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{{update trans}}
'''社区通报员(Community announcers)'''是指在游戏中担当[[announcer/zh-hans|通报员]],且并非由[[Valve/zh-hans|Valve]]官方创建的某些[[Non-player characters/zh-hans|非玩家角色]]。
'''社区通报员(Community announcers)'''是指在游戏中担当[[announcer/zh-hans|通报员]],且并非由[[Valve/zh-hans|Valve]]官方创建的某些[[Non-player characters/zh-hans|非玩家角色]]。
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== {{anchor|Mannsylvania|Dracula}}德古拉 ==
== {{anchor|Mannsylvania|Dracula}}德古拉 ==
'''德古拉(Dracula)'''是地图{{map link|Mannsylvania}}的通报员,由“MegapiemanPHD”配音。
'''德古拉(Dracula)'''是地图{{map link|Mannsylvania}}的通报员,由“MegapiemanPHD”配音。
<!-- 流行文化中的“吸血鬼/血族”往往透露着一股“古典范的优雅”,还有“古典范的残暴”。当然,从部分台词设计来看,这个吸血鬼还有一点点“古典范的谐星”。
后续改良的编辑者请结合具体的配音风格,适当运用修辞与推敲用词,这点与“Toastmaster”类似。 -->
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''准备阶段/回合开始'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_01.mp3|"V'elcome to Mannsylvania... You're in for a bloody good time! Mwuah hah hah ha!"]]<br>恰逢“良辰吉日”,欢迎来到Mannsylvania!哇哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_02.mp3|"Welcome to Mannsylvania! Hah ha ha ha ha..."]]<br>欢迎来到Mannsylvania!哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_03.mp3|"If you v'ish to live, you must satiate my thirst for blood... If you fail... I will simply have to take yours instead... Ha ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>如果各位想要活命,就让吾辈的血之饥渴得以平息。若是效劳不力…便只好索性向各位“开口”要了…哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_04.mp3|"V'elcome to Mannsylvania! Satiate my thirst for blood if you wish to live... Else, I will simply take yours..."]]<br>欢迎来到Mannsylvania!想要活命,就平息我的血渴…否则,就拿你们的鲜血来偿…
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_05.mp3|"V'elcome to Mannsylvania! You're in for a bloody good time! Hah ha ha hah ha!"]]<br>恰逢“良辰吉日”,欢迎来到Mannsylvania!哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_06.mp3|"V'elcome to Mannsylvania... If you wish to live, you must satiate my thirst for blood..."]]<br>欢迎来到Mannsylvania!想要活命,就让我对鲜血的渴求得到平息…
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_07.mp3|"V'elcome, mortals... Let the fun '''begin!''' Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>欢迎欢迎,凡夫俗子们…寻欢作乐的时间,'''就此开始'''!哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_08.mp3|"I am glad that you are here to donate your blood... To me... Ah ha ha ha ha hah!"]]<br>很高兴看到大家前来献血…而你们献身的对象正是我…啊哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_intro_09.mp3|"If you wish to survive, you will bring me the blood of someone else... Otherwise, I will take yours! AH HA ha ha ha!"]]<br>如果想活命,就把其他人的血献给我…否则,我就只好拿你们下手了!啊哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_mission_begins_10_seconds_01.mp3|"Mission begins in 10 seconds..."]]<br>十秒后任务开始…
* [[Media:Dracula_mission_begins_5_seconds_01.mp3|"Five!"]]<br>五!
* [[Media:Dracula_mission_begins_4_seconds_01.mp3|"Four!"]]<br>四!
* [[Media:Dracula_mission_begins_3_seconds_01.mp3|"Three!"]]<br>三!
* [[Media:Dracula_mission_begins_2_seconds_01.mp3|"Two!"]]<br>二!
* [[Media:Dracula_mission_begins_1_seconds_01.mp3|"One!"]]<br>一!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_start_01.mp3|"Let's go! Time to bring..."]]<br>出发吧!是时候了…
* [[Media:Dracula_game_start_02.mp3|"BEGIN!!!"]]<br>动手吧!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_start_03.mp3|"Fly!"]]<br>飞吧飞吧!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_start_04.mp3|"I love to count! One! Two! THREE inches of blood! Ah hah hah ha ha!"]]<br>我超爱清点数目!一寸血!两寸血!整整三寸血!啊哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_game_start_05.mp3|"My thirst must be quenched with your blood..."]]<br>吾之欲望须用尔等的鲜血得以平息…
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''传送门开启'''
|image      = Mannsylvania_Pickup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mannsylvania/zh-hans
|content    =
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_open_01.mp3|"Fools! I need more blood! BRING me more!"]]<br>一帮蠢货!这点血还不够,远远不够!
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_open_02.mp3|"Fools! I need more blood!!!"]]<br>一帮蠢货!这点血远远不够!
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_open_03.mp3|"Mortals, the portals are open for you to access my castle! I am waiting for your blood!"]]<br>凡夫俗子们,传送门已然开启!吾在此等候尔等前来供奉!
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_open_04.mp3|"Mortals, the portals are open! Bring me blood!"]]<br>凡人们,传送门开启了!把血给我送来!
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_open_05.mp3|"I'm waiting for you! Don't disappoint me, or you'll regret it very much!"]]<br>吾已在此等候!切勿辜负使命,否则就让尔等追悔莫及!
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_open_06.mp3|"I am waiting for you! Don't disappoint me, or you will regret it!"]]<br>我在这等着呢!别让我失望,不然就让你们后悔!
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_open_07.mp3|"Mortals, if you do not bring me blood... I will come and get it myself!"]]<br>凡人们,若不再献上血来…吾可就亲自来取了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''传送门关闭'''
|image      = Mannsylvania_Pickup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mannsylvania/zh-hans
|content    =
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_close_01.mp3|"Collect more blood! I will be waiting for you at my castle..."]]<br>鲜血,继续去凑!我就在我的城堡里等着…
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_close_02.mp3|"That is all for now..."]]<br>暂且足够了…
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_close_03.mp3|"That is all for now!"]]<br>暂且足够了…
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_close_04.mp3|"I am full! For now..."]]<br>暂且足够了…
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_close_05.mp3|"Collect more blood! I will be v'aiting for you at my place..."]]<br>继续给我凑!我就在我的地盘里等着…
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_close_06.mp3|"Collect more blood! I will be v'aiting for you at my castle."]]<br>继续收集!吾就在这城堡里等候…
* [[Media:Dracula_portal_close_07.mp3|"I don't care ''how'' you bring me blood, just get it and bring it to ME!"]]<br>手段来源都无关紧要,只管向吾供奉就好!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''玩家进入城堡'''<!-- 虽说是在某“个”玩家进入城堡时对其播放,根据情形将部分处理成“你们”(复数)更为合适。 -->
|image      = Mannsylvania_Pickup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_01.mp3|"Who dares enter my domain?!"]]<br>谁人胆敢入侵吾之领地?
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_02.mp3|"Unlucky and unwise, he who enters my domain... Let's give them a warm welcome... Heh heh heh heh!"]]<br>竟敢跑到我的地盘里来,何等愚昧,何等可悲…那我就送上一份“见面礼”吧…哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_03.mp3|"You may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except for the locked off areas, which you would not wish to go anyway."]]<br>这座城堡里你们哪都可以去,封锁区除外——那些地方你们也不会想去的。
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_04.mp3|"You may go anywhere you wish in the castle! Except there, and ''there'', or whatever you do don't go there."]]<br>我这座城堡你们随便逛!除了这儿不能去,那儿不能去,还有那个地方不管干啥都别去。
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_05.mp3|"You may go wherever you wish in the castle, except for the locked off areas. Which you would not wish to go anyway so it does not matter..."]]<br>这座城堡里你们哪都可以去,封锁区除外——那些地方你们也不会想去的,所以想去也无妨…
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_06.mp3|"You may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except for behind the locked doors. Those are mine."]]<br>这座城堡里你们哪都可以去,除了锁上的门不能开。那是我的私人空间。
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_07.mp3|"You may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except for the closed off areas. Don't go in there, there's nothing, it's boring."]]<br>这座城堡里你们哪都可以去,封锁区除外——那些地方什么都没有,无聊的很!
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_08.mp3|"Another one... Come, don't be afraid! Bring me the blood, and later you will be rewarded... Hu ha ha ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>又来了一个…过来吧,别怕!把血献给我,待会再奖赏你…哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_09.mp3|"Another one approaches! Come, don't be afraid. Bring me blood, and later you will be rewarded! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>又有人来了!来吧,不必害怕。把血献上来,待会自有奖赏!哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_10.mp3|"Hope you're not with 'big guy', his blood is full of cholesterol. Is bad for me..."]]<br>但愿没有那个“大块头”,他的血里全是胆固醇,太为难我了…
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_11.mp3|"I hope you're not the 'skinny guy', he's got too much sugar in his blood. Egh!"]]<br>希望不是那个“瘦小子”,他的血糖分超标啊。唉!
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_12.mp3|"I hope you're not the one with 'one eye', too much alcohol. I don't want to get drunk right now."]]<br>可别是那个“独眼龙”,酒精多得离谱,我现在可不想醉倒。
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_13.mp3|"My thirst must be quenched with your blood..."]]<br>我将用你们的鲜血平息这份饥渴…
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_14.mp3|"I v'ant to suck your BLOOD!!!"]]<br>我真想痛饮你们的鲜血!
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_15.mp3|"I am Vlad Dracula, and welcome to my castle... Hu ha ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>吾名瓦兰德·德古拉,欢迎来到我的城堡…哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_castle_16.mp3|"I am Dracula, and you are dinner..."]]<br>我可是德古拉,而你们只不是晚餐而已…
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''石像鬼相关'''
|image      = Gargoyle Ghost.png
|image-size = 25px
|content    =
* [[Media:Dracula garg_spawn 01.mp3|"A Gargoyle has appeared somewhere on the map."]]<br>石像鬼正于地图某处出没。
* [[Media:Dracula garg_spawn_02.mp3|"A Gargoyle has spawned."]]<br>有一个石像鬼现身了。
* [[Media:Dracula garg_spawn_03.mp3|"There is a Gargoyle on the map."]]<br>地图上出现了一个石像鬼。
* [[Media:Dracula garg_spawn_04.mp3|"There is a Gargoyle around here somewhere, can you find it?"]]<br>地图某处正有一个石像鬼,你们找得到吗?
* [[Media:Dracula_garg_gone_01.mp3|"The Gargoyle is gone!"]]<br>石像鬼消散了!
* [[Media:Dracula_garg_gone_02.mp3|"The Gargoyle has left..."]]<br>石像鬼消失了…
* [[Media:Dracula_garg_gone_03.mp3|"You have missed the Gargoyle, such a shame..."]]<br>汝等与石像鬼失之交臂,实在可惜…
* [[Media:Dracula_garg_gone_04.mp3|"Oh, the Gargoyle has escaped!"]]<br>呜,石像鬼溜走了!
* [[Media:Dracula_garg_gone_05.mp3|"Too bad, you missed the Gargoyle!"]]<br>可恶,你们把石像鬼放走了!
* [[Media:Dracula_garg_gone_06.mp3|"The Gargoyle has left the map..."]]<br>石像鬼已从地图上消失…
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''其它'''
|image      = Mannsylvania_Pickup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mannsylvania/zh-hans
|content    =
* [[Media:Dracula_random_01.mp3|Mortals! If you do not bring me blood, I will come out of this coffin and get it for you! But keep in mind that you won't like it...]]<br>凡夫俗子们!若不呈上血来,我便从这副棺材里动身,替各位效劳!但是切记,这肯定没你们好果子吃…
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合胜利'''
|image      = Achieved.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|content    =
* [[Media:Dracula_team_won_01.mp3|"I am at full strength! For this, you will be rewarded... Maybe I will let you live! Or maybe not... Huhahahahahaha!]]<br>我现在力量满盈!汝等的供奉将得到嘉奖…兴许吾会饶你们一命!除非并不会…哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_won_02.mp3|"I am at full power! For this, you will be rewarded! Maybe I will even let you live... Or maybe not! Hah hah hah hah hah!"]]<br>我的力量正处巅峰!你们的供奉将得到嘉奖…兴许我会饶你们一命…或许也不会!哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_won_03.mp3|"Yes! YES! Finally I am at full strength! But it... Seems the coffin's a little stuck! I can't get out!"]]<br>好,好极了!吾之力量已达极限!不过…这棺材好像卡住了!出不来了!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_won_04.mp3|"Yes... YES! Finally, I am at full POWER! Seems the coffin's a little stuck, I can't get out. Anyone got a crowbar?"]]<br>很好…很好!吾之实力重回巅峰!可是,这棺材好像卡住了,我出不来呀。有谁带了撬棍吗?
* [[Media:Dracula_team_won_05.mp3|"Strength... It fills me! Winners will be rewarded! Losers will be punished..."]]<br>力量…贯彻吾身!胜者静待嘉奖,败者就准备受苦吧…
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合失败'''
|image      = Killicon skull.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|content    =
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_01.mp3|"Fools! You v'ill regret this very much..."]]<br>一帮蠢货!吾将令汝等后悔不已…
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_02.mp3|"You have disappointed me! Lucky for you, you v'ill not live long enough to regret it..."]]<br>你们辜负了我的期待!算你们走运,留给你们追悔的时间也不多了…
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_03.mp3|"You have failed me! Now, you are dinner..."]]<br>你们辜负了我!这下就只好拿你们做晚餐了…
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_04.mp3|"I do not suffer losers, I eat them instead..."]]<br>对于败军之将,吾向来不用刑,只用餐。
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_05.mp3|"You didn't bring me enough of their blood! So now, I shall have yours! Hah ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>既然他们的血你们凑不够,现在我就拿你们的血来凑!哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_06.mp3|"Is that it? Is that ''all'' you can bring me?? Fine, then I shall '''take''' the rest from you...!]]]<br>仅此而已?汝等所能供奉的鲜血就仅此而已吗??罢了,欠下的部分就由各位亲自补上…!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_07.mp3|"I still thirst for '''more'''! If you cannot bring it to me, then I will take it from you...]]<br>距吾之所求还'''远远不够'''!如果汝等不把鲜血送来,吾便将鲜血从汝等身上夺走…
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_08.mp3|"You have failed... Which means ''you'' are now dinner... Hah hah hah hah hah hah...!"]]<br>败北的惩罚…便是被摆上餐桌…哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_09.mp3|"Dinner is served! And dinner is ''you''! Huh hah hah hah hah ha!"]]<br>上菜了,这道菜的名字,就是你们!哈哈——!
== 细枝末节 ==
== 细枝末节 ==

Revision as of 07:03, 11 November 2023

社区通报员(Community announcers)是指在游戏中担当通报员,且并非由Valve官方创建的某些非玩家角色






Setup.png  准备阶段


Hud invasion bottle.png  我方正在提交酒瓶
Hud invasion bottle.png  敌方正在提交酒瓶
Achieved.png  胜利
Killicon skull.png  失败


Setup.png  介绍语
Achieved.png  我方即将获胜
Killicon skull.png  敌方即将获胜


戴维·琼斯(Davy Jones)是地图Cursed Cove的通报员,由“EmNudge”配音。


Setup.png  回合开始
Davy Jones ship icon.png  “飞翔的荷兰人”号抵达
Warning red.png  “戴维·琼斯之箱”即将关闭
Cross RED.png  “戴维·琼斯之箱”关闭
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败
Achieved.png  比赛胜利
Killicon skull.png  比赛失败


Killicon bleed.png  戴维·琼斯累计遭受500点伤害
Killicon fire.png  戴维·琼斯身后的骷髅遭到摧毁
Killicon mantreads.png  玩家距离戴维·琼斯过近
Stun.PNG  玩家闲置
Unknownweapon.png  未知条件


Setup.png  回合开始
Davy Jones ship icon.png  “飞翔的荷兰人”号抵达
Cross RED.png  “戴维·琼斯之箱”关闭
Achieved.png  回合胜利


航天员(Astronaut)是地图Bread Space的通报员。


Setup.png  回合开始
Setup.png  回合结束
Timer overtime.png  超时
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


Breadspace cart.png  战车接近检查点,对进攻方玩家
Warning red.png  战车接近检查点,对防守方玩家
Breadspace cart.png  战车接近最终检查点,对进攻方玩家
Warning red.png  战车接近最终检查点,对防守方玩家


庄稼汉(Farmer)是地图农场异变(Farmageddon)的通报员,由“MegapiemanPHD ”配音。

Setup.png  回合开始
Pumpkinopen.png  南瓜怪开启
Pumpkinopen.png  南瓜怪关闭
Scarecrowskeleton.png  稻草人出现
Gargoyle Ghost.png  石像鬼相关




Achieved.png  庆祝
Setup.png  回合结束
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


庄园主管(The Toastmaster)是地图罪恶庄园(Sinthetic)的通报员,由“MegapiemanPHD ”配音。

Toastmastericon.png  生成


巨无霸博士(Dr. Freakinhuge,红方)与大金刚教授(Professor Bigginsize,蓝方)是地图Crasher的通报员,两者均由Benjamin Rudman配音。


Setup.png  回合开始
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  玩家闲置
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  拾取炸弹
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方首个巨人出场
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方首个巨人出场
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方巨人倒下
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方巨人倒下
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方巨人接近敌方城门
Warning red.png  敌方巨人接近我方城门
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方城门受损
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方城门受损
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


Setup.png  回合开始
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  玩家闲置
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  拾取炸弹
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方首个巨人出场
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方首个巨人出场
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方巨人倒下
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方巨人倒下
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方巨人接近敌方城门
Warning red.png  敌方巨人接近我方城门
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方城门受损
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方城门受损
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


打渔人(Fisherman)是地图Selbyen的通报员,而海豹则是该地图的核心元素。其中打渔人由Benjamin Rudman配音,且某些语音中包含挪威语。

Pickup Fish.png  海豹的叫声
Setup.png  准备阶段&回合开始
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败



Setup.png  准备阶段/回合开始
Mannsylvania Pickup.png  传送门开启
Mannsylvania Pickup.png  传送门关闭
Mannsylvania Pickup.png  玩家进入城堡
Gargoyle Ghost.png  石像鬼相关



Mannsylvania Pickup.png  其它
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


  • 语音“You know a noble growth ray embiggens the smallest man...”参考了《辛普森一家》中虚构城镇春田镇(Springfield)的宣言:“A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man(高尚的灵魂让渺小的人变得伟岸)”。
