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{{Other uses|this=此条目是官方服务器游戏模式中的语音回应|for=同名社区游戏模式的语音回应|VS_Saxton_Hale_Mode_(custom_game_mode)/zh-hans#Voice lines}}
{{Other uses|this=此条目是官方服务器游戏模式中的语音回应|for=同名社区游戏模式的语音回应|VS_Saxton_Hale_Mode_(custom_game_mode)/zh-hans#Voice lines|l1=决战萨克斯顿·霍尔模式(社区游戏模式)}}
[[File:VSH Saxton Hale Model.png|150px|right]]
[[File:VSH Saxton Hale Model.png|150px|right]]
'''语音回应'''是在玩家完成某些行为(如用主武器或近战武器杀死一定数量的敌人),或者玩家遇到了某些事情(如被点燃)后触发播放的语音台词。决战萨克斯顿·霍尔模式中包含有萨克斯顿·霍尔(由马修·西蒙斯/Matthew Simmons配音,他也被称为 MegapiemanPHD,而非 JB Blanc)和格雷·曼恩(同样由马修·西蒙斯配音)的语音回应,格雷·曼恩则担任雇佣兵团队的播音员。
'''语音回应'''是在玩家完成某些行为(如用主武器或近战武器杀死一定数量的敌人),或者玩家遇到了某些事情(如被点燃)后触发播放的语音台词。决战萨克斯顿·霍尔模式中包含有萨克斯顿·霍尔(由马修·西蒙斯/Matthew Simmons配音,他也被称为 MegapiemanPHD,而非 JB Blanc)和格雷·曼恩(同样由马修·西蒙斯配音)的语音回应,格雷·曼恩则担任雇佣兵团队的播音员。
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* [[Media:kill_heavy_01.mp3|"I hope you like your borscht with a side of ''pain!''"]]<br>我希望你喜欢你的罗宋汤,还要就着痛苦一起吃!
* [[Media:kill_heavy_01.mp3|"I hope you like your borscht with a side of ''pain!''"]]<br>我希望你喜欢你的罗宋汤,还要就着痛苦一起吃!
* [[Media:kill_heavy_02.mp3|"Finally, someone who respects hand to hand combat!"]]<br>终于遇见一个懂得尊重肉搏战斗的人!
* [[Media:kill_heavy_02.mp3|"Finally, someone who respects hand to hand combat!"]]<br>终于见到一个懂得尊重肉搏战斗的人!
* [[Media:kill_heavy_03.mp3|"Are you ''really'' the strongest man on your team?"]]<br>你真的是你们队里最强壮的那个人?
* [[Media:kill_heavy_03.mp3|"Are you ''really'' the strongest man on your team?"]]<br>你真的是你们队里最强壮的家伙吗?
* [[Media:kill_heavy_04.mp3|"Are you '''really''' the ''strongest man'' on your team?"]]<br>你'''真的'''是你们队里最强壮的那个人?
* [[Media:kill_heavy_04.mp3|"Are you '''really''' the ''strongest man'' on your team?"]]<br>你'''真的'''是你们队里最强壮的家伙吗?
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* [[Media:round_start_05.mp3|"Why did the mercenaries turn against me? Is money more important than all we went through?"]]<br>为什么这些雇佣兵要跟我作对?金钱比我们经历的这一切更重要吗?
* [[Media:round_start_05.mp3|"Why did the mercenaries turn against me? Is money more important than all we went through?"]]<br>为什么这些雇佣兵要跟我作对?金钱比我们经历的这一切更重要吗?
* [[Media:round_start_06.mp3|"I'm gonna ''win'' — as clear as the moustache on my face!"]]<br>我要大获全胜——就像我脸上的胡子一样显而易见。
* [[Media:round_start_06.mp3|"I'm gonna ''win'' — as clear as the moustache on my face!"]]<br>我要大获全胜——就像我脸上的胡子一样显而易见。
* [[Media:round_start_07.mp3|"''Fine!'' I'll beat them to death, with my ''bare hands!''"]]<br>好吧!我要把他们揍去见阎王,就用我这双大手!
* [[Media:round_start_07.mp3|"''Fine!'' I'll beat them to death, with my ''bare hands!''"]]<br>好吧!我要把他们揍去见阎王,就用我这双大壮手!
* [[Media:round_start_08.mp3|"I don't need a weapon! I '''''am''''' the weapon!"]]<br>我不需要武器!我'''就是'''武器!
* [[Media:round_start_08.mp3|"I don't need a weapon! I '''''am''''' the weapon!"]]<br>我不需要武器!我'''就是'''武器!
* [[Media:round_start_09.mp3|"Time for a ''boss fight!'' Ha-ha! See what I did there?"]]<br>是时候来一场 Boss 战了!哈哈,听懂没有?
* [[Media:round_start_09.mp3|"Time for a ''boss fight!'' Ha-ha! See what I did there?"]]<br>是时候来一场 Boss 战了!哈哈,听懂没有?
* [[Media:round_start_10.mp3|"I'll buy your ''whole team'' out, with my damn ''bare '''hands!'''''"]]<br>我要买下你们整个团队,就用我这双该死的大手。
* [[Media:round_start_10.mp3|"I'll buy your ''whole team'' out, with my damn ''bare '''hands!'''''"]]<br>我要用这双大壮手把你们整个队伍全部收拾掉!
* [[Media:round_start_beer_01.mp3|"Loser buys the first round — and that's ''you!''"]]<br>输的人要请客——输的那个人就是你!
* [[Media:round_start_beer_01.mp3|"Loser buys the first round — and that's ''you!''"]]<br>输的人要请客——输的那个人就是你!
* [[Media:round_start_beer_02.mp3|"Winner buys the ''first round!'' Oh, wait, that's gonna be ''me.''"]]<br>赢的人请客!哦,等等,那就只能是我了。
* [[Media:round_start_beer_02.mp3|"Winner buys the ''first round!'' Oh, wait, that's gonna be ''me.''"]]<br>赢的人请客!哦,等等,那就只能是我了。
* [[Media:round_start_beer_03.mp3|"First round on me! As long as ''you'' pay."]]<br>第一轮我先请客!只要你们能付得出代价。
* [[Media:round_start_beer_03.mp3|"First round on me! As long as ''you'' pay."]]<br>第一轮我先请客!只要你们能付得起。
* [[Media:round_start_long_01.mp3|"The name's ''Saxton Hale! '''Australian!''''' CEO of Ma...oh, right, I lost my CEO position to Olivia. But that doesn't stop me from burnin' this place to the ''ground!''"]]<br>名字叫萨克斯顿·霍尔!'''澳大利亚人!'''曼恩公司的首席……噢,对啊,我把首席执行官的职位输给奥利维亚了。但这并不能阻止我把这个地方夷为平地!
* [[Media:round_start_long_01.mp3|"The name's ''Saxton Hale! '''Australian!''''' CEO of Ma...oh, right, I lost my CEO position to Olivia. But that doesn't stop me from burnin' this place to the ''ground!''"]]<br>名字叫萨克斯顿·霍尔!'''澳大利亚人!'''曼恩公司的首席……噢,对啊,我把首席执行官的职位让给奥利维亚了。但这也拦不着我把这个地方夷为平地!
* [[Media:round_start_long_02.mp3|"Why's everybody going by their ''class'' name? Should I, too? Hm, I don't have one...how about ''Brawler?!'' Huh? ''Huh?!'' Ehh. Doesn't have a ring to it."]]<br>为什么每个人都用他们的职业名字?我也要用吗?嗯,可我没有啊……那叫斗士咋样?!哼?嗯?!呃。听起来好像也不咋样。
* [[Media:round_start_long_02.mp3|"Why's everybody going by their ''class'' name? Should I, too? Hm, I don't have one...how about ''Brawler?!'' Huh? ''Huh?!'' Ehh. Doesn't have a ring to it."]]<br>怎么每个人都用他们的职业名字?我也要用吗?嗯,可我没有啊……那叫“斗士”咋样?!嗯?嗯?!呃。听起来也不咋样。
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* [[Media:stabbed_05.mp3|"Was that ''pain?'' Or just a hippie on my back?"]]<br>那是痛觉吗?还是说有个臭嬉皮在我的背上?
* [[Media:stabbed_05.mp3|"Was that ''pain?'' Or just a hippie on my back?"]]<br>那是痛觉吗?还是说有个臭嬉皮在我的背上?
* [[Media:stabbed_06.mp3|"''Look'' me in the ''eye,'' you ''coward!''"]]<br>直面我,你这个懦夫!
* [[Media:stabbed_06.mp3|"''Look'' me in the ''eye,'' you ''coward!''"]]<br>直面我,你这个懦夫!
* [[Media:stabbed_07.mp3|"You ''dare'' bring a ''knife'' to a ''fist fight?!''"]]<br>你竟敢在肉搏战中拿着一把刀?!
* [[Media:stabbed_07.mp3|"You ''dare'' bring a ''knife'' to a ''fist fight?!''"]]<br>你竟敢带着一把刀来打肉搏战?!
* [[Media:stabbed_08.mp3|"You'll need more than a ''knife,'' mate! Man, that ''hurts...''"]]<br>光有把刀还不够呢,伙计!天啊,那挺疼的……
* [[Media:stabbed_08.mp3|"You'll need more than a ''knife,'' mate! Man, that ''hurts...''"]]<br>光有把刀还不够呢,伙计!天啊,那挺疼的……
* [[Media:stabbed_09.mp3|"You call that a ''stab?!'' I've had ''paper cuts'' worse than ''that!''"]]<br>你管这叫背刺?!我被纸片割到都比这强!
* [[Media:stabbed_09.mp3|"You call that a ''stab?!'' I've had ''paper cuts'' worse than ''that!''"]]<br>你管这叫背刺?!我被纸片割到都比这强!
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* [[Media:jarated_01.mp3|"You ''dare'' Jarate ''me?!'' Well, I was '''''already pissed!'''''"]]<br>你竟敢对我用瓶手道?!我早已被惹毛了!
* [[Media:jarated_01.mp3|"You ''dare'' Jarate ''me?!'' Well, I was '''''already pissed!'''''"]]<br>你竟敢对我用瓶手道?!行啊,我脾气早就没处倒了!
* [[Media:jarated_02.mp3|"You ''dare'' use ''my own inventions'' against ''me,'' Sniper?!"]]<br>你竟敢用我的公司的产品来对付我,狙击手?!
* [[Media:jarated_02.mp3|"You ''dare'' use ''my own inventions'' against ''me,'' Sniper?!"]]<br>你竟敢用我自己的发明来对付我,狙击手?!
* [[Media:jarated_03.mp3|"You ''dare'' Jarate ''me?!'' Well, I was ''already'' pissed!"]]<br>你竟敢对我使用瓶手道?!好吧,我早已被惹毛了!
* [[Media:jarated_03.mp3|"You ''dare'' Jarate ''me?!'' Well, I was ''already'' pissed!"]]<br>你竟敢对我用瓶手道?!行啊,我脾气早就没处倒了!
* [[Media:jarated_04.mp3|"You ''dare'' Jarate ''me?!'' Well...I was already ''pissed!''"]]<br>你竟然敢对我用瓶手道?!好吧...我早已怒火冲冲!
* [[Media:jarated_04.mp3|"You ''dare'' Jarate ''me?!'' Well...I was already ''pissed!''"]]<br>你竟敢对我用瓶手道?!行啊……我脾气早就没处倒了!
* [[Media:jarated_05.mp3|"You ''dare'' Jarate ''me?!'' Well, I was ''already pissed!''"]]<br>你竟然对我用瓶手道?!好吧,我早就怒火上头了!
* [[Media:jarated_05.mp3|"You ''dare'' Jarate ''me?!'' Well, I was ''already pissed!''"]]<br>你竟敢对我用瓶手道?!行啊,我脾气早就没处倒了!
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* [[Media:bailout_03.mp3|"You're not even worth ''fightin'!''"]]<br>你们甚至不配让我出手!
* [[Media:bailout_03.mp3|"You're not even worth ''fightin'!''"]]<br>你们甚至不配让我出手!
* [[Media:bailout_04.mp3|"I'm feelin' ''generous'' today! I'll let you go."]]<br>我今天感觉很慷慨!那我就放你们一马吧。
* [[Media:bailout_04.mp3|"I'm feelin' ''generous'' today! I'll let you go."]]<br>我今天感觉很慷慨!那我就放你们一马吧。
* [[Media:bailout_05.mp3|"I'll pass on this one —  ''too easy!''"]]<br>我要跳过这一部分——太简单了!
* [[Media:bailout_05.mp3|"I'll pass on this one —  ''too easy!''"]]<br>我要跳过这一段——太简单了!
* [[Media:bailout_06.mp3|"I decided to let you ''live. For now.''"]]<br>我决定留你们一命,暂时。
* [[Media:bailout_06.mp3|"I decided to let you ''live. For now.''"]]<br>我决定留你们一命,暂时。
* [[Media:bailout_07.mp3|"I decided to let you '''''live.''''' You can ''thank me'' later."]]<br>我决定留你们'''一命''',你们可以晚点再来谢我。
* [[Media:bailout_07.mp3|"I decided to let you '''''live.''''' You can ''thank me'' later."]]<br>我决定留你们'''一命''',你们可以晚点再来谢我。
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* [[Media:rps_init_06.mp3|"Bring it on!"]]<br>放马过来吧!
* [[Media:rps_init_06.mp3|"Bring it on!"]]<br>放马过来吧!
* [[Media:rps_init_07.mp3|"''Bring it on!''"]]<br>放马过来吧!
* [[Media:rps_init_07.mp3|"''Bring it on!''"]]<br>放马过来吧!
* [[Media:rps_init_08.mp3|"Rock, paper — '''''Saxton Haaa—!''''' Wait, that would be cheating..."]]<br>石头,剪刀——'''萨克斯顿,霍……!'''等等,那就算作弊了……
* [[Media:rps_init_08.mp3|"Rock, paper — '''''Saxton Haaa—!''''' Wait, that would be cheating..."]]<br>石头,剪刀——'''萨克斯顿·霍……!'''等等,那就算作弊了……
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* [[Media:laugh_01.mp3|(长久的大笑)]]
* [[Media:laugh_01.mp3|(长久地大笑)]]

Revision as of 15:13, 6 May 2024

VSH Saxton Hale Model.png

语音回应是在玩家完成某些行为(如用主武器或近战武器杀死一定数量的敌人),或者玩家遇到了某些事情(如被点燃)后触发播放的语音台词。决战萨克斯顿·霍尔模式中包含有萨克斯顿·霍尔(由马修·西蒙斯/Matthew Simmons配音,他也被称为 MegapiemanPHD,而非 JB Blanc)和格雷·曼恩(同样由马修·西蒙斯配音)的语音回应,格雷·曼恩则担任雇佣兵团队的播音员。

Pictogram comment.png 语音翻译仅供参考。



Saxton charge.png  横扫飞拳



Saxton fist.png  霍尔神拳!



Item icon Mantreads.png  超级跳


Killicon tool chest.png  摧毁一个建筑



Killicon explosion.png  常规击杀
Leaderboard class scout.png  杀死一名侦察兵
Leaderboard class soldier.png  杀死一名士兵
Leaderboard class pyro.png  杀死一名火焰兵
Leaderboard class demoman.png  杀死一名爆破手
Leaderboard class heavy.png  杀死一名机枪手
Leaderboard class engineer.png  杀死一名工程师
Leaderboard class medic.png  杀死一名医生




Leaderboard class sniper.png  杀死一名狙击手
Leaderboard class spy.png  杀死一名间谍



Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始


Killicon backstab.png  被背刺
Item icon Jarate.png  瓶手道击中
Unknownweapon.png  孤军奋战


CP Neutral.png  控制点已解锁


Achieved.png  胜利
Killicon skull.png  失败
Killicon fire.png  离开


Item icon High Five!.png  击掌!
Item icon Rock, Paper, Scissors.png  石头剪刀布






Item icon Schadenfreude.png  幸灾乐祸



Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
Setup.png  上一轮失败


CP Neutral.png  控制点已解锁


Achieved.png  胜利
Killicon skull.png  失败
Killicon fire.png  萨克斯顿·霍尔离开