Difference between revisions of "Template:Tools drop list"

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m (update zh-hans)
(44 intermediate revisions by 26 users not shown)
Line 4: Line 4:
  | en = Tools that ''cannot'' be found via a random drop.
  | en = Tools that ''cannot'' be found via a random drop.
  | de = Werkzeuge, die ''nicht'' durch das Gegenstands-Fundsystem erhalten werden können.
  | de = Werkzeuge, die ''nicht'' durch das Gegenstands-Fundsystem erhalten werden können.
| es = Herramientas que ''no'' se pueden obtener de forma aleatoria.
  | fi = Työkalut, joita ''ei voida'' löytää satunnaisesti.
  | fi = Työkalut, joita ''ei voida'' löytää satunnaisesti.
  | fr = Outils ''ne pouvant'' être obtenus via un drop aléatoire.
  | fr = Outils ''ne pouvant'' être obtenus via un drop aléatoire.
| ja = ランダムドロップで見つけることの''できない''工具
| ko = 무작위 획득으로 얻을 수 없는 도구.
  | nl = Gereedschappen die ''niet'' gevonden kunnen worden via het voorwerpvindsysteem.
  | nl = Gereedschappen die ''niet'' gevonden kunnen worden via het voorwerpvindsysteem.
| no = Verktøy som ''ikke'' kan bli funnet via gjenstand-dropp systemet
| pt-br = Ferramentas que ''não'' podem ser encontradas através de obtenção aleatória.
| ru = Инструменты, которые ''не'' могут быть найдены через систему получения предметов
| sv = Verktyg som ''ej'' kan upphittas slumpmässigt.
| tr = Rastgele düşürmeyle elde ''edilemeyen'' araçlar.
| zh-hans = '''无法'''从随机掉落系统中获得的工具
| zh-hant = '''無法'''從隨機掉落中獲得的工具。
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="6" | '''{{item name|Tools}}'''
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="24" | '''{{item name|Tools}}'''
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | [[File:Item icon Scrap Metal.png|64px|link=Craft items{{if lang}}]]
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | [[File:Item icon Scrap Metal.png|64px|link=Craft items{{if lang}}]]
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Supply Crate Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Supply Crate Key|64px}}
Line 28: Line 38:
   | fr = Objets de fabrication
   | fr = Objets de fabrication
   | it = Oggetti da Forgiatura
   | it = Oggetti da Forgiatura
  | ja = クラフト用材料
   | ko = 제작 아이템
   | ko = 제작 아이템
  | no = Tilvirkningsgjenstander
   | nl = Ontwerpvoorwerpen
   | nl = Ontwerpvoorwerpen
   | pt-br = Itens de fabricação
   | pt-br = Itens de fabricação
   | ru = Предметы для ковки
   | ru = Предметы для ковки
  | sv = Tilverkningsföremål
  | tr = İşleme eşyaları
  | zh-hans = 合成材料
   | zh-hant = 合成用材料
   | zh-hant = 合成用材料
Line 44: Line 59:
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Eerie Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Eerie Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate Key 2012|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate Key 2012|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Robo Community Crate Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer Appetizer Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Red Summer 2013 Cooler Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Orange Summer 2013 Cooler Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Green Summer 2013 Cooler Key|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Eerie Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate Key 2012}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Robo Community Crate Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer Appetizer Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Red Summer 2013 Cooler Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Orange Summer 2013 Cooler Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Green Summer 2013 Cooler Key}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Blue Summer 2013 Cooler Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Brown Summer 2013 Cooler Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Black Summer 2013 Cooler Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fall 2013 Gourd Crate Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Spooky Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2013|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Blue Summer 2013 Cooler Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Brown Summer 2013 Cooler Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Black Summer 2013 Cooler Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Fall 2013 Gourd Crate Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Spooky Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2013}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate Key 2013|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Strongbox Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Limited Late Summer Crate Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|End of the Line Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate Key 2014|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2014|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gun Mettle Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate Key 2013}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Strongbox Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Limited Late Summer Crate Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|End of the Line Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate Key 2014}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2014}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Gun Mettle Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Invasion Community Update Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gargoyle Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Tough Break Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Tough Break Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mayflower Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Creepy Crawly Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Rainy Day Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Abominable Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Invasion Community Update Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Gargoyle Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Tough Break Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Tough Break Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mayflower Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Creepy Crawly Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Rainy Day Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Abominable Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Key}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Jungle Jackpot War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Infernal Reward War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2017 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2017 War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Blue Moon Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Violet Vermin Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scream Fortress X War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2018 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer 2019 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Jungle Jackpot War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Infernal Reward War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2017 Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2017 War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Blue Moon Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Violet Vermin Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scream Fortress X War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2018 Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer 2019 Cosmetic Key}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Spooky Spoils Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2019 War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer 2020 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Wicked Windfall Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scream Fortress XII War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2020 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2020 War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer 2021 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Spooky Spoils Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2019 War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer 2020 Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Wicked Windfall Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scream Fortress XII War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2020 Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2020 War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer 2021 Cosmetic Key}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Crimson Cache Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2021 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer 2022 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Ghoulish Gains Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2022 Cosmetic Key|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gift Wrap|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gift Wrap|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Backpack Expander|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Backpack Expander|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Crimson Cache Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2021 Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer 2022 Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Ghoulish Gains Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2022 Cosmetic Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Gift Wrap}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Backpack Expander}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Something Special For Someone Special|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Strange Part|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Strange Part|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Banana Peel|link=Mysterious Treasures{{if lang}}|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Banana Peel|link=Mysterious Treasures{{if lang}}|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Tour of Duty Ticket|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Tour of Duty Ticket|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Squad Surplus Voucher|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton|link=Voodoo-Cursed Items{{if lang}}|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Halloween Spells|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Upgrade to Premium Gift|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Eerie Key}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate Key 2012}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Gift Wrap}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Backpack Expander}}
| width=128px | {{item link|RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code}}
| width=128px | {{item link|RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Something Special For Someone Special}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Strange Part}}<sup>1</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Strange Part}}<sup>1</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Mysterious Treasures}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Mysterious Treasures}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Tour of Duty Ticket}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Tour of Duty Ticket}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Squad Surplus Voucher}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Voodoo-Cursed Items}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Halloween Spells}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Upgrade to Premium Gift}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Squad Surplus Voucher|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton|link=Voodoo-Cursed Items{{if lang}}|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Halloween Spells|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Upgrade to Premium Gift|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Strange Filter|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Strange Filter|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Strange Bacon Grease|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Strange Bacon Grease|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Painting Set|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer Claim Check|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Strangifier|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Chemistry Set|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Killstreak Kit|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Specialized Killstreak Fabricator|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Duck Token|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Squad Surplus Voucher}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Voodoo-Cursed Items}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Halloween Spells}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Upgrade to Premium Gift}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Strange Filter}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Strange Filter}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Strange Bacon Grease}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Strange Bacon Grease}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Painting Set}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer Claim Check}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Strangifier}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Chemistry Set}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Killstreak Kit}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Killstreak Kit Fabricator}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Duck Token}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gun Mettle Campaign Pass|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gun Mettle Campaign Coin|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Invasion Community Update Pass|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Invasion Community Update Coin|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Soul Gargoyle|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Tough Break Campaign Pass|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gravel Tough Break Campaign Stamp|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Strange Count Transfer Tool|64px}}
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="4" | '''{{lang
| width=128px | {{item link|Gun Mettle Campaign Pass}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Gun Mettle Campaign Coin}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Invasion Community Update Pass}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Invasion Community Update Coin}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Soul Gargoyle}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Tough Break Campaign Pass}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Gravel Tough Break Campaign Stamp}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Strange Count Transfer Tool}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festivizer|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Civilian Grade Stat Clock|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Competitive Matchmaking Beta Invite|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Competitive Matchmaking Pass|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unusualifier|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Jungle Inferno ConTracker|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Jungle Inferno Contracts Pass|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Festivizer}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Civilian Grade Stat Clock}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Competitive Matchmaking Beta Invite}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Competitive Matchmaking Pass}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unusualifier}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Jungle Inferno ConTracker}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Jungle Inferno Contracts Pass}}
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="24" | '''{{lang
  | en = Crates
  | en = Crates
  | cs = Krabice
  | cs = Krabice
Line 84: Line 283:
  | fr = Caisses
  | fr = Caisses
  | es = Cajas
  | es = Cajas
| ja = 物資箱
  | nl = Kisten
  | nl = Kisten
| no = Kasser
  | pt-br = Caixas  
  | pt-br = Caixas  
  | ru = Ящики   
  | ru = Ящики   
| sv = Lådor
| tr = Kutular
| zh-hans = 供应箱
  | zh-hant = 補給箱
  | zh-hant = 補給箱
  | ko = 상자
  | ko = 상자
Line 93: Line 297:
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Winter Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Winter Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Refreshing Summer Cooler|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Refreshing Summer Cooler|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scorched Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scorched Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fall Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fall Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Eerie Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Eerie Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate 2012|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Supply Crate}}<sup>2,3</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Supply Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Festive Winter Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Festive Winter Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Refreshing Summer Cooler}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Refreshing Summer Cooler}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Scorched Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scorched Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Fall Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Fall Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Eerie Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Eerie Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate 2012}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate 2012|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate 2012|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate 2012|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Robo Community Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer Appetizer Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Red Summer 2013 Cooler|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Orange Summer 2013 Cooler|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Green Summer 2013 Cooler|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate 2012}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate 2012}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate 2012}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Robo Community Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer Appetizer Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Red Summer 2013 Cooler}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Orange Summer 2013 Cooler}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Green Summer 2013 Cooler}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Brown Summer 2013 Cooler|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Black Summer 2013 Cooler|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fall 2013 Acorns Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fall 2013 Gourd Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Spooky Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate 2013|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate 2013|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Strongbox|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Brown Summer 2013 Cooler}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Black Summer 2013 Cooler}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Fall 2013 Acorns Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Fall 2013 Gourd Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Spooky Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate 2013}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate 2013}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Strongbox}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Supply Munition|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Stockpile Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Audition Reel|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Limited Late Summer Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Scout Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Soldier Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Pyro Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Demo Crate|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Supply Munition}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Stockpile Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Audition Reel}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Limited Late Summer Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Scout Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Soldier Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Pyro Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Demo Crate}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Heavy Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Engineer Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Medic Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Sniper Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Creepy Spy Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|End of the Line Community Crate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Naughty Winter Crate 2014|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Nice Winter Crate 2014|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Concealed Killer Weapons Case|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Heavy Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Engineer Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Medic Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Sniper Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Creepy Spy Crate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate 2014}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Nice Winter Crate 2014}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Concealed Killer Weapons Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Powerhouse Weapons Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Confidential Collection Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Quarantined Collection Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gargoyle Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pyroland Weapons Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Warbird Weapons Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Tough Break Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mayflower Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Powerhouse Weapons Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Confidential Collection Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Quarantined Collection Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Gargoyle Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Pyroland Weapons Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Warbird Weapons Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Tough Break Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Mayflower Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Scout|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Soldier|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Pyro|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Demo|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Heavy|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Engineer|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Medic|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Sniper|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Spy|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Scout}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Soldier}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Pyro}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Demo}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Heavy}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Engineer}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Medic}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Sniper}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Spy}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Multi-Class|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Creepy Crawly Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Rainy Day Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Abominable Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Infernal Reward War Paint Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Decorated War Hero War Paint Civilian Grade Keyless Case|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Multi-Class}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Rainy Day Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Abominable Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Infernal Reward War Paint Case}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Decorated War Hero War Paint Civilian Grade Keyless Case}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Decorated War Hero War Paint Freelance Grade Keyless Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Decorated War Hero War Paint Mercenary Grade Keyless Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Contract Campaigner War Paint Civilian Grade Keyless Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Contract Campaigner War Paint Freelance Grade Keyless Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Contract Campaigner War Paint Mercenary Grade Keyless Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2017 War Paint Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Blue Moon Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Violet Vermin Case|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Decorated War Hero War Paint Freelance Grade Keyless Case}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Decorated War Hero War Paint Mercenary Grade Keyless Case}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Contract Campaigner War Paint Civilian Grade Keyless Case}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Contract Campaigner War Paint Freelance Grade Keyless Case}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Contract Campaigner War Paint Mercenary Grade Keyless Case}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2017 War Paint Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Blue Moon Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scream Fortress X War Paint Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer 2019 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Spooky Spoils Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2019 War Paint Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Wicked Windfall Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scream Fortress X War Paint Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer 2019 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2019 War Paint Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Wicked Windfall Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2020 War Paint Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Crimson Cache Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer 2022 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Ghoulish Gains Case|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Case|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2020 War Paint Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Crimson Cache Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer 2022 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Ghoulish Gains Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Winter 2022 Cosmetic Case|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Winter 2022 Cosmetic Case}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="4" | '''{{item name|Paint Can}}'''
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="4" | '''{{item name|Paint Can}}'''
Line 155: Line 559:
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Painting Set}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Painting Set}}
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="4" | '''{{item name|Action items}}'''
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="8" | '''{{item name|Action items}}'''
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Noise Maker|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile o' Gifts|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile o' Gifts|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Secret Saxton|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Secret Saxton|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Noise Maker|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Manniversary Package|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Manniversary Package|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Halloween Goodie Cauldron|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Halloween Goodie Cauldron|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Director's Vision|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Store Package|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Shred Alert|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fireproof Secret Diary|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Power Up Canteen|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|What's in the Sandvich Box?|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | [[File:Pile of Ash.png|64px|link=Pile Of Ash{{if lang}}]]
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|What's in the Companion Square Box?|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Noise Maker}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile o' Gifts}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile o' Gifts}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Secret Saxton}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Secret Saxton}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Noise Maker}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Manniversary Package}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Manniversary Package}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Halloween Goodie Cauldron}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Director's Vision}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Store Package}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Shred Alert}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Fireproof Secret Diary}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Power Up Canteen}}
| width=128px | {{item link|What's in the Sandvich Box?}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile Of Ash}}
| width=128px | {{item link|What's in the Companion Square Box?}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile of Ash|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Power Up Canteen|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile of Curses|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile of Curses|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mann Co. Store Package|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pallet of Crates|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|A Random Robo Community Crate Key Gift|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile of Robo Community Crate Key Gifts|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Battery Canteens|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Battery Canteens|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|A Random Summer Cooler Key Gift|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile Of Ash}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Power Up Canteen}}
| width=128px | {{item link|What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile of Curses}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile of Curses}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mann Co. Store Package}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pallet of Crates}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|A Random Robo Community Crate Key Gift}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile of Robo Community Crate Key Gifts}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Battery Canteens}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Battery Canteens}}
| width=128px | {{item link|A Random Summer Cooler Key Gift}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile of Summer Cooler Key Gifts|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Spellbook Magazine|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Unfilled Fancy Spellbook|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fancy Spellbook|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gift-Stuffed Stocking|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer Starter Kit|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Summer Adventure Pack|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Bread Box|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Halloween Gift Cauldron|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile of Summer Cooler Key Gifts}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Spellbook Magazine}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Unfilled Fancy Spellbook}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Fancy Spellbook}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Gift-Stuffed Stocking}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer Starter Kit}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Summer Adventure Pack}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Bread Box}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Halloween Gift Cauldron}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Kritz or Treat Canteen|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Duck Journal|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|A Random Duck Token Gift|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|A Random End of the Line Key Gift|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile of Duck Token Gifts|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pile of End of the Line Key Gifts|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Grappling Hook|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Smissmas 2015 Festive Gift|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Halloween Package|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Kritz or Treat Canteen}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Duck Journal}}
| width=128px | {{item link|A Random Duck Token Gift}}
| width=128px | {{item link|A Random End of the Line Key Gift}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile of Duck Token Gifts}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pile of End of the Line Key Gifts}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Grappling Hook}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Smissmas 2015 Festive Gift}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Halloween Package}}
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="18" | '''{{item name|Taunts}}'''
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Director's Vision|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Meet the Medic (taunt)|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Schadenfreude|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Shred Alert|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Battin' A Thousand|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Deep Fried Desire|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fresh Brewed Victory|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Party Trick|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Spent Well Spirits|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Director's Vision}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Meet the Medic (taunt)}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Schadenfreude}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Shred Alert}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Battin' a Thousand}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Deep Fried Desire}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Fresh Brewed Victory}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Party Trick}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Spent Well Spirits}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Oblooterated|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Rancho Relaxo|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Results Are In|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|I See You|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Buy A Life|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Conga|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Square Dance|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Skullcracker|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Flippin' Awesome|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Oblooterated}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Rancho Relaxo}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Results Are In}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|I See You}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Buy A Life}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Conga}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Square Dance}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Skullcracker}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Flippin' Awesome}}<sup>2</sup>
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Rock, Paper, Scissors|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Boston Breakdance|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Killer Solo|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Most Wanted|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Kazotsky Kick|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Proletariat Posedown|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Box Trot|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Burstchester|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Soldier's Requiem|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Rock, Paper, Scissors}}<sup>2</sup>
| width=128px | {{item link|Boston Breakdance}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Killer Solo}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Most Wanted}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Kazotsky Kick}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Proletariat Posedown}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Box Trot}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Burstchester}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Soldier's Requiem}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Zoomin' Broom|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mannrobics|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Bad Pipes|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Bucking Bronco|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Carlton|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Balloonibouncer|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Disco Fever|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fubar Fanfare|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Victory Lap|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Zoomin' Broom}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Mannrobics}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Bad Pipes}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Bucking Bronco}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Carlton}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Balloonibouncer}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Disco Fever}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Fubar Fanfare}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Victory Lap}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Second Rate Sorcery|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scotsmann's Stagger|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Didgeridrongo|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Table Tantrum|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Boiling Point|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Dueling Banjo|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Jumping Jack|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Soviet Strongarm|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Russian Arms Race|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Second Rate Sorcery}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scotsmann's Stagger}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Didgeridrongo}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Table Tantrum}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Boiling Point}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Dueling Banjo}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Jumping Jack}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Soviet Strongarm}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Russian Arms Race}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Headcase|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Yeti Punch|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Yeti Smash|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Skating Scorcher|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Bunnyhopper|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Runner's Rhythm|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Luxury Lounge|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Surgeon's Squeezebox|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Trackman's Touchdown|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Headcase}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Yeti Punch}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Yeti Smash}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Skating Scorcher}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Bunnyhopper}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Runner's Rhythm}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Luxury Lounge}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Surgeon's Squeezebox}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Trackman's Touchdown}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Panzer Pants|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scooty Scoot|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pooped Deck|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Time Out Therapy|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Rocket Jockey|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Boston Boarder|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Scorcher's Solo|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Texas Truckin'|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Spin-to-Win|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Panzer Pants}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scooty Scoot}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Pooped Deck}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Time Out Therapy}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Rocket Jockey}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Boston Boarder}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Scorcher's Solo}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Texas Truckin'}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Spin-to-Win}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fist Bump|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item| Homerunner's Hobby|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item| Profane Puppeteer|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item| Drunken Sailor|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Bare Knuckle Beatdown|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item| Mannbulance!|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Doctor's Defibrillators|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Shooter's Stakeout|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item| Hot Wheeler|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Fist Bump}}
| width=128px | {{item link| Homerunner's Hobby}}
| width=128px | {{item link| Profane Puppeteer}}
| width=128px | {{item link| Drunken Sailor}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Bare Knuckle Beatdown}}
| width=128px | {{item link| Mannbulance!}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Doctor's Defibrillators}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Shooter's Stakeout}}
| width=128px | {{item link| Hot Wheeler}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item| Travel Agent|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item| Scaredy-cat!|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Drunk Mann's Cannon|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Texas Twirl 'Em|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Shanty Shipmate|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Russian Rubdown|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Tailored Terminal|64px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Roasty Toasty|64px}}
| width=128px | {{item link| Travel Agent}}
| width=128px | {{item link| Scaredy-cat!}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Drunk Mann's Cannon}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Texas Twirl 'Em}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Shanty Shipmate}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Russian Rubdown}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Tailored Terminal}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Roasty Toasty}}
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | '''{{common string|other}}'''
| width=70px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | '''{{common string|other}}'''
Line 189: Line 824:
| width=128px | {{item link|Bundles}}
| width=128px | {{item link|Bundles}}
| width="40px" style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=3 | '''{{common strings|itt notes}}'''
| width="40px" style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=3 | '''{{common string|itt notes}}'''
| colspan="9" style="background:#FEF5E0; text-align:left" |  
| colspan="9" style="background:#FEF5E0; text-align:left" |  
* <sup>1</sup> {{lang
* <sup>1</sup> {{lang
   | en = excluding these strange parts:
   | en = These strange parts dropped previously:
   | de = diese seltsamen Teile ausgenommen:
   | es = Estas piezas raras se obtenían anteriormente:
   | fi = lukuunottamatta näitä Kummallisia osia:
   | zh-hans = 曾经可掉落的奇异部件如下:
  | fr = sauf les pièces étranges suivantes:
  | nl = behalve deze Vreemde onderdelen:
** {{item name|Strange Part Full Moon Kills}}
** {{item name|Strange Part Full Moon Kills}}
Line 212: Line 845:
   | fr = Disponible auparavant
   | fr = Disponible auparavant
   | it = Ottenibile precedentemente
   | it = Ottenibile precedentemente
  | ja = 以前はドロップした
   | ko = 이전에는 무작위 획득이 가능함.
   | ko = 이전에는 무작위 획득이 가능함.
   | nl = Waren eerder wel te vinden
   | nl = Waren eerder wel te vinden
   | pt-br = Anteriormente obtíveis
  | no = Kunne finnes før
   | ru = раньше случайно выпадали
   | pt-br = Anteriormente obtidas aleatoriamente
   | ru = Раньше случайно выпадали
  | sv = Förr upphittningsbar
  | tr = Önceden düşürüldü
  | zh-hans = 曾经可掉落
   | zh-hant = 之前會掉落
   | zh-hant = 之前會掉落
| colspan="9" style="background:#FEF5E0; text-align:left" |
* <sup>3</sup> {{lang
  | en = excluding Series #50, #55, #56, and #57
  | cs = Kromě sérií #50, #55, #56 a #57
  | da = udover forsyningskasse-serie #50, #55, #56 og #57
  | de = Kistenreihen #50, #55, #56 und #57 ausgenommen
  | es = excepto las series números #50, #55, #56, y #57
  | fi = poislukien sarjat #50, #55, #56 ja #57
  | fr = à l'exception des séries N°50, N°55, N°56, et N°57
  | it = escluse le Serie #50, #55, #56, e #57
  | ko = 50번과, 55번, 56번, 57번은 제외.
  | nl = behalve reeksen #50, #55, #56 en #57
  | pt-br = Exceto pelas séries 50, 55, 56, e 57
  | ru = кроме тиражей #50, #56 и #59
  | zh-hant = 除了編號 #50、#55、#56、#57 補給箱之外
{{translation switching|cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, it, nl, pt-br, ru, zh-hant}}
{{translation switching|en, de, es, fi, fr, ja, nl, no, pt-br, ru, sv, tr, zh-hans, zh-hant}}

Revision as of 08:22, 29 November 2023