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|title      = '''地狱死斗结束'''
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*[[Media:Sf13 bcon give gift01.wav|"Hey, there you are. Here's a gift."]]
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon give gift01.wav|"Hey, there you are. Here's a gift."]]<br />嘿,你们在那啊。这里是礼物哦。
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon give gift02.wav|"Hey, you made it."]]
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon give gift02.wav|"Hey, you made it."]]<br />嘿,你们做到了。
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon give gift03.wav|"There he is. Here's some free crap."]]
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon give gift03.wav|"There he is. Here's some free crap."]]<br />他在那呢。这里有些免费的垃圾。
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon give gift04.wav|"Hey, you won! Grab some stuff. It's free."]]
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon give gift04.wav|"Hey, you won! Grab some stuff. It's free."]]<br />嘿,你们赢咯!来那些奖品吧,免费的。
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon end01.wav|"Get up here, steal anything you like. You're in Hell! How much worse could it get?"]]
*[[Media:Sf13 bcon end01.wav|"Get up here, steal anything you like. You're in Hell! How much worse could it get?"]]<br />到这来,随便你偷走什么东西。你在地狱中哦!这还能变的多糟呢?
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end02.wav|"Okay guys, first come first serve."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end02.wav|"Okay guys, first come first serve."]]<br />好的伙计们,先到者先有份。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end03.wav|"Happy Halloween, you knuckleheads."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end03.wav|"Happy Halloween, you knuckleheads."]]<br />万圣节快乐,你们这些傻瓜。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end04.wav|"Hey, you did it. Get up here, grab some free crap, you earned it."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end04.wav|"Hey, you did it. Get up here, grab some free crap, you earned it."]]<br />嘿,你们做到了。快到这来,拿走些免费的垃圾吧,你们赢得的。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end05.wav|"Hey, you're the best! All right, grab some free crap and get out of here. I got a lot of devil stuff to do. Pow zoop!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end05.wav|"Hey, you're the best! All right, grab some free crap and get out of here. I got a lot of devil stuff to do. Pow zoop!"]]<br />嘿,你们是最棒的!好吧,到这来那些免费的垃圾。我有很多恶魔的事务要去处理。Pow zoop!
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end06.wav|"Oh oh man, that was quick! You guys are some bad dudes! All right, here are some parting gifts, cause you gotta go."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end06.wav|"Oh oh man, that was quick! You guys are some bad dudes! All right, here are some parting gifts, cause you gotta go."]]<br />哦伙计,那可真快!你们还真是一帮坏家伙!好的,这里有些免费的小礼品,因为你们就得走了。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end07.wav|"Okay, let's go guys! I gotta close up Hell. It's not a 7-Eleven." (laughs) "Grab some gifts before you go, bye you guys!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end07.wav|"Okay, let's go guys! I gotta close up Hell. It's not a 7-Eleven." (laughs) "Grab some gifts before you go, bye you guys!"]]<br />好的,快走吧伙计们!我还得清理地狱呢。这可不是什么7-11便利店哦。(大笑)走之前拿走些礼物吧,再见咯伙计们!
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end08.wav|"Ooh, that did not take long, you guys are some crazy nuts guys, let me tell you! Okay let's see here. Oh yeah, got some gifts for you."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end08.wav|"Ooh, that did not take long, you guys are some crazy nuts guys, let me tell you! Okay let's see here. Oh yeah, got some gifts for you."]]<br />哦,那可没过多久,你们这帮家伙还真是狂暴,让我告诉你们吧!好的来看着。哦耶,有些礼物给你们。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end09.wav|"Okay, we'll talk here for a minute guys. You, you guys are the real heroes of Hell. Here, I have bunches of gifts. Go ahead with the serving."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end09.wav|"Okay, we'll talk here for a minute guys. You, you guys are the real heroes of Hell. Here, I have bunches of gifts. Go ahead with the serving."]]<br />好的,我们在这聊一会天吧伙计们。你。你们这些家伙是地狱真正的英雄。在此,我有很多礼物。快去享受吧。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end10.wav|"Okay, good stuff, now get out of here you knuckleheads!" (whispering) "I love you guys."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end10.wav|"Okay, good stuff, now get out of here you knuckleheads!" (whispering) "I love you guys."]]<br />很好,好家伙,现在滚出这里吧傻瓜们!(窃窃私语)我爱你们哦。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end11.wav|"Man, they're going to make ''you'' guys the Devil!" (laughs evilly) "Not really though, because that's me and I'm the best. Go ahead and have some gifts and get out of here, you crazy guys."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end11.wav|"Man, they're going to make ''you'' guys the Devil!" (laughs evilly) "Not really though, because that's me and I'm the best. Go ahead and have some gifts and get out of here, you crazy guys."]]<br />哦,他们会使你们这些家伙变成恶魔的!(邪恶地大笑)开玩笑的,因为我才是恶魔而且是最棒的恶魔。快上前拿些礼物然后滚出这里吧,你们这些狂暴的家伙。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end12.wav|"Guys, guys guys guys. Let me get real with you for a minute. This is why I got into the Devil business. You, you crazy nuts guys, tearing each other apart like animals." (tearfully) "I think I got a burning cinder in my eye or something. Get some gifts and get out of here you nuts."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end12.wav|"Guys, guys guys guys. Let me get real with you for a minute. This is why I got into the Devil business. You, you crazy nuts guys, tearing each other apart like animals." (tearfully) "I think I got a burning cinder in my eye or something. Get some gifts and get out of here you nuts."]]<br />伙计,伙计伙计伙计们!让我和你们认真地谈一会。这便是我参与这恶魔生意的原因。你们这帮狂暴的家伙,互相伤害时如同野兽一般。(带哭腔的)我觉得我眼里好像有块燃烧的煤渣什么的。到这拿些礼物然后离开这里吧傻瓜们。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end13.wav|"Okay, good stuff! Get up here, grab a gift, the Devil's a little busy here. I got to go rig an election with Quebec. A local election, but you know, I'm the Devil. I've got to sweat the small stuff."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end13.wav|"Okay, good stuff! Get up here, grab a gift, the Devil's a little busy here. I got to go rig an election with Quebec. A local election, but you know, I'm the Devil. I've got to sweat the small stuff."]]<br />好的,真棒!到这来,拿份礼物,我这恶魔大人还有点忙呢。我得去操纵魁北克的一场选举。一个本地选举,但你懂的,我是恶魔嘛。我必须得处理这些小事。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end14.wav|"Okay good, you're done! Man I hate goodbyes. Luckily we're in Hell, so nobody ever gets to leave." (laughs jubilantly) "Except you guys! You guys are so special, guys. Oh good, I got some special gifts! Then you gotta go."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end14.wav|"Okay good, you're done! Man I hate goodbyes. Luckily we're in Hell, so nobody ever gets to leave." (laughs jubilantly) "Except you guys! You guys are so special, guys. Oh good, I got some special gifts! Then you gotta go."]]<br />好的真棒,你们做到了!伙计们,我真讨厌告别。幸好我们在地狱里,因此从来没有人离开过。(欢快地大笑)除了你们这帮人!你们可真是特别啊,伙计们。哦好的,我准备了些特别的礼物!然后你们就得走了。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end15.wav|"Oh man, that was great, you guys! Man, we are all having a go- Well, not everybody. But ''we'' are having a good time in Hell, ah? Good times, yes. Good Hell times. Grab your gifts!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end15.wav|"Oh man, that was great, you guys! Man, we are all having a go- Well, not everybody. But ''we'' are having a good time in Hell, ah? Good times, yes. Good Hell times. Grab your gifts!"]]<br />哦伙计,那可真棒,你们这些家伙!啊,我们都在进行——好吧,没有人。但我们都享受着在地狱的欢乐时光,啊?欢乐时光,是的。欢乐的地狱时光。带走你们的礼物吧!
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end16.wav|"Oh man, you guys are some scary bad dudes, I'm so scared!" (chuckles) "Come on, I'm the Devil! You kidding me? Take your free crap and get out of here."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon end16.wav|"Oh man, you guys are some scary bad dudes, I'm so scared!" (chuckles) "Come on, I'm the Devil! You kidding me? Take your free crap and get out of here."]]<br />哦伙计,你们可真是些可怕的坏家伙,我好怕怕!(轻笑)来吧,我就是恶魔!你跟我开玩笑?到这来拿你们的免费垃圾然后滚出这里吧。
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* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc01.wav|"Hey, you brought souls! Good stuff, you guys are the best."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc01.wav|"Hey, you brought souls! Good stuff, you guys are the best."]]<br />嘿,你们带来了灵魂!真棒,你们是最好的。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc02.wav|"Keep fighting, it's cool stuff!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc02.wav|"Keep fighting, it's cool stuff!"]]<br />继续打,这可真酷!
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc03.wav|"Hey hey, kill each other! Oh you guys are the best. Not you Sniper."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc03.wav|"Hey hey, kill each other! Oh you guys are the best. Not you Sniper."]]<br />嘿嘿,自相残杀吧!哦你们是最棒的。不包括你,狙击手。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc04.wav|"Man, you guys are the best at Hell. I should know, I'm the Devil."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc04.wav|"Man, you guys are the best at Hell. I should know, I'm the Devil."]]<br />伙计,你们真是地狱最棒的家伙。我该知道的,我是恶魔嘛。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc05.wav|"Man, I'm good being the Devil. See all that fire? That was my idea."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc05.wav|"Man, I'm good being the Devil. See all that fire? That was my idea."]]<br />伙计,我很擅长当恶魔的。看到那些火了吗?那都是我的主意。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc06.wav|"Everybody, take a knee. Dear God, thank you for making me the Devil, and putting all these great guys in Hell. Pow zoop!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc06.wav|"Everybody, take a knee. Dear God, thank you for making me the Devil, and putting all these great guys in Hell. Pow zoop!"]]<br />大家伙,快跪下。亲爱的神,感谢你让我当恶魔,并把这些家伙带来地狱。Pow zoop!
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc07.wav|"Why don't you stay a while? Stay forever!" (laughs evilly) "I'm kidding." (whispers) "You guys are going to have go pretty soon."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc07.wav|"Why don't you stay a while? Stay forever!" (laughs evilly) "I'm kidding." (whispers) "You guys are going to have go pretty soon."]]<br />为什么你们不待一会呢?永远呆在这!(邪恶地大笑)我开玩笑的。(低声地)你们这些家伙不久之后就得离开。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc08.wav|"Man, you guys are really killing each other. I'm the Devil, and I think it's pretty gruesome."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc08.wav|"Man, you guys are really killing each other. I'm the Devil, and I think it's pretty gruesome."]]<br />哦,你们这帮家伙真的在自相残杀呢。我是恶魔,而我认为这很可怕。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc09.wav|"Man, I'm such a good Devil. They'll have to give me a hell-raise!" (laughter) "I am cracking myself up down here."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc09.wav|"Man, I'm such a good Devil. They'll have to give me a hell-raise!" (laughter) "I am cracking myself up down here."]]<br />哦,我可真是个号恶魔。他们将不得不给我一个地狱晋升!(大笑)我要在这把自己弄翻了。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc10.wav|"Hey, look at us. We all die together, in Hell. Yeah, it's pretty good."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc10.wav|"Hey, look at us. We all die together, in Hell. Yeah, it's pretty good."]]<br />嘿,看我们。我们都想一同死在地狱。耶。这超棒的。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc11.wav|"So, trick or treat, ah? What are you guys supposed to be? Man everybody got a good costume this year. Come on up here and get some free crap."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc11.wav|"So, trick or treat, ah? What are you guys supposed to be? Man everybody got a good costume this year. Come on up here and get some free crap."]]<br />那么,不给糖就捣蛋,啊?你们这些家伙都是些什么啊?天啊每个人今年都有一件好饰品。赶紧到这来拿些免费的垃圾。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc12.wav|"One, two... Oh, man, there's a lot of you. Tell you what, thin the herd a little. I'll give you some gifts."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc12.wav|"One, two... Oh, man, there's a lot of you. Tell you what, thin the herd a little. I'll give you some gifts."]]<br />一,二...哦,天啊,你们人还真多。我要跟你们说的是,让你们的数量减少吧。我好给你们发礼物。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc13.wav|"Oh, I got some good stuff for you guys, look at all this!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc13.wav|"Oh, I got some good stuff for you guys, look at all this!"]]<br />哦,我有些好东西给你们,看看这一切!
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc14.wav|"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" (laughs maliciously) "It's not me, we're in Hell."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc14.wav|"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" (laughs maliciously) "It's not me, we're in Hell."]]<br />是这里太热了还只是我太热了?(恶意地大笑)不是我,我们在地狱哦。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc15.wav|"Man, you guys got some nice souls. Tell you what, you kill each other, anybody who is still alive is gonna get some good stuff."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc15.wav|"Man, you guys got some nice souls. Tell you what, you kill each other, anybody who is still alive is gonna get some good stuff."]]<br />嘿,你们这些家伙都有些不错的灵魂呢。跟你们说,你们自相残杀吧,活下来的会有礼物拿哦。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc16.wav|"Hey, when you go back to Earth, make sure you tell everybody I'm the Devil now. Oh I'm gonna be famous. Oh, I'm gonna be more famous than ''Lord of the Rings''!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc16.wav|"Hey, when you go back to Earth, make sure you tell everybody I'm the Devil now. Oh I'm gonna be famous. Oh, I'm gonna be more famous than ''Lord of the Rings''!"]]<br />嘿,等你们回地球上后,记得跟大家说我现在是恶魔了。哦我将会恶名远扬的。哦我将会比指环王还有名!
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc17.wav|"Oh! Look at all this great crap I got here! How am I going to use all this crap? You guys should take some. I insist! You guys are the best."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc17.wav|"Oh! Look at all this great crap I got here! How am I going to use all this crap? You guys should take some. I insist! You guys are the best."]]<br />哦!看看我这准备的好东西!我要用这垃圾做什么呢?你们这些家伙该拿走一些。我坚持这样做!你们是最棒的。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc18.wav|"You guys, hey, you guys! Be brutally honest, am I the best Devil?" *pause* "Ah! I knew it!" *joyous laughter* "Hell is so great, you guys."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc18.wav|"You guys, hey, you guys! Be brutally honest, am I the best Devil?" *pause* "Ah! I knew it!" *joyous laughter* "Hell is so great, you guys."]]<br />伙计们,嘿,伙计们!以你们残酷的诚实本性告诉我,我是最棒的恶魔嘛?*中止*啊!我知道的!*欢乐地大笑*地狱是如此之棒,伙计们。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc19.wav|"Ah ha, that's right, killing each other!" (eager laughter) "Aw man, it makes me feel good to see you guys having so much fun."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc19.wav|"Ah ha, that's right, killing each other!" (eager laughter) "Aw man, it makes me feel good to see you guys having so much fun."]]<br />啊哈,那就对了,自相残杀吧!(急促地大笑)哦伙计,看你们如此享受真令我感觉良好。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc20.wav|"So, how have you guys been doing? Soldier, still have that stupid wizard for a roommate? Oh, that guy, I could tell you some- You know what? You keep fighting, we catch up later."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc20.wav|"So, how have you guys been doing? Soldier, still have that stupid wizard for a roommate? Oh, that guy, I could tell you some- You know what? You keep fighting, we catch up later."]]<br />那么,你们这帮家伙近来如何啊?士兵,你仍然跟那白痴巫师当室友吗?哦,那家伙,我可以跟你说些-你知道吗?你先打吧,我们等会接着聊。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc01.wav|"Hey, you brought souls! Good stuff, you guys are the best."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc01.wav|"Hey, you brought souls! Good stuff, you guys are the best."]]<br />嘿,你们带来了灵魂!真棒,你们是最好的。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc21.wav|"Let me tell you, you guys are like the Tom Jones of tearing a dude's face off. That's not me talking, that's Tom Jones. Yeah, he down here. Tom, say something!" (laughs maliciously) "Who am I kidding? He's choking on a bottle of molten deer poop."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc21.wav|"Let me tell you, you guys are like the Tom Jones of tearing a dude's face off. That's not me talking, that's Tom Jones. Yeah, he down here. Tom, say something!" (laughs maliciously) "Who am I kidding? He's choking on a bottle of molten deer poop."]]<br />让我告诉你们吧,你们这帮家伙就像是撕烂一个家伙的脸的汤姆·琼斯。那可不是我说的,是汤姆·琼斯本人说的。对,他就在这。汤姆,说些话呀!(邪恶地大笑)我跟谁开玩笑?他正被一瓶融化的鹿粪噎着呢。
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc22.wav|"Okay, twist ending guys. Here comes the big twist! I'm an angel, and we're in Heaven!" (laughter) "This was a test all along!" (more laughter) "No, I'm pulling your leg, there is no Heaven. There is Hell in every direction."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 bcon misc22.wav|"Okay, twist ending guys. Here comes the big twist! I'm an angel, and we're in Heaven!" (laughter) "This was a test all along!" (more laughter) "No, I'm pulling your leg, there is no Heaven. There is Hell in every direction."]]<br />好吧,扭转的结局啊伙计们。这里来了个来反转!我是个天使,我们正在天堂呢!(大笑)这一切都只是个测验!(更多大笑)不,我跟你开玩笑呢,这可不是什么天堂。这里四面八方都是地狱。
== {{item link|Enchantment Eternaween}} ==
== {{item link|Enchantment Eternaween}} ==
The following are mysteriously spoken by [[Merasmus]] when voting for Enteraween successfully passes.
以下是[[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]在{{item name|Enchantment Eternaween}}的服务器投票得到通过后所触发的台词。
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|image-link = Enchantment Eternaween
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*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween01.wav|"I am Merasmus! And ''this''...is ''Eternaween!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween01.wav|"I am Merasmus! And ''this''...is ''Eternaween!''"]]<br />我是马拉莫斯!而这...是万妖节!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween02.wav|"''Happy Halloween mode!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween02.wav|"''Happy Halloween mode!''"]]<br />万圣节模式快乐!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween03.wav|"It's ''Eternaween!'' The ''eternal Halloween!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween03.wav|"It's ''Eternaween!'' The ''eternal Halloween!''"]]<br />万妖节来了!永恒的万圣节!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween04.wav|"Your calendar's not broken, it's your ''mind!'' ''Halloween mode!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween04.wav|"Your calendar's not broken, it's your ''mind!'' ''Halloween mode!''"]]<br />你们的日历没出问题,是你们的脑子出问题了!万圣节模式!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween05.wav|"It is I, Merasmus! Say...does anyone on this server ''love Halloween?! Halloween mode!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween05.wav|"It is I, Merasmus! Say...does anyone on this server ''love Halloween?! Halloween mode!''"]]<br />是我,马拉莫斯!那么...这服务器里有人爱万圣节吗?万圣节模式!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween06.wav|"It's ''Eternaween!'' The ''eternal Halloween!'' As foretold by ''Discount Costume Warehouse! Awooo!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween06.wav|"It's ''Eternaween!'' The ''eternal Halloween!'' As foretold by ''Discount Costume Warehouse! Awooo!''"]]<br />万妖节来了!永恒的万圣节!正如“折扣服装仓库”所预言的那样!Awooo!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween07.wav|"Hello, it is I, Merasmus! Happy Halloween, everybody! '''''FOREVER!!'''''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween07.wav|"Hello, it is I, Merasmus! Happy Halloween, everybody! '''''FOREVER!!'''''"]]<br />你们好,是我,马拉莫斯!大家伙,永远的万圣节快乐!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween08.wav|"Welcome to T-G-I-Halloween, where it's always Halloween! I'm Merasmus, your server! We have a couple of lovely specials tonight: '''''ONE OF THEM IS YOUR OWN DEATH!''''' The other is loaded tuscan flatbread."]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween08.wav|"Welcome to T-G-I-Halloween, where it's always Halloween! I'm Merasmus, your server! We have a couple of lovely specials tonight: '''''ONE OF THEM IS YOUR OWN DEATH!''''' The other is loaded tuscan flatbread."]]<br />欢迎来到T-G-I-万圣节,也就是永远的万圣节!我是马拉莫斯,你们的服侍者!今晚我们有一系列美妙的特色商品:而其中之一就是你们的死亡!而另一个是托斯卡纳面包!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween09.wav|"It is I, Merasmus! Welcome...to ''Halloween mode!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween09.wav|"It is I, Merasmus! Welcome...to ''Halloween mode!''"]]<br />是我,马拉莫斯!欢迎来到...万圣节模式!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween10.wav|"I am Merasmus! And ''this''...is ''Eternaween! The ''eternal Halloween!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween10.wav|"I am Merasmus! And ''this''...is ''Eternaween! The ''eternal Halloween!''"]]<br />我是马拉莫斯!而这...是万妖节!永恒的万圣节!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween11.wav|"It's ''Eternaween!'' The ''eternal Halloween!'' Your calendar...''has gone insane!''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween11.wav|"It's ''Eternaween!'' The ''eternal Halloween!'' Your calendar...''has gone insane!''"]]<br />万妖节来了!永恒的万圣节!你们的日历...失常咯!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween12.wav|"''Halloween mode! It's'' '''''the devil's business!'''''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween12.wav|"''Halloween mode! It's'' '''''the devil's business!'''''"]]<br />万圣节模式!这是恶魔的交易!
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween13.wav|"It's ''Halloween!'' '''''FOREVER!!'''''"]]
*[[Media:sf13_merasmus_eternaween13.wav|"It's ''Halloween!'' '''''FOREVER!!'''''"]]<br />万圣节!永远!
Line 1,229: Line 1,229:
|image-link = Setup
|image-link = Setup
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 05sec.wav|"Five."]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 05sec.wav|"Five."]]<br />五。
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 04sec.wav|"Four!"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 04sec.wav|"Four!"]]<br />四。
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 03sec.wav|"Three!"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 03sec.wav|"Three!"]]<br />三。
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 02sec.wav|"Two!"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 02sec.wav|"Two!"]]<br />二。
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 01sec.wav|"One!"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus begins 01sec.wav|"One!"]]<br />一。
Line 1,244: Line 1,244:
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 01.wav|"Greeting mortals! It is I, Merasmus! Do you think you've got what it takes to try the world's biggest strongman game? Because you don't! It's too big! No mortal is ''strong'' enough! (laughter) It was an ''unwise'' investment!"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 01.wav|"Greeting mortals! It is I, Merasmus! Do you think you've got what it takes to try the world's biggest strongman game? Because you don't! It's too big! No mortal is ''strong'' enough! (laughter) It was an ''unwise'' investment!"]]<br />你们好凡人们!是我,马拉莫斯!你们觉得你们拿到了尝试世界上最大的强人游戏所需的东西了吗?因为你们没有!它太大了!没有凡人足够强!(大笑)这可真是个不明智的投资呀。
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 02.wav|"Welcome fools, to your doom! It is I, Merasmus! Behold! An ancient Sumerian strongman game! It is old! It it evil! '''And it is ''not'' free'''! Have your tickets ready."]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 02.wav|"Welcome fools, to your doom! It is I, Merasmus! Behold! An ancient Sumerian strongman game! It is old! It it evil! '''And it is ''not'' free'''! Have your tickets ready."]]<br />蠢货们,欢迎来到你们的毁灭!是我,马拉莫斯!看啊!一场古代的苏美尔强人游戏!它是古老的,邪恶的!而且还不是免费的!准备好你们的彩券吧!
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 03.wav|"Hello fools! It is I, Merasmus! Step right up, ''if you dare'', and test your collective might against the world's biggest strongman game! Are you strong enough to discover how '''weak you are'''? If you don't buy a ticket, ''you'll never know!''"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 03.wav|"Hello fools! It is I, Merasmus! Step right up, ''if you dare'', and test your collective might against the world's biggest strongman game! Are you strong enough to discover how '''weak you are'''? If you don't buy a ticket, ''you'll never know!''"]]<br />你们好蠢货们!是我,马拉莫斯!快来这里吧,如果你敢的话,来测试你下你们在这世界上最大的强人游戏中的团队力量!你们是否足够强大到意识到自己的弱小呢?如果你们不买份彩券的话,你们永远都无从知道!
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 04.wav|"Greetings mortals! It is I, Merasmus! I see you brought your guns! But are they big enough to best my ancient Sumerian strongman game? There's only one way to find out: '''get your tickets!'''"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 04.wav|"Greetings mortals! It is I, Merasmus! I see you brought your guns! But are they big enough to best my ancient Sumerian strongman game? There's only one way to find out: '''get your tickets!'''"]]<br />你们好凡人们!是我,马拉莫斯!我看你们都带来了你们的枪!但它们是否足够大到能让我的古代苏美尔强人游戏变得完美呢?唯一知晓的办法是:去拿你们的彩券吧!
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 05.wav|"It is I, mortals, Merasmus the wizard! Welcome to my ''dark'' carnival of the macabre! Admit One...to MADNESS! (laughter) Step right up and test your measly might on my Strongmann Game of the Damned!"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 05.wav|"It is I, mortals, Merasmus the wizard! Welcome to my ''dark'' carnival of the macabre! Admit One...to MADNESS! (laughter) Step right up and test your measly might on my Strongmann Game of the Damned!"]]<br />是我,凡人们,大魔法师马拉莫斯!欢迎来到我那令人毛骨悚然的黑暗嘉年华!只允许一次...到疯狂为止!(大笑)快到我这毁灭的强人游戏里来测试你那微不足道的力量吧!
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 06.wav|"Good evening, mortals! Welcome to Merasmus' circus berzekus! My big top of beastly abominations! My carnival of carnage! (laughter) Test your miserable might on my infernal Strongmann Machine! (laughter)"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start 06.wav|"Good evening, mortals! Welcome to Merasmus' circus berzekus! My big top of beastly abominations! My carnival of carnage! (laughter) Test your miserable might on my infernal Strongmann Machine! (laughter)"]]<br />晚上好,凡人们!欢迎来到马拉莫斯的 berzekus 马戏团!我最憎恶的东西!我的杀戮嘉年华!(大笑)到我这炼狱般的强人机器这来测试你们那可悲的力量吧!(大笑)
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start rare 01.wav|"'''Welcome mortals to my Magic Kingdom!'''...which is unaffiliated with any other Magic Kingdom that may or may not exist. Step right up and get your tickets from me! For I am the '''Ticket Master'''!...again, not a term Merasmus officially owns."]] (See: [[w:Magic Kingdom|Magic Kingdom]] and [[w:Ticketmaster|Ticketmaster]])
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start rare 01.wav|"'''Welcome mortals to my Magic Kingdom!'''...which is unaffiliated with any other Magic Kingdom that may or may not exist. Step right up and get your tickets from me! For I am the '''Ticket Master'''!...again, not a term Merasmus officially owns."]]<br />凡人们,欢迎来到我的魔法王国!... 它跟其它可能存在或从未存在的魔法王国毫不相干。快到这来从我这领取你们的彩劵吧!因为我就是那票务大师!...重复一边,这不是什么我官方所有的名词。(参见:[[w:Magic Kingdom|迪士尼魔法王国(Magic Kingdom)]]{{lang icon|en}}与[[w:Ticketmaster|票务大师(Ticketmaster)]]{{lang icon|en}})
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start rare 02.wav|"It is Halloween! The time of year when the doorways between our world and the next swing wide! That...and President's Day. That's still only two times! So you've got to pick your battles if you're Merasmus!"]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start rare 02.wav|"It is Halloween! The time of year when the doorways between our world and the next swing wide! That...and President's Day. That's still only two times! So you've got to pick your battles if you're Merasmus!"]]<br />万圣节来了!一年中当前的世界与下一个世界之间的大门变为宽敞的时候!那...还有总统纪念日。那也仅有两次啊!所以如果你是马拉莫斯的话,你也必须选择你的战斗!
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start rare 03.wav|"Greetings mortals...and こんにちは! Yes, Merasmus is learning Japanese...in the likely event that he will have to beg for his life! Why? Well, therein lies a tale of horror! Short version: Merasmus owes $12,000 to the Japanese Mafia!"]] (Translation: "konnichiwa" (good afternoon))
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start rare 03.wav|"Greetings mortals...and こんにちは! Yes, Merasmus is learning Japanese...in the likely event that he will have to beg for his life! Why? Well, therein lies a tale of horror! Short version: Merasmus owes $12,000 to the Japanese Mafia!"]] <br />你好凡人们...こんにちは!是的,马拉莫斯在学日语...以用作我可能会遭遇的不得不求人饶我一命的情景!为何?好吧,这有个恐怖故事要讲!简洁地说:马拉莫斯欠了日本黑手党 12,000 美元!(日文翻译:“konnichiwa”,你好)
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start rare 04.wav|"A harvest moon hangs pendulously in the sky, mortals! That's right, the moon's giving us the green light for harvesting! Apropos of nothing, I hope you all brought your souls! (laughter) And money. Because Merasmus has sunk ''a lot'' into this circus."]]
*[[Media:Sf14 merasmus round start rare 04.wav|"A harvest moon hangs pendulously in the sky, mortals! That's right, the moon's giving us the green light for harvesting! Apropos of nothing, I hope you all brought your souls! (laughter) And money. Because Merasmus has sunk ''a lot'' into this circus."]]<br />一轮收获之月已悬在空中,凡人们!那就对了,月亮将给我们丰收的绿光!顺便地,我希望你们都把你们的灵魂带来了!(大笑)还有钱。因为马拉莫斯在这马戏团里投了一大笔钱。
''Upon return''
''Upon return''

Revision as of 09:58, 9 January 2020


语音回应(Voice Responses)是游戏中的玩家或角色达成某个条件,如击杀玩家时,所触发的语音台词。此前的万圣节更新先后发布了以下万圣节 Boss/角色:脱缰的无头骑士魔眼马拉莫斯炸弹魔书,以及雷德蒙德·曼恩布鲁塔克·曼恩两兄弟。他们都有着各自的语音回应,而本条目的以下内容将它们悉数列出。

尖叫要塞更新 (2010)

Backpack Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head.png


HHH.png  出场
Killicon horseless headless horsemann's headtaker.png  攻击
Ghost Yikes!.png  施展“BOO!”嘲讽
Health dead.png  被击败

非常恐怖的万圣节特约 (2011)

Backpack MONOCULUS!.png



幽灵万圣节特约 (2012)

Backpack Skull Island Topper.png











命运之轮 揭晓

命运之轮 转动
Fate card bighead.png  命运·大头
Fate card shrunkenhead.png  命运·小头
Fate card superspeed.png  命运·极速
Fate card dance.png  命运·舞会
Fate card skull.png  命运·诅咒
Fate card lowgravity.png  命运·失重
Fate card highjump.png  命运·超级跳
Fate card critboost.png  命运·爆击
Fate card ubercharge.png  命运·无敌

Backpack Bombinomicon.png


Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  当玩家获取骷髅岛主

尖叫要塞 2013




以下是雷德蒙德(对红队玩家)和布鲁塔克(对蓝队玩家)在地图 Helltower 中的台词。

Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始















































Backpack Bombinomicon.png





Backpack Enchantment Eternaween.png  Eternaween Activated

尖叫要塞 2014

Backpack Skull Island Topper.png



Setup.png  准备时间
Dead Heat Icon.png  比赛开始

Upon return

Upon second return

Preparing to capture the Tickets
Tickets spawn


Tickets respawn
Tickets taken by player/ally
Tickets taken by enemy
Tickets dropped by player/ally
Tickets dropped by enemy
Cap-ogee.png  Player/ally is riding the Strongmann
Cap-ogee.png  Enemy is riding the elevator to the Strongmann
Tickets successfully delivered to the Strongmann




General Purpose


Spell Effect Imminent
Fate card bighead.png  Big Head
Melee Only
Submerging the area in Jarate

Bumper Car Mini-games

Duck Hunt
Bonus Ducks from crashing into an enemy player
Ducks have moved

RED Wins

BLU wins

Falling Platforms
Safe Platform revealed



Deciding point




RED Wins

BLU Wins

All players on other team have been ghostified

Scream Fortress VII (2015)

Backpack Skull Island Topper.png


Contract related

New Merasmission

Rare Merasmission

Fighting Merasmus-specific

Rare Merasmission

Completed Merasmission

Fighting Merasmus-specific

Merasmission reward

Gargoyle related

Backpack Soul Gargoyle.png  Spawns
Item icon Soul Gargoyle Gold.png  Successful capture
Item icon Soul Gargoyle Bronze.png  Moves
Item icon Soul Gargoyle Silver.png  Disappears

Unused responses


Note: Believed to have been meant to be used when interacting with the Necro Smasher in the Carnival of Carnage. All voicelines are by Merasmus.

Successful Crush

Pumpkin Bomb

Pumpkinbomb.png  Pumpkin bomb



See also