+100% bullets per shot
+500% more knockback power
Per shot: -2 ammo
Author Note: Both barrels are shot at once
 Soda Popper
Removed: +25% faster reload speed
Removed: Hidden: 46% slower reload speed
Removed: Increase in push force taken from damage and airblast
 Baby Face's Blaster
New stats
40% more accurate
On Hit: Builds Boost
Run speed increased with Boost
Boost is not reduced when hit
-30% damage penalty
35% slower movement speed on wearer
User cannot jump
 Back Scatter
Removed: -34% clip size
Added: On Kill: 3 seconds of 100% critical chance
Added: On Kill: 3 seconds of 100% critical chance
 Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Added: On Kill: 3 seconds of 100% critical chance
 Flying Guillotine
Added: 100% critical hit chance
 Direct Hit
Added: On Kill: Victim turns into ash
Changed: +35% damage bonus
 Rocket Jumper
Added: +100 max health
Added: 65% faster weapon switch
Added: No reload necessary
 Beggar's Bazooka
Added: 70% slower reload speed
Added: On Kill: 3 seconds of 100% critical chance
 Reserve Shooter
Added: On Kill: 3 seconds of 100% critical chance
 Righteous Bison
Added: On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for 5 seconds
 B.A.S.E. Jumper
Added: +300% increased air control
 Panic Attack
Added: On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for 5 seconds
Added: Wearer never takes falling damage
Added: +15% damage bonus
 Market Gardener
Added: +100% damage bonus
Changed: 100% slower attack speed
 Pain Train
New stats
+200% damage bonus against victims of the same class as the wielder
100% slower firing speed
User can pass through enemies
Added: -50% max primary ammo on wearer
Added: -25% damage penalty
 Nostromo Napalmer
Airblast pushes user instead of enemy
+300% increased air control
 Scorch Shot
New stats
Shoots rocket projectiles
On Hit: Target is engulfed in flames
+300% self damage force
100% slower reload time
-75% max secondary ammo on wearer
300% damage to self
This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
 Gas Passer
Added: +400% afterburn damage
New stats
On Hit: Victim receives fall damage based on percentage of max health (Common robots only)
40% slower firing speed
No random critical hits
 Third Degree
Added: 100% critical hits from behind
Added: 40% slower firing speed
 Hot Hand
Changed: On Hit: Gain a speed boost for 5 seconds
 Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Added: +1 jump in mid-air
 Loose Cannon
Changed: Does not deal knockback
Added: +100% blast radius
Added: -25% damage penalty
 Splendid Screen
Changed: +25% fire damage resistance on wearer
Changed: +25% explosive damage resistance on wearer
Added: Melee attack hits multiple enemies
 Tide Turner
Changed: +25% fire damage resistance on wearer
Changed: +25% explosive damage resistance on wearer
Removed: Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time
 Sticky Jumper
Removed: -6 max pipebombs out
 Quickiebomb Launcher
Changed: -25% clip size
Changed: Max charge time decreased by 50%
Removed: Up to +35% damage based on charge
Added: Stickybombs fizzle 2 seconds after landing
Removed: Deploy and holster time penalty.
 Festive Eyelander
Added: On Kill: Turn victim to ice
Removed: Deploy and holster time penalty.
 Scotsman's Skullcutter
Removed: Deploy and holster time penalty.
 Ullapool Caber
Added: +15% damage bonus
Removed: No random critical hits
Removed: 20% slower firing speed
Removed: This weapon deploys 100% slower
 Claidheamh Mòr
Removed: Deploy and holster time penalty.
Removed: Deploy and holster time penalty.
 Persian Persuader
All stats removed
Removed: Deploy and holster time penalty
Added: No random critical hits
 Brass Beast
Changed: +25% damage bonus
Removed: 50% slower spin up time
Changed: -100% slower move speed while deployed
Removed: -20% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up
Added: Can switch to other weapon while deployed
 Huo-Long Heater
New stats
Shoots flare projectiles
100% critical hit vs burning targets
Creates a ring of flames while spun up
Consumes no additional ammo while spun up
-75% max primary ammo on wearer
No random crits
Author Note: Flare Minigun
 Family Business
Added: On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for 5 seconds
New stats
+900% bullets per shot
-50% damage penalty
150% slower firing speed
-66% max secondary ammo on wearer
-100 max health on wearer
No random crits
Author Note: Giant Shotgun Heavy's weapon
 Warrior's Spirit
New stats
+50% damage bonus
40% slower firing speed
 Eviction Notice
New stats
+40% faster attack speed
On Kill: +50 health on nearby teammates
On Kill: +10% Crit Chance on nearby teammates
+100% faster taunt speed on wearer
-40% damage penalty
 Holiday Punch
Added: On Kill: Turn victim to ice
Added: On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for 5 seconds
Changed: Per shot: -50 metal
Removed: +10% increased damage to your sentry's target
 Pomson 6000
Added: Damage removes Sappers
Removed: Deals only 20% damage to buildings
 Rescue Ranger
Removed: Self mark for death when hauling buildings
Added: -25 max health
Added: -25 max health
 Short Circuit
Added: -25 max health
Added: Unlimited sentry range
Added: +200% max sentry ammo
 Southern Hospitality
New stats
+150% faster construction rate
Cannot upgrade buildings
All buildings restricted to Level 1
 Eureka Effect
New stats
Replaces the Sentry with a Rocket Sentry
+75% sentry rocket firing speed
Sentry possesses maximum Rocket Specialist upgrade
No self inflicted blast damage taken
Requires Level 3 to be effective
-500% sentry bullet firing speed
No teleporting to spawn or exit teleporter
New stats
Hold Fire to load up to six syringes
Release Fire to unleash the barrage
+50% damage bonus
+50% faster reload speed
+100% faster firing speed
-86% clip size
+3 degrees syringe spread
-60% max primary ammo
Author Note: Beggar's Syringe Gun
Added: Can heal friendly buildings
Added: -50% shield duration
Changed: +50% heal rate
Changed: +50% ÜberCharge rate
Changed: No overheal
Changed: 40% slower firing speed
Added: No random critical hits
New stats
100% critical hit vs crit-boosted targets
20% slower firing speed
 Solemn Vow
New stats
25% chance to be teleported to spawn after receiving lethal damage
Ubercharge lost on respawn
-100% damage penalty
'Do no harm.'
 AWPer Hand
New stats
Fires explosive bullets
+25% damage bonus
Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on
No charge rate
 Fortified Compound
New stats
Shoots Grappling hook's hook
+50 max health
On Hit: One target at a time is Marked-For-Death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits
This weapon deploys 65% faster
Wearer never takes falling damage
No headshots
User cannot be teleported
Damage is fixed at 150
Author Note: Grapple Bow
Damage bonus upgrade does not work on this weapon
New stats
No speed reduction on charge or zoom
Able to headshot independent of zoom
No charge rate
Fires tracer rounds
Author Note: Railgun
Added: On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for 10 seconds
New stats
-75% damage from melee sources
 Cleaner's Carbine
Added: On Kill: 5 seconds of 100% critical chance
Removed: Dealing damage fills charge meter Removed: Secondary fire when charged grants mini-crits for 8 seconds
 Tribalman's Shiv
New stats
+50% damage bonus
On miss: Hit yourself
Removed: Critical damage is affected by range
Added: Level 1 Explosive Headshot
Changed: +25% damage bonus
Removed: 20% slower firing speed
Removed: No random critical hits
Removed: Attacks pierce damage resistance effects and bonuses
Added: -25 max health
Added: -50% clip size
 Red-Tape Recorder
Added: 50% sapper health penalty
 Conniver's Kunai
Changed: -60 max health on wearer
New stats
Immune to afterburn
+50% fire resistance on wearer
20% slower attack speed
On Kill: Turn victim to ice
Author Note: Implemented new mechanic to fix buggy MvM behavior with Sapper
 Invis Watch
Added: +50 max health on wearer
 Cloak and Dagger
Added: +50 max health on wearer
Regenerate 10 HP per second
 All Classes
Players can taunt in mid-air