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− | Promo tables for end-of-life on Binary Blackout.
| + | Reserved for next project. |
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− | '''Active:'''
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− | ===== Moonlight MvM =====
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− | {| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
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− | ! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
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− | ! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
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− | ! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
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− | ! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
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− | ! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
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− | |-
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− | | {{Table icon|Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade 2022}}
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− | | rowspan="4" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
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− | | rowspan="4" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
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− | | {{Patch name|11|15|2021}}
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− | | {{lang
| |
− | | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to content creators for [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM's] 2022 events.
| |
− | | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Aspecto Genuino]] a los creadores de contenido para los eventos de [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM] {{lang icon|en}} de 2022.
| |
− | | pt-br = Concedido em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos criadores de conteúdo dos eventos de 2022 do [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM] {{lang icon|en}}.
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− | }}
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− | |-
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− | | {{Table icon|Peculiar Pandemonium Luxurious Lepidolite}}
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− | | rowspan="3" | {{Patch name|3|28|2022}}
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− | | {{lang
| |
− | | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who donated $6 AUD or more to the charity drive supporting The National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia, through [https://scrap.tf/peculiarpandemonium item] or [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/operation-peculiar-pandemonium monetary] donations, during the [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM Servers] Peculiar Pandemonium event.
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− | }}
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− | |-
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− | | {{Table icon|Peculiar Pandemonium Mesmerizing Morganite}}
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− | | {{lang
| |
− | | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who donated $20 AUD or more to the charity drive supporting The National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia, through [https://scrap.tf/peculiarpandemonium item] or [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/operation-peculiar-pandemonium monetary] donations, during the [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM Servers] Peculiar Pandemonium event.
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− | }}
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− | |-
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− | | {{Table icon|Peculiar Pandemonium Pink Diamond}}
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− | | {{lang
| |
− | | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who donated $33 AUD or more to the charity drive supporting The National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia, through [https://scrap.tf/peculiarpandemonium item] or [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/operation-peculiar-pandemonium monetary] donations, during the [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM Servers] Peculiar Pandemonium event.
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− | }}
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− | |}
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− | <br>
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− | '''Expired:'''
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− | ===== Moonlight MvM ===== <!-- formerly Pineapple's MVM Servers -->
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− | {| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
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− | ! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
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− | ! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
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− | ! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
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− | ! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
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− | ! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
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− | |-
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− | | {{Table icon|Starched Silliness Super Spud 2021}}
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− | | rowspan="4" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
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− | | rowspan="4" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
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− | | rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|6|22|2021}}
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− | | {{lang
| |
− | | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to content creators for the [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM Servers] Starched Silliness event.
| |
− | | es = otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Aspecto Genuino]] a los creadores de contenido para el evento de Starched Silliness en los [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ servidores de mvm de Pineapple] {{lang icon|en}}.
| |
− | | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] twórcom misji i map dla operacji Starched Silliness organizowanej przez [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM Servers] {{lang icon|en}}.
| |
− | | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдавался создателям контента во время события [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM Servers]{{lang icon|en}} Starched Silliness.
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− | }}
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− | |-
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− | | {{Table icon|Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021}}
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− | | {{lang
| |
− | | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who donated five dollars or more to the [https://events.doctorswithoutborders.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.personalCampaign&participantID=5485 charity drive] supporting Doctors Without Borders during the [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM Servers] Starched Silliness event.
| |
− | | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Aspecto Genuino]] a los jugadores que donaron cinco dólares o más a [https://events.doctorswithoutborders.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.personalCampaign&participantID=5485 campaña benéfica] {{lang icon|en}} Doctors Without Borders durante el evento de Starched Silliness en los [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ servidores de mvm de Pineapple] {{lang icon|en}}.
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− | | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy wpłacili co najmniej 5$ na [https://events.doctorswithoutborders.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.personalCampaign&participantID=5485 akcję charytatywną] {{lang icon|en}}, która miała miejsce podczas operacji Starched Silliness organizowanej przez [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM Servers] {{lang icon|en}}.
| |
− | | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдавался игрокам, которые пожертвовали пять долларов или более в [https://events.doctorswithoutborders.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.personalCampaign&participantID=5485 благотворительный фонд]{{lang icon|en}} Doctors Without Borders во время события [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Pineapple's MVM ]{{lang icon|en}} Starched Silliness.
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− | }}
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− | | {{Table icon|Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021}}
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− | | rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|11|15|2021}}
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− | | {{lang
| |
− | | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who donated five dollars or more to the charity drive supporting Child's Play during the [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM] Binary Blackout event, through [https://scrap.tf/binaryblackout item] or [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/tf2-binary-blackout monetary] donations.
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− | | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Aspecto Genuino]] a los jugadores que donaron al menos cinco dólares o más a la campaña benéfica para Child's Play durante el evento de [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM] {{lang icon|en}} Binary Blackout, a través de [https://scrap.tf/binaryblackout objetos] {{lang icon|en}} o de manera [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/tf2-binary-blackout monetaria] {{lang icon|en}}.
| |
− | | pt-br = Concedido em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que doaram US$5,00 ou mais à ação de caridade em apoio ao Child's Play durante o evento Binary Blackout do [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM] {{lang icon|en}} através de doações em [https://scrap.tf/binaryblackout itens] {{lang icon|en}} ou [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/tf2-binary-blackout monetárias] {{lang icon|en}}.
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− | }}
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− | |-
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− | | {{Table icon|Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 2021}}
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− | | {{lang
| |
− | | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who donated fifteen dollars or more to the charity drive supporting Child's Play during the [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM] Binary Blackout event, through [https://scrap.tf/binaryblackout item] or [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/tf2-binary-blackout monetary] donations.
| |
− | | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Aspecto Genuino]] a los jugadores que donaron al menos quince dólares o más a la campaña benéfica para Child's Play durante el evento de [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM] {{lang icon|en}} Binary Blackout, a través de [https://scrap.tf/binaryblackout objetos] {{lang icon|en}} o de manera [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/tf2-binary-blackout monetaria] {{lang icon|en}}.
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− | | pt-br = Concedido em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que doaram US$15,00 ou mais à ação de caridade em apoio ao Child's Play durante o evento Binary Blackout do [https://mvm.pineapple.tf/ Moonlight MvM] {{lang icon|en}} através de doações em [https://scrap.tf/binaryblackout itens] {{lang icon|en}} ou [https://tiltify.com/+team-moonlight/tf2-binary-blackout monetárias] {{lang icon|en}}.
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− | }}
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− | |}
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