CampeR | |
![]() | |
Basic information | |
Gender: | Male |
Birth place: | Lower Saxony, Germany |
Native language: | German |
Age: | Soon 25 (Born 21st October 1998) |
Team Fortress 2 | |
Favourite classes: | Scout, Soldier and Medic |
Favourite maps: | cp_process_final, cp_metalworks and cp_badlands |
Favourite weapons: | Every Australium weapon |
Favourite hats: | Climbing Commander |
Contact information | |
Steam page: | CampeR_ |
[hide]Welcome to my profile!
Joined 15th July 2020
German translation progess
German translation status
Had to take a break due to personal reasons (again!) but I'll try to update a page a week (if more, even better)
Individual translation progress
Milestone | Time | Achieved? |
Surviving 2021 | end of 2021 | ![]() |
Get german basepages up-to-date | ? | ![]() |
Updating all strategy | ? | ![]() |
Useful links
Cosmetic_items/de (To check what is not in dictionary)
About me
Working full-time as DevOps Engineer. Playing CS:GO and TF2 mainly.
Ex-Semi-Professional for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Because of my competitive experiences in CS I also would love to launch a full German TF2-esport organization but the German-wiki comes first. (At least until it is at a state where I can proudly show it off). And this is also my main reason and motivation of why I am working here voluntarily, I want to bring the German-Wiki up to a state where it belongs. I want people to be able to refer to it and get help from it without being met with half-translated pages or sites that have not been updated since 2014.
Translation Progress
[collapse] | Priority | To-Do | Currently Working On | Done Work |
Translating Strategy Section To German |
Updating The Non-English-WikiThis includes: |
Updating The German-Wiki |
New Pages |
Fixing Google-Translated Stuff |
| |
Passion projects |
Other stuff here and there |
Other stuff here and there |
Itembox Translation LUT
Feel free change this table and add your translation in it.
N/T: Not translated yet (no translation found)
?: Unsure of translation (found it multiple times used for it but unsure of accurarcy)
V: Verified by a native or proficient speaker of the language
N: Follow note/reference for some extra information regarding formatting
G: Using gendered conjugation in the format m/f/n
Info: The rows "pellet", "decimal" and "Single" have been added after verification has been collected by the wikiusers. These strings have been collected from other translated pages.
en | Default | Festive | Festivized | Australium | Rust | Blood | Carbonado | Diamond | Silver | Gold | MK.I | MK.II | N / pellet | decimal | Single |
cs[1] | normaliní | N/T | N/T | N/T | N/T | N/T | N/T | N/T | N/T | N/T | N/T | N/T | N / brok | comma | N/T |
da V[2] | Normal | Festlig | Festliggjort | Australium | Rust | Blod | Carbonado | Diamant | Sølv | Guld | Mk.I | Mk.II | N / hagl | comma | Enkelt |
de V[3] | Standard | Festlich | Verfestlicht | Australium | Rost | Blut | Carbonado | Diamant | Silber | Gold | MK.I | MK.II | N / Schrotkugel | comma | Einzeln |
es G, V[4] | Normal | Festivo/a | Festivizado/a | de Australium | Oxidado/a | Sangriento/a | de Carbonado | de Diamante | de Plata | de Oro | Mk.I | Mk.II | N / perdigón | comma | Uno a uno |
fi | Normaali | Juhlava | Juhlallistettu | Australium | Ruosteinen | Verinen | Mustatimanttinen | Timanttinen | Hopeinen | Kultainen | MK.I | MK.II | N / hauli | comma | Yksittäinen |
fr V[5] | Normal | Festif | Festivisé | Australium | Rouillé | Sanglant | Carbone | Diamant | Argent | Or | MK.I | MK.II | N / plomb | comma | Simple |
hu V[6] | Normális | Ünnepi | Ünnepiesített | Ausztrálium | Rozsda | Vér | Karbonádó | Gyémánt | Ezüst | Arany | I. széria | II. széria | N / lövedék | comma | Egyenként |
it V[7] | Base | Festivo | Festivizzato | di Australium | Arrugginito | Insanguinato | Carbonado | Diamante | Argentato | Dorato | MK.I | MK.II | N / pallettone | comma | Singolo |
ja | 通常版 | フェスティブ | Festivized ?[8] | オーストラリウム | さびた | ブラッド | 黒ダイヤ | ダイヤモンド | シルバー | ゴールド | Mk.I | Mk.II | N / 散弾1発 | decimal | 単発 |
ko V[9] | 기본 | 축제장식 | 축제 장식된 | 오스트레일륨 N[10] | 녹슨 | 피묻은 | 흑금강석 | 금강석 | 은빛 | 금빛 | 1형 | 2형 | 탄알 당 N | decimal | 단발 |
nl V[11] | Standaard | Feestelijke | Verfeestelijkt | Australium | Roestige N[12] | Bloederig | Carbonado | Diamanten | Zilveren | Gouden | Mk.I | Mk.II | N / hageldeeltje | comma | ? |
pl V[13] | Domyślny / Domyślna | Świąteczny / Świąteczna | Z dekoracjami | Australium N[14] | Zardzewiały / Zardzewiała | Zakrwawiony / Zakrwawiona | Karbonadowy / Karbonadowa | Diamentowy / Diamentowa | Srebrny / Srebrna | Złoty / Złota | wz. I | wz. II | N / śrut | comma | Pojedynczo |
pt V[15] | Normal | Festivo | Festivizado | de Austrálio | Enferrujado | Sangrento | Carbonado | Diamante | Prata | Ouro | MK.I | MK.II | N / chumbo | comma | Simples |
pt-br V[16] | Padrão | Festivo | Festivizado | de Austrálio N[17] | Enferrujado | Ensanguentado | Carbonizado | Diamantado | Prateado | Dourado | MK.I | MK.II | N / bala | comma | Unidade |
ro V[18] | Normal | Festiv | Festivizat | Australium | Rugină | Sânge | Carbonado | Diamant | Argint | Aur | MK. I | MK. II | ? | comma | ? |
ru V[19] | обычный | праздничный | с украшениями | из австралия N[20] | ржавый | окровавленный | карбонадовый | алмазный | серебряный | золотой | вер. 1.0 | вер. 2.0 | N / на дробину | comma | Одиночная |
sv V[21] | Standard | Festlig | Pyntad | Australium N[22] | Rost | Blod | Svart Diamant | Diamant | Silver | Guld | MK.I | MK.II | N / kula | comma | Singulär |
tr V[23] | Normal | Keyifli | Keyiflendirilmiş | Avustralyum | Paslı | Kanlı | Karaelmas | Elmas | Gümüş | Altın | MK.I | MK.II | N / mermi | comma | ? |
zh-hans V[24] | 默认 | 节日 | 彩灯 | 澳元素 N[25] | 锈铁 | 喋血 | 碳钢 | 钻石 | 白银 | 黄金 | MK.I | MK.II | N / 单颗子弹 | decimal | 单颗填装 |
zh-hant | 一般 | 聖誕 | 節慶化 ? | 澳元素 | 鏽蝕 | 染血 | 黑鑽 | 閃鑽 | 白銀 | 黃金 | MK.I | MK.II | N/ 每發子彈 | decimal | 單發 |
- Jump up ↑ Based on Steam community market there is little no to translation for Czech
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing Wookipan. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Verified by myself as I am a native speaker of the language. Note: Festivized is often not translated in the wiki, looking at the steam language database it is translated as "Verfestlicht"
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing BrazilianNut AND Ryo. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing SpyAmogus. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed and verified by my super amazing wife. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing BrazilianNut. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Based on Steam community market it is just "Festivized"
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing Yellow Devil. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being 축제장식된 오스트레일륨<br>(레드) for RED and 축제장식된 오스트레일륨<br>(블루) for BLU respectively.
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing GrampaSwood. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Not used for Sniper Rilfe and Knife as well for generic "Rust Botkiller" translation.
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing Denied. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being Australium udekorowany<br>(RED) for RED and Australium udekorowany<br>(BLU) for BLU respectively.
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing BrazilianNut. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing BrazilianNut. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being (Festivizado) de Austrálio<br>(RED) for RED and (Festivizado) de Austrálio<br>(BLU) for BLU respectively.
- Jump up ↑ Created and reviewed by the amazing Lord of Dominating. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing DrotEroNoxt. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being с украшениями из австралия<br>(КРС) for RED and с украшениями из австралия<br>(СИН) for BLU respectively.
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing Decimate. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being Pyntad Australium <br>(RED) for RED and Pyntad Australium <br>(BLU) for BLU respectively.
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing Weizhe. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Reviewed by the amazing Dereko. Thank you a ton!
- Jump up ↑ Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being 彩灯澳元素<br>(红队) for RED and 彩灯澳元素<br>(蓝队) for BLU respectively.