Rock, Paper, Scissors

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In historical times, people would play this game by candlelight for upwards of three minutes before dying of plague.
Rock, Paper, Scissors publicity blurb

Rock, Paper, Scissors is a special taunt for all classes.

When activated, the character enters a pose inviting someone else to join. Once another player accepts the challenge, the two face off in a rock-paper-scissors match. The choice of throw is randomly selected and does not allow ties. Once the throws are played, icons appear showing what the throws are, the winner's icon appearing with a bright outline around it, while the loser's does not. Afterwards, the two participants react accordingly by using a mini-taunt, a winning and a losing one.

Any other player (including bots) can accept the initiator's invitation by standing in front of them and pressing the taunt button (default key: G), regardless of team or if they own the taunt. Other players see an icon above the initiator's head indicating that the taunt is active, and players seeing it for the first time also receive a tutorial-like prompt informing them of how and where to accept it. The taunt cannot be initiated if there is insufficient space for it to be performed, such as a map height difference or obstacle in front of the initiator; trying to do so causes a message to appear on their HUD informing them of why they are unable to taunt. The initiator can hold the inviting stage of the taunt indefinitely; pressing the taunt button again or jumping before another player accepts the invitation ends the taunt instantly.

Should two players of opposite teams face off with this taunt, the loser is killed by exploding, which is recorded as a taunt kill delivered from the winner's active weapon at the time of initiating or joining the taunt. This does not increase a Killstreak or the kill count for Strange weapons, although points are recorded for Strange cosmetic items. The loser is not killed during the taunt winner decision if they are under the effects of a stock ÜberCharge or Bonk! Atomic Punch or if the winner is killed before the taunt ends.

For the voice lines and animations of each class, please refer to the respective class taunts pages.

Damage and function times

See also: Damage
[collapse]Damage and function times
Point blank 999
Medium range N/A
Long range N/A
Function times
Taunt duration
7 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.


Related achievements

Achieved.png General achievements

On The Rocks
On The Rocks
Lose at Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 times in a row with Rock.

Running With Scissors
Running With Scissors
Win at Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 times in a row with Scissors.
Do 10 partner taunts with a teammate while capturing a control point.

Update history

June 18, 2014 Patch (Love & War Update)

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors was added to the game.

June 23, 2014 Patch

February 11, 2015 Patch #2

August 11, 2022 Patch

  • Updated the description.

Unused content

  • In the game files, images for left and right hands for each throw type exist; in-game, the icon upon winning or losing does not differ when executed by left or right, and simply shows as a centered hand icon. No BLU team icons for these variations of icons exist.
  • An unused Spy voice line hints towards the Rock, Paper, Scissors taunt once being able to end in a tie.
  • A placeholder image exists in the game files showing a crudely drawn hand, named as rps_hands.


  • Sometimes, the icon for the loser is replaced by the Scorch Shot projectile animation, and does not disappear from the map until it ends.


  • It is possible to get kills with weapons that do not normally deal damage, such as the Sandvich or Rocket Jumper, if they are the weapon held at the start of the taunt. If an enemy loses while doing so, the killfeed shows the generic skull-and-crossbones logo. Notably, the Spy's Sapper variants display their kill icons as well, which can make it seem like an enemy was "sapped".
  • Scout's victory animation is a reference to boxer Muhammad Ali's "Ali Shuffle".
