觉得他疯了。”[正常声音]“哦,那个是什么,士兵?树皮口粮…听起来很美国!”[嗡嗡声]“做这个合同,然后给这个人一些帮助。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare cavetour:
en: [water bubbling and bats rustling] "Hey Pauling here. I'm on a Teufort cave tour and...oh my God. These are the same caves I bury bodies in." [Ahhh! There's so many bodies!] "And they found them." [Somebody call the police!] "Anyway, here's a contract." ru: [плеск воды и шелест крыльев летучих мышей] «Полинг на связи. Я сейчас на экскурсии по пещере Туфорта... Боже правый. Я же здесь хоронила трупы.» ['А-а-а-а! Здесь тела!'] «Похоже, кто-то нашел их.» ['Кто-нибудь, вызовите полицию!'] «В любом случае, держи контракт. zh-hans: (水泡声,蝙蝠沙沙作响)“嘿,宝琳在这里。我正在参加双城洞穴之旅,并且…哦,我的上帝。这就是我埋尸体的洞穴。“啊!有这么多尸体!”“他们找到了。”“快有人报警啊!”“无论如何,这是一份给你的合同。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare conference:
en: Pauling here. I'm at an Assistant's Conference with Bidwell, they just debuted this year's clipboards. And wow! The clip, the board, they're both great. Some years, it's one or the other. It's a great time to be alive. Speaking of which, I need you to kill somebody. ru: Полинг. Я сейчас на Конференции помощников с Бидвеллом, они дебютировали с блокнотами в этом году. Ух ты! 'Блок' и 'нот', чудесно. Раньше мы связать их не могли. Ради этого стоит жить. Кстати говоря, мне надо, чтобы ты убил кое-кого. zh-hans: 宝琳在这。我刚以比德维尔的助理身份出席会议,他们刚刚推出了今年的剪贴板。哇!夹子,板子,它们都很棒。有些年份,是非此即彼的。这是感受生命好时光。说起来,我需要你去杀戮了。
plng toughbreak contractgiverare gargoyles:
en: [Scout: Oh, oh, and...(dice clatter)...not too shabby!] "Pauling here. I'm trying to teach Scout Gargoyles and Gravel." [Scout: Yeah!] "Ugh, no Scout, there's no such thing as a Muscle Wizard." [Scout: Yeah whatever.] "No you can't beat an Orc by doing push-ups at it. Look, please, please put your shirt back on. Scout, stop flexing. Scout. Scout! Stop flexing." ru: [Разведчик: О, о, и... (отпирание ящика)... немного потертый!] «Это Полинг. Я учу разведчика играть в «Гаргулей и Гравий». ['Ага!'] Ох, разведчик, здесь нет кого-то на подобии Мускулистого волшебника.» ['А, ну ладно.'] «Ты не можешь победить Орка, отжимаясь на нем. Пожалуйста, надень футболку обратно. Прекрати красоваться, разведчик. Разведчик. Разведчик! Хватит тут красоваться. zh-hans: 侦察兵: 哦,哦,还有这个…(东西叮叮当当声)…不算太破旧啊!“这里是宝琳。我正在尝试教侦察兵有关石像鬼和砾石。“是啊!”“呃,不,侦察兵,没有肌肉巫师这样的东西。”“好吧,随便了。”“不,你不能通过做俯卧撑来击败兽人。听着,拜托,请把你的衬衫穿回去。侦察兵,停止掰弯它。侦察兵。侦察兵!停止弯曲它了!”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare gunshow:
en: "Hey did you know a gun show's a real thing? I'm at one with Heavy right now." [Heavy: Is perfect, this is gun.] "Oh wow, what's the gauge on that? Yeah, Scout's been saying he's going to take me to one for years, but all he does is shove his stupid arms in my face. Anyway, I've got something for you." ru: «Ты знал, что пушечное шоу действительно существует? Я сейчас с пулеметчиком.» [Пулеметчик: Превосходно, вот это оружие.] «Ух ты, что это за датчик? Разведчик еще говорит, что когда-нибудь я клюну на него, но пока он только тычит своими пушками мне в лицо. Как бы там ни было, у меня есть кое-что для тебя.»
plng toughbreak contractgiverare hotdog:
en: (strained) "Pauling here. I'm at a hotdog eating contest and Engie made me a stomach teleporter,'s not working. I think it's only teleporting undigested hotdogs into my colon." [stomach growling] "Ok, gotta go." ru: (напряженно) «Это Полинг. Я на конкурсе поедания хот-догов, инженер сделал мне желудочный телепорт, но... оох... он не работает. Мне кажется, что он телепортирует непереваренные хот-доги прямо мне в толстую кишку.» [урчание в животе] «Так, мне пора. zh-hans: “这里是宝琳。我正在参加一个吃热狗比赛,而且工程师帮我做了一个胃部传送器,但是…哎…它不起作用。我认为这只是将未消化的热狗传送到我的大肠中。[肚子咕咕叫]“好了,得走了”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare keyparty:
en: Hey, Pauling here. I got invited to something called a 'key party'. I guess we all trade houses or something. Anyway, they wanted my keys and I said no. If they keep pressing, I brought my gun. I've got a contract coming your way. pt-br: Ei, Pauling aqui. Eu fui convidada para algo chamado de "key party". Eu acho que todos nós trocamos casas ou algo do tipo. De qualquer forma, eles queriam as minhas chaves e eu disse não. E se eles continuarem pressionando, eu trouxe minha arma. Tenho um contrato vindo na sua direção. ru: Эй, это Полинг. Меня пригласили на так называемую «ключевую вечеринку». Мне кажется, что мы исполняем роли торговцев или в этом роде. Они хотели взять мои ключи, но я отказала им. Если они продолжат клянчить их, мне придется достать свой ствол. Я отправила тебе контракт. zh-hans: 嘿,宝琳在此。我被邀请参加一个叫做“钥匙派对”的活动。我猜我们都互换了房子什么的。无论如何,他们想要我的钥匙,我拒绝了。如果他们继续追问,我就带上枪。总之我有一份合同要给你
plng toughbreak contractgiverare ladiesnight:
en: "Hey's it's Pauling. Sorry for the noise, it's Ladies Night at the Cap Point, and I misunderstood what that meant." [Hey what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?] "I'm trying to get someone killed for money. Can you give me a second? Sorry about that. Anyway, take a look." ru: «Эй, Полинг на связи. Извини за шум, я сейчас на Дамской ночной вечеринке на контрольной точке, и я понятия не имею, что это вообще такое.» ['Эй, что такая красивая девушка делает в таком месте?'] «Пытаюсь заставить кого-нибудь совершить убийство за деньги. Потерпишь минутку? Извини. Короче, взгляни на это.» zh-hans: “嘿,这里是宝琳。对不起有点噪音,这是帽点的女士之夜,我不懂这意味着什么。”“嘿,像你这样的好女孩在这样的地方做什么?”“我试着让人被杀赚前呢。你能给我个清净吗?”“我对刚刚的事感到抱歉。无论如何,看看这个吧。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare ontherocks:
en: "Hey, sorry for the noise! It's Dollar Drinks Night at the Cap Point. Hold on, on the rocks please." [On the rocks!; rocks tinkle into a glass] "N-n-not act...not that gravel? You know what, never mind. Just, just pour liquor on it. I'll drink it anyway." [drink pouring] "You still there? I've got something for you." ru: «Эй, извини за шум! Я на ночной вечеринке однодолларовых напитков на контрольной точке. Погоди, мне со льдом, пожалуйста.» ['Будет лед!'; лед стучит в стакане] «Н-н-не в... не в прямом... это что, гравий? Ладно, забудь. Просто плесни ликера туда. Мне все равно придется выпить это.» [льется жидкость] «Ты еще здесь? У меня есть кое-что для тебя. zh-hans: “嘿,对不起太吵了!这是帽点的美元饮料之夜。等一下,加点石头!(别意是给饮料加点冰块)“加点石头!”(岩石叮叮当当地撞到玻璃杯里)“不是…不是这个意思…那是砾石吗?你知道吗,没关系。只是,只需将酒倒来即可。反正我还是要喝。“倒酒”“你还在?我有东西给你看。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare piano:
en: [piano being played frantically, intermittent electrical zaps] "Pauling here. Spy's teaching me piano. Apparently, it takes a person...ugh, seven years to learn, but Spy says that with electroshock he can teach me in an hour." [grunts of pain and electrical shocks] [Spy: Again.; piano plays a slow melody] "Huh. Okay, that's done. Here's a contract." ru: [лихорадочно играет пианино, наперебой с электрическими звуками] «Полинг на связи. Шпион учит меня играть на пианино. Похоже, что человеку... ах, требуется семь лет для этого, но шпион утверждает, что сможет обучить меня за час.» [стоны от боли, звуки электрошокера] [Шпион: Еще раз.; играет медленная мелодия на пианино] «Ах. Окей, похоже, это всё. Держи контракт. zh-hans: “钢琴在疯狂地弹奏,间歇性的电击声)“宝琳在这里。间谍在“教”我谈钢琴。显然,这需要一个“人”…呃,七年时间来学习,但间谍说,这个电击,他可以在一个小时内“教我”搞定。(疼痛咕噜声和电击声)“再来一次。”(钢琴演奏缓慢的旋律)“呵呵。好了,大功告成。这是一份给你的合同。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare poopyjoe:
en: ["Taps" being played] (on the verge of tears) "Hey, Pauling here. I'm, I-I-I'm sorry, I'm at the Poopy Joe Memorial and, and it's just too much. That monkey was an American hero!" ru: [играет «Отбой»] (на грани слез) «Эй, это Полинг. П-п-п-прости меня, я у Мемориала Простофили Джо, это так сильно. Обезьянка была американским героем!» zh-hans: (水龙头正在流水)(濒临流泪声)“嘿,这里是宝琳。我,我-我-对不起,我在波比乔纪念馆,而且它做的奉献也太多了。那只猴子是美国人的英雄!”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare pottery:
en: "Hey, it's Pauling here. I'm at a pottery class. I'm trying to make a porcelain gun, but it's a lot harder than it looks. Ugh, dammit." [dripping clay; Oh, what a lovely flower vase!] "Yeah I know it looks like a flower vase, it's a cannon all right! Ugh, I hate pottery. Anyway, I've got a contract." ru: «Привет, это Полинг. Я на занятиях гончарного дела. Стараюсь сделать фарфоровый пистолет, но это намного труднее, чем кажется. Ух, черт.» [упал кусок глины; 'О, какая прекрасная ваза!'] «Да, я знаю, выглядит как ваза, но это пушка, ладно? Ух, ненавижу это. Ладно, держи контракт. zh-hans: “嘿,这里是宝琳。我在上陶艺课。我正在尝试制作瓷枪,但它比看起来要难得多。呃,该死的。(滴粘土)“哦,多么可爱的花瓶!”“是的,我知道它看起来像一个花瓶,但这是一门大炮好吧!呃,我讨厌陶器。无论如何,我有合同给你。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare raccoons:
en: [raccoons trilling] "Pauling here. Soldier invited me over to his house/cave for a soup tasting. I have been bitten by like sixty raccoons. Do raccoons have rabies? I mean, they have to, right? Didn't raccoons invent rabies? Are-are they like old rats? Like don't rats go into their cocoons in the winter and emerge as fully grown raccoons in the spring? I've lost a lot of blood here. Maybe it took the rabies with them. Ugh, I gotta go. One of the raccoons is eyeballing me. You gotta problem pal?" ru: [трели енота] «Полинг на связи. Солдат пригласил меня в свой дом/пещеру на дегустацию его супа. Меня успели укусить енотов шестьдесят. У енотов ведь нет бешенства? То есть, они же обычно больны бешенством, так? А не от них оно пошло сначала? Мо-может, они как старые крысы? Как крысы сворачиваются зимой в коконы и появляются взрослыми енотами весной? Я потеряла много крови. Может быть, это из-за бешенства. Ух, мне пора. Один из них вытаращился на меня. У тебя проблемы? zh-hans: (浣熊颤抖)“宝琳在这里。士兵邀请我去他的房子/洞穴品尝一下汤。我被“六十”只浣熊咬过。浣熊有狂犬病吗?我的意思是,他们必须这样做,对吧?浣熊不是发明狂犬病的?他们像老…老鼠吗?不像是老鼠是在冬天进入茧中,在春天变成完全长大的浣熊吗?我在这里失血过多了,也许是因为带着狂犬病。呃,我得先走了。其中一只浣熊正盯着我看呢。你有问题吗,朋友?”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare shakespearicles:
en: "Hey it's Pauling here. I'm watching Shakespearicles in the Park and we just got to the part in Hamlet where Macbeth tells Hercules he's from the future and Macbeth gets so angry, he uses his heat vision and..." [Steel cage!] "Oh ho ho, they're lowering the steel cage. Oh, Hercules is losing the intercontinental title for sure! Look, I gotta go. Here's a mission." [He's got Macbeth!; I love you Hercules!] ru: «Эй, это Полинг. Я смотрю Шекспиракла в парке, я сейчас на том моменте в «Гамлете», в котором Макбет говорит Геркулесу, что он из будущего, а потом Макбет разозлился, использует свое тепловое зрение и...» ['Стальная клетка!'] «О-хо-хо-хо, он спустил стальную клетку! О, а Геркулес, похоже, теряет свой межконтинентальный титул! Мне надо идти. Вот твое задание.» ['Он поймал Макбета!'; 'Я люблю тебя, Геркулес!'] zh-hans: “嘿,这里是宝琳。我在公园里看莎士比亚,我们刚刚到了《哈姆雷特》中的部分,麦克白告诉赫拉克勒斯他来自未来,麦克白非常生气,他用他的热视线和…”“钢笼!”“哦,他们正在放下钢笼。哦,大力神肯定会失去洲际冠军了!看,我得走了。这是一个给你的任务。”“他搞定麦克白了!我爱你赫拉克勒斯!”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare tiger:
en: "He-hey, sorry about the reception, I'm on a ladies safari in the middle of a forest. Listen, a contract came in..." [I'm being mauled to death by a tiger! Ahhh!] "Lady, would you please keep it down! I'm on the phone!" pt-br: "E-ei, desculpe pela recepção, eu estou no ladies safari no meio da floresta. Escute, um contrato esta vindo..." [Estou sendo atacada até a morte por um tigre! Ahhh!] "Senhora, Você poderia falar mais baixo! Eu estou no telefone!" ru: «Эй, извини, что отвлекаю, я сейчас на дамском сафари в глуши леса. Послушай, мне пришел контракт...» ['Меня сейчас растерзает тигр! А-а-а-а!'] «Не могли бы вы потише, дамочка! Я по телефону говорю!» zh-hans: “嘿-嘿,对不起接待不周,我在一个森林中间的野生动物园。听着,合同来了…”“我要被老虎咬死了!啊!“女士,请您安静点!我在打电话!”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare tugboat:
en: "Pauling here. So the New Mexico Department of Labor found out I haven't gotten any time off in...uh...ever. So, I'm on state-mandated vacation. But don't worry! I'm still working, but don't tell anyone." [foghorn sounds] "Oh good the tugboat's here. Anyway, here's a contract." pt-br: "Pauling aqui. O Departamento de Trabalho do Novo México descobriu que eu não havia tido férias em... ah... nunca. Então, estou de férias forçadas pelo estado. Mas não se preocupe! Ainda estou trabalhando, mas não conte pra ninguém." [buzina de barco toca] "Ah ótimo, o barco rebocador está aqui. Enfim, toma um contrato." ru: «Полинг на связи. Департаменту труда Нью-Мексико стало известно, что я не опрашивалась... эм... ни разу. Поэтому я на государственном отпуске. Но не волнуйся! Я всё еще работаю, но только никому не говори.» [звучит сирена] «О, какой хороший буксир приплыл. Как бы там ни было, держи контракт. zh-hans: “这里是宝琳。所以新墨西哥州劳工部发现我还没有在…呃…休息过。所以,我正在法定的假期内。但别担心!我还在工作,但不要告诉任何人。(号声)“哦,好,拖船在这里。总之,这是一份给你的合同。”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare turducken:
en: [heartbeat monitor beeps steadily] "Medic's showing me how to sew a heart inside of another heart and pump them full of radiation. It's sorta like making a turducken, but with people!" [Medic: Oh, ho ho!; monitor beeps faster] "And I think a clump of my hair just fell out." [monitor beeps rapidly; Medic: Oh ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!] pt-br: [monitor cardíaco apita firmemente] "O Medic está me mostrando como costurar um coração dentro do outro e pulsá-lo cheio de radiação. É meio como fazer um turducken, mas com pessoas!" [Medic: Ah, ha ha!; monitor apita depressa] "E eu acho que um amontoado do meu cabelo caiu." [monitor apita rapidamente; Medic: Oh ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!] ru: [пищит монитор сердечного ритма] «Медик показывает мне, как зашить сердце внутри другого сердца и напичкать обоих радиацией. Это всё равно что приготовить turducken, но только с людьми!» [Медик: О-хо-хо!; писк учащается] «И мне кажется, что у меня выпал клочок волос.» [писк учащается еще сильнее; Медик: О-хо-хо-хо-хо!] zh-hans: (心跳监测器稳定地发出哔哔声)“医生正在向我展示如何将心脏缝在另一颗心脏内并将它们充满辐射。这有点像做火鸡,但要用人来做!”“噢,嗬嗬!”(监视器哔哔声更快)“而且我觉得我的一簇头发刚刚掉了下来。”(显示器快速发出蜂鸣声)“噢呵,呵,嗬嗬,嗬,嗬!”
plng toughbreak contractgiverare visionquest:
en: Hey it's Pauling here. I'm on a vision quest with Sniper. I just ate some ground-up mushrooms and grubs. Sniper said that it's supposed to make me ghost noise picnic dripping, but I don't boot soup what he's mustaching about. I don't even dynamite a little pyramid gravy. Anyway, here's a condor. ru: Эй, это Полинг. Мы со снайпером осматриваемся вокруг. Я съела немного подземных грибов и личинок. Снайпер сказал, что это сделает меня пикничным духом, издающим капающие звуки, но я не загрузила суп, о котором он бредил. Я даже не подорвала ту маленькую подливную пирамидку. Короче, держи кондор. zh-hans: 嘿,这里是宝琳。我正在和狙击手一起进行有关视觉的任务。我刚刚吃了一些磨碎的蘑菇和蛴螬。狙击手说,这会让我能注意到一些难以注意到的声音,但是我甚至没有要一点汁水配着。总而言之,这里有一份合同。
plng toughbreak contractgiverare winetasting:
en: [wine bottle being uncorked; Spy: Ahh, a 1962 Chateau Matador.; wine pouring into glasses] (sotto voce) "Hey, hey I'm at a wine tasting with all tastes like raisins and gasoline. Uh, quick! give me some fancy-pants words to say to him." [Spy: À votre santé!] (normal voice) "Spy, your wine is...great! It's really, uh, pre-precocious! Uh...volup-voluptuous? And uh, uh, big, big-boned!" [Spy: Ugh...] "Yeah, it's got a very big-boned wine taste." pt-br: [garrafa de vinho sendo desarrolhada; Spy: Ahh, um Chateau Matador 1962.; vinho sendo colocado em taças] (em voz baixa) "Ei, ei eu estou em uma degustação de vinhos com o Spy... tudo tem gosto de passas e gasolina. Ah, rápido! me dê algumas palavras chiques para dizer a ele." [Spy: À votre santé!] (voz normal) "Spy, o seu vinho é... ótimo! É realmente, ah, pre-precocious! Ah...volup-voluptuous? E ah, ah, big, big-boned!" [Spy: Ugh...] "Sim, ele tem um gosto de vinho muito big-boned." ru: [откупоривается бутылка вина; Шпион: Ах, Chateau Matador 1962 года.; вино разливают в бокалы] «(вполголоса) Эй, эй, мы с шпионом дегустируем вино... оно всё на вкус как изюм и бензин. Ох, быстрее! Подкинь мне пару джентльменских красивых слов.» [Шпион: À votre santé!] (обычным голосом) «Шпион, это вино... оно прекрасно! Оно и впрямь, а... ско-скороспелое! Эээ... сла-сладострастное? И, а, а, здо, здоровецкое!» [Шпион: Ох...] «Да, у него очень здоровецкий вкус. zh-hans: (酒瓶被打开)“啊,1962年的斗牛士酒。”(酒倒进杯子里) “嘿嘿,我正在和间谍一起品酒…它尝起来都像葡萄干和汽油混在一起。呃,快!给我一些花哨的话对他说。“干杯!”(正常声音)“间谍,你的酒是…真的很好!真的,呃,超常!呃…令人愉快的?呃,呃,大,有一大股骨头味!“呃…”“没错,这酒有一个非常大的骨头味。”
plng toughbreak contractwin01:
en: Hey you did it! Back to my vacation. pt-br: Ei, você conseguiu! De volta para as férias. ru: Эй, ты справился! Я вернусь к своему отпуску. zh-hans: 嘿,你做到了!回归度假生活。
plng toughbreak contractwin02:
en: Hey good work! Okay, back to vacation. pt-br: Ei, bom trabalho! Certo, de volta para as férias. ru: Эй, отличная работа! Окей, я пошла. zh-hans: 嘿,做得好!好吧,重新度假。
plng toughbreak contractwin03:
en: Hey good work! You did it! Now back to my state-mandated vacation. pt-br: Ei, bom trabalho! Você conseguiu! De volta para as férias obrigatórias. ru: Эй, отличная работа! Ты справился! Я вернусь к гражданскому отпуску. zh-hans: 嘿,做得好啊!你做到了!现在回归我的法定假日。
plng toughbreak contractwin04:
en: Great job! I'm really enjoying..being out of the office...doing all this work. pt-br: Bom trabalho! Eu estou realmente aproveitando..estar fora do escritório...fazendo todo esse trabalho. ru: Молодец! А мне понравилось... торчать вне офиса и... делать свою работу. zh-hans: 干得好!我真的很享受…离开办公室…做这些工作。
plng toughbreak contractwin05:
en: Hey, you finished the contract. Okay, back to my stupid vacation. pt-br: Ei, você acabou o contrato. Certo, de volta para as minhas férias estúpidas. ru: Эй, ты закончил с контрактом. Окей, я вернусь к своему дурацкому отпуску. zh-hans: 嘿,你完成合同了。好的,重新回到我愚蠢的假期里。
plng toughbreak contractwin06:
en: Hey, you did it! Can I be done with my vacation now? Please? pt-br: Ei, você conseguiu! Posso acabar com as minhas férias agora? Por favor?? ru: Эй, ты справился! Можно я уже вернусь с отпуска? Пожалуйста? zh-hans: 嘿,你做到了!我可以结束我的假期了吗?拜托了?
plng toughbreak contractwin07:
en: Hey you did it! Can I be done with my vacation now? I wanna come home. pt-br: Ei, você conseguiu! Posso acabar com as minhas férias agora? Eu quero voltar para casa. ru: Эй, ты справился! Можно я вернусь с отпуска? Я хочу домой. zh-hans: 嘿,你做到了!我可以结束我的假期了吗?我想回家。
plng give contract engie 14:
en: Engie. The Administrator asked for you on this one. Specifically. ko: 엔지? 관리자님이 당신에게 이걸 부탁했어요. 특별히요. pt-br: Engie? A Administradora pediu você neste. Especificamente. ru: Инженер? Администратор попросила тебя разобраться с этим. Конкретно тебя.
Community announcers
Watergate Announcer
temp intro:
en: Collect beer and deposit it into the UFO beam to score points! pt-br: Colete cerveja e a deposite no raio do disco voador para marcar pontos! ru: Соберите пиво и зайдите в луч НЛО, чтобы набрать очки!! zh-hans: 收集啤酒并把它们提交到UFO光束中来获得分数!
announcer ufo arrival01:
en: Alert! We're under attack! es: Alert! We're under attack! pt-br: Alerta! Estamos sob ataque! ru: Внимание! Мы под атакой! zh-hans: 警告!我们遭到袭击!
temp inbeam enemy:
en: The enemy is in the beam! pt-br: O inimigo está no raio! ru: Враг в луче! zh-hans: 敌方在光束中!
temp inbeam own:
en: We are in the beam! pt-br: Estamos no raio! ru: Мы в луче! zh-hans: 我方在光束中!
temp theyvealmostmadeufodrunk:
en: They almost made the UFO totally drunk! pt-br: Eles quase deixaram o óvni totalmente bêbado! ru: Они почти польностью напоили НЛО! zh-hans: 敌方即将把UFO灌醉!
temp wevealmostmadetheufodrunk:
en: We have almost made the UFO totally drunk! pt-br: Nós quase deixamos o óvni totalmente bêbado! ru: Мы почти полностью напоили НЛО! zh-hans: 我方即将把UFO灌醉!
- Multiple characters talking, do not remove the indicators
watergate team win:
en: [Demoman] We did it, hehah! [Scout] Aw, fellas! pt-br: [Demoman] Conseguimos, hehah! [Scout] Ah, parças! ru: [Подрывник] Мы сделали это! Хехехе.[Разведчик] Оу, парни! zh-hans: [爆破手] 成了,哈哈! [侦察兵] 干得好,兄弟们!
- Multiple characters talking, do not remove the indicators
watergate team lose:
en: [Soldier] Dammit boys. [Scout] What the hell was that crap? [Demoman] I did what I could! [Scout] This is a real frickin' embarrassment. fr: [Soldier] Dammit boys. [Scout] What the hell was that crap? [Demoman] I did what I could! [Scout] This is a real frickin' embarrassment. pt-br: [Soldier] Droga, rapazes. [Scout] Que diabos foi esse lixo? [Demoman] Eu fiz o que eu pude! [Scout] Isso é uma verdadeira vergonha. ru: [Солдат] Чёрт возьми, парни. [Разведчик] Что, чёрт возьми, это был за отстой? [Подрывник] Я сделал всё, что мог! [Разведчик] Это лютый стыд zh-hans: [士兵] 搞砸了小子们。 [侦察兵] 那是什么鬼东西? [爆破手] 我可尽力了! [侦察兵] 这下可太尴尬了。
Davy Jones
pirate round begin 001:
en: Ahoy, ya filthy scallywags! All hands on deck and bring me my souls! es: ¡Ahoy, asquerosos canallas! ¡Las manos en la cubierta y tráiganme las almas! pt-br: Atenção, seus malandros imundos! Todas as mãos no convés e me tragam minhas almas! ru: Ахой, вонючие заморыши! Свистать всех наверх и притащите мне мои души! zh-hans: Ahoy,你们这帮臭无赖!都给我做足准备,把灵魂交上来!
pirate round begin 004:
en: Argh! It be killin' time! Get me those souls and come aboard me ship! es: ¡Argh! ¡Es la hora de la matanza! ¡Tráiganme esas almas y llévenlas a mi barco! pt-br: Argh! É hora de matar! Peguem-me aquelas almas e venham a bordo de meu navio! ru: Аргх! Настало время для убийств! Принесите мне эти души и заходите на борт моего судна! zh-hans: Argh!这要花我不少时间!把灵魂都带我船上来!
pirate round begin 005:
en: Aye, it be perfect weather for a bloodbath! Bring me them souls, I'll be waiting for ya on me ship. es: Ay, un clima perfecto para un baño de sangre! Tráiganme las almas, los estaré esperando en mi barco. pt-br: Sim, o tempo está perfeito para um banho de sangue! Tragam-me aquelas almas, estarei esperando vocês em meu navio. ru: Да, это идеальная погода для кровавой бани! Принесите мне их души, я буду ждать вас на своём корабле! zh-hans: Aye,今天这天气感情好,很适合掀起一场腥风血雨!把他们的灵魂带给我,我在船上等着。
pirate round win 001:
en: You did good, laddies! es: ¡Lo hicieron bien, señoritas! pt-br: Bom trabalho, rapazes! ru: Хорошая работа, парни zh-hans: 干得好,姑娘们!
pirate round win 003:
en: Ha! I know it was a good plan, asking you lot for help! es: ¡Ja! ¡Sabía que era un buen plan preguntar por mucha ayuda! pt-br: Ha! Eu sabia que pedir ajuda a vocês era um bom plano! ru: Ха! Я знал, что это был хороший план, когда просил вас о помощи! zh-hans: 哈!我就知道找你们干活是个好主意!
pirate round lose 001:
en: After nine years of waiting in the Locker for help, I wasn't expecting much. But that was horrendous! es: Luego de nueve años esperando en la Cabina por ayuda, no esperaba mucho. ¡Pero eso fue horrendo! pt-br: Após nove anos esperando no Armário por ajuda, eu não esperava muito. Mas isso foi horrendo! ru: После девяти лет скитания в рундуке в надежде на то, что кто-то мне поможет, я не ожидал многого. Но вот это было просто ужасно! zh-hans: 在这船里苦苦等待了九年,我本来就没多大期望了。可你们也未免太烂了!
pirate round lose 003:
en: Argh! You're somehow worse than your competition! es: ¡Argh! ¡De alguna manera son peores que sus rivales! pt-br: Argh! Vocês conseguem ser piores que sua competição! ru: Аргх! Почему-то вы куда хуже своих конкурентов! zh-hans: Argh!跟对面比起来你们多少差点意思!
pirate victory 01:
en: Victorious! es: ¡Ganadores! pt-br: Vitorioso! ru: Победоносно! zh-hans: 胜利
pirate victory 02:
en: Victory! es: ¡Victoria! pt-br: Vitória! ru: Победа! zh-hans: 赢了!
pirate lose 01:
en: Yer a failure! es: ¡Son unos perdedores! pt-br: Vocês são um fracasso! ru: Неудачники! zh-hans: 你们失败了!
pirate lose 02:
en: Ya failed! es: ¡Fallaron! pt-br: Vocês falharam! ru: Вы продули zh-hans: 你们输了!
pirate ship move 001:
en: All aboard! Bring me the souls! es: ¡Todos a bordo! ¡Tráiganme las almas! pt-br: Todos a bordo! Tragam-me as almas! ru: Все на борт! Принесите мне души! zh-hans: 都上船来!把灵魂带给我!
pirate ship move 002:
en: All aboard! It's collectin' time! es: ¡Todos a bordo! ¡Es hora de recoger! pt-br: Todos as bordo! É hora de coletar! ru: Все на борт! Самое время для сборов! zh-hans: 都上船来!收货时间到!
pirate ship move 003:
en: All aboard! We are in the ship! es: ¡Todos a bordo! ¡Estamos en el barco! pt-br: Todos a bordo! Estamos no navio! ru: Все на борт! Мы на корабле! zh-hans: 都上船来!我们在船里!
pirate zone close 001:
en: Aye, let the seas close in the locker! es: ¡Aye, dejen que el mar se cierre en la cabina! pt-br: Aye, que os mares encham o Armário! ru: Айх, пусть моря закроются в рундуке! zh-hans: Aye,把海水都放来!
pirate zone close 002:
en: Aye, ye time be running out! Get to the shipwreck already! es: ¡Aye, el tiempo se acaba! ¡Llega al naufragio ya! pt-br: Aye, seu tempo está acabando! Vão logo para os destroços do navio! ru: Айх, у тебя истекает время! Доберитесь до затонувшего корабля! zh-hans: Aye,你们没时间了!这下可要出海难了!
pirate zone close 003:
en: Aye the sea is alive! And she be closin' in! es: ¡Aye el mar está vivo! ¡Y se está cerrando! pt-br: Aye, o mar está vivo! E se aproximando! ru: Айх, море живое! И оно приближается! zh-hans: Aye,海水又涌起来了!而我的船也要关门了!
pirate zone leave 001:
en: Avast! Begone from my locker! es: ¡Paren! ¡Fuera de mi cabina! fr: Avast! Begone from my locker! pt-br: Chega! Saiam do meu Armário! ru: Быстрей! Убирайся из моего рундука! zh-hans: Avast!滚出我的地盘!
pirate zone leave 002:
en: Avast! Ye've hung around too long! es: ¡Fuera! ¡Se han quedado mucho tiempo! pt-br: Chega! Vocês estão aqui há tempo demais! ru: Быстрей! Ты слишком долго торчишь здесь! zh-hans: Avast!你们也瞎逛太久了!
pirate special damaged:
en: Ya can't kill me! I'm already dead! es: ¡No pueden matarme! !Ya estoy muerto! pt-br: Vocês não podem me matar! Eu já estou morto! ru: Ты не можешь меня убить! Я уже мёртв! zh-hans: 你们杀不了我的!我早就死人一个了!
pirate special skull:
en: Aaah no, my first mate! es: ¡Ohhh no, mi primer amigo! pt-br: Aaah, não, meu primeiro oficial! ru: Ооо нет, мой первый товарищ! zh-hans: 不是吧,我的大副!
pirate stomp 01:
en: Get off! es: ¡Fuera! pt-br: Sai! ru: Убирайся! zh-hans: 滚!
pirate stomp 02:
en: Get away! es: ¡Aléjate! pt-br: Sai daqui! ru: Уходи! zh-hans: 闪开!
pirate stomp 03:
en: Get away! es: ¡Aléjate! pt-br: Sai daqui! ru: Уходи! zh-hans: 一边去!
pirate freaking out:
en: What are ye doing! es: ¡Qué están haciendo! pt-br: O que vocês estão fazendo?! ru: Что ты делаешь! zh-hans: 在干啥呢你!
pirate freaking out 02:
en: Don't just stand there! es: ¡Solo están parados ahí! pt-br: Não fiquem aí parados! ru: Не стой здесь как вкопанный! zh-hans: 别傻愣着!
en: Merasmus had better not be hornswaggling me es: ¡Será mejor que Merasmus no me esté poniendo los cuernos! pt-br: É melhor que Merasmus não esteja me enganando! ru: Маразмусу лучше не драконить меня zh-hans: 马拉莫斯可最好不是在耍我。
pirate exclamation:
en: It's time to get bloody! es: ¡Es hora de ponerse sangriento! pt-br: Hora de ficar sanguinolento! ru: Пришло время для кровопролития! zh-hans: 是时候杀个痛快了!
pirate fact number 27:
en: Pirate fact number 27, "Harg" is a Finnish word that means "Die already"! es: Dato pirata número 27, «Harg» es una palabra finlandesa que significa "¡Ya muérete! pt-br: Fato pirata número 27: 'Harg' é uma palavra finlandesa que quer dizer 'Morra logo'! ru: Пиратский факт №27, «Харг» - это Финское слово, означающее «Сдохни»! zh-hans: 海盗事实第 27 条,“Harg”是一个芬兰语单词,它的意思是“死翘翘了”!
pirate mock 01:
en: You're all skin and bones! es: ¡Son un costal de piel y huesos! pt-br: Vocês são só pele e nenhum osso! ru: Да вы все кожа да кости! zh-hans: 你们都瘦得皮包骨呢!
pirate rum 02:
en: Who drank all my rum? es: ¿Quién se tomó todo mi ron? pt-br: Quem bebeu todo o meu rum? ru: Кто выпил весь мой ром? zh-hans: 谁把我的朗姆酒都喝光了?
pirate roundbegin 03:
en: Welcome to my domain! es: ¡Bienvenidos a mi dominio! pt-br: Bem-vindos ao meu domínio! ru: Добро пожаловать в мои владения! zh-hans: 欢迎来到我的地盘!
pirate random 01:
en: I want no parley between you all! es: ¡No quiero conversación entre ustedes! pt-br: Eu não quero trégua alguma entre vocês! ru: Я не собираюсь вести с вами никаких переговоров! zh-hans: 我可没打算跟你们讨价还价!
pirate reference 01:
en: Are ye ready kids? es: ¿Están listos chicos? pt-br: Vocês estão prontas, crianças? ru: Вы готовы дети? zh-hans: 准备好了吗,孩子们?
pirate round win 002:
en: Yes yes yes! Their souls are mine! es: ¡Sí sí sí! ¡Sus almas son mías! pt-br: Sim, sim, sim! As almas deles são minhas! ru: Да, да, да! Теперь их души мои! zh-hans: 干得漂亮!他们的灵魂是我的了!
pirate shipmove 01:
en: This man o' war is hungry! es: ¡Este guerrero está hambriento! pt-br: Esta caravela está com fome! ru: Этот человек войны проголодался! zh-hans: 我的大战舰可都饿了!
pirate shipmove 03:
en: Last one in's shark bait! Just kidding, you're all gonna die! es: ¡El último irá como cebo para tiburones! Es broma, ¡todos ustedes van a morir! pt-br: O último a entrar é isca de tubarão! Brincadeira, vocês todos vão morrer! ru: Последний пойдёт на наживку для акул! Шучу, вы все здесь подохните! zh-hans: 最后一个过来的送去喂鲨鱼!开个玩笑而已,你们一个都别想活!
pirate zoneleave 05:
en: Get out of my locker! es: ¡Fuera de mi cabina! pt-br: Saia do meu armário! ru: Убирайтесь из моего рундука zh-hans: 滚出我的地盘!
5 4 37:
en: Five! Four! Uh, 37! es: ¡Cinco! ¡Cuatro! Eh... ¡37! pt-br: Cinco! Quatro! Ãh, 37! ru: Пять! Четыре! Эээ..., 37! zh-hans: 五!四!呃,三十七!
astronaut begins 60sec:
en: Mission begins in 60 seconds. pt-br: A missão começa em 60 segundos. ru: Миссия начнётся через 60 секунд zh-hans: 六十秒后开始任务。
astronaut begins 30sec:
en: Mission begins in 30 seconds. pt-br: A missão começa em 30 segundos. ru: Миссия начнётся через 30 секунд zh-hans: 三十秒后开始任务。
astronaut begins 10sec:
en: Mission begins in 10 seconds. pt-br: A missão começa em 10 segundos. ru: Миссия начнётся через 10 секунд zh-hans: 十秒后开始任务。
astronaut begins 5sec:
en: Five pt-br: Cinco. ru: Пять zh-hans: 五
astronaut begins 4sec:
en: Four pt-br: Quatro. ru: Четыре zh-hans: 四
astronaut begins 3sec:
en: Three pt-br: Três. ru: Три zh-hans: 三
astronaut begins 2sec:
en: Two pt-br: Dois. ru: Два zh-hans: 二
astronaut begins 1sec:
en: One! pt-br: Um! ru: Один! zh-hans: 一!
astronaut am gamestarting01:
en: Get to the cart! pt-br: Vão para o carrinho! ru: Толкайте вагонетку! zh-hans: 到战车那去!
astronaut am gamestarting02:
en: Get on cart! pt-br: Vão ao carrinho! ru: Толкайте вагонетку! zh-hans: 上战车那去!
astronaut am gamestarting03:
en: Defend our cart! pt-br: Defendam nosso carrinho! ru: Защищайте нашу вагонетку! zh-hans: 防守战车!
astronaut prepare to attack the enemy's control points:
en: Prepare to attack the unidentified specimen, over! pt-br: Preparem-se para atacar o espécime não identificado, câmbio! ru: Приготовьтесь атаковать неопознанный образец! Конец связи. zh-hans: 准备进攻未知生命体,完毕!
astronaut ends 5 min:
en: Attention! 5 minutes left in the mission! 5 minutes left in the mission, over! es: Attention! 5 minutes left in the mission! 5 minutes left in the mission, over! pt-br: Atenção! 5 minutos sobrando na missão! 5 minutos sobrando na missão, câmbio! ru: Внимание! До конца миссии осталось 5 минут! Осталось 5 минут до конца миссии! Конец связи. zh-hans: 注意!任务时间还剩五分钟!任务时间还剩五分钟,完毕!
astronaut ends 60 sec:
en: Mission ends in 60 seconds! pt-br: A missão termina em 60 segundos! ru: До конца миссии осталось 60 секунд! zh-hans: 六十秒后任务终止。
astronaut ends 30 sec:
en: Mission ends in 30 seconds! pt-br: A missão termina em 30 segundos! ru: До конца миссии осталось 30 секунд! zh-hans: 三十秒后任务终止。
astronaut ends 10 sec:
en: Mission ends in 10 seconds! pt-br: A missão termina em 10 segundos! ru: До конца миссии осталось 10 секунд! zh-hans: 十秒后任务终止。
astronaut ends tminus10sec:
en: Mission ends in t-minus 10 seconds. pt-br: A missão termina em T-menos 10 segundos. ru: До конца миссии осталось меньше 10 секунд zh-hans: 任务终止倒计时,十秒。
astronaut ends 9 sec:
en: Nine pt-br: Nove. ru: Девять zh-hans: 九
astronaut ends 8 sec:
en: Eight pt-br: Oito. ru: Восемь zh-hans: 八
astronaut ends 7 sec:
en: Seven pt-br: Sete. ru: Семь zh-hans: 七
astronaut ends 6 sec:
en: Six pt-br: Seis. ru: Шесть zh-hans: 六
astronaut victory:
en: Mission successful! es: Mission successful! pt-br: Missão bem-sucedida! ru: Миссия успешно выполнена! zh-hans: 任务完成!
astronaut failure:
en: Mission failed! pt-br: Missão fracassada! ru: Миссия провалена! zh-hans: 任务失败!
astronaut overtime:
en: Overtime! pt-br: Tempo extra! ru: Дополнительное время! zh-hans: 超时了!
astronaut overtime2:
en: Overtime. pt-br: Tempo extra. ru: Дополнительное время. zh-hans: 超时。
astronaut overtime3:
en: Overtime... pt-br: Tempo extra... ru: Дополнительное время... zh-hans: 超时…
astronaut overtime4:
en: It's overtime, boys. pt-br: Tempo extra, rapazes. ru: Дополнительное время, парни. zh-hans: 超时了,小子们。
astronaut cart attacker warning1:
en: The package is nearing a checkpoint, over! pt-br: O pacote se aproxima de um ponto, câmbio! ru: Посылка приближается к контрольной точке! Конец связи. zh-hans: 包裹接近检查点,完毕!
astronaut cart attacker warning2:
en: The bomb is nearing a checkpoint! pt-br: A bomba se aproxima de um ponto! ru: Бомба приближается к контрольной точке! zh-hans: 炸弹接近检查点!
astronaut cart attacker warning3:
en: The payload is nearing a checkpoint. pt-br: A carga se aproxima de um ponto. ru: Сопровождение приближается к контрольной точке. zh-hans: 战车接近检查点。
astronaut cart attacker warning4:
en: The package is nearing a checkpoint! pt-br: A carga se aproxima de um ponto! ru: Посылка приближается к контрольной точке! zh-hans: 战车接近检查点!
astronaut cart defender warning1:
en: The payload is nearing a checkpoint, over. pt-br: A carga se aproxima de um ponto, câmbio. ru: Сопровождение приближается к контрольной точке. Конец связи. zh-hans: 战车接近检查点,完毕。
astronaut cart defender warning2:
en: The payload is nearing a checkpoint! pt-br: A carga se aproxima de um ponto! ru: Сопровождение приближается к контрольной точке! zh-hans: 战车接近检查点!
astronaut cart defender warning3:
en: The cart is nearing a checkpoint, over. pt-br: O carrinho se aproxima de um ponto, câmbio. ru: Вагонетка приближается к контрольной точке. Конец связи. zh-hans: 车辆接近检查点,完毕。
astronaut cart defender warning4:
en: The cart is nearing a checkpoint! pt-br: A carga se aproxima de um ponto! ru: Вагонетка приближается к контрольной точке! zh-hans: 车辆接近检查点!
astronaut cart defender warning5:
en: The bomb is nearing a checkpoint. pt-br: A bomba se aproxima de um ponto. ru: Бомба приближается к контрольной точке. zh-hans: 炸弹接近检查点。
astronaut cart defender warning6:
en: The bomb is nearing a checkpoint! pt-br: A bomba se aproxima de um ponto! ru: Бомба приближается к контрольной точке! zh-hans: 炸弹接近检查点!
astronaut cart attacker finalwarning1:
en: The package has almost reached the final terminus! pt-br: O pacote está quase no terminal final! ru: Посылка почти достигла конечной точки! zh-hans: 包裹即将运达终点站!
astronaut cart attacker finalwarning2:
en: The bomb has almost reached Big Mama! pt-br: A bomba está quase na Big Mama! ru: Бомба почти достигла Большой Мамы! zh-hans: 炸弹即将运达“老大妈”!
astronaut cart attacker finalwarning3:
en: The payload has almost reached the final terminus! pt-br: A carga está quase no terminal final! ru: Сопровождение почти достигло конечной точки! zh-hans: 战车即将抵达终点站!
astronaut cart attacker finalwarning4:
en: The payload's almost reached the final terminus! pt-br: A carga está quase no terminal final! ru: Сопровождение почти достигло конечной точки! zh-hans: 战车即将抵达终点站!
astronaut cart attacker finalwarning5:
en: The bomb has almost reached the final terminus! pt-br: A bomba está quase no terminal final! ru: Бомба почти достигла конечной точки zh-hans: 炸弹即将运达终点站!
astronaut cart defender finalwarning1:
en: The payload has almost reached the final terminus! pt-br: A carga está quase no terminal final! ru: Сопровождение почти достигло конечной точки! zh-hans: 战车即将抵达终点站!
astronaut cart defender finalwarning2:
en: The cart has almost reached the final terminus! pt-br: O carrinho está quase no terminal final! ru: Вагонетка почти доехала до конечной остановки! zh-hans: 车辆即将抵达终点站!
astronaut cart defender finalwarning3:
en: The cart has almost reached the final terminus! pt-br: O carrinho está quase no terminal final! ru: Вагонетка почти доехала до конечной остановки! zh-hans: 车辆即将抵达终点站!
astronaut cart defender finalwarning4:
en: The bomb has almost reached Big Mama! pt-br: A bomba está quase na Big Mama! ru: Бомба почти достигла Большой Мамы! zh-hans: 炸弹即将运达“老大妈”!
astronaut cart defender finalwarning5:
en: The cart has almost reached the final terminus! pt-br: O carrinho está quase no terminal final! ru: Вагонетка почти доехала до конечной остановки! zh-hans: 车辆即将抵达终点站!
farmer prep:
en: Alright y'all, gotta get as much weed killer from those other guys as possible. es: Todos ustedes, necesitan conseguir la mayor cantidad posible de herbicidas de los otros chavales. fr: Alright y'all, gotta get as much weed killer from those other guys as possible. pt-br: Certo, pessoal, peguem o máximo de herbicida possível daqueles outros caras. ru: Итак, нам надо собрать как можно больше гербицида от тех парней. zh-hans: 现在大家听好,尽你们所能,从他们手中多拿些除草剂来!
farmer roundstart01:
en: Fight! es: ¡A pelear! pt-br: Lutem! ru: В бой! zh-hans: 开打!
farmer roundstart02:
en: Get that weed killer! es: ¡Consigue ese herbicida! pt-br: Peguem aquele herbicida! ru: Заполучите этот гербицид! zh-hans: 快去拿除草剂!
farmer roundstart03:
en: Go on get it! es: ¡Anda consíguelo! pt-br: Vamos, andem! ru: Давай, получай! zh-hans: 快去拿快去拿!
farmer roundstart04:
en: Now go, go, go! es: ¡Ahora anda, anda, anda! pt-br: Vão, vão, vão agora! ru: А теперь вперёд, вперёд, вперёд! zh-hans: 走吧,去去去!
farmer roundstart05:
en: Go! Collect those jugs! es: ¡Anda! ¡Agarra esos jarros! pt-br: Vão! Coletem aqueles galões! ru: Вперёд! Собирай эти канистры! zh-hans: 去吧!收好那些瓶瓶罐罐!
farmer end 60 seconds:
en: Sixty seconds left to go! es: ¡Quedan sesenta segundos! pt-br: 60 segundos sobrando! ru: Осталось шестьдесят секунд! zh-hans: 时间还剩六十秒!
farmer end 30 seconds:
en: Thirty seconds to go! es: ¡Quedan treinta segundos!! pt-br: 30 segundos sobrando! ru: Осталось тридцать секунд! zh-hans: 还剩三十秒!
farmer 5:
en: Five es: Cinco pt-br: Cinco ru: Пять zh-hans: 五
farmer 4:
en: Four es: Cuatro pt-br: Quatro ru: Четыре zh-hans: 四
farmer 3:
en: Three es: Tres pt-br: Três ru: Три zh-hans: 三
farmer 2:
en: Two es: Dos pt-br: Dois ru: Два zh-hans: 二
farmer 1:
en: One! es: ¡Uno! pt-br: Um! ru: Один! zh-hans: 一!
farmer win01:
en: Y'all did it, the pumpkin's dead. es: Lo lograron, las calabazas están muertas. pt-br: Você conseguiram, a abóbora está morta. ru: Вы все сделали это! Тыква мертва. zh-hans: 你们办到了,南瓜怪死了。
farmer win02:
en: They've killed the pumpkin! Nice job! es: ¡Mataron a la calabaza! ¡Buen trabajo! pt-br: Vocês mataram a abóbora! Bom trabalho! ru: Они убили тыкву! Хорошая работа zh-hans: 他们把南瓜怪干掉了!干得好!
farmer win03:
en: Ya saved the farm! es: ¡Han salvado la granja! pt-br: Vocês salvaram a fazenda! ru: Вы спасли ферму! zh-hans: 你们救了这片庄稼!
farmer win04:
en: Ya saved the farm. es: Han salvado la granja. pt-br: Vocês salvaram a fazenda. ru: Вы спасли ферму. zh-hans: 你们救了这片庄稼。
farmer lose01:
en: The pumpkin's dead no thanks to you losers. es: La calabaza están muertas no gracias a ustedes perdedores. pt-br: A abóbora está morta não graças a vocês, perdedores. ru: Тыква мертва. Нет, не благодаря вам, неудачники. zh-hans: 南瓜怪没了,但不是你们的功劳。
farmer lose02:
en: Ya let them kill the pumpkin! That was our job. es: ¡Ustedes les están permitiendo matar a la calabaza¡ Ese es nuestro trabajo. pt-br: Vocês deixaram eles matarem a abóbora! Esse era o nosso trabalho. ru: Вы позволили им убить тыкву! Хотя, это была наша работа. zh-hans: 咋能让他们干掉南瓜怪!那可是咱们的活儿。
farmer lose03:
en: Ya done lost. es: Ustedes perdieron. pt-br: Vocês perderam. ru: Вы проиграли. zh-hans: 你们输了。
farmer point open01:
en: Quick! Get inside the pumpkin. es: ¡Rápido! Vayan dentro de la calabaza. pt-br: Rápido! Entrem na abóbora. ru: Быстро! Залезайте в тыкву! zh-hans: 动作快!进那南瓜里去。
farmer point open03:
en: Go drop off the weed killer, in the pit! es: Arrojen el herbicida, ¡en el pozo! pt-br: Vão colocar o herbicida no poço! ru: Иди и брось гербицид в эту яму! zh-hans: 快去放除草剂,那口子里!
farmer point open04:
en: Hop on in there while he's got his mouth open. es: Salten dentro de ella mientras tenga la boca abierta. pt-br: Pulem para dentro enquanto a boca está aberta. ru: Запрыгивай туда, пока у неё открыт рот. zh-hans: 趁它嘴巴张这么大,快进去。
farmer point open06:
en: Get in there, poison the heart. es: Entre ahí, envenenen el corazón. pt-br: Vão lá para dentro, envenenem o coração. ru: Иди туда и отрави её сердце. zh-hans: 进去进去,进它心窝子里下毒去。
farmer point close01:
en: He's falling back asleep. es: Ella se está volviendo a dormir. pt-br: Está caindo no sono de novo. ru: Она снова засыпает. zh-hans: 这下他又睡着了。
farmer point close02:
en: Oh, his mouth is closing! es: Oh, ¡su boca se está cerrando! pt-br: Ah, a boca está fechando! ru: Её рот закрывается! zh-hans: 喔,他嘴巴要合上了!
farmer point close03:
en: He's closing back up, look out! es: Ella se está cerrando nuevamente, ¡cuidado! pt-br: Está se fechando de novo, cuidado! ru: Она снова закрывается, берегись! zh-hans: 他要闭嘴了,留心点!
farmer point close04:
en: The pumpkin's closing again. es: La calabaza se está cerrando nuevamente. pt-br: A abóbora está se fechando de novo. ru: Тыква снова закрывается zh-hans: 南瓜怪又闭上了。
farmer scarecrowsummon01:
en: Watch out! He's got friends. es: ¡Cuidado! Ella tiene amigos. fr: Watch out! He's got friends. pt-br: Cuidado! Ele trouxe amigos. ru: Осторожно! У неё есть друзья. zh-hans: 小心点!他可还有伴儿。
farmer scarecrowsummon02:
en: Careful! He's summoning scarecrows. es: ¡Cuidado! Ella está invocando espantapájaros. pt-br: Cuidado! Ele está invocando espantalhos. ru: Осторожно! Она призывает чучела zh-hans: 当心了!他在召唤稻草人!
farmer scarecrowsummon03:
en: Uh oh, here come the scarecrows! es: Uh oh, ¡aquí vienen los espantapájaros! pt-br: O-ou, aí vêm os espantalhos! ru: Ой-ой, а вот и чучела! zh-hans: 哦喔,稻草人又来了!
farmer scarecrowsummon05:
en: Scarecrows! es: ¡Espantapájaros! pt-br: Espantalhos! ru: Чучела! zh-hans: 稻草人!
farmer celebrate01:
en: Yeeha! es: ¡Yiiiija! ru: Иииха!
farmer celebrate02:
en: Yeeha! es: ¡Yiiiija! ru: Иииха!
farmer celebrate03:
en: Yeeha! es: ¡Yiiiija! ru: Иииха!
farmer celebrate04:
en: Yeeha! es: ¡Yiiiija! ru: Иииха!
farmer celebrate05:
en: Yeeha! es: ¡Yiiiija! ru: Иииха!
toastmaster spawn1:
en: Madame Sinclair sends her regards. pt-br: Madame Sinclair manda lembranças. ru: Мадам Синклер передаёт привет. zh-hans: 辛克莱尔夫人向诸位致意。
toastmaster spawn2:
en: Ah, the guests have arrived! es: Ah, the guests have arrived! pt-br: Ah, os convidados chegaram! ru: Ах, гости уже прибыли! zh-hans: 啊,各位客人来了。
toastmaster spawn3:
en: It's been so long since the Madame has had guests. es: It's been so long since the Madame has had guests. pt-br: Faz tanto tempo desde que a Madame teve hóspedes. ru: Прошло так много времени с тех пор, как у Мадам были гости. zh-hans: 夫人她已许久不见有客来访。
toastmaster spawn4:
en: The Madame is glad that you have accepted our invitation. pt-br: A Madame está contente que vocês aceitaram nosso convite. ru: Мадам рада, что вы приняли наше приглашение. zh-hans: 诸位赏光作客,夫人十分欢喜。
toastmaster spawn5:
en: I am the Madame's magnum opus, the epitome of magic and science. pt-br: Eu sou a obra-prima da Madame, o ápice de magia e ciência. ru: Я - выдающееся творение Мадам, воплощение магии и науки. zh-hans: 我乃夫人的杰作,是为科学与魔法交融的典范。
toastmaster spawn6:
en: Welcome to the Sinclair estate, welcome to die. es: Welcome to the Sinclair estate, welcome to die. pt-br: Bem-vindo à propriedade Sinclair, bem-vindo à morte. ru: Приветствуем Вас в поместье Синклеров, где Вам рада лишь смерть. zh-hans: 欢迎来到辛克莱尔庄园,欢迎各位前来赴死。
toastmaster spawn7:
en: Death is only the beginning of one's unending journey. pt-br: A morte é apenas o começo da jornada sem fim de um indivíduo. ru: Смерть — это только начало бесконечного пути. zh-hans: 死亡不过是无尽苦旅的开端。
toastmaster spawn8:
en: Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. pt-br: Tu não podes matar aquilo que não vive. ru: Нельзя убить то, что не является живым. zh-hans: 尔等无以击杀没有生命的存在。
toastmaster spawn9:
en: Fisticuffs are not permitted upon estate grounds. es: Fisticuffs are not permitted upon estate grounds. pt-br: Brigas não são permitidas no terreno da propriedade. ru: На территории поместья устраивать побоища запрещено. zh-hans: 庄园内禁止打架斗殴。
toastmaster spawn10:
en: Your wrongest shenanigans have disturbed her Madame's slumber. es: Your wrongest shenanigans have disturbed her Madame's slumber. pt-br: Suas travessuras perversas perturbaram o descanso da Madame. ru: Ваши проделки нарушили сон её Мадам zh-hans: 荒妄至极,尔等这出闹剧惊扰了夫人的沉眠。
Dr. Freakinhuge & Professor Bigginsize
crasher red intro01:
en: It's time my minions, my growth beam is fully operational! Tonight, we destroy that damn professor! es: It's time my minions, my growth beam is fully operational! Tonight, we destroy that damn professor! pt-br: Está na hora, meus lacaios, meu raio de crescimento está totalmente operacional! Esta noite, nós destruímos aquele maldito professor! ru: Пришло время, мои миньоны! Мой увеличительный луч полностью готов! Сегодня мы уничтожим этого проклятого профессора! zh-hans: 是时候了,小的们,我的生长光束已完全投入运转!今晚,我们要让那混蛋教授灰飞烟灭!
crasher red intro02:
en: Atmospheric conditions are perfect! Z'he bomb is prepped, z'he growth beam is primed, who is ready to become a god?! pt-br: As condições atmosféricas estão perfeitas! A bomba está preparada, o raio de crescimento está pronto, quem está preparado para se tornar um deus?! ru: Атмосферные условия идеальны! Бомба готова, увеличительный луч настроен...Кто готов стать богом? zh-hans: 大气条件完美!爆破炸弹就位,生长光束就绪,那么有谁准备好,化身巨人就辟?!
crasher red intro03:
en: They said I couldn't make a man grow 20 feet, and kick down the castle v'all. If you pick up that bomb, I'll prove z'hem all wrong! pt-br: Eles disseram que eu não conseguiria fazer um homem crescer 6 metros e chutar o castelo abaixo. Se vocês pegarem aquela bomba, eu provarei que estavam todos errados! ru: Они сказали, что я не могу заставить человека вырасти на 6 метров и снести весь замок. Если ты возьмешь эту бомбу, я докажу, что они не правы! zh-hans: 有人跟我说,让人成倍生长再掀翻那座城堡都是些无稽之谈。只要你们拿起炸弹,我将证明他们扯淡!
crasher red intro04:
en: Big s'ings planned tonight, minions! Pick up a bomb, get huge, and destroy the gate! Do you s'ink you can do all z'hat? es: Big s'ings planned tonight, minions! Pick up a bomb, get huge, and destroy the gate! Do you s'ink you can do all z'hat? pt-br: Coisas grandes planejadas para esta noite, lacaios! Peguem uma bomba, fiquem enormes e destruam o portão! Acham que conseguem fazer tudo isso? ru: Сегодня на вечер запланировано большое шоу, миньоны! Поднимите бомбу, станьте огромным и разрушьте ворота! Думаете, что сможете всё это сделать? zh-hans: 今晚有些大家伙要登场,小的们!带上炸弹,化身巨人,然后摧毁那座大门!你们有信心给我一步到位么?
crasher red waitnag01:
en: Yes, yes, you're huge, we get it. Now please destroy the enemy gate! es: Yes, yes, you're huge, we get it. Now please destroy the enemy gate! pt-br: Sim, sim, você está enorme, já entendemos. Agora, por favor, destrua o portão inimigo! ru: Да, да, ты огромный, мы сделали это. А теперь, пожалуйста, разрушь уже вражеские ворота! zh-hans: 对对对,你现在大的不行,我们都知道了。赶紧去毁掉敌人的大门!
crasher red waitnag02:
en: V'ell go on my minion, take z'he bomb to the enemy gate quickly! pt-br: Bem, vamos lá, meu lacaio, leve a bomba ao portão inimigo, rápido! ru: Давай, мой миньон, отнеси бомбу к вражеским воротам! zh-hans: 你们都得听我说的做,赶紧给我把炸弹送往敌人的大门!
crasher red pickupnag01:
en: Under z'he beam please, at your convenience, minions. pt-br: Debaixo do raio, por favor, à sua conveniência, lacaios. ru: Залезайте под луч, когда вам удобно, миньоны. zh-hans: 方便的话还请给我到光束这儿来,小的们。
crasher red pickupnag02:
en: Listen, time is of the essence, minions. Pick up the bomb, so I can enlarge you! es: Listen, time is of the essence, minions. Pick up the bomb, so I can enlarge you! pt-br: Me escutem, o tempo é essencial, lacaios. Peguem a bomba para que eu possa aumentar vocês! ru: Послушайте, миньоны. Время имеет решающее значение, так что возьмите бомбу, чтобы я мог увеличить вас! zh-hans: 时不我待,小的们。带上炸弹,我把你们变大!
crasher red pickupnag03:
en: V'hat am I paying you goons for?! Pick up z'he bomb! pt-br: Por que eu estou pagando vocês, seus tontos?! Peguem a bomba! ru: За что я плачу вам, головорезы?! Возьмите бомбу! zh-hans: 我掏钱是让你们干啥的?!给我把炸弹带上!
crasher red pickupnag04:
en: Do you not v'ant to be titans? Get on z'hat bomb! pt-br: Vocês não querem ser titãs? Peguem aquela bomba! ru: Вы не хотите быть гигантами? Возьмите бомбу! zh-hans: 你们不想变成巨人吗?给我把炸弹带上!
crasher red pickupgood01:
en: Onv'ord, my giant! pt-br: Em frente, meu gigante! ru: В путь, мой гигант! zh-hans: 天啊,我的巨人!
crasher red pickupgood02:
en: Yes, YES! Bomb gate now, my oversized minion! es: Yes, YES! Bomb gate now, my oversized minion! pt-br: Sim, SIM! Agora exploda o portão, meu lacaio superdimensionado! ru: Да, ДА! Неси бомбу к воротам, мой сверхгигантский миньон! zh-hans: 很好,很好!现在炸开大门吧,我的大块头小子!
crasher red pickupgood03:
en: Yahahaha! Prepare for extremely large consequences! es: Yahahaha! Prepare for extremely large consequences! pt-br: Yahahaha! Preparem-se para consequências extremamente grandes! ru: Ахахаха! Приготовьтесь к чрезвычайно большим последствиям! zh-hans: 呀哈哈哈!准备好来点大动静吧!
crasher red pickupgood04:
en: Go forth, my biggest and brightest! es: Go forth, my biggest and brightest! pt-br: Vá, meu amior e mais brilhante! ru: Вперед, мой гиганский и ярчайший! zh-hans: 向前推进,我最庞大最耀眼的手下!
crasher red pickupgood05:
en: No time to v'aste! You have big s'ings ahead of you! pt-br: Sem tempo a perder! Você tem coisas grande a sua frente! ru: Нет времени на веселье! У тебя впереди важные дела! zh-hans: 没时间磨磨蹭蹭!大家伙就在眼前!
crasher red pickupbad01:
en: Gaagh! Another enemy giant! pt-br: Gaagh! Outro gigante inimigo! ru: Гаах! Вражеский гигант! zh-hans: 啊!敌人又来了一个巨人!
crasher red pickupbad02:
en: Help, my minions! Anos'er giant incoming! pt-br: Socorro, meus lacaios! Outro gigante está vindo! ru: Помогайте, мои миньоны! Вражеский гигант на подходе! zh-hans: 帮把手,小的们!又来了一个巨人!
crasher red pickupbad03:
en: Daah! They have a horrifying new monster! pt-br: Daah! Eles tem um novo monstro aterrador! ru: Даах! У них есть новый ужасающий монстр! zh-hans: 啊!他们又送来个不堪入目的新怪物!
crasher red pickupbad04:
en: Aagh! That idiot professor has unleashed another beast on us! es: Aagh! That idiot professor has unleashed another beast on us! pt-br: Aah! Aquele professor idiota lançou outra fera sobre nós! ru: Ааа! Этот недалекий профессор спустил на нас очередного зверя! zh-hans: 啊!那蠢蛋教授又朝我们这放了个怪兽出来!
crasher red pickupbad05:
en: Anos'er v'one of the professor's gigantic goons is on the v'ay! es: Anos'er v'one of the professor's gigantic goons is on the v'ay! pt-br: Mais um capanga gigante do professor está vindo! ru: Ещё один гигантский головорез профессора в пути! zh-hans: 教授又有个巨型走狗朝我们这来了!
crasher red win01:
en: And z'hey said it v'asn't possible! Ahahahaha! Ahahuhahah! pt-br: E eles disseram que era impossível! Ahahahaha! Ahahuhahah! ru: Они сказал, что это невозможно! Ахахахаха! Ахахахаха! zh-hans: 他们还跟我说什么“无稽之谈”!啊哈哈哈哈!啊哈哈哈哈哈!
crasher red win02:
en: Nahah-hah! I beat you Professor Bigginsize! I v'in, I v'in! Hahahah! es: Nahah-hah! I beat you Professor Bigginsize! I v'in, I v'in! Hahahah! pt-br: Nahah-hah! Eu derrotei você, Professor Bigginsize! Eu venci, eu venci! Hahahah! ru: Наха-ха! Я победил вас, профессор Биггинсайз! Я победил, я победил! Ахахаха! zh-hans: 呐哈哈哈!我打败了大金刚教授!赢了,我赢了!哈哈哈!
crasher red loss01:
en: I can't believe it, I v'on't believe it! He beat me! pt-br: Eu não acredito, eu não acreditarei! Ele me derrotou! ru: Не могу поверить в это, я отказываюсь в это верить! Он одолел меня! zh-hans: 我不相信,我不相信!他居然赢了我!
crasher red loss02:
en: Eeaugh! Professor Bigginsize, you bli'zering fool! es: Eeaugh! Professor Bigginsize, you bli'zering fool! pt-br: Eeaugh! Professor Bigginsize, seu tolo maldito! ru: Ээгх! Профессор Биггинсайз, ты абсолютный глупец! zh-hans: 够了!大金刚教授,你就是蠢货一个!
crasher red cap1ally01:
en: Excellent! Quickly, I'm preparing z'he beam for another giant! pt-br: Excelente! Rápido, estou preparando o raio para outro gigante! ru: Превосходно! Быстрей, я готовлю луч для нового гиганта! zh-hans: 太棒了!动作快点,我在给下一个巨人准备光束!
crasher red cap1ally02:
en: Yes! Keep up the pace, minions! I'm priming z'he beam again! es: Yes! Keep up the pace, minions! I'm priming z'he beam again! pt-br: Sim! Mantenham o ritmo, lacaios! Estou preparando o raio de novo! ru: Да! Не отставайте, миньоны! Я снова запускаю луч! zh-hans: 好!保持这个节奏,小的们!我正在重新启动光束!
crasher red cap2ally01:
en: Spectacular job! V'one more, it should do it! Hahahaha! pt-br: Espetacular! Só mais uma vez deve bastar! Hahahaha! ru: Отличная работа! Еще раз, нужно сделать это ещё раз! Хахахаха! zh-hans: 干得漂亮!再来一次,肯定能行的!哈哈哈哈!
crasher red cap2ally02:
en: Exceptional! It just needs v'one more hit! pt-br: Excepcional! Só precisa de mais um golpe! ru: Изумительно! Нужен ещё один удар! zh-hans: 出色的表现!现在就差临门一脚了!
crasher red cap1enemy01:
en: Ack, my gate is damaged! You v'ere supposed to stop them! pt-br: Ah, meu portão está danificado! Vocês deveriam ter parado eles! ru: Агх, они повредили ворота! Вы должны были остановить их! zh-hans: 啊,我的大门受损了!你们该给我拦住的!
crasher red cap1enemy02:
en: Yaaaagh, don't let z'hem hit it next time! pt-br: Yaaaah, não deixem que eles acertem na próxima! ru: Агх! Не дайте им ударить в следующий раз! zh-hans: 啊,别再放他们进攻大门了!
crasher red cap2enemy01:
en: I said stop z'hem! I don't s'ink my gate can take another hit! pt-br: Eu mandei pará-los! Eu não acho que meu portão aguenta outro golpe! ru: Я ведь сказал остановить их! Не думаю, что мои ворота смогут выдержать еще один удар! zh-hans: 我都说了给我拦住他们!我看这大门已经经不住攻击了!
crasher red cap2enemy02:
en: Gaah, my gate is barely standing! Don't let z'hem damage it again! pt-br: Gaah, meu portão mal está de pé! Não deixem que eles o acertem de novo! ru: Агх, мои ворота еле стоят! Нельзя допустить повторной атаки! zh-hans: 啊,我的大门马上要没了!别再让他们攻击了!
crasher red courierdowngood01:
en: Hah! That half-rate giant didn't stand a chance! pt-br: Hah! Aquele gigante de segunda categoria não tinha chance! ru: Ха! У этого гиганта-полурослика не было и шанса! zh-hans: 哈!那种半成品巨人哪里来的胜算!
crasher red courierdowngood02:
en: Enemy giant down! You know he v'asnt even really z'hat big. pt-br: Gigante inimigo abatido! Quer saber, ele nem era tão grande. ru: Вражеский гигант пал! Знаете, он даже и на гиганта не был похож. zh-hans: 敌方巨人倒下了!我看他也没那么大。
crasher red courierdowngood03:
en: Excellent, minions! You've brought down another giant! pt-br: Excelente, lacaios! Vocês abateram outro gigante! ru: Превосходно, мои миньоны! Ещё один гигант пал от ваших рук! zh-hans: 太棒了,小的们!你们又放倒一个巨人!
crasher red courierdownbad01:
en: Noo, my giant! Someone replace him now! Preparing z'he beam for another try. pt-br: Nãão, meu gigante! Alguém o substitua, agora! Preparando o raio para outra tentativa. ru: Нет, мой гигант! Кто-нибудь, замените его сейчас же! Подготавливаю луч для еще одной попытки. zh-hans: 不,我的巨人!赶紧换个人替他去!光束正在准备,我们再来一次。
crasher red courierdownbad02:
en: Bah! Our giant fell! Who s'inks z'hey can do better, hmm? I'm getting z'he beam ready for you! es: Our giant is down! V'e require ano'ser, beam priming now! pt-br: Bah! Nosso gigante caiu! Quem acha que consegue fazer melhor, hmm? Estou preparando o raio para você! ru: Гха! Наш великан пал! Кто то считает, что может добиться результатов получше, хмм? Я подготавливаю луч специально для тебя! zh-hans: 啊!我们的巨人倒下了!有谁觉得自己更有本事,嗯?我正在给你准备下一次光束!
crasher red courierdownbad03:
en: Our giant is down! V'e require ano'ser, beam priming now! pt-br: Nosso gigante caiu! Precisamos de outro, preparando o raio agora! ru: Наш гигант пал, поэтому срочно нужна замена! Подготавливаю увеличительный луч! zh-hans: 我们的巨人没了!得换个新的,光束正在充能!
crasher red neargood01:
en: Keep going my minion, you are almost z'here! pt-br: Continue, meu lacaio, você está quase lá! ru: Вперёд, мой миньон, ты почти на месте! zh-hans: 继续向前,我的手下,马上就到了!
crasher red neargood02:
en: Yes, forward giant! Smash that gate! es: Yes, forward giant! Smash that gate! pt-br: Sim, em frente, gigante! Acabe com aquele portão! ru: Да, только вперёд, мой великан! Разрушь эти ворота! zh-hans: 好,向前吧巨人!粉碎那座大门!
crasher red neargood03:
en: Z'here is only a few more steps, don't let me down here! pt-br: Só faltam alguns passos, não me decepcione! ru: Осталось сделать ещё пару шагов, не подведи меня! zh-hans: 就差几步路了,都到这儿了可别让我失望!
crasher red neargood04:
en: Almost z'here, don't stop now! pt-br: Quase lá, não pare agora! ru: Ты почти на месте, не останавливайся! zh-hans: 马上就到了,别停别停!
crasher red nearbad01:
en: Big problem! Z'hey're almost at my gates! es: Big problem! Z'hey're almost at my gates! pt-br: Problemão! Eles estão quase no meu portão! ru: Большая проблема приближается к моим воротам! zh-hans: 来了个硬茬!他们就要到我的大门了!
crasher red nearbad02:
en: Haaagh z'hat beast is drawing far too close! Do somes'ing! es: Haaagh z'hat beast is drawing far too close! Do somes'ing! pt-br: Aaah, aquela fera está se aproximando demais! Façam alguma coisa! ru: Агх, этот зверь подобрался слишком близко! Сделайте что-нибудь! zh-hans: 啊,那个怪兽凑得也太近了!别干愣着啊!
crasher red nearbad03:
en: Ack, that enemy giant is far too close for comfort! pt-br: Ack, aquele gigante inimigo está chegando perto demais! ru: Агх, этот гигант подобрался так близко, что чувствует себя комфортно! zh-hans: 啊,敌方的巨人已经到大门跟前了!
crasher red nearbad04:
en: V'hy are you letting z'hem near my gates?! es: V'hy are you letting z'hem near my gates?! pt-br: Por que vocês estão deixando que eles se aproximem dos meus portões?! ru: Почему вы подпускаете их к моим воротам?! zh-hans: 你们就这么放他们靠近大门?!
crasher red firstisally01:
en: Ah, excellent! You're still alive, get the bomb to z'he gate, START! es: Neh-hahahahah! My living siege v'eapon, go on to gate-crushing glory! pt-br: Ah, excelente! Você ainda está vivo, leve a bomba até o portão, COMECE! ru: Ах, превосходно! Раз ты ещё жив, то доставь бомбу к воротам. Вперёд! zh-hans: 啊,很好!你还活着呢,把炸弹带到大门那去,出发!
crasher red firstisally02:
en: Great gigantic! Now, bring down the enemy's gates! pt-br: Ótimo, gigante! Agora destrua os portões do inimigo! ru: Отличный гигант получился! А теперь обрушь ворота врага! zh-hans: 好一个庞然巨物!现在给我击垮敌人的大门!
crasher red firstisally03:
en: Neh-hahahahah! My living siege v'eapon, go on to gate-crushing glory! pt-br: Neh-hahahahah! Minha arma de cerco viva, vá conquistar glória de destruição de portões! ru: На-ахахаха! Моё живой осадное оружие, вперёд, к сокрушительной славе! zh-hans: 呐啊哈哈哈!我的活体攻城器,荣耀尽在破门时!
crasher red firstisenemy01:
en: It v'ould appear z'he professor has sent his own monster, don't let it reach our gate, my minions! es: It v'ould appear z'he professor has sent his own monster, don't let it reach our gate, my minions! pt-br: Parece que o professor mandou seu próprio monstro. Não deixem que ele aclance o nosso portão, meus lacaios! ru: Похоже, профессор послал своего монстра. Мои миньоны, не дайте ему добраться до наших ворот! zh-hans: 看来教授他送来了一个怪物,别让那东西靠近我们的大门,小的们!
crasher red firstisenemy02:
en: Bagh, z'hat professor has a growth ray of his own. Plagiarism! Seethery! Destroy his giant! es: Bagh, z'hat professor has a growth ray of his own. Plagiarism! Seethery! Destroy his giant! pt-br: Bah, aquele professor tem um raio de crescimento próprio. Plágio! Absurdo! Destruam o gigante dele! ru: Агх, этот профессор имеет свою версию увеличительного луча! Жалкий плагиат! Уничтожьте его гиганта! zh-hans: 啊,那个教授也有个生长光束。剽窃!抄袭!灭了他的巨人!
crasher red firstisenemy03:
en: Gagh, that awful professor has magnified his own goons! Stop them at v'once! es: Gagh, that awful professor has magnified his own goons! Stop them at v'once! pt-br: Gah, aquele professor terrível aumentou seus próprios capangas! Detenham-nos agora mesmo! ru: Гха, этот ужасный профессор увеличил своих головорезов! Немедленно остановите их! zh-hans: 啊,那讨人厌的教授把他的走狗放大了!给我阻止他们!
crasher blu intro01:
en: Alright, guinea pigs. I need to blast one of you with my growth ray and carry this bomb to my rival's gates! Any volunteers? es: Alright, guinea pigs. I need to blast one of you with my growth ray and carry this bomb to my rival's gates! Any volunteers? pt-br: Certo, cobaias. Eu preciso atirar em um de vocês com meu raio de crescimento e levar esta bomba até os portões do meu rival! Voluntários? ru: Итак, мои подопытные кролики. Мне нужно испробовать на одном из вас мой увеличительный луч! Если вас не разорвёт, то вам придётся донести эту бомбу до ворот моего соперника! Добровольцы? zh-hans: 好咯,小白鼠们。我需要用这个生长光束放大你们当中的一员,并由他把炸弹送到我宿敌的大门那去!有谁主动参与吗?
crasher blu intro02:
en: Yes, growth ray's primed and ready chaps! Pick up the bomb and I'll zap you. We'll show that cursed doctor what's what! es: Yes, growth ray's primed and ready chaps! Pick up the bomb and I'll zap you. We'll show that cursed doctor what's what! pt-br: Isso, meu raio de crescimento está pronto e preparado, rapazes! Peguem a bomba e eu vou energizar vocês. Vamos mostrar àquele maldito doutor! ru: Да! Луч роста настроен и готов к работе! Возьми бомбу, и я увеличу тебя. Мы покажем этому проклятому доктору, чего стоим! zh-hans: 好的,生长光束准备完毕啦!带上炸弹吧,我会向你释放光束。咱们一起给那臭博士一点颜色看看!
crasher blu intro03:
en: You know they say that great science is built on the shoulder of giants. So, I've built a machine to create them! Hahahah, take the bomb and let's do some science! pt-br: Dizem que grande ciência se faz nos ombros de gigantes. Então eu construí uma máquina para criá-los! Hahahah, peguem a bomba e vamos fazer ciência! ru: Знаете, говорят, что великая наука строится на плечах гигантов. Итак, я построил машину для их создания! Хахаха, а теперь возьми бомбу и займись настоящей наукой! zh-hans: 听他们说伟大的科学成就都是在巨人的肩膀上铸就的。所以我亲手造了一台机器来创造巨人!哈哈哈,带上炸弹吧,咱们来做点科学实验。
crasher blu intro04:
en: You know a noble growth ray embiggens the smallest man, that man could be you, if you carry my bomb! es: You know a noble growth ray embiggens the smallest man, that man could be you, if you carry my bomb! pt-br: Como vocês sabem, um nobre raio de crescimento aumenta o menor dos homens. Esse homem pode ser você se você carregar minha bomba! ru: Вы знаете, что благородный луч роста увеличит и самого маленького человека...и этим человеком можешь стать ты, если ты возьмёшь мою бомбу! zh-hans: 听说过吗,高尚的生长光束让渺小的人变得伟岸,兴许那个人就是你,只要你愿意肩负我的炸弹!
crasher blu waitnag01:
en: Hurry along now, get that bomb to the gates pronto! es: Hurry along now, get that bomb to the gates pronto! pt-br: Ande logo, leve essa bomba para os portões agora mesmo! ru: Поторопись доставить эту бомбу к воротам! zh-hans: 快点行动,快快把炸弹送到大门那去。
crasher blu waitnag02:
en: Don't lose sight of our objective here, you need to destroy their gates. es: Don't lose sight of our objective here, you need to destroy their gates. pt-br: Não perca nosso objetivo de vista, você precisa destruir os portões deles. ru: Не забывайте про нашу цель, ведь вам нужно разрушить ворота противника! zh-hans: 别忘了咱们的目标,你们得去摧毁他们的大门。
crasher blu pickupnag01:
en: Come on boys, it's ready to go. Pick up the bomb! pt-br: Vamos, rapazes, está pronta. Peguem a bomba! ru: Давайте, парни, всё готово. Возьмите бомбу! zh-hans: 好了小子们,该出发了。把炸弹带上!
crasher blu pickupnag02:
en: Uhhh, growth ray's ready chaps. Get into position! pt-br: Ãh, o raio de crescimento está pronto, rapazes. Em suas posições! ru: Эээ, увеличительный луч готов. На позицию! zh-hans: 呃啊,生长光束可都准备好了。快快就位!
crasher blu pickupnag03:
en: Are you listening? It's time to get big, pick up the bomb! pt-br: Vocês estão ouvindo? Hora de ficar grande, peguem a bomba! ru: Ты слушаешь? Пора стать большим, так что подбери бомбу! zh-hans: 在听我说话吗?该长大了,把炸弹带上!
crasher blu pickupnag04:
en: Look I promise the growth ray is safe, almost all of my test subjects lived. es: Look I promise the growth ray is safe, almost all of my test subjects lived. pt-br: Olhem, eu prometo que o raio de crescimento é seguro, quase todas as minhas cobaias sobreviveram. ru: Послушайте! Я уверяю, что луч роста безопасен, ведь почти все мои подопытные выжили. zh-hans: 我保证这光束的安全有保障,我所有的实验对象几乎都活下来了。
crasher blu pickupgood01:
en: Gadzooks, what an astounding specimen! pt-br: Cacilda, que espécime impressionante! ru: Восхитительно, какой поразительный экземпляр! zh-hans: 我的天嘞,何等惊人的样本!
crasher blu pickupgood02:
en: God speed, my enormous compatriot! pt-br: Vá, meu compatriota enorme! ru: Бог в помощь, мой громадный соотечественник! zh-hans: 上帝赐福我伟岸的同胞!
crasher blu pickupgood03:
en: Zounds! Our newest titan is exceptional! es: Zounds! Our newest titan is exceptional! pt-br: Caramba! Nosso mais novo titã é excepcional! ru: Наш новейший гигант исключителен! zh-hans: 哎呀!我们这新来的巨人有点“出格”啊!
crasher blu pickupgood04:
en: Astounding, hahaha! Good luck giant! pt-br: Impressionante, hahaha! Boa sorte, gigante! ru: Поразительно, ахаха! Удачи, гигант! zh-hans: 吓人一跳,哈哈哈!祝好运啊巨人!
crasher blu pickupgood05:
en: Oh my, our finest giant yet! es: Oh my, our finest giant yet! pt-br: Nossa, nosso melhor gigante até agora! ru: О боже! Ты — наш лучший гигант! zh-hans: 喔这是,我,我们目前最强的巨人!
crasher blu pickupbad01:
en: They have another giant. pt-br: Eles têm outro gigante. ru: У них есть еще один гигант. zh-hans: 他们又来了一个巨人。
crasher blu pickupbad02:
en: Another beast incoming! pt-br: Outra fera chegando! ru: Еще один зверь на подходе! zh-hans: 又来了一个怪兽!
crasher blu pickupbad03:
en: Gentlemen, there's another monster headed our way. pt-br: Cavalheiros, há outro monstro vindo até nós. ru: Джентльмены, к нам направляется еще один монстр. zh-hans: 先生们,又有一个怪物朝我们这过来了。
crasher blu pickupbad04:
en: Yikes! The very size of their beast! es: Yikes! The very size of their beast! pt-br: Eita! O tamanho da fera deles! ru: Размеры их монстров поражают! zh-hans: 啊!看看他们那怪兽的尺寸!
crasher blu pickupbad05:
en: Their doctor's sent another giant after us! pt-br: O doutor deles mandou outro gigante atrás de nós! ru: Их доктор послал за нами еще одного гиганта! zh-hans: 他们的博士又送了一个巨人来对付我们!
crasher blu win01:
en: I've done it! Uhahahah! Ahahahah, yes! es: I've done it! Uhahahah! Ahahahah, yes! pt-br: Consegui! Uhahahah! Ahahahah, sim! ru: Я сделал это! Ухаха! Ахахах, да! zh-hans: 我成功啦!啊哈哈哈!啊哈哈哈,很好!
crasher blu win02:
en: Hah, take that Dr. Freakinhuge! I did it! Hahahaha! pt-br: Hah, toma essa, Dr. Freakinhuge! Eu consegui! Hahahaha! ru: Ха, выкуси, Доктор Фрикинхьюдж! Я сделал это! Хахахаха! zh-hans: 哈哈,接招吧巨无霸博士!我赢了!哈哈哈哈!
crasher blu loss01:
en: No, NOOO! pt-br: Não, NÃÃÃO! ru: Нет, НЕЕЕТ! zh-hans: 喔,不是吧!
crasher blu loss02:
en: Curse you, Dr. Freakinhuge! pt-br: Maldito seja, Dr. Freakinhuge! ru: Будь ты проклят, Доктор Фрикинхьюдж! zh-hans: 我咒死你,巨无霸博士!
crasher blu cap1ally01:
en: Hah, we damaged it! I'm priming the ray for another go. pt-br: Hah, nós o danificamos! Estou preparando o raio mais uma. ru: Ха, мы повредили ворота! Я готовлю луч к следующему заходу. zh-hans: 哈,我们破损了大门!正在给光束充能,我们再来一次。
crasher blu cap1ally02:
en: Yes!!! Their gate doesn't stand a chance! Hit it again, readying the growth ray. es: Yes!!! Their gate doesn't stand a chance! Hit it again, readying the growth ray. pt-br: Isso!!! O portão deles não tem a menor chance! Acerte-o de novo, preparando o raio de crescimento. ru: Да!!! У их ворот нет и шанса! Я подготовлю луч, а вы готовьтесь вновь нанести удар! zh-hans: 很好!他们的大门根本挡不住的啦!再来一次,光束正在就绪。
crasher blu cap2ally01:
en: Yes! One more! Readying the growth ray! es: Yes! One more! Readying the growth ray! pt-br: Sim! Mais uma vez! Preparando o raio de crescimento! ru: Да! Еще раз! Подготавливаю луч роста для нового удара! zh-hans: 很好!还得再来一次!正在准备生长光束!
crasher blu cap2ally02:
en: Brrravo! Just one more hit, we can do this! Priming the ray... pt-br: Brrravo! Só mais um golpe, nós vamos conseguir! Preparando o raio... ru: Бррраво! Еще один удар, и мы сделаем это! Подготовка луча... zh-hans: 棒极了!就差一下了,我们能行的!启动光束…
crasher blu cap1enemy01:
en: No, they damaged it! Make sure they can't do it again. pt-br: Não, eles o danificaram! Certifiquem-se de que eles não conseguiram outra vez. ru: Нет, противники смогли повредить ворота! Убедитесь, что они не смогут сделать это снова. zh-hans: 不,他们破坏了大门!可别再让他们这么干了。
crasher blu cap1enemy02:
en: The gate! Don't let them damage it again. pt-br: O portão! Não deixem que o danifiquem de novo. ru: Ворота! Не позвольте им повредить их снова. zh-hans: 我的门!别让他们再来破坏了。
crasher blu cap2enemy01:
en: No!!! The gate can't take any more hits! pt-br: Não!!! O portão não aguenta mais golpes! ru: Нет!!! Ворота больше не выдержат ещё один удар! zh-hans: 不!大门已经挡不住更多攻击了!
crasher blu cap2enemy02:
en: Blast! I don't think we can take much more! pt-br: Droga! Acho que não aguentamos muito mais! ru: Взрыв! Я не думаю, что ворота смогут выдержать ещё один удар! zh-hans: 呃啊!我觉得咱们已经撑到极限了!
crasher blu courierdowngood01:
en: Hahahahaha! We've slain their giant, excellent work! pt-br: Hahahahaha! Derrotamos o gigante deles, excelente trabalho! ru: Хахахаха! Мы одолели их гиганта, отличная работа! zh-hans: 哈哈哈哈哈!我们杀掉了他们的巨人,干得漂亮!
crasher blu courierdowngood02:
en: Hahaha! Their giant is no match for ours! pt-br: Hahaha! O gigante deles não é páreo para o nosso! ru: Хахаха! Их гигант нашему не ровня! zh-hans: 哈哈哈!他们的巨人不敌我们!
crasher blu courierdowngood03:
en: Their beast has fallen! Good work... pt-br: A fera deles caiu! Bom trabalho... ru: Их зверь пал! Хорошая работа... zh-hans: 他们的巨人倒下了!干得好…
crasher blu courierdownbad01:
en: Our titan has fallen, I'm warming up the ray for another go! pt-br: Nosso titã caiu, estou preparando o raio para mais uma! ru: Наш титан пал! Готовлю увеличительный луч для следующей попытки zh-hans: 我们的巨人倒下了,我正在预热光束,准备下次!
crasher blu courierdownbad02:
en: Rats, we lost our giant! I need another volunteer for the ray! pt-br: Porcaria, perdemos nosso gigante! Preciso de outro voluntário para o raio! ru: Подопытные, мы потеряли нашего гиганта! Нужен еще один доброволец! zh-hans: 该死,我们失去了巨人!还有谁主动到光束里来!
crasher blu neargood01:
en: My word, you've almost done it! Keep going! pt-br: Caramba, você quase conseguiu! Continue! ru: Честное слово, ты почти сделал это! Не останавливайся! zh-hans: 啊呀,马上就成功了!加把劲!
crasher blu neargood02:
en: Yes, YES! You're nearly there my giant! es: Yes, YES! You're nearly there my giant! pt-br: Sim, SIM! Você está quase lá, meu gigante! ru: Да, ДА! Ты почти достиг цели, мой великан! zh-hans: 很好,很好!你就快到啦,我的巨人!
crasher blu neargood03:
en: Just a little further. What's a few yards to a titan, hmm? pt-br: Só mais um pouco. O que são algns metros para um titã, hmm? ru: Ещё немного. Несколько метров для титана ведь даже не расстояние, так ведь? zh-hans: 就差一点点了。对巨人来说不过几码路而已吧,嗯?
crasher blu neargood04:
en: We're almost there, just a few more gigantic steps! pt-br: Estamos quase lá, só mais alguns passos gigantescos! ru: Мы почти у цели, осталось ещё несколько гигантских шагов! zh-hans: 我们就要成功了,巨人再走几步!
crasher blu nearbad01:
en: Egads, the lumbering abomination is almost to the gate! pt-br: Droga, a abominação desajeitada está quase no portão! ru: Эта неуклюжая мерзость почти у ворот! zh-hans: 哎呀,那大怪物马上就要到大门了!
crasher blu nearbad02:
en: Help! Destroy that beast before it's too late! es: Help! Destroy that beast before it's too late! pt-br: Socorro! Destruam aquela fera antes que seja tarde demais! ru: Помогите! Уничтожьте этого зверя, пока не стало слишком поздно! zh-hans: 帮帮忙!趁现在还有机会赶紧摧毁那个怪兽!
crasher blu nearbad03:
en: Goodness me, you need to stop that monstrosity now! es: Goodness me, you need to stop that monstrosity now! pt-br: Essa não, vocês precisam parar aquela monstruosidade agora! ru: Боже мой, вам нужно остановить это чудовище! Сейчас же! zh-hans: 我的天啊,你们得马上阻止那个怪物!
crasher blu nearbad04:
en: Oh gods, it's almost to the gate! pt-br: Divindades, está quase no portão! ru: О боги, он почти добрался до ворот! zh-hans: 老天,它就要到大门了!
crasher blu firstisally01:
en: Eureka, hahahaha! You lived! Carry that bomb to their gates and wreak havoc, my gigantic friend! es: Eureka, hahahaha! You lived! Carry that bomb to their gates and wreak havoc, my gigantic friend! fr: Eureka, hahahaha! You lived! Carry that bomb to their gates and wreak havoc, my gigantic friend! pt-br: Eureca! Hahahaha! Você sobreviveu! Carregue essa bomba até os portões deles e cause o caos, meu amigo gigantesco! ru: Эврика, ахахаха! Ты выжил! Отнесите эту бомбу прямо к их воротам и сей хаос, мой гигантский друг! zh-hans: 灵光一现啊,哈哈哈哈!你活下来了!把炸弹带到他们的大门去,尽情肆虐吧,我的大块头朋友!
crasher blu firstisenemy01:
en: Blast, that slimy doctor has a monster of his own! Destroy it! es: Blast, that slimy doctor has a monster of his own! Destroy it! pt-br: Droga, aquele doutor maldito tem um monstro próprio! Destruam-no! ru: Чёрт, у этого склизкого доктора есть собственное чудовище! Уничтожьте его! zh-hans: 该死,那个卑鄙博士也有个怪兽!摧毁它!
crasher blu firstisenemy02:
en: That blasted doctor's contraption worked! Kill his titan, before they can breach our gates! es: That blasted doctor's contraption worked! Kill his titan, before they can breach our gates! pt-br: A bugiganga daquele doutor miserável funcionou! Mate o titã dele, antes que eles possam derrubar nossos portões! ru: Эта проклятая штуковина доктора сработала! Убейте его гиганта, пока он не пробил наши ворота! zh-hans: 那混蛋博士的小玩意儿奏效了!在他的巨人突破我们的大门前,把它干掉!
crasher blu firstisenemy03:
en: Damnable doctor! Destroy his beast before it can damage my gate! es: Damnable doctor! Destroy his beast before it can damage my gate! pt-br: Maldito doutor! Destruam a fera dele antes que aquela coisa possa danificar meu portão! ru: Проклятый доктор! Уничтожь его зверя до того, пока он не повредил мои ворота! zh-hans: 可恶的博士!摧毁他的怪兽,别让那玩意儿破坏我的大门!
Seal :3 & Fisherman
double 1:
en: Double bark 1 pt-br: Som duplo 1
double 2:
en: Double bark 2 pt-br: Som duplo 2
double 3:
en: Double bark 3 pt-br: Som duplo 3
long 1:
en: Long bark 1 pt-br: Som longo 1
long 2:
en: Long bark 2 pt-br: Som longo 2
long 3:
en: Long bark 3 pt-br: Som longo 3
en: Medium bark pt-br: Som médio
single 1:
en: Single bark 1 pt-br: Som único 1
single 2:
en: Single bark 2 pt-br: Som único 2
fisherman prep01:
en: Feed the Seal fish as it makes its trip to the ocean. Don't let the other guys do it else you won't get paid! pt-br: Dê peixes para a Foca comer enquanto ela se dirige ao oceano. Não deixe que os outros caras o façam ou vocês não serão pagos! zh-hans: 在小海豹下海的路上,一路给它们喂点鱼吃。不准让另外那伙人喂,不然工钱就不给你们!
fisherman prep02:
en: Help release the Seals back to the wild by feeding it fish! pt-br: Ajude a devolver as Focas de volta à natureza dando-lhes peixes para comer! zh-hans: 喂点鱼给海豹们吃,好送它们回归自然!
fisherman prep03:
en: The Seal's going to be hungry when it's released back to the wild! Why not give him some fish for the trip? pt-br: A Foca estará com fome quando for devolvida à natureza! Por que não lhe dar uns peixes para a viagem? zh-hans: 小海豹放归后肯定要饿肚子的!路上给它送点鱼吃怎么了?
fisherman 30 seconds:
en: The Seals will start being released in 30 seconds! pt-br: As Focas começarão a ser soltas em 30 segundos! zh-hans: 海豹30秒后可就放归了!
fisherman 30 seconds01:
en: 30 seconds 'til we release the Seals! Get ready! pt-br: 30 segundos até soltarmos as Focas! Preparem-se! zh-hans: 还有30秒咱们就放归海豹!做足准备!
fisherman 3:
en: Three! pt-br: Três! zh-hans: 三!
fisherman 2:
en: Two! pt-br: Dois! zh-hans: 二!
fisherman 1:
en: One! pt-br: Um! zh-hans: 意!
- Translation: Three
fisherman tre:
en: Tre! pt-br: Três! zh-hans: 三!
- Translation: Two
fisherman to:
en: To! pt-br: Dois! zh-hans: 二!
- Translation: One
fisherman en:
en: En! pt-br: Um! zh-hans: 一!
fisherman point open01:
en: The Seal is headed for the shore! pt-br: A Foca está a caminho da costa! zh-hans: 小海豹朝滩头那边去了!
fisherman point open02:
en: The Seal has left the van! pt-br: A Foca saiu da van! zh-hans: 小海豹已经下车了!
fisherman point open03:
en: That Seal looks hungry! Give him some fish! pt-br: Aquela Foca parece estar com fome! Dê-lhe uns peixes! zh-hans: 瞧给它饿坏的!给小海豹送点鱼啊!
fisherman point open04:
en: Feed that Seal! Feed it! pt-br: Alimentem aquela Foca! Alimentem-na! zh-hans: 给小海豹送吃的去!快点!
fisherman point close01:
en: The Seal's made it to the ocean! pt-br: A Foca chegou ao oceano! zh-hans: 小海豹成功回到大海了!
fisherman point close02:
en: There goes the Seal! Majestic, isn't he? pt-br: Lá vai a Foca! Majestosa, não? zh-hans: 小海豹就这样走了!多雄伟的景观,可不是?
fisherman point close03:
en: That's enough fish for now. Get some ready for the next Seal! pt-br: Chega de peixes por enquanto. Preparem mais para a próxima Foca! zh-hans: 这么多鱼够它吃了。来给下只准备些!
fisherman winning01:
en: We have taken the lead! pt-br: Nós tomamos a liderança! zh-hans: 咱们一马当先!
fisherman winning02:
en: We are winning! pt-br: Estamos vencendo! zh-hans: 咱们就要赢了!
fisherman winning03:
en: We are in the lead! pt-br: Estamos na frente! zh-hans: 咱们领先!
fisherman winning04:
en: We have got the lead! Don't lose it now! pt-br: Estamos na frente! Não percam agora! zh-hans: 现在是咱们领先!这会可别掉链子!
fisherman winning05:
en: We are in the lead! Ha ha ha ha ha! pt-br: Estamos na liderança! Ha ha ha ha ha! zh-hans: 咱们领先!哈哈哈哈哈!
fisherman win01:
en: You did it! The Seal is free! pt-br: Vocês conseguiram! A Foca está livre! zh-hans: 你们办成了!海豹自由咯!
fisherman win02:
en: Look at how happy those Seals are! Ha ha ha ha ha! pt-br: Olhem como aquelas Focas estão felizes! Ha ha ha ha ha! zh-hans: 看看那些小海豹多欢喜啊!哈哈哈哈哈!
fisherman win03:
en: The Seals say 'So long and thanks for all the fish!' pt-br: As Focas dizem 'até mais, e obrigado pelos peixes'! zh-hans: 小海豹们说“再会,感谢一路有鱼!”
fisherman win04:
en: That's all the fish we need! You did it! pt-br: Esses são todos os peixes de que precisamos! Vocês conseguiram! zh-hans: 咱们这些鱼都喂足了!你们干得好!
fisherman win05:
en: Seier! Victory! Ha ha ha ha ha! pt-br: Seier! Vitória! Ha ha ha ha ha! zh-hans: 大功告成!哈哈哈哈哈!
fisherman win06:
en: You did it! Don't forget to buy a stamp from the gift shop! pt-br: Vocês conseguiram! Não se esqueçam de comprar um selo da lojinha de presentes! zh-hans: 你们完工啦!别忘了去礼品店买张邮票!
fisherman losing01:
en: We have lost the lead! pt-br: Perdemos a liderança! zh-hans: 咱们可落后了!
fisherman losing02:
en: No, they are winning! pt-br: Não, eles estão vencendo! zh-hans: 不行啊,他们要赢了!
fisherman losing03:
en: We need to get the lead back! pt-br: Precisamos voltar à liderança! zh-hans: 咱们得迎头赶上!
fisherman losing04:
en: Do your job and get the lead back! pt-br: Façam seu trabalho e voltem à liderança! zh-hans: 好好干活,把势头抢回来!
fisherman losing05:
en: Do better or we are going to lose! pt-br: Façam um trabalho melhor ou vamos perder! zh-hans: 再加把劲,不然可要输了!
fisherman lose01:
en: Well, the other guys got all the fish. At least the Seal's happy! pt-br: Bem, os outros caras pegaram todos os peixes. Pelo menos a Foca está feliz! zh-hans: 行吧行吧,鱼都给那帮人喂光了。至少小海豹吃了个够!
fisherman lose02:
en: You didn't get enough fish! You're not getting paid to stand around! pt-br: Vocês não pegaram peixes o bastante! Vocês não estão sendo pagos para ficarem parados! zh-hans: 你们喂的鱼不够!拖拖拉拉,没工钱拿!
fisherman lose03:
en: Apparently we should have hired the other team instead. pt-br: Aparentemente nós devíamos ter contratado a outra equipe. zh-hans: 咱们该雇那帮人干活的,事实摆在这里。
fisherman lose04:
en: You mercs aren't any better than chum. pt-br: Vocês, mercenários, não servem nem como isca de peixe. zh-hans: 你们这些佣兵也没什么两样。