Difference between revisions of "Template:Special taunt table"

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(/de heavy)
(/de engineer)
Line 716: Line 716:
| align="center" | {{lang
| align="center" | {{lang
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
| de = Solange die Verspottung gehalten wird.
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
Line 724: Line 725:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The Engineer summons a mechanical bull, which he mounts and rides wildly while hanging on for dear life.
  | en = The Engineer summons a mechanical bull, which he mounts and rides wildly while hanging on for dear life.
| de = Der Engineer holt einen mechanischen Stier hervor, auf den er aufspringt und wild reitet, während er sich an ihm festhält.
  | es = El Engineer hace aparecer un toro mecánico, el cual monta y cabalga sin control.
  | es = El Engineer hace aparecer un toro mecánico, el cual monta y cabalga sin control.
  | ja = エンジニアが機械仕掛けの牛を呼び出し、必死につかまりながら激しく上に飛び乗ります。
  | ja = エンジニアが機械仕掛けの牛を呼び出し、必死につかまりながら激しく上に飛び乗ります。
Line 734: Line 736:
| align="center" | {{lang
| align="center" | {{lang
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
| de = Solange die Verspottung gehalten wird.
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
Line 742: Line 745:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The Engineer sits on a haystack and plays banjo. Pressing alt-fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE2}}) increases the tempo at which the Engineer plays, and smoke rises from his hands; pressing primary fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE1}}) returns the taunt to its original tempo.
  | en = The Engineer sits on a haystack and plays banjo. Pressing alt-fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE2}}) increases the tempo at which the Engineer plays, and smoke rises from his hands; pressing primary fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE1}}) returns the taunt to its original tempo.
| de = Der Engineer setzt sich auf einen Heuhaufen und spielt auf dem Banjo. Durch die sekundäre Feuertaste (Standardtaste: {{Key|MAUS2}}) erhöht sich das Tempo, in dem der Engineer spielt, und Rauch steigt aus seinen Händen auf; durch die primäre Feuertaste (Standardtaste: {{Key|MAUS1}}) kehrt die Verspottimg zu seinem ursprünglichen Tempo zurück.
  | es = Aparece una bala de heno tras en Engineer, mientras este saca un banjo; se sienta y empieza a tocar música. Al pulsar clic derecho aumenta el ritmo con el que el Engineer toca, llegando a hacer humo con sus manos. Al pulsar clic izquierdo vuelve a su ritmo original. Cuando el jugador acaba la burla, el Engineer coloca el banjo junto a la bala de heno y se levanta; tras eso todos los elementos tras él desaparecerán.
  | es = Aparece una bala de heno tras en Engineer, mientras este saca un banjo; se sienta y empieza a tocar música. Al pulsar clic derecho aumenta el ritmo con el que el Engineer toca, llegando a hacer humo con sus manos. Al pulsar clic izquierdo vuelve a su ritmo original. Cuando el jugador acaba la burla, el Engineer coloca el banjo junto a la bala de heno y se levanta; tras eso todos los elementos tras él desaparecerán.
  | ko = 엔지니어가 건초 더미에 앉아서 밴조를 연주합니다. {{key|MOUSE2}} 를 누르면 템포가 빨라지며 손에서 연기가 납니다. {{key|MOUSE1}} 누르면 다시 원래 템포로 돌아옵니다.
  | ko = 엔지니어가 건초 더미에 앉아서 밴조를 연주합니다. {{key|MOUSE2}} 를 누르면 템포가 빨라지며 손에서 연기가 납니다. {{key|MOUSE1}} 누르면 다시 원래 템포로 돌아옵니다.
Line 751: Line 755:
| align="center" | {{lang
| align="center" | {{lang
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
| de = Solange die Verspottung gehalten wird.
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
Line 759: Line 764:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The Engineer pulls a jackhammer out of his tool pocket and rides around on it as if it was a pogo stick.
  | en = The Engineer pulls a jackhammer out of his tool pocket and rides around on it as if it was a pogo stick.
| de = Der Engineer zieht einen Presslufthammer aus seiner Werkzeugtasche und reitet darauf herum, als wäre es ein Pogo-Stick.
  | es = El Engineer saca un un martillo neumático de su bolsa de herramientas y lo monta como si fuera un saltador.
  | es = El Engineer saca un un martillo neumático de su bolsa de herramientas y lo monta como si fuera un saltador.
  | ko = 엔지니어가 잭 해머를 꺼내서 스카이콩콩처럼 타고 다닙니다.
  | ko = 엔지니어가 잭 해머를 꺼내서 스카이콩콩처럼 타고 다닙니다.
Line 768: Line 774:
| align="center" | {{lang
| align="center" | {{lang
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
| de = Solange die Verspottung gehalten wird.
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
Line 776: Line 783:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The Engineer builds a mechanical reclining lawn chair, complete with a parasol and bottles of beer, and lies back in it, drinking from one of the bottles and occasionally burping and saying some quotes.
  | en = The Engineer builds a mechanical reclining lawn chair, complete with a parasol and bottles of beer, and lies back in it, drinking from one of the bottles and occasionally burping and saying some quotes.
| de = Der Engineer baut einen mechanischen Liegestuhl mit einem Sonnenschirm und Bierflaschen auf und lehnt sich darin zurück, trinkt aus einer der Flaschen, rülpst gelegentlich und sagt ein paar Erwiderungen.
  | es = El Engineer suelta su caja de herramientas (similar a la que usa cuando va a [[building/es|construir]]) y despliega una tumbona reclinable, junto a un parasol y unas botellas de cerveza. Se tumba y bebe de una de las botellas. A veces eructa y dice frases. Si se vuelve a activar la burla saltará de la tumbona (que se volverá a plegar, para sorpresa del Engineer) y acaba la burla.
  | es = El Engineer suelta su caja de herramientas (similar a la que usa cuando va a [[building/es|construir]]) y despliega una tumbona reclinable, junto a un parasol y unas botellas de cerveza. Se tumba y bebe de una de las botellas. A veces eructa y dice frases. Si se vuelve a activar la burla saltará de la tumbona (que se volverá a plegar, para sorpresa del Engineer) y acaba la burla.
  | ja = エンジニアが([[building/ja|装置]]を建設するときと同様に)工具箱を置きますが、中から傘付きのリクライニングチェアが現れます。椅子に寝そべって、瓶ビールを飲んだり、セリフを喋りながら時々ゲップをしたりします。再度挑発キーを押すかジャンプすると椅子をしまい(エンジニアが驚いたことに)挑発が終了します。
  | ja = エンジニアが([[building/ja|装置]]を建設するときと同様に)工具箱を置きますが、中から傘付きのリクライニングチェアが現れます。椅子に寝そべって、瓶ビールを飲んだり、セリフを喋りながら時々ゲップをしたりします。再度挑発キーを押すかジャンプすると椅子をしまい(エンジニアが驚いたことに)挑発が終了します。
Line 786: Line 794:
| align="center" | {{lang
| align="center" | {{lang
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
  | en = As long as the taunt is held
| de = Solange die Verspottung gehalten wird.
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | es = El tiempo que esté la burla en funcionamiento
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
  | ja = 挑発を終了するまで
Line 794: Line 803:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The Engineer continuously drives a miniature farm truck, giving an occasional salute while looking around.
  | en = The Engineer continuously drives a miniature farm truck, giving an occasional salute while looking around.
| de = Der Engineer fährt ununterbrochen einen Miniatur-Farmtraktor und salutiert gelegentlich, während er sich umsieht.
  | es = El Engineer conduce continuamente un tractor agrícola en miniatura, saludando ocasionalmente a su alrededor.
  | es = El Engineer conduce continuamente un tractor agrícola en miniatura, saludando ocasionalmente a su alrededor.
  | ko = 엔지니어가 트랙터를 타고 앞으로 계속 이동합니다.
  | ko = 엔지니어가 트랙터를 타고 앞으로 계속 이동합니다.

Revision as of 14:22, 1 September 2022

Class Taunt Duration Details
Battin' A Thousand
Battin' a Thousand
5 seconds The Scout does a "Kung Fu" flourish, spinning his melee weapon around and saying a voice line while phasing effects similar to those made by ingesting Bonk! Atomic Punch surround him. He then throws it in the air, and flips it on his right hand while yawning.
Boston Boarder
Boston Boarder
As long as the taunt is held The Scout takes out a skateboard and rides it while continuously moving forward. Pressing primary and alt-fire (default keys: MOUSE1 and MOUSE2, respectively) makes him perform different tricks.
Boston Breakdance
Boston Breakdance
4 seconds The Scout does a spinning breakdance on his head while music from the Boston Boom-Bringer plays. At the end, the Scout hops briskly onto his feet and shrugs.
As long as the taunt is held The Scout takes out a pogo stick and starts bouncing with it. Pressing primary and alt-fire (default keys: MOUSE1 and MOUSE2, respectively) causes him to perform different tricks.
As long as the taunt is held The Scout does the Carlton Dance, swinging his arms and swaying his hips from left to right while saying a voiceline.
Deep Fried Desire
Deep Fried Desire
4 seconds The Scout takes out a bucket of fried chicken, selects a piece, says a quote while taking a bite, and then throws both the chicken and bucket away, similar to the Training Scene seen in Expiration Date.
Homerunner's Hobby
Homerunner's Hobby
As long as the taunt is held The Scout throws himself back on the chair and starts eating a chip, turns the page on his magazine, laughs while slapping his right knee, eats another chip, looks around, and shrugs.
Runner's Rhythm
Runner's Rhythm
As long as the taunt is held The Scout sits on the floor and plays a pair of bongo drums.
Scooty Scoot
Scooty Scoot
As long as the taunt is held The Scout drives a tiny scooter. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the Scout perform a wheelie and say a line.
As long as the taunt is held The Scout takes out a sign reading "THIS WAY!" and proceeds to spin it, occasionally spinning it around himself. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the Scout tell his teammates to go left, while pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) makes him tell them to go right.
Trackman's Touchdown
Trackman's Touchdown
5 seconds The Scout grabs a football, does a forward summersault, and throws it against the ground. He then does a victory dance and finishes by pointing to himself with his thumbs.
Fresh Brewed Victory
Fresh Brewed Victory
5 seconds The Soldier pulls out a mug and puts a foot on a bag of coffee beans. He then says a quote, gestures, and takes a victorious swig from his mug before sighing, satisfied.
Fubar Fanfare
Fubar Fanfare
5 seconds The Soldier will pull out a trombone and play four low notes of failure (D, D♭, C, B).
Panzer Pants
Panzer Pants
As long as the taunt is held The Soldier stands at attention; a small tank then pops from the ground below him, which he gets in and continuously drives forward. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes him fire a shot, which is a purely cosmetic effect.
Profane Puppeteer
Profane Puppeteer
8 seconds The Soldier pulls out a puppet version of himself, then turns his head to the side while covering his mouth as he does the puppet's voice.
Rocket Jockey
Rocket Jockey
As long as the taunt is held A rocket launches behind the Soldier, which he jumps onto while doing a cowboy gesture and continuously rides forward. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the rocket "jump", followed by the Soldier repeating the cowboy gesture.
Soldier's Requiem
Soldier's Requiem
4 seconds The Soldier places down a gravestone while getting down on his knee, says a quote, and salutes while the gravestone falls down and disappears.
As long as the taunt is held The Pyro rides a spring-mounted Balloonicorn with some voice lines of amusement.
5 seconds The Pyro pulls out a serving platter with a lid, which they take off and drop in a vigorous manner to reveal a decapitated head of a Heavy. The Pyro then proceeds to smell test and follow up with a Classic "chef kiss" movement; meanwhile, the head slides off the platter, and falls to the floor.
Hot Wheeler
Hot Wheeler
As long as the taunt is held The Pyro jumps to the side as a team-colored motorized tricycle, with a flaming paint job and a Teufort license plate that reads "MMPH", appears; they jump on its seat and proceed to drive it, holding onto only the right hand clutch and occasionally mumbling. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes Pyro ride it more enthusiastically as flames pop from the exhaust pipes.
Party Trick
Party Trick
7 seconds The Pyro inflates a long balloon, ties it into a Balloonicorn, and sets it ablaze with a lighter, clapping and laughing as it does some aerial flips while burning. With Pyrovision equipped, the Balloonicorn flies around trailing rainbows instead.
Pool Party
Pool Party
As long as the taunt is held The Pyro inflates a small team-colored kiddie pool containing a yellow rubber ducky, pours a container of gasoline into it, sits down in the pool's center, and pushes the rubber ducky back and forth.
Scorcher's Solo
Scorcher's Solo
As long as the taunt is held The Pyro sits on the floor and plays a small toy piano.
Skating Scorcher
Skating Scorcher
As long as the taunt is held Ice skates materialize on the Pyro's feet, who proceeds to continuosly skate forward. Pressing primary and alt fire (default keys: MOUSE1 and MOUSE2, respectively) makes the Pyro perform different pirouettes.
Bad Pipes
Bad Pipes
12 seconds The Demoman takes out a pair of Bagpipes and proceeds to dance and play them extremely poorly. He then puts the bagpipes away while applauding his own skill with a quote.
Drunken Sailor
Drunken Sailor
As long as the taunt is held The Demoman drinks a bottle of beer and proceeds to steer a wooden ship wheel. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the Demoman say a cheery line while tilting the helm more energetically before spinning it to the right, drinking with a triumphant pose, and burping; pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) makes the Demoman complain and signal people to move out of the way. When the taunt ends, the helm falls apart, and the Demoman drops its wheel and the bottle on the ground.
4 seconds The Demoman takes out a crate of lime-flavored beer bottles, holds one of them up, and cheers wildly (progressively getting softer with each cheer), exactly as seen in Expiration Date.
Pooped Deck
Pooped Deck
As long as the taunt is held The Demoman falls into a folding chair, takes out a flask and uncorks it with his teeth, and drinks while intermittently spouting drunken gibberish. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the Demoman burp, while pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) makes him lean back on the chair before jolting back up.
Scotsmann's Stagger
Scotsmann's Stagger
As long as the taunt is held The Demoman continuously walks forward with an unsteady gait with a bottle of beer in a paper bag in his hand. He will occasionally drink from the bottle, trip, and compose himself while uttering drunk gibberish.
Spent Well Spirits
Spent Well Spirits
10 seconds The Demoman bites the top off of a grenade, pours a bottle of cider and some of the grenade's gunpowder into his mouth, and breathes out the mixture over a lighter, which creates a small mushroom cloud inches in front of the Demoman's face; he celebrates the results by closing his hand into a fist and saying a line.
Bare Knuckle Beatdown
Bare Knuckle Beatdown
As long as the taunt is held The Heavy punches the head and chest of a dummy with a picture of an enemy Scout.
Boiling Point
Boiling Point
As long as the taunt is held A table full with an assortment of food appears in front of the Heavy while he rubs his hands and stares at the spread gleefully. Taunting again makes the Heavy flip the table, which flings a steak from the Joule sous-vide cooker on the table straight into his mouth.
Proletariat Posedown
Proletariat Posedown
7 seconds The Heavy performs 4 different flexing poses and shouts each time he flexes his muscles.
Russian Arms Race
Russian Arms Race
As long as the taunt is held The Heavy does one armed push-ups.
Soviet Strongarm
Soviet Strongarm
As long as the taunt is held The Heavy pulls out two large dumbbells and begins doing a 'cross body hammer curl' exercise, re-adjusting his shoulders and beginning again after a while.
Table Tantrum
Table Tantrum
As long as the taunt is held A table full with an assortment of food will appear in front of the Heavy while he rubs his hands and stares at the spread gleefully. Taunting again makes the Heavy flip the table, which flings a steak from a pot on the table straight into his mouth.
Bucking Bronco
Bucking Bronco
As long as the taunt is held The Engineer summons a mechanical bull, which he mounts and rides wildly while hanging on for dear life.
Dueling Banjo
Dueling Banjo
As long as the taunt is held The Engineer sits on a haystack and plays banjo. Pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) increases the tempo at which the Engineer plays, and smoke rises from his hands; pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) returns the taunt to its original tempo.
Jumping Jack
Jumping Jack
As long as the taunt is held The Engineer pulls a jackhammer out of his tool pocket and rides around on it as if it was a pogo stick.
Rancho Relaxo
Rancho Relaxo
As long as the taunt is held The Engineer builds a mechanical reclining lawn chair, complete with a parasol and bottles of beer, and lies back in it, drinking from one of the bottles and occasionally burping and saying some quotes.
Texas Truckin'
Texas Truckin'
As long as the taunt is held The Engineer continuously drives a miniature farm truck, giving an occasional salute while looking around.
Doctor's Defibrillators
Doctor's Defibrillators
5 seconds The Medic pulls out a pair of team-colored defibrillators and rubs them together; they pop with electricity, and the Medic puts them back away.
Meet the Medic (taunt)
Meet the Medic
5 seconds The Medic strikes a pose and glows as doves fly around him while a heavenly choir sings and "opera" music plays in the background (similarly to several instances in Meet The Medic).
As long as the taunt is held The Medic drives a small ambulance, eventually telling people to move out the way. The player will continuously move forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.
Results Are In
Results Are In
5 seconds The Medic takes out an X-ray chart showing the Heavy's skeleton with a bomb stuck in his ribs. He examines it, laughes, and gives his prognosis, then crumples it up and tosses it away.
Surgeon's Squeezebox
Surgeon's Squeezebox
As long as the taunt is held The Medic brings out an accordion and plays while dancing in place laughing and cheering.
Time Out Therapy
Time Out Therapy
As long as the taunt is held The Medic sits on a medical reclining chair and reads a paper on a clipboard, occasionally chuckling and taking sips from a mug.
As long as the taunt is held The Sniper pulls out a didgeridoo with a spin, then sits down and plays it.
I See You
I See You
3 seconds The Sniper brings two fingers to his eyes, then points ahead in an intimidating manner while saying a quote.
Killer Solo
Killer Solo
3 seconds The Sniper pulls out a saxophone and plays several tunes from Seduce Me! while pumping his hips.
Most Wanted
Most Wanted
4 seconds The Sniper pulls out a notepad and marker, crosses a name off, and laughs before putting the notepad away.
Shooter's Stakeout
Shooter's Stakeout
As long as the taunt is held The Sniper sits inside a tent, grabs a thermal bottle, and uses a pair of binoculars.
Box Trot
Box Trot
As long as the taunt is held The Spy hides inside a cardboard box, which he can crawl around in.
Buy A Life
Buy A Life
5 seconds The Spy takes a stack of dollar bills with Saxton Hale's face on them, counts a few, tosses out an insult, and makes it "rain money" in front of him.
Disco Fever
Disco Fever
8 seconds The Spy performs a series of disco moves while groovy music plays, saying some voice lines along the way.
Luxury Lounge
Luxury Lounge
As long as the taunt is held The Spy sits on an armchair and reads from a book while occasionally taking sips from a mug and saying some lines.
Variable A bread monster pops out of the mercenary's chest, then shortly retracts back inside. Each class has a different reaction to the creature's appearance.
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary starts dancing conga while slowly walking forward. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player.
Director's Vision
Director's Vision
Variable The mercenary puts their hands and arms out in front of them to form a square with their fingers, as if trying to visualize the scene in front of them in a picture or a screen, similarly to the Meet the Director comic. The Pyro has two variations for this taunt.
Fist Bump
Fist Bump
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary holds a fist out and waits indefinitely for a player to taunt in front of them. They then proceed to punch each other's fists in an energetic fist bump.
Flippin' Awesome
Flippin' Awesome
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary crouches and waits indefinitely for a player to taunt in front of them. The initiator then helps the receiver perform a backflip.
High Five!
High Five!
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary holds one hand up and waits for another player to taunt in front of them. They high five and express each other's enthusiasm to slap hands. The Pyro has two ending animations for this taunt.
Kazotsky Kick
Kazotsky Kick
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary performs their interpretation of a Russian dance. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player.
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary starts with a variety of arm lunges and flairs, before starting a looping aerobics dance. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. Pressing primary or alt-fire (default keys: MOUSE1 and MOUSE2 respectively) makes the mercenary perform some dance actions, each class having different animations (alt-fire) or a shared animation (primary fire).
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rock, Paper, Scissors
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary puts forth a challenge to a game of rock, paper, scissors. When another player taunts in front of the initiator, the two will then play against each other, with a random outcome. If the players are on opposing teams, the loser explodes.
Variable The mercenary laughs at the demise and utter failure of their opponent(s).
Second Rate Sorcery
Second Rate Sorcery
Variable The mercenary takes out a cheap 99¢ staff and attempts to cast a magic spell. The staff fails at casting anything but green sparks; the mercenary then breaks, throws, or puts the staff away.
Shred Alert
Shred Alert
4 seconds The mercenary summons an electric guitar and plays a wicked rock solo on it as fireworks and lights spout from behind them. The final note causes a lightning strike and an accompanying wave of sound.
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary taps their head or helmet while waiting for another player to taunt in front of them, at which point the two bash their heads together.
Square Dance
Square Dance
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary invites people to dance with them. If another player taunts in front of them, the two perform a square dance while folk music is played.
Victory Lap
Victory Lap
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary jumps into a bumper car, which they can drive around. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the mercenary honk the bumper car's horn.
Yeti Punch
Yeti Punch
Variable A wooden cutout with moving arms of a yeti appears roaring in front of the mercenary, which they destroy (or, in the Scout's case, attempt to), each class with a different technique.
Yeti Smash
Yeti Smash
5 seconds The mercenary turns into a yeti, then roars while beating their chest before slamming the ground with their fist and turning back to normal. Each class reacts to the transformation differently.
Zoomin' Broom
Zoomin' Broom
As long as the taunt is held The player summons a broom and rides it around like a witch.