Difference between revisions of "Template:Unusual effects"

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(this template still sucks! but this is for consistency so whatever)
Line 474: Line 474:
| width="128px | {{item name|Static Mist}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Static Mist)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Static Mist}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Static Mist)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Terrifying Thunder}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Terrifying Thunder)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Terrifying Thunder}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Terrifying Thunder)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}} ====
| en = The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Wicked Windfall Case]].
| pl = Ósma generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Mogą one być nadal zdobyte ze [[Wicked Windfall Case/pl|Wicked Windfall Case]].
| pt-br = A oitava geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Wicked Windfall Case}}.
| ru = Восьмой набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Wicked Windfall Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 9 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Wicked Windfall Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第九代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以開{{item link|Wicked Windfall Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}} Unusual effects
| es = Lista de efectos inusuales del {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}}
| pl = Lista nietypowych efektów aktualizacji {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}}
| pt = Efeitos Inusuais do {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}}
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns do {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}}
| ru = Список эффектов необычного типа, добавленных в обновлении {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}}
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="4" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic effects}}
| [[File:Unusual_Gourdian_Angel.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Gravelly_Ghoul.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Green_Giggler.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Laugh-O-Lantern.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Plum_Prankster.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Pumpkin_Party.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Gourdian Angel}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Gravelly Ghoul}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Green Giggler}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Laugh-O-Lantern}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Plum Prankster}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Pumpkin Party}}
| [[File:Unusual_Pyroland_Nightmare.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Vexed_Volcanics.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Pyroland Nightmare}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Vexed Volcanics}}
| rowspan="4" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunt effects}}
| [[File:Unusual_Arachnid_Assault.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Arcane_Assistance_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Arcane_Assistance_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Astral_Presence.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Creepy_Crawlies.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Emerald_Allurement.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Arachnid Assault}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Arcane Assistance}} ({{common strings|RED}})
| width="128px | {{item name|Arcane Assistance}} ({{common strings|BLU}})
| width="128px | {{item name|Astral Presence}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Creepy Crawlies}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Emerald Allurement}}
| [[File:Unusual_Pyrophoric_Personality.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spectral_Escort.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spellbound_Aspect.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Static_Shock.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Toxic_Terrors.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Veno_Shock.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Pyrophoric Personality}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spectral Escort}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spellbound Aspect}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Static Shock}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Toxic Terrors}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Veno Shock}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} ====
| en = The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Crimson Cache Case]].
| pl = Ósma generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Mogą one być nadal zdobyte ze [[Crimson Cache Case/pl|Crimson Cache Case]].
| pt-br = A oitava geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Crimson Cache Case}}.
| ru = Восьмой набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Crimson Cache Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 10 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Crimson Cache Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第十代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以開{{item link|Crimson Cache Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} Unusual effects
| es = Lista de efectos inusuales del {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
| pl = Lista nietypowych efektów aktualizacji {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
| pt = Efeitos Inusuais do {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns do {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
| ru = Список эффектов необычного типа, добавленных в обновлении {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="6" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic effects}}
| [[File:Unusual_Ancient_Specter.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Devilish_Diablo.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Energetic_Haunter.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Eyes_of_Molten.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Frantic_Spooker.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Frightened_Poltergeist.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Ancient Specter}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Devilish Diablo}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Energetic Haunter}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Eyes of Molten}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Frantic Spooker}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Frightened Poltergeist}}
| [[File:Unusual_Infernal_Wraith.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ominous_Stare.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Phantom_Crown.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Pumpkin_Moon.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Restless Wraiths_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Restless Wraiths_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Infernal Wraith}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ominous Stare}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Phantom Crown}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Pumpkin Moon}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Restless Wraiths}} ({{common strings|RED}})
| width="128px | {{item name|Restless Wraiths}} ({{common strings|BLU}})
| [[File:Unusual_Severed_Serration.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Shrieking_Shades.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Tempered_Thorns.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Viridescent_Peeper.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Severed Serration}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Shrieking Shades}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Tempered Thorns}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Viridescent Peeper}}
| rowspan="6" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunt effects}}
| [[File:Unusual_Aurora_Australis.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Aurora_Borealis.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Aurora_Polaris.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Cavalier_de_Carte_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Cavalier_de_Carte_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Cursed_Confinement.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Aurora Australis}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Aurora Borealis}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Aurora Polaris}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Cavalier de Carte}} ({{common strings|RED}})
| width="128px | {{item name|Cavalier de Carte}} ({{common strings|BLU}})
| width="128px | {{item name|Cursed Confinement}}
| [[File:Unusual_Galvanic_Defiance.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Hollow_Flourish.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Magic_Shuffle.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Nether_Wisps.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spectral_Shackles.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Thundering_Spirit.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Galvanic Defiance}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Hollow Flourish}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Magic Shuffle}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Nether Wisps}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spectral Shackles}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Thundering Spirit}}
| [[File:Unusual_Vigorous_Pulse.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Wispy_Halos.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Vigorous Pulse}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Wispy Halos}}
Line 563: Line 733:
| width="128px | {{item name|Winter Spirit}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Winter Spirit)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Winter Spirit}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Winter Spirit)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Wintery Wisp}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Wintery Wisp)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Wintery Wisp}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Wintery Wisp)}}
==== {{update name|Smissmas 2020}} ====
| en = The first and current Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Smissmas 2020}} update. Currently, they can be obtained in any crate.
| pl = Pierwsza i obecna generacja Śniątecznych Nietypowych efektów została dodana podczas aktualizacji {{update link|Smissmas 2020}}. Obecnie można je zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni.
| pt-br = A primeira e atual geração de efeitos Incomuns de Fim de Ano foi introduzida no {{update link|Smissmas 2020}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case}}.
| ru = Первые и единственные необычные эффекты Шмождества были добавлены в обновлении {{update link|Smissmas 2020}}. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 2 代也是目前唯一一代圣诞稀有特效于{{update link|Smissmas 2020}}被添加到游戏中。目前,它们它们可在任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第二代聖誕系列異常粒子效果於{{update link|Smissmas 2020}}新增到游戲中。目前,仍能夠透過開任何箱子獲得。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Smissmas 2020}} Unusual effects
| de = Liste der ungewöhnlichen Effekte von {{update name|Smissmas 2020}}
| es = Lista de efectos inusuales de {{update name|Smissmas 2020}}
| ko = {{update name|Smissmas 2020}} 범상찮은 효과 목록
| pl = Lista nietypowych efektów aktualizacji Śnięta 2020
| pt = Efeitos Inusuais do {{update name|Smissmas 2020}}
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns do {{update name|Smissmas 2020}}
| ru = Список эффектов необычного типа, добавленных в обновлении {{update name|Smissmas 2020}}
| zh-hans = {{update name|Smissmas 2020}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Smissmas 2020}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="6" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic effects}}
| [[File:Unusual_Blighted_Snowstorm.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Distant_Dream.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Divine_Desire.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Frozen_Fractals.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Genus_Plasmos.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Lavender_Landfall.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Blighted Snowstorm}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Distant Dream}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Divine Desire}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Frozen Fractals}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Genus Plasmos}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Lavender Landfall}}
| [[File:Unusual_Mirthful_Mistletoe_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Mirthful_Mistletoe_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Pale_Nimbus.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Serenus_Lumen.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Special_Snowfall.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ventum_Maris.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Mirthful Mistletoe}} ({{common strings|RED}})
| width="128px | {{item name|Mirthful Mistletoe}} ({{common strings|BLU}})
| width="128px | {{item name|Pale Nimbus}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Serenus Lumen}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Special Snowfall}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ventum Maris}}
| [[File:Unusual_Violent_Wintertide.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Violent Wintertide}}
| rowspan="4" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunt effects}}
| [[File:Unusual_Apotheosis.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ascension.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Delightful_Star.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Frosted_Star.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Reindoonicorn_Rancher_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Reindoonicorn_Rancher_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Apotheosis}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ascension}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Delightful Star}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Frosted Star}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Reindoonicorn Rancher}} ({{common strings|RED}})
| width="128px | {{item name|Reindoonicorn Rancher}} ({{common strings|BLU}})
| [[File:Unusual_Shimmering_Lights.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Twinkling_Lights.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Shimmering Lights}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Twinkling Lights}}
Line 757: Line 1,007:
{{translation switching|en, pl, pt-br, ru,zh-hans}}
{{translation switching|en, pl, pt-br, ru,zh-hans,zh-hant}}

Revision as of 02:53, 2 November 2021

Standard Series

Standard Unusual effects can be found in specific crate series.

Gen 1

The first generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the Mann-Conomy Update. They can be obtained in crates Series #1 onward.

[collapse]Series 1 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Green Confetti.png
Unusual Purple Confetti.png
Unusual Haunted Ghosts.png
Unusual Green Energy.png
Unusual Purple Energy.png
Unusual Circling TF Logo.png
Green Confetti Purple Confetti Haunted Ghosts Green Energy Purple Energy Circling TF Logo
Unusual Massed Flies.png
Unusual Burning Flames.png
Unusual Scorching Flames.png
Unusual Searing Plasma.png
Unusual Vivid Plasma.png
Unusual Sunbeams.png
Massed Flies Burning Flames Scorching Flames Searing Plasma Vivid Plasma Sunbeams
Unusual Circling Peace Sign.png
Unusual Circling Heart.png
Circling Peace Sign Circling Heart

Gen 2

The second generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the August 18, 2011 Patch. They can be obtained in crates Series #26 onward.

[collapse]Series 2 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Stormy Storm.png
Unusual Blizzardy Storm.png
Unusual Nuts n' Bolts.png
Unusual Orbiting Planets.png
Unusual Orbiting Fire.png
Unusual Bubbling.png
Stormy Storm Blizzardy Storm Nuts n' Bolts Orbiting Planets Orbiting Fire Bubbling
Unusual Smoking.png
Unusual Steaming.png
Smoking Steaming

Gen 3

The third and current generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the June 19, 2013 Patch. They can be obtained in crates and cases Series #59 onward.

[collapse]Series 3 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Kill-a-Watt.png
Unusual Terror-Watt.png
Unusual Cloud 9.png
Unusual Aces High RED.png
Unusual Aces High BLU.png
Unusual Dead Presidents.png
Kill-a-Watt Terror-Watt Cloud 9 RED BLU Dead Presidents
Aces High
Unusual Miami Nights.png
Unusual Disco Beat Down.png
Miami Nights Disco Beat Down

Community Sparkle

An exclusive Unusual effect was added in the First Community Contribution Update. It is automatically applied to Community and Self-Made items.

Scream Fortress Series

Scream Fortress Unusual effects can be found in specific Scream Fortress crates. During Scream Fortress events, they're available in all other crate series.

Very Scary Halloween Special

The first Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the Very Scary Halloween Special. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Spectral Halloween Special

The second Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the Spectral Halloween Special. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Scream Fortress V

The third Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress V update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Scream Fortress VI

The fourth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VI update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Scream Fortress VII

The fifth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VII update. They could only be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case.

Scream Fortress VIII

The sixth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VIII update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Creepy Crawly Case.

Scream Fortress X

The seventh Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress X update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Violet Vermin Case.

Scream Fortress XI

The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress XI update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Spooky Spoils Case.

Scream Fortress XII

The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress XII update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Wicked Windfall Case.

Scream Fortress XIII

The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress XIII update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Crimson Cache Case.

Smissmas Series

Smissmas Unusual effects can be found in specific Smissmas crates. During Smissmas events, they're available in all other crate series.

Smissmas 2019

The first and current Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the Smissmas 2019 update. Currently, they can be obtained in any crate.

Smissmas 2020

The first and current Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the Smissmas 2020 update. Currently, they can be obtained in any crate.

Robotic Boogaloo

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Robotic Boogaloo update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Robo Community Crate.

Love & War Update

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Love & War Update. They can be obtained through Taunt Unusualifiers.

End of the Line Update

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the End of the Line Update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening an End of the Line Community Crate.

Gun Mettle Update

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Gun Mettle Update. They can be obtained through Decorated cases.

With the introduction of the Jungle Inferno Update, the Energy Orb effect has been removed from the Unusual effect pool due to issues with it disappearing and/or not fitting some weapons properly. Only the three remaining effects can be obtained now.

Invasion Community Update

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Invasion Community Update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Confidential Collection Case or a Quarantined Collection Case.