Difference between revisions of "Template:Class weapons table pyro secondary"

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(Updated the german version to be up-to-date. Added german version for thermal thruster and gas passer)
m ((FR) Word change)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 673: Line 673:
{{Con}}-20% vahinkovähennys.<br />
{{Con}}-20% vahinkovähennys.<br />
{{Con}}Peräkkäiset laukaukset ovat epätarkempia.<br />
{{Con}}Peräkkäiset laukaukset ovat epätarkempia.<br />
  | fr =
{{Pro}}+50% balles par tir.<br />
{{Pro}}Cette arme se déploie 50% plus rapidement.<br />
{{Pro}}Tire un grand motif de balles prédéfini.<br />
{{Con}}Pénalité de dégâts -20%.<br />
{{Con}}Les tirs successifs deviennent moins précis.<br />
   | ja =  
   | ja =  
{{Info}}攻撃キーを押し続けると弾倉に弾を込め続け、離すと発射する。<br />
{{Info}}攻撃キーを押し続けると弾倉に弾を込め続け、離すと発射する。<br />
Line 746: Line 752:
{{info}}Hyppyjen uudelleenlatautuminen kestää 15 sekuntia.<br/>
{{info}}Hyppyjen uudelleenlatautuminen kestää 15 sekuntia.<br/>
{{con}}Aseen poislaittaminen kestää poikkeuksetta 0,8 sekuntia.<br/>
{{con}}Aseen poislaittaminen kestää poikkeuksetta 0,8 sekuntia.<br/>
  | fr =
{{pro}}Repousse les ennemis proches lorsque vous atterrissez.<br/>
{{pro}}Inflige le triple de dégâts de chute au joueur sur lequel vous atterrissez.<br/>
{{pro}}Éteint les coéquipiers au début du lancement.<br/>
{{pro}}Les dégâts de chute sont diminués lorsque la charge est utilisée.<br/>
{{info}}Possède un rechargement de 15 secondes pour chaque lancement.<br/>
{{con}}Pénalité de 0,8 seconde de verrouillage de la capacité de ranger le propulseur.<br/>
{{con}}30% de recul causé par toutes les sources de dégâts lorsqu'une charge est utilisée.<br/>
   | pl =  
   | pl =  
{{Pro}}Odpychanie pobliskich wrogów przy lądowaniu.<br/>
{{Pro}}Odpychanie pobliskich wrogów przy lądowaniu.<br/>
Line 826: Line 840:
{{con}}Bensamittari on alussa tyhjä.<br/>
{{con}}Bensamittari on alussa tyhjä.<br/>
{{info}}Uudelleenlataus kestää 60 sekuntia, jos vahinkoa ei aiheuteta.<br/>
{{info}}Uudelleenlataus kestää 60 sekuntia, jos vahinkoa ei aiheuteta.<br/>
  | fr =
{{pro}}Crée un nuage de gaz enduisant les ennemis de produit inflammable.<br/>
{{pro}}Lorsque ces ennemis subissent des dégâts, les enflamme (même les Pyros ennemis !).<br/>
{{pro}}La quantité de gaz augmente au fil du temps ou des dégâts infligés.<br/>
{{con}}Les réapparitions et les réapprovisionnements n'affectent pas le volume de gaz.<br/>
{{con}}Le réservoir de gaz est vide au début.<br/>
{{info}}À un rechargement de 60 secondes si vous n'infligez aucun dégât.<br/>
   | pl =  
   | pl =  
{{Pro}}Tworzy straszliwą chmurę gazu, która pokrywa wrogów łatwopalną substancją.<br/>
{{Pro}}Tworzy straszliwą chmurę gazu, która pokrywa wrogów łatwopalną substancją.<br/>
Line 881: Line 902:
[[Category:Formatting templates]]
[[Category:Formatting templates]]
{{translation switching|en, de, es, fi, ja, ko, pl, ru, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
{{translation switching|en, de, es, fi, fr, ja, ko, pl, ru, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
[[Category:Class Weapons Tables|P]]
[[Category:Class Weapons Tables|P]]

Revision as of 22:23, 4 March 2024


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Flare Gun
Flare Gun
Killicon flare gun.png 1 16 Base: 30

Crit: 90

8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees Critical damage on burning targets.
Pictogram plus.png Can be fired into water to damage enemies (no afterburn will be applied).

Killicon detonator.png 1 16 Base: 23

Crit: 68

8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Alt-fire: detonates flare in flight, creating a small explosion which ignites nearby players, but does less damage than a normal hit. The knockback can be used to flare jump.
Pictogram info.png Flares detonate on impact, with a greatly reduced explosion radius.
Pictogram info.png On detonation flare destroys enemy sticky bombs.
Pictogram info.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees Mini-Crit damage on burning targets, regardless of distance.
Pictogram plus.png Can be fired into water to damage enemies (no afterburn will be applied).
Pictogram minus.png 50% explosion self-damage vulnerability on user.
Pictogram minus.png 25% damage penalty.

Reserve Shooter
Reserve Shooter
Killicon reserve shooter.png 4 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png 20% faster weapon switch-to speed.

Pictogram plus.png 15% faster weapon switch-from speed.
Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits targets that are blast jumping, knocked back, launched by a Thermal Thruster stomp, or using the grapple hook.

Pictogram info.png Mini-crits only take affect within 5 seconds of deploying this weapon.

Pictogram minus.png Has 34% smaller clip size.

Killicon manmelter.png 1 Base: 30

Crit: 90

8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png No extra damage on burning targets.
Pictogram info.png Alt-fire: extinguishes teammates. Doing so gives 1 guaranteed crit per teammate extinguished (can hold up to 35).
Pictogram info.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing teammates will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo.
Pictogram plus.png +50% projectile speed.
Pictogram plus.png Can be fired into water to damage enemies (no afterburn will be applied).
Pictogram minus.png Does not get random Critical hits.

Scorch Shot
Scorch Shot
Killicon scorch shot.png 1 16 Base: 20

Crit: 60

8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Flare knocks back target on hit and ignites enemy in a small radius.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees Mini-Crit damage and increased knockback on burning targets.
Pictogram plus.png Flare can be used to destroy stickybombs.
Pictogram plus.png Flare falls to the ground after directly hitting an enemy, lying there for a little while, potentially igniting those who touch it.
Pictogram minus.png -35% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png -35% self damage force penalty.

Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 Base: 72

Crit: 216

[4.8 damage × 15 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png +50% bullets per shot.

Pictogram plus.png +50% faster weapon deploy time.
Pictogram plus.png Fires a fixed shot pattern.
Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png Successive shots become less accurate.

Thermal Thruster
Thermal Thruster
Killicon mantreads.png 2 N/A Pictogram plus.png Pushes nearby enemies away upon landing.

Pictogram plus.png Deals 3x the fall damage to an enemy you land on.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguish teammates at the beginning of your launch.
Pictogram plus.png Fall damage is decreased when a charge is used.
Pictogram info.png Has a 15 second recharge for each launch.
Pictogram minus.png 0.8 second locked holster penalty.
Pictogram minus.png 30% knockback from all damage sources when a charge is used.

Gas Passer
Gas Passer
Killicon flame thrower.png 1 N/A Pictogram plus.png Creates a horrific visible gas that coats enemies with a flammable material.

Pictogram plus.png Enemies covered in gas ignite into afterburn if they take damage (even enemy Pyros!).
Pictogram plus.png Gas meter builds with damage done and/or time.
Pictogram minus.png Spawning and resupply do not affect the Gas meter.
Pictogram minus.png Gas meter starts empty.
Pictogram info.png Has a 60 second recharge if no damage is dealt.

This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Pyro article, replacing current weapon table.

Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapons_tables is also translated to your language.