Completed Achievement Demonstrations
 Scout achievements
Belittled Beleaguer Kill an opposing player that has your intelligence while holding theirs.
Foul Territory Cause an environmental death by stunning or slowing an enemy.
If You Build It Destroy 3 enemy buildings while they are still under construction.
Moon Shot Stun an enemy for the maximum possible duration by hitting them with a long-range ball.
No-Hitter Steal and then capture the enemy intelligence without firing a shot.
Out of the Park Bat an enemy 25 meters.
Set the Table Initiate 10 point captures that ultimately succeed.
Stealing Home Start capping a capture point within a second of it becoming available.
 Soldier achievements
Crockets Are Such B.S. Shoot two non-boosted crit rockets in a row.
For Whom the Shell Trolls Bounce an opponent into the air with a rocket and then kill them with the shotgun before they land.
Gore-a! Gore-a! Gore-a! Provide the enemy with a freezecam of you taunting over 3 of their body parts.
Mutually Assured Destruction Kill an enemy sniper with a rocket after he kills you.
Ride of the Valkartie Ride the cart for 30 seconds.
Where Eagles Dare Get the highest possible rocket jump using jump and crouch.
Wings of Glory Kill an enemy soldier while both you and the target are airborne.
 Pyro achievements
BarbeQueQ Cause a dominated player to leave the server.
Dance Dance Immolation Kill 3 enemies while they're taunting.
Dead Heat Kill an enemy in the same second that he kills you.
OMGWTFBBQ Kill an enemy with a taunt.
Plan B Kill 10 enemies while you're both underwater.
Second Degree Burn Kill a burning enemy who was ignited by another Pyro.
Weenie Roast Have 2 enemy Scouts on fire at the same time.
 Demoman achievements
Caber Toss Bounce an enemy into the air and kill them before they land.
He Who Celt It Use the Sticky Launcher to kill an enemy player via environmental damage.
Head-On Collision Kill a charging Demoman while charging.
Shorn Connery Decapitate a cloaked Spy.
Slammy Slayvis Woundya Decapitate an enemy Soldier who is brandishing the Equalizer.
The Targe Charge Charge and kill someone with your shield bash.
There Can Be Only One Decapitate your nemesis.
U-Turn Kill an enemy that you couldn't see at the beginning of your charge.
 Heavy achievements
0wn the Means of Production Remove 20 stickybombs by killing the Demomen who produced them.
Class Struggle Work with a friendly Medic to kill an enemy Heavy & Medic pair.
Communist Mani-Fisto Kill an enemy with a critical punch.
Crime and Punishment Kill 10 enemies carrying your intelligence.
Division of Labor Kill 10 enemies with a Medic assisting you, where neither of you die.
Factory Worker Kill 20 enemies while being recharged by a dispenser.
Five Second Plan Kill an enemy in the first 5 seconds after you exit a teleporter.
Gorky Parked Kill 25 enemies while you're standing on a control point you own.
Heavy Industry Fire $200,000 worth of minigun rounds in a single life.
Icing on the Cake Get 20 kills on players that you're dominating.
Rationing Kill an enemy with your shotgun while you're out of minigun ammo.
Show Trial Kill an enemy with a taunt.
Vanguard Party Be the first on your team to start capturing a control point in a round.
 Engineer achievements
(Not So) Lonely Are the Brave Keep a Heavy healed with your dispenser while he gains five kills.
Frontier Justice Have your sentry kill the enemy that just killed you within 10 seconds.
Get Along! Manage to get to, and then remove, a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away.
Honky Tonk Man Smash an enemy player's head in with your guitar.
If You Build It, They Will Die Haul a level 3 sentry gun into a position that achieves a kill shortly after being redeployed.
Land Grab Help a teammate construct a building.
Quick Draw Kill a Spy and two sappers within 10 seconds.
Revengineering Use a revenge crit to kill the enemy player that destroyed your sentry gun.
Texas Two-Step Use your shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your sentry gun.
Uncivil Engineer Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you and the sentry that just killed them.
 Medic achievements
Bedside Manner Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own.
Big Pharma Assist a Heavy in killing 10 enemies, where neither of you die.
Hypocritical Oath Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing.
Sawbones Hit enemies with your bonesaw 5 times in a row without dying or missing.
 Sniper achievements
Australian Rules Dominate an enemy Sniper.
Dead Reckoning Kill an enemy with an arrow while you're dead.
Have a Plan Capture the flag in CTF.
Pincushion Hit an enemy with 3 arrows, without killing them.
Shafted Stab an enemy with an arrow.
Trust Your Feelings Get 5 kills with the Sniper Rifle without your scope.
William Tell Overkill Pin an enemy Heavy to the wall via his head.
 Spy achievements
A Cut Above Kill a gun-wielding Spy with your knife.
Spies Like Us While cloaked, bump into an enemy cloaked Spy.
The Man from P.U.N.C.T.U.R.E. Stab an enemy while fencing.
 General achievements
Emergency Brake Kill a charging Demoman.
Riftwalker Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of you traveling through an Engineer's teleporter.
 Mann vs. Machievements
Shell Extension During a wave, use a canteen charged with 'Ammo Reload' to refill an empty weapon slot.