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Basic information
Health: /2 + 75
Contact information
Steam page: vexx
GitHub: vexx-sm

Approved.png This user watches the Recent Changes log.
GLaDOS.png This user edits the Wiki for science. You monster.
User Mspaint.png This user does a lot of imagery for the Wiki.
Hatless Update showcard.png This user witnessed the Hatless Update!
Painted Pebbles the Penguin 141414.png This user has a Pebbles the Penguin painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue

Heavy like to shoot this gun.PNG This user. Like. To edit. This wiki. Is all you need to know.
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 28 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 5 years, 5 months, 9 days (since 19 October, 2019).

User GrampaSwood Tarnished.png This user is a lowly Tarnished, playing as a lord.
Medic edit.png This user likes to "edit" teammates.
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent 8,228 hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!

One day /Sbin2 will happen.

en This user has a native understanding of English.
ar ґ .هذا المستخدم يمتلك معرفة كلغة أم بالعربية
ru-3 Этот участник свободно владеет русским языком.